Cogent Food & Agriculture

(The H4-Index of Cogent Food & Agriculture is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The challenges and prospects of Ethiopian agriculture58
Enhancing the role of rural agricultural extension programs in poverty alleviation: A review36
The significance of soybean production in the face of changing climates in Africa29
HACCP, quality, and food safety management in food and agricultural systems27
The impact of COVID-19 on agricultural extension and food supply in Zimbabwe24
Honeybee keeping constraints and future prospects24
Adoption of climate-resilient potato varieties under partial population exposure and its determinants: Case of smallholder farmers in Meru County, Kenya22
Response of potato crop to selected nutrients in central and eastern highlands of Kenya18
Review on livelihood diversification and food security situations in Ethiopia17
Impact of climate variability on rain-fed maize and sorghum yield among smallholder farmers17
Entomopathogenic fungi and their relevance in sustainable agriculture: A review17
Agricultural mechanization, large-scale operation and agricultural carbon emissions16
The effects of climate change on food production in Ghana: evidence from Maki (2012) cointegration and frequency domain causality models15
Impacts of harvesting stages and pre-storage treatments on shelf life and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)15
Reclamation and amelioration of saline-sodic soil using gypsum and halophytic grasses: Case of Golina-Addisalem irrigation scheme, Raya Kobo Valley, Ethiopia14