Structural Dynamics-US

(The median citation count of Structural Dynamics-US is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Δ-learning strategy for interpretation of spectroscopic observables20
Microscopic nonlinear optical response: Analysis and calculations with the Floquet–Bloch formalism19
In crystallo observation of active site dynamics and transient metal ion binding within DNA polymerases17
Developing a macromolecular crystallography driven CURE15
X-ray Lite: A 1-credit pass/fail crystallography course13
Analysis of the temperature- and fluence-dependent magnetic stress in laser-excited SrRuO312
Ultrafast strain propagation and acoustic resonances in nanoscale bilayer systems12
Structural biology and public health response to biomedical threats12
Simulation of ultrafast electron diffraction intensity under coherent acoustic phonons11
Simulations of x-ray absorption spectra for CO desorbing from Ru(0001) with transition-potential and time-dependent density functional theory approaches11
Basic studies toward ultrafast soft x-ray photoelectron diffraction; its application to probing local structure in iodobenzene molecules11
Photodiode-based time zero determination for ultrafast electron microscopy9
Observation of photo-induced plasmon–phonon coupling in PbTe via ultrafast x-ray scattering9
Laser-induced electron diffraction: Imaging of a single gas-phase molecular structure with one of its own electrons9
A step beyond in steady-state and time-resolved electro-optical spectroscopy: Demonstration of a customized simple, compact, low-cost, fiber-based interferometer system9
Highly efficient soft x-ray spectrometer for transient absorption spectroscopy with broadband table-top high harmonic sources8
A narrow bandwidth extreme ultra-violet light source for time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy8
Spatial–temporal characterization of photoemission in a streak-mode dynamic transmission electron microscope8
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy in a low-energy electron microscope8
High bunch charge low-energy electron streak diffraction8
Few-femtosecond electronic and structural rearrangements of CH4+ driven by the Jahn–Teller effect7
Nonequilibrium warm dense matter investigated with laser–plasma-based XANES down to the femtosecond7
Finite-element simulation of photoinduced strain dynamics in silicon thin plates7
Scaling and merging time-resolved pink-beam diffraction with variational inference7
Asymmetric conformation of the high-spin state of iron(II)-tris(2,2-bipyridine): Time-resolved x-ray absorption and ultraviolet circular dichroism7
Intermediate scattering functions of a rigid body monoclonal antibody protein in solution studied by dissipative particle dynamic simulation7
Noninvasive time-sorting in radio frequency-compressed ultrafast electron diffraction7
Publisher's Note: “Laser-induced electron diffraction of the ultrafast umbrella motion in ammonia” [Struct. Dyn. 8, 014301 (2021)]6
BioCARS: Synchrotron facility for probing structural dynamics of biological macromolecules6
High-harmonic spectroscopy of impulsively aligned 1,3-cyclohexadiene: Signatures of attosecond charge migration6
Filling data analysis gaps in time-resolved crystallography by machine learning6
Comparative studies of IR spectra of deprotonated serine with classical and thermostated ring polymer molecular dynamics simulations5
Development of membrane-insertable lipid scrambling peptides: A time-resolved small-angle neutron scattering study5
Gigahertz streaking and compression of low-energy electron pulses5
A novel free-electron laser single-pulse Wollaston polarimeter for magneto-dynamical studies5
The mechanisms of a bifunctional fluorescent probe for detecting fluoride and sulfite based on excited-state intramolecular proton transfer and intramolecular charge transfer4
Projection to extract the perpendicular component (PEPC) method for extracting kinetics from time-resolved data4
Microcalorimetry reveals multi-state thermal denaturation of G. stearothermophilus tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase4
Kilohertz droplet-on-demand serial femtosecond crystallography at the European XFEL station FXE4
Biological function investigated by time-resolved structure determination4
Anisotropic terahertz transmission induced by the external magnetic field in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 film4
Low-pass spectral analysis of time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography data4
Study of trioleoylglycerol two-layer and adiposome cross-section mimicking four-layer systems through atomic-level simulations4
Structure and dynamics of supercooled water in the hydration layer of poly(ethylene glycol)4
Dependence of phase transition uniformity on crystal sizes characterized using birefringence4
Introduction to the Special Issue Tribute to Olga Kennard (1924–2023)4
Temperature measurements of liquid flat jets in vacuum3
Conformational dynamics of adenylate kinase in crystals3
Protein dynamics: The future is bright and complicated!3
Theoretical study of time-resolved photoelectron circular dichroism in the photodissociation of a chiral molecule3
Reproducibility of protein x-ray diffuse scattering and potential utility for modeling atomic displacement parameters3
Practical considerations for the analysis of time-resolved x-ray data3
Phase field crystal models with applications to laser deposition: A review3
Synthesis technique and electron beam damage study of nanometer-thin single-crystalline thymine3
Resonant multiphoton processes and excitation limits to structural dynamics3
Expected resolution limits of x-ray free-electron laser single-particle imaging for realistic source and detector properties3
A science education model for large collaborative centers2
Quasi-elastic neutron scattering reveals the relationship between the dynamical behavior of phospholipid headgroups and hydration water2
Watching a signaling protein function: What has been learned over four decades of time-resolved studies of photoactive yellow protein2
Electron population dynamics in resonant non-linear x-ray absorption in nickel at a free-electron laser2
Deep mining of the protein energy landscape2
Time-resolved structural dynamics of the out-of-equilibrium charge density wave phase transition in GdTe32
A kiloelectron-volt ultrafast electron micro-diffraction apparatus using low emittance semiconductor photocathodes2
Imaging temperature and thickness of thin planar liquid water jets in vacuum2
Ultrafast electron diffuse scattering as a tool for studying phonon transport: Phonon hydrodynamics and second sound oscillations2
Ultrafast electron diffraction from transiently aligned asymmetric top molecules: Rotational dynamics and structure retrieval2
Ultrafast strong-field dissociation of vinyl bromide: An attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy and non-adiabatic molecular dynamics study2
Growing the journal and serving our community of scholars2
Charge-induced chemical dynamics in glycine probed with time-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy2
Dynamics retrieval from stochastically weighted incomplete data by low-pass spectral analysis2
Deconvolution of dynamic heterogeneity in protein structure2
Laboratory diffracted x-ray blinking to monitor picometer motions of protein molecules and application to crystalline materials2
Picosecond infrared laser driven sample delivery for simultaneous liquid-phase and gas-phase electron diffraction studies2
The Cambridge Structural Database and structural dynamics1
Quasielastic neutron scattering study on proton dynamics assisted by water and ammonia molecules confined in MIL-531
Blue and red in the protein world: Photoactive yellow protein and phytochromes as revealed by time-resolved crystallography1
Toward ultrafast magnetic depth profiling using time-resolved x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity1
Role of crystal orientation in attosecond photoinjection dynamics of germanium1
Observation of intermolecular Coulombic decay and shake-up satellites in liquid ammonia1
Spatiotemporal determination of photoinduced strain in a Weyl semimetal1
A theoretical study of the time-resolved x-ray absorption spectrum of the photoionized BT-1T cation1
Ultrafast energy-dispersive soft-x-ray diffraction in the water window with a laser-driven source1
ProteinReDiff: Complex-based ligand-binding proteins redesign by equivariant diffusion-based generative models1
Chemical effects on the dynamics of organic molecules irradiated with high intensity x rays1
Order-disorder in room-temperature ionic liquids probed via methyl quantum tunneling1
Disentangling the evolution of electrons and holes in photoexcited ZnO nanoparticles1
RF acceleration of ultracold electron bunches1
High spatial coherence and short pulse duration revealed by the Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry at the European XFEL1
Laue-DIALS: Open-source software for polychromatic x-ray diffraction data1
CrysFormer: Protein structure determination via Patterson maps, deep learning, and partial structure attention1
Transient heating of Pd nanoparticles studied by x-ray diffraction with time of arrival photon detection1
Effects of x-ray free-electron laser pulse intensity on the Mn Kβ1,3 x-ray emission spectrum in photosystem II—A case study for metalloprotein crystals and solutions1
Observations on Laue diffraction within synchrotron radiation and neutron macromolecular crystallography research and developments1
Fluorescence intensity correlation imaging with high spatial resolution and elemental contrast using intense x-ray pulses1
Investigations of structural and dynamical mechanisms of ice formation regulated by graphene oxide nanosheets1
High energy electron diffraction instrument with tunable camera length1
Transactions from the 70th Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association: Structural Science—New Ways to Teach the Next Generation1
Inviting others to life in reciprocal space1
Comprehensive characterization of gas dynamic virtual nozzles for x-ray free-electron laser experiments1
Non-thermal structural transformation of diamond driven by x-rays1
High-repetition-rate ultrafast electron diffraction with direct electron detection1
Integrated edge-to-exascale workflow for real-time steering in neutron scattering experiments1