Sociological Science

(The median citation count of Sociological Science is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Genres, Objects, and the Contemporary Expression of Higher-Status Tastes28
Abductive Logic of Inquiry for Quantitative Research in the Digital Age24
Racially Distinctive Names Signal Both Race/Ethnicity and Social Class21
A Model-Based Method for Detecting Persistent Cultural Change Using Panel Data18
Who Thinks How? Social Patterns in Reliance on Automatic and Deliberate Cognition17
Pathways to Skin Color Stratification: The Role of Inherited (Dis)Advantage and Skin Color Discrimination in Labor Markets10
Which Data Fairly Differentiate? American Views on the Use of Personal Data in Two Market Settings10
Cohort Succession Explains Most Change in Literary Culture9
Better in the Shadows? Public Attention, Media Coverage, and Market Reactions to Female CEO Announcements9
Crisis and Uncertainty: Did the Great Recession Reduce the Diversity of New Faculty?8
Where Do Cultural Tastes Come From? Genes, Environments, or Experiences8
How to Sell a Friend: Disinterest as Relational Work in Direct Sales7
Recreating a Plausible Future: Combining Cultural Repertoires in Unsettled Times7
The Rise of the Nones across the United States, 1973 to 2018: State-Level Trends of Religious Affiliation and Participation in the General Social Survey7
Neighborhood Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic6
The Link between Social and Structural Integration: Co- and Interethnic Friendship Selection and Social Influence within Adolescent Social Networks6
Racial Differences in Women’s Role-Taking Accuracy: How Status Matters6
Do Organizational Policies Narrow Gender Inequality? Novel Evidence from Longitudinal Employer–Employee Data6
Prejudice, Bigotry, and Support for Compensatory Interventions to Address Black–White Inequalities: Evidence from the General Social Survey, 2006 to 20205
Leapfrogging the Melting Pot? European Immigrants' Intergenerational Mobility across the Twentieth Century5
Using Sequence Analysis to Quantify How Strongly Life Courses Are Linked5
Findings on Summer Learning Loss Often Fail to Replicate, Even in Recent Data5
Still a Small World? University Course Enrollment Networks before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Money, Birth, Gender: Explaining Unequal Earnings Trajectories following Parenthood5
The Stalled Gender Revolution and the Rise of Top Earnings in the United States, 1980 to 20174
Is Denmark a Much More Educationally Mobile Society than the United States? Comment on Andrade and Thomsen, "Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Denmark and the United States" (2018)4
Schedule Unpredictability and High-Cost Debt: The Case of Service Workers4
Using Machine Learning to Uncover the Semantics of Concepts: How Well Do Typicality Measures Extracted from a BERT Text Classifier Match Human Judgments of Genre Typicality?4
Testing Models of Cognition and Action Using Response Conflict and Multinomial Processing Tree Models4
Perceived Social Exclusion and Loneliness: Two Distinct but Related Phenomena4
Local Policing and the Educational Outcomes of Undocumented College Students4
“Was It Me or Was It Gender Discrimination?” How Women Respond to Ambiguous Incidents at Work4
Black Protests in the United States, 1994 to 20104
The Refugee Advantage: English-Language Attainment in the Early Twentieth Century4
Demographic Change and Group Boundaries in Germany: The Effect of Projected Demographic Decline on Perceptions of Who Has a Migration Background4
Yes, Denmark Is a More Educationally Mobile Society than the United States: Rejoinder to Kristian Karlson3
Competitive Exclusion versus Mimetic Isomorphism: An Identified Empirical Test3
Dog Whistles and Work Hours: The Political Activation of Labor Market Discrimination3
Collaborative Practices in Crisis Science: Interdisciplinary Research Challenges and the Syrian War3
There’s More in the Data! Using Month-Specific Information to Estimate Changes Before and After Major Life Events3
Filial Intelligence and Family Social Class, 1947 to 20123
Becoming an Ideologue: Social Sorting and the Microfoundations of Polarization3
Dissecting the Lexis Table: Summarizing Population-Level Temporal Variability with Age–Period–Cohort Data3
Direct and Indirect Effects of Grandparent Education on Grandchildren's Cognitive Development: The Role of Parental Cognitive Ability3
Inclusive but Not Integrative: Ethnoracial Boundaries and the Use of Spanish in the Market for Rental Housing2
Layered Legacies. How Multiple Histories Shaped the Attitudes of Contemporary Europeans2
Segregated in Social Space: The Spatial Structure of Acquaintanceship Networks2
"Choose the Plan That’s Right for You": Choice Devolution as Class-Biased Institutional Change in U.S. Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance2
Marriage, Kids, and the Picket Fence? Household Type and Wealth among U.S. Households, 1989 to 20192
Does Schooling Affect Socioeconomic Inequalities in Educational Attainment? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Germany2
From Metallica to Mozart: Mapping the Cultural Hierarchy of Lifestyle Activities2
The Effect of Workplace Raids on Academic Performance: Evidence from Texas1
Marginal Odds Ratios: What They Are, How to Compute Them, and Why Sociologists Might Want to Use Them1
Does Unprecedented Mass Immigration Fuel Ethnic Discrimination? A Two-Wave Field Experiment in the German Housing Market1
Estimating Homophily in Social Networks Using Dyadic Predictions1
Ethno-nationalism and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in the United States, 2000 through 20181
Shattered Dreams: Paternal Incarceration, Youth Expectations, and the Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantage1
Feasible Peer Effects: Experimental Evidence for Deskmate Effects on Educational Achievement and Inequality1
Measuring Memberships in Collectives in Light of Developments in Cognitive Science and Natural-Language Processing1
Resilience and Stress in Romantic Relationships in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Bridging the Digital Divide Narrows the Participation Gap: Evidence from a Quasi-Natural Experiment1
The Religious Work Ethic and the Spirit of Patriarchy: Religiosity and the Gender Gap in Working for Its Own Sake, 1977 to 20181
Can't Catch a Break: Intersectional Inequalities at Work1
Old World Trade Diasporas1
Criminal Record Stigma in the Labor Market for College Graduates: A Mixed Methods Study1
From Social Alignment to Social Control: Reporting the Taliban in Afghanistan1
Income Inequality and Residential Segregation in “Egalitarian” Sweden: Lessons from a Least Likely Case1