Photonics Research

(The H4-Index of Photonics Research is 50. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Deep learning in nano-photonics: inverse design and beyond289
Advances in on-chip photonic devices based on lithium niobate on insulator222
Silicon nitride passive and active photonic integrated circuits: trends and prospects117
First experimental demonstration of coherent beam combining of more than 100 beams114
Epsilon-near-zero photonics: infinite potentials90
Long-distance ranging with high precision using a soliton microcomb90
Generalized framework for non-sinusoidal fringe analysis using deep learning89
Single-pixel imaging using physics enhanced deep learning89
Silicon photonics for high-capacity data communications89
Imaging through unknown scattering media based on physics-informed learning87
Wide-steering-angle high-resolution optical phased array86
Photonic smart bandage for wound healing assessment83
Realizing transmitted metasurface cloak by a tandem neural network82
Deep plug-and-play priors for spectral snapshot compressive imaging81
Actively logical modulation of MEMS-based terahertz metamaterial79
Giant chiro-optical responses in multipolar-resonances-based single-layer dielectric metasurfaces75
Dual-polarization programmable metasurface modulator for near-field information encoding and transmission74
240  Gb/s optical transmission based on an ultrafast silicon microring modulator69
Direct generation of watt-level yellow Dy3+-doped fiber laser67
Nonlinear Fourier transform enabled eigenvalue spectrum investigation for fiber laser radiation66
Intelligent coding metasurface holograms by physics-assisted unsupervised generative adversarial network63
Interfacing photonics with artificial intelligence: an innovative design strategy for photonic structures and devices based on artificial neural networks62
Higher-order topological phases in tunable C3 symmetric photonic crystals62
Lead–halide perovskites for next-generation self-powered photodetectors: a comprehensive review62
Integrating the optical tweezers and spanner onto an individual single-layer metasurface62
Distributed polymer optical fiber sensors: a review and outlook61
Carrier dynamic process in all-inorganic halide perovskites explored by photoluminescence spectra61
Generalizing the Gerchberg–Saxton algorithm for retrieving complex optical transmission matrices60
Ultralow-loss compact silicon photonic waveguide spirals and delay lines58
Performance improvement approaches for optical fiber SPR sensors and their sensing applications58
Sensing in the presence of strong noise by deep learning of dynamic multimode fiber interference57
Directly accessing octave-spanning dissipative Kerr soliton frequency combs in an AlN microresonator57
Backpropagation through nonlinear units for the all-optical training of neural networks57
30 GHz GeSn photodetector on SOI substrate for 2 µm wavelength application56
Floating terahertz metamaterials with extremely large refractive index sensitivities55
Extremely regular periodic surface structures in a large area efficiently induced on silicon by temporally shaped femtosecond laser54
Deep-learning based denoising and reconstruction of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy images54
1.3  GHz E-O bandwidth GaN-based micro-LED for multi-gigabit visible light communication54
Versatile metasurface platform for electromagnetic wave tailoring54
Incoherent imaging through highly nonstatic and optically thick turbid media based on neural network54
Terahertz wavefront shaping with multi-channel polarization conversion based on all-dielectric metasurface53
Photonic extreme learning machine by free-space optical propagation53
Non-iterative complex wave-field reconstruction based on Kramers–Kronig relations53
Near-optimal intense and powerful terahertz source by optical rectification in lithium niobate crystal53
Ultra-high-Q resonances in terahertz all-silicon metasurfaces based on bound states in the continuum51
All-silicon dual-cavity fiber-optic pressure sensor with ultralow pressure-temperature cross-sensitivity and wide working temperature range51
On-demand design of spectrally sensitive multiband absorbers using an artificial neural network50
High efficiency all-dielectric pixelated metasurface for near-infrared full-Stokes polarization detection50
High-speed silicon photonic Mach–Zehnder modulator at 2 μm50
Dual-band multifunctional coding metasurface with a mingled anisotropic aperture for polarized manipulation in full space50
Free-space optical neural network based on thermal atomic nonlinearity50