International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics

(The median citation count of International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal decisions of closed-loop electric vehicle batteries supply chains under extended producer responsibility policies22
Decision analysis and coordination in green supply chains with stochastic demand22
Pricing and greening decisions of a government-subsidised dual-channel closed-loop green supply chain model with price-dependent collection rate21
Vendor-managed inventory for joint replenishment planning in the integrated qualitative supply chains: generalised benders decomposition under separability approach17
Evaluation of project completion time prediction accuracy in a disrupted blockchain-enabled project-based supply chain17
Robust design of service systems with immobile servers, general arrival and service patterns, and demand uncertainty14
Improved Lagrangian-relaxation based approaches for multi-period multi-stage fixed charge transportation problem13
A two-stage stochastic model for intermodal terminal location and freight distribution under facility disruptions13
A robust chance-constrained programming approach for a bi-objective pre-emptive multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem with time crashing12
A methodology for solving bimatrix games under 2-tuple linguistic environment12
Sensitivity analysis of the bullwhip effect in supply chains with time delay11
Single-machine slack due-window assignment scheduling with multiple maintenance activities and position-and-resource-dependent processing times11
Dynamic supply chain risk management plans for mitigating the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic11
Optimal bivariate spare ordering policy for a system with imperfect maintenance10
Designing a fully automated and integrated inventory and replenishment system for hospitals10
Can hyperloops substitute high speed rails in the future?10
An optimisation and adjustment model of train line planning for EMU trains under multiple formation9
A discrete event simulation model assessing the impact of using new packaging in an agri-food supply chain8
A modified binary bat algorithm for machine loading in flexible manufacturing systems: a case study8
Optimal manufacturing and market strategies of multinational firms in response to government intervention7
Mixed-integer programming models for a multi-period integrated reverse logistics network with multiple recovery options and different quality levels of returns7
Optimisation of remanufacturing supply chain with dual recycling channels under improved deep reinforcement learning algorithm7
A heuristic for improving clustering in biomass supply chains7
A multi-objective stochastic model for designing a resilient supply chain network in complex product systems considering disruption risks6
Assessing cross-docking performance using a novel network DEA model regarding sustainability and undesirable factors under uncertainty6
Supply chain behaviour under carbon regulations: an experimental study with system dynamic simulation5
Bi-objective model for tactical planning in corn supply chain considering CO 2  balance5
Category management under non-symmetric demands5
Impact of prices and collection rivalry in a sustainable closed-loop dual-channel supply chain under different power configurations5
Revenue sharing contract in competitive supply chain network coordination: location based on VMI policy and bullwhip effect5
The bike routeing problem with energy constraints5
Evolutionary game analysis on collaborative logistics diffusion considering diminishing marginal utility under dynamic productivity5
Saving money and the environment: studying pricing problem in sustainable third-party logistics with green and marketing initiatives using game theory5
Modeling uncertain multi-objective production and outbound distribution scheduling problem with customised products5
Joint pricing and lot-sizing for a production model under controllable deterioration and carbon emissions5
A novel heuristic approach for planning decentralised supply chain under uncertainties4
Machine learning-based optimisation in a two-echelon logistics network for the dry port operation in China4
The development of the refrigerated-container loading problem model for perishable fishery products considering internal temperature distribution4
Mathematical modelling for convertible items with rework using particle swarm optimisation4
Advancing large-scale cement vehicle distribution: the modified salp swarm algorithm4
Effectiveness of lead-time management in a sustainable supply chain under intuitionistic fuzzy environment: analytical and metaheuristic optimisation approach4
Mixing contract-based and on-demand sourcing of transportation services for improved supply chain performance under supply uncertainties4
Optimizing production-inventory replenishment and lead time decisions under a fill rate constraint in a two-echelon sustainable supply chain with quality issues4
Mathematical programming models for order picking in warehouses with decoupling of picker and cart4
On inequality constraints in well-known optimisation problems: properties and applications4
A user-induced proactive-reactive scheduling tool for dynamic flow-shop environments4
Two-sided platform customer classification system based on network DEA: an application to an on-demand freight platform4
An integrated relief pre-positioning, procurement planning, and casualty type’s allocation in a humanitarian supply chain4
A sustainable fuzzy economic production quantity model (SFEPQM) with sporadic machine failures, inspection and prepayments under carbon tax and cap policy3
Integrated optimization of railway freight service: express trains and ordinary trains3
Assessing the preparedness of hospitals facing disasters using the rough set theory: guidelines for more preparedness to cope with the COVID-193
Retailing and pricing decisions in a three-tier fabless semiconductor supply chain with stochastic consumption rate and channel power structures under sustainability measures3
Dual channel green closed loop supply chain using dual collection approach, collection effort and wholesale price discount3
Enhancing the productivity of mould shop using continuous improvement tools and simulation3
Optimal policies for finite horizon model with time-varying demand rate, non-instantaneous deterioration and backlogging3
Pollution-sensitive integrated production-inventory management for deteriorating items with quality loss and quantity loss with expiration date3
The bi-objective multi-depot split delivery location routing problems under uncertain conditions3
Sequential learning based re-optimization approaches for less model-based dynamic pick-up routing problem3
Smart supply chain collaboration maturity evaluation model based on a q-Rung orthopair fuzzy decision making methodology3
Optimising vaccines supply chains to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic3
Dynamic multimedia transmission scheduling by unmanned aerial vehicle–mounted base stations for a vehicular ad hoc network3
Joint grey time windows and two-dimensional loading design for modelling and solving multi-objective vehicle routing problems3
Capacity coordination under uncertain yield for supply chains with a single supplier and two competing retailers2
Assessing the benefits of horizontal collaboration using an integrated planning model for two-echelon energy efficiency-oriented logistics networks design2
Network approach to modelling and analysing failure propagation in high-speed train systems2
Joint parallel-machine scheduling and maintenance planning optimisation with deterioration, unexpected breakdowns, and condition-based maintenance2
Solution algorithms for shortest path network interdiction with symmetric and asymmetric information2
An integrated lot-sizing policy for the inventory management of constrained multi-level supply chains: null-space method2
Globalised robust bilevel model for multi-commodity distribution and vehicle assignment in post-disaster rescue2
An optimization model for forklift utilisation and congestion control in cross-docking terminals2
Estimation of fuel consumption and selection of the most carbon-efficient route for cold-chain logistics2
G-resilient multi-tier supplier selection and order allocation in food industry: a hybrid methodology2
A hybrid returns to scale-DEA model for sustainable efficiency evaluation of urban transportation systems2
Redesigning a supply chain considering financing and pricing decisions and long-term disruptions under a pandemic2
A deterministic economic production quantity model with partial backordering and outsourcing repair of non-conforming products2
Optimal production and non-periodic maintenance plan for a degrading serial production system with uncertain demand2
Should firms voluntarily implement prevention measures during the COVID-19 pandemic?2
Nations performance evaluation during SARS-CoV-2 outbreak handling via data envelopment analysis and machine learning methods2
Optimal warehouse location and size under risk of failure2
Uncertain mean-chance model for portfolio selection with multiplicative background risk2
Hesitant triangular fuzzy FlowSort method: the multi-criteria decision-making problems2
Discounting strategies' effects on a closed-loop dual-channel environmentally friendly supply chain of complementary products under sales effort2
Pricing and quality improvement strategies in a closed-loop supply chain with dual collection channel2
Designing an efficient vaccine supply chain network using a two-phase optimization approach: a case study of COVID-19 vaccine2
Joint optimisation of the maintenance and buffer stock policies considering back orders2
Pricing and quality competition between two substitute products in a closed-loop supply chain2
A sustainable supply chain coordination model with an investment in green technology and electric equipment2
A hybrid simulation and optimisation approach for capacity allocation of operating rooms under uncertainty2
An efficient data-driven method for storage location assignment under item correlation considerations2
Multi-objective robust-stochastic optimisation of relief goods distribution under uncertainty: a real-life case study2
The green supply chains’ ordering and pricing competition under carbon emissions regulations of the government2
A solution methodology for a Smart Waste Collection Routing Problem with workload concerns: computational and managerial insights from a real case study1
Discrete production workstation with two types of imperfect items: determining the optimal promise time1
The green product investment policy of carbon emission reduction on a competition duopoly and dual-channel supply chain1
Enhancing supply chain resilience under disruption: analysis of the farmed data by Monte Carlo simulation1
Assembly flow shop scheduling problem considering machine eligibility restrictions and auxiliary resource constraints1
Supply chain coordination based on mean-variance risk optimisation: pricing, warranty, and full-refund decisions1
Analysis of a dual-channel green supply chain game-theoretical model under carbon policy1
Analysis of a tandem queuing system with blocking and group service in the second node1
Clustering heuristics for Stochastic Energy Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (ECVRP)1
Pricing and service strategies in a dual-channel supply chain under return–refund policy1
Price determination of a non-instantaneous deteriorating EOQ model with shortage and inflation under delay in payment1
Understanding complex dynamics in inventory management with endogenous demand under social interactions: a chaos perspective1
A new approach for business process reconfiguration under uncertainty using Dempster-Shafer Theory1
Tax-subsidy or reward-penalty? Determining optimal strategy in sustainable closed-loop supply chain under quality-dependent return1
A sustainable modelling for solid waste management using analytical hierarchy process, Monte Carlo simulation and NSGA-III1
Optimal lot-sizing of an integrated EPQ model with partial backorders and re-workable products: an outer approximation1
Measuring inventory turnover efficiency using stochastic frontier analysis: building materials and hardware retail chains in Norway1
Three-echelon supply chain model in an imperfect production system with inspection error, learning effect, and return policy under fuzzy environment1
Perishable food supply chain contract with asymmetric freshness information1
Modelling and solving the split-delivery vehicle routing problem, considering loading constraints and spoilage of commodities1
A metafrontier analysis approach for assessing the efficiency of freight service providers1
A study on selling intergenerational products under competition1
Solving a heterogeneous fleet multi-compartment vehicle routing problem:a case study1
Optimal inventory policies for finite horizon deterministic inventory models for non-instantaneous deteriorating items and permissible-delay in payment1
Fermatean fuzzy framework based on preference selection index and combined compromise solution methods for green supplier selection in textile industry1
Freshness-keeping effort vs. sustainability: an efficient approach for perishable supply chain system1
Exact reoptimisation under gradual look-ahead for operational control in production and logistics1
Hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for optimising a sustainable agricultural supply chain network considering CO 2 emissions and water consumption1
Option contracts in managing a humanitarian relief supply chain: double vs. bidirectional1
Robust optimal model of green vendor-managed inventory for carbon emission reduction and supply chain visibility1
An integrated reliable four-level supply chain with multi-stage products under shortage and stochastic constraints1
Sustainability assessment of renewable energy site location using a combinatorial decision-making model under uncertainty and data reliability1
The return and remanufacturing rates in a multi-stage green supply chain system with rework, variable shipping cost and ordering cost reduction1