Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition

(The median citation count of Journal of Experimental Psychology-Animal Learning and Cognition is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Evaluating evidence from animal models of episodic memory.23
Reinforcer predictability and stimulus salience promote discriminated habit learning.13
Effect of context on the instrumental reinforcer devaluation effect produced by taste-aversion learning.10
Where association ends. A review of associative learning in invertebrates, plants and protista, and a reflection on its limits.9
Intricacies of running a route without success in night-active bull ants (Myrmecia midas).8
Leveling the playing field in studying cumulative cultural evolution: Conceptual and methodological advances in nonhuman animal research.7
Does cognition differ across species, and how do we know? Lessons from research in transitive inference.7
Matching-to-sample abstract-concept learning by dogs (Canis familiaris).6
Valence generalization across nonrecurring structures.5
The role of inhibition in the suboptimal choice task.5
Rats delay gratification during a time-based diminishing returns task.4
Extending a misallocation model to children’s choice behavior.4
Transitive inference after minimal training in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta).4
Response-independent outcome presentations weaken the instrumental response-outcome association.4
Unihemispheric evidence accumulation in pigeons.4
The effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on perceptual learning for upright faces and its role in the composite face effect.4
Assessment of the ‘timing’ function of schedule-induced behavior on fixed-interval performance.3
Testing improves performance as well as assesses learning: A review of the testing effect with implications for models of learning.3
Behavioral studies of spinal conditioning: The spinal cord is smarter than you think it is.3
Rats maintain optimal choice when facing long terminal links in a “suboptimal choice” procedure.2
Controlling for dogs’ (Canis familiaris) use of nonmnemonic strategies in a spatial working memory task.2
Developments in associative theory: A tribute to the contributions of Robert A. Rescorla.2
Abstract-concept learning in two species of new world corvids, pinyon jays (Gymnorhinus Cyanocephalus) and California scrub jays (Aphelocoma Californica).2
The learning curve, revisited.2
Constantly timing, but not always controlled by time: Evidence from the midsession reversal task.2
Prediction-based attenuation as a general property of learning in neural circuits.2
Focusing and shifting attention in pigeon category learning.2
Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) perceive the Müller-Lyer illusion.2
Partial reinforcement extinction and omission effects in the elimination and recovery of discriminated operant behavior.2
Flexible control of Pavlovian-instrumental transfer based on expected reward value.2
Two-item conditional same–different categorization in pigeons: Finding differences.2
Temporal order processing in rats depends on the training protocol.2
Nonreactive testing: Evaluating the effect of withholding feedback in predictive learning.2
Use of different attentional strategies by pigeons and humans in multidimensional visual search.1
Modulating perceptual learning indexed by the face inversion effect: Simulating the application of transcranial direct current stimulation using the MKM model.1
Temporal encoding: Relative and absolute representations of time guide behavior.1
Signal detection analysis of contingency assessment: Associative interference and nonreinforcement impact cue-outcome contingency sensitivity, whereas cue density affects bias.1
Special issue on recent advances in perceptual learning.1
Category relevance attenuates overshadowing in human predictive learning.1
Adaptive testing of the critical features in 2D-shape discrimination by pigeons and starlings.1
Dual-system free-operant avoidance: Extension of a theory.1
Theory protection: Do humans protect existing associative links?1
Pigeon’s choice depends primarily on the value of the signal for the outcome rather than its frequency or contrast.1
Reinforcement rate and the balance between excitatory and inhibitory learning: Insights from deletion of the GluA1 AMPA receptor subunit.1
Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to influence decision criterion in a target detection paradigm.1
Inhibitory summation as a form of generalization.1
Location as a feature in pigeons’ recognition of visual objects.1
The Rescorla-Wagner Model: The culmination of Hume’s theory of causation.1
Concurrent evidence of extinction making acquisition context specific and ABA and ABC renewal effects in human predictive learning.1
On the importance of feedback for categorization: Revisiting category learning experiments using an adaptive filter model.1
Latent inhibition in young children: A developmental effect?1
Blocking is not ‘pure’ cue competition: Renewal-like effects in forward and backward blocking indicate contributions by associative cue interference.1
Focused-attention mindfulness increases sensitivity to current schedules of reinforcement.1
Renewal of instrumental avoidance in humans.1
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers0
Supplemental Material for On the Importance of Feedback for Categorization: Revisiting Category Learning Experiments Using an Adaptive Filter Model0
Supplemental Material for The Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Perceptual Learning for Upright Faces and Its Role in the Composite Face Effect0
Base rates bias performance in a temporal bisection task.0
Supplemental Material for Rats Delay Gratification During a Time-Based Diminishing Returns Task0
Supplemental Material for Inhibitory Summation as a Form of Generalization0
Perceptual learning after rapidly alternating exposure to taste compounds: Assessment with different indices of generalization.0
Test performance in optional shift and configural acquired equivalence are positively correlated.0
The effects of feature extinction in dual-response feature-positive discriminations.0
Sucrose-based flavor preferences in rats: Factors affecting detection of extinction.0
Can we study episodic-like memory in preschoolers from an animal foraging model?0
Increasing previous but not concurrent extinction attenuates the “extinction makes acquisition context specific” effect in human predictive learning.0
Generalization following symmetrical intradimensional discrimination training.0
Supplemental Material for Reversal of Inhibition by No-Modulation Training but Not by Extinction in Human Causal Learning0
Primacy and recency in snails (Cornu aspersum).0
"Can we study episodic-like memory in preschoolers from an animal foraging model": Correction.0
Supplemental Material for Nonreactive Testing: Evaluating the Effect of Withholding Feedback in Predictive Learning0
Human causality detection and judgment with unsignaled and signaled delayed outcomes.0
Reconsidering the ability of the stimulus unique features to capture attention: Evidence from change blindness and visual search paradigms.0
Supplemental Material for Concurrent Evidence of Extinction Making Acquisition Context Specific and ABA and ABC Renewal Effects in Human Predictive Learning0
Supplemental Material for Effect of Context on the Instrumental Reinforcer Devaluation Effect Produced by Taste-Aversion Learning0
Supplemental Material for Hierarchical and Configural Control in Conditional Discrimination Learning0
Elements of a compound elicit little conditioned reinforcement.0
Assessing complex odor discrimination in mice using a novel instrumental patterning task.0
Supplemental Material for The Learning Curve, Revisited0
Supplemental Material for Transitive Inference After Minimal Training in Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)0
There’s something about a pattern: Choice between pattern and random sequences in implicit learning.0
Reversal of inhibition by no-modulation training but not by extinction in human causal learning.0
Associative change in Pavlovian conditioning: A reappraisal.0
Pigeons discount continuously changing perspective during action recognition.0
Comparative cognition—Conceptual and methodological advancements.0
Supplemental Material for Abstract-Concept Learning in Two Species of New World Corvids, Pinyon Jays (Gymnorhinus Cyanocephalus) and California Scrub Jays (Aphelocoma Californica)0
Transition between habits and goal-directed actions in the renewal effect.0
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers0
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers0
Both probability and rate of reinforcement can affect the acquisition and maintenance of conditioned responses.0
Supplemental Material for Temporal Encoding: Relative and Absolute Representations of Time Guide Behavior0
Supplemental Material for Pigeons Discount Continuously Changing Perspective During Action Recognition0
Preexposure along a continuum: Differentiation and association.0
Supplemental Material for Reinforcer Predictability and Stimulus Salience Promote Discriminated Habit Learning0
Latent inhibition in humans from simple stimulus exposure.0
An analysis of reinstatement after extinction of a conditioned taste aversion.0
Some unresolved issues in perceptual learning.0
Inhibition in discriminated operant learning: Tests of response-specificity after feature-negative and extinction learning.0
Latent inhibition is facilitated when a target stimulus is preexposed in compound with a nontarget stimulus, but only when the two stimuli coterminate: A test of the Hall-Rodriguez theory.0
Delaying extinction weakens the partial reinforcement extinction effect.0
A developmental trajectory of latent inhibition.0
The role of numerical and nonnumerical magnitudes in pigeons’ conditional discrimination behavior.0
Supplemental Material for Assessment of the ‘Timing’ Function of Schedule-Induced Behavior on Fixed-Interval Performance0
Effect of instructions on the microstructure of human schedule performance.0
Protecting the Rescorla–Wagner (1972) theory: A reply to Spicer et al. (2020).0
The role of uncertainty in regulating associative change.0
Supplemental Material for Stimulus–Outcome Associations Are Required for the Expression of Specific Pavlovian-Instrumental Transfer0
The sequencing of trials during partial reinforcement affects subsequent extinction.0
Supplemental Material for Partial Reinforcement Extinction and Omission Effects in the Elimination and Recovery of Discriminated Operant Behavior0
Supplemental Material for Adaptive Testing of the Critical Features in 2D-Shape Discrimination by Pigeons and Starlings0
Supplemental Material for Inhibition in Discriminated Operant Learning: Tests of Response-Specificity After Feature-Negative and Extinction Learning0
Pigeons proficiently switch among four tasks without cost.0
Response reduction and stimulus pre-exposure effects in a human conditioning method.0
Conditional discrimination learning by pigeons: Stimulus-response chains or occasion setters?0
Supplemental Material for The Role of Numerical and Nonnumerical Magnitudes in Pigeons’ Conditional Discrimination Behavior0
A response function that maps associative strengths to probabilities.0
The role of prediction in learned predictiveness.0
Supplemental Material for The Effects of Feature Extinction in Dual-Response Feature-Positive Discriminations0
Extinction of conditioned flavor preferences.0
Supplemental Material for Temporal Order Processing in Rats Depends on the Training Protocol0
Supplemental Material for Matching-to-Sample Abstract-Concept Learning by Dogs (Canis familiaris)0
Contextual modulation of human associative learning following novelty-facilitated extinction, counterconditioning, and conventional extinction.0
Supplemental Material for Focusing and Shifting Attention in Pigeon Category Learning0
Supplemental Material for The Effects of Stimulus Pre-Exposure and Conditioning on Overt Visual Attention0
Flexible conditional discrimination learning: Pigeons can learn to select the correct comparison stimulus, reject the incorrect comparison, or both.0
Supplemental Material for Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) to Influence Decision Criterion in a Target Detection Paradigm0
Supplemental Material for Valence Generalization Across Nonrecurring Structures0
Hierarchical and configural control in conditional discrimination learning.0
Impact of equivalence class training on same/different learning by pigeons.0
Cue duration and trial spacing effects in contingency assessment in the streaming procedure with humans.0
Correction to Civile et al. (2023).0
Stimulus control and delayed outcomes in a human causality judgment task.0
Stimulus–outcome associations are required for the expression of specific Pavlovian-instrumental transfer.0
Learning about trial sequences disrupts the partial reinforcement extinction effect in classical conditioning.0
Pavlovian summation: Data and theory.0
Supplemental Material for Impact of Equivalence Class Training on Same/Different Learning by Pigeons0
Intermixed rapid exposure to similar stimuli reduces the effective salience of their distinctive features.0
Acknowledgment of Ad Hoc Reviewers0
Mice (Mus musculus) do not perceive emergent gestalt.0
Mechanisms of perceptual learning: Prolonged intermixed preexposure reduces the effectiveness of the unique and the common elements.0
The effect of four different object properties on latency to approach in Goffin’s cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana).0
Supplemental Material for Extending a Misallocation Model to Children’s Choice Behavior0
Similarities and differences: Comment on Chan et al. (2021).0
Supplemental Material for Modulating Perceptual Learning Indexed by the Face Inversion Effect: Simulating the Application of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Using the MKM Model0
Supplemental Material for Externalizing Forgetting: Delay Testing in a Long Operant Chamber0
Supplemental Material for The Effect of Four Different Object Properties on Latency to Approach in Goffin’s Cockatoos (Cacatua goffiniana)0
The effects of stimulus pre-exposure and conditioning on overt visual attention.0
Same/different discrimination of motion by pigeons.0
The opportunity to compare similar stimuli can reduce the effectiveness of features they hold in common.0
Externalizing forgetting: Delay testing in a long operant chamber.0
Switching from sucrose to saccharin: Extended successive negative contrast is not maintained by hedonic changes.0
Supplemental Material for Effect of Instructions on the Microstructure of Human Schedule Performance0
Retardation of acquisition after conditioned inhibition and latent inhibition training in human causal learning.0
Supplemental Material for Generalization Following Symmetrical Intradimensional Discrimination Training0
Absence of differential protection from extinction in human causal learning.0