Religion & Literature

(The TQCC of Religion & Literature is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
When Fiction and Philosophy Meet: A Conversation with Flannery O'Connor and Simone Weil by E. Jane Doering and Ruthann Knechel Johansen1
About the Contributors1
Dante's Christian Ethics: Purgatory and its Moral Contexts by George Corbett (review)0
Charles William Stubbs and Shakespeare: The Incarnation and the English Cult of Literature at the Turn of the Twentieth Century0
Women as Boundary Markers between Islam and Secularism in Julia Kristeva's Murder in Byzantium (2004) and Elif Şafak's The Bastard of Istanbul (2006)0
"My God Tells Me" and "My Bible Says": Nigerian Pentecostalism in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah0
The Most Religiously Attuned of Our Powers: Newman on the Conscience0
Rereading a Life: Forugh Farrokzad as a Poet of the Sacred and the Self0
Newman as a Critic of Modernity0
Prophesying War: Djuna Barnes's Nightwood and The Book of Isaiah0
Missionary Cosmopolitanism in Nineteenth-Century British Literature by Winter Jade Werner0
Retelling the Siege of Jerusalem in Early Modern England by Vanita Neelakanta0
A Living Rule: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Illative Sense0
Catholicism and American Borders in the Gothic Literary Imagination by Farrell O'Gorman0
Prospero's Coercive Forgiveness0
Liturgical Song and Practice in Dante's Commedia by Helena Phillips-Robins (review)0
The Laws of Hammurabi: At the Confluence of Royal and Scribal Traditions by Pamela Bartash0
About the Contributors0
The Coincidence of Opposites in John Henry Newman According to Erich Przywara, S. J.0
"You're Screwing Yourself": Jim Thompson's Unlikely Levinasian Prophecy0
Medieval Things: Agency, Materiality, and Narratives of Objects in Medieval German Literature and Beyond by Bettina Bildhauer0
Invisible Masters: Gender, Race, and the Economy of Service in Early New England by Elisabeth Ceppi0
The Bible in the American Short Story by Lesleigh Cushing Stahlberg and Peter S. Hawkins0
Anglican Women Novelists: From Charlotte Brontë to P. D. James ed. by Judith Maltby and Alison Shell0
World Religions and the College Girl: Secularism and New Womanhood in Elizabeth W. Champney's Three Vassar Girls Series0
The Jew's Daughter: A Cultural History of a Conversion Narrative by Efraim Sicher0
Absence and Presence: The Unfinished Language of John Donne's "Resurrection, imperfect"0
"My Dharma…Was That of the Householder": "Ethic of the Householder" in Oxherding Tale0
The Pragmatist Turn: Religion, the Enlightenment, and the Formation of American Literature by Giles Gunn (review)0
Salvage Poetics: Post-Holocaust American Jewish Folk Ethnographies by Sheila E. Jelen0
A Language of Things: Emanuel Swedenborg and the American Environmental Imagination by Devin P. Zuber (review)0
A Weaver-Poet and the Plague: Labor, Poverty, and the Household in Shakespeare's London by Scott Oldenburg0
About the Contributors0
"Substaunce Into Accident": Transubstantiation and Relics in Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale0
Incomprehensible Certainty: Human Agency, Intellectual Traditions, and Responsible Knowledge by Thomas Pfau (review)0
Puritan Spirits in the Abolitionist Imagination by Kenyon Gradert0
A History of American Puritan Literature ed. by Kristina Bross and Abram van Engen (review)0
Piers Plowman and the Reinvention of Church Law in the Middle Ages by Arvind Thomas (review)0
"Someday She Would Tell Him What She Knew": The Nature of Belief in Marilynne Robinson's Lila0
Discerning Love, Recuperating Hope: The "Search for God" in Carson McCullers's The Heart is a Lonely Hunter0
Dostoevsky's Incarnational Realism: Finding Christ among the Karamazovs by Paul Contino0
The Sacred Act of Reading: Spirituality, Performance, and, Power in Afro-diasporic Literature by Anne Margaret Castro (review)0
Gifts & Graces: Prayer, Poetry, and Polemic from Lancelot Andrewes to John Bunyan by David Gay (review)0
Women Intellectuals and Leaders in the Middle Ages by Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, and John Van Engen D. S. Brewer (review)0
The Female Baroque in Early Modern English Literary Culture: From Mary Sidney to Aphra Behn by Gary Waller0
Newman's "Idea" of the Beautiful0
Newman on Art, Imagination, and the Classics: Callista Revisited0
Christina Rossetti: Poetry, Ecology, Faith by Emma Mason0
Pentecostal Modernism: Lovecraft, Los Angeles, and World-Systems Culture ed. by Stephen Shapiro and Philip Barnard0
Understanding the Heart of Newman: Meriol Trevor0
Martin Buber's Elijah and the Tradition of Spanish Baroque Drama0
Forming Pity: Responses to Suffering in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde0
Newman's Illative Aesthetics; or, How to Philosophize with the Grammar0
Mary and the Eternal Feminine in the Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins0
Not America's Nightmare: Hans Urs von Balthasar, Janelle Monáe, and Aesthetic Form0
Bestiarium Judaicum: Unnatural Histories of the Jews by Jay Geller (review)0
Shadow and Substance: Eucharistic Controversy and English Drama across the Reformation Divide by Jay Zysk0
"Ten Lamps of Fire": Transforming the Darkness in Mary Oliver's Thirst0
John Henry Newman: The Harmony of Difference0
The 'Geometrics' of the Rahab Story: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Joshua 2 by Andrezej Toczyski SDB0
A Literary History of Reconciliation: Power, Remorse and the Limits of Forgiveness by Jan Frans van Dijkhuizen0
Milton and the Parables of Jesus: Self-Representation and the Bible in John Milton's Writings by David V. Urban (review)0
A Partial Enlightenment: What Modern Literature and Buddhism Can Teach Us About Living Well Without Perfection by Avram Alpert (review)0
Thomas Hoccleve: Religious Reform, Transnational Poetics, and the Invention of Chaucer by Sebastian J. Langdell0
Glorifying God: The Theological Notion of Women in Christine de Pizan's Livre de la Cité des Dames0
Fault Lines of Modernity: The Fractures and Repairs of Religion, Ethics, and Literature ed. by Kitty Millet and Dorothy Figueira0
The Eighth Day: Liturgical Elements in The Man Who Was Thursday0
The Buddha's Shadow and God's Flesh: Image and Anti-Image in Huiyuan and Julian of Norwich0
Making God's Word: Manuscript Production, Nature, and the Bible in The Secret of Kells and Exeter Book Riddle 260
About the Contributors0
Songs of Love and Loss: Mina Loy's Lyric Theodicy0
Desecularizing the Novel: Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier and the Good Confession0
About the Contributors0
The Biblical Covenant in Shakespeare by Mary Jo Kietzman0
"Entering Into God's Point of View": Marilyn McCord Adams and Marilynne Robinson on the Practice of Christian Forgiveness0
Last Tango in Belle Isle: Walker Percy, Cinéma Vérité , and New Language0
"On Fairy-Stories" as a Theory of Literature: Tolkien Meets Ricœur and Girard on the Field of Myth0
Drawing on Religion: Reading and the Moral Imagination in Comics and Graphic Novels by Ken Koltun-Fromm (review)0
David Foster Wallace and Religion: Essays on Faith and Fiction ed. by Michael McGowan and Martin Brick0
Of Religion and First Principles0
"Loyalty to Myself at the Very Least": Historical, Religious, and Narrative Commitments in Marilynne Robinson's Gilead0
The Grace of the Italian Renaissance by Ita Mac Carthy0
David Jones on Religion, Politics, and Culture: Unpublished Prose ed. by Thomas Berenato, Anne Price-Owen, and Kathleen Henderson Staudt0
Was John Henry Newman a Conservative or a Liberal?0
What Will "Bear Our Weight": Newman on the Integrative Method0
Re-Membering History: Allegory as Sacrament in Inferno's Prologue Scene0
Reading Old English Biblical Poetry: The Book and the Poem in Junius 11 by Janet Schrunk Ericksen0
Introduction John Henry Newman: Reading The Times0
Field Language: The Painting and Poetry of Warren and Jane Rohrer ed. by Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Christopher Reed, and Joyce Henri Robinson0
Close Encounters of the Victorian Kind: The Sci-Fi Fundamentalism of Philip Henry Gosse0
The Shattered Majesty of Newman's Spontaneous Style0
About the Contributors0
Horseshoes on the Fire: The Praxis of Movement and Journey in the Poetry of Sufi Islam0
Mikhail Bulgakov's Azazello, Behemoth and Abadonna, Viewed Against the Background of Their Onomastic Prototypes0
After the Black Death: Plague and Commemoration among Iberian Jews by Susan L. Einbinder0
Halal Fiction and Female Agency0
H. G. Wells and the Future of God0
Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion: The Reconciliation of German Idealism and Platonic Realism by Alexander J. B. Hampton0
Christianity and the Triumph of Humor: From Dante to David Javerbaum by Bernard Schweizer0
Unearthly Beauty: The Aesthetic of St John Henry Newman by Guy Nicholls (review)0
The Lamb's New Song: Apocalypse in Early British Hymnody0
Compunction and Conversion in Henry James's "The Altar of the Dead"0
Two Years, Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights: A Novel by Salman Rushdie: A Postmodern New Atheist Novel0
Missionary Christianity and Culture in Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Beach of Falesá"0
David Mitchell's Post-Secular World: Buddhism, Belief and the Urgency of Compassion by Rose Harris-Birtill (review)0
The Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt ed. by Alan Bowman and Charles Crowther0
"Me Too, Dinah, Me Too": Jewish American Women's Midrash-Poems on the Rape of Dinah0
The Return of Ruth: Loss and (Heavenly) Restoration in Marilynne Robinson's Housekeeping and Lila0
The Sacred and the Sinister: Studies in Medieval Religion and Magic ed. by David J. Collins, S.J.0
The Marian Turn in Newman's Idea of History0
"That Dreadful Heaven": Secularism Post Postsecularism0