Archives and Records-The Journal of the Archives and Records Associati

(The TQCC of Archives and Records-The Journal of the Archives and Records Associati is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Safeguarding the nation’s digital memory: towards a Bayesian model of digital preservation risk7
Fashion archive fervour: the critical role of fashion archives in preserving, curating, and narrating fashion6
The archival colour line: race, records and post-colonial custody5
Traditional village digital archival conservation: a case study from Gaoqian, China5
Transformative justice: transdisciplinary collaborations for archival autonomy4
Advocacy as a strategy to raise the archival profile through the civil society in South Africa3
Making maps of records: what cartography can teach us about archival description3
How do UK archivists perceive ‘white supremacy’ in the UK archives sector?3
Creating order from the mess: web archive derivative datasets and notebooks3
Recordkeeping in freestanding amateur organisations: a case study of a choir2
Beyond transparency: the communist-era secret police archives in postsocialist Eastern Europe2
Active disclosure of Spanish historic archives’ economic-financial information2
Decolonising the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine's Archives Service2
Records as records: excavating the DJ’s sonic archive2
Confronting Jenkinson’s canon: reimagining the ‘destruction and selection of modern archives’ through the Auditor-General of South Africa’s financial audit trail2
Archives and children’s cultural heritage2
A framework for enhancing the visibility and accessibility of public archives in South Africa2
Archiving popular culture: editors’ introduction1
Digital scholarship at the Library of Congress: user demand, current practices and options for expanded services1
Probing archivists’ perceptions and practices in privacy1
Audio-visual heritage preservation and the changing dynamics of Ghana’s historical film archives1
Affect and digital caregiving: challenging the performing arts canon with a ‘dig where you stand’ database1
Trusting the copies? Historical photographs and native title claims1
Scanner darkly: unpopularization in the Burney Newspaper Collection1
Engagement with decolonizing archival practices in the UK archives sector: a survey of archives workers’ attitudes1
Going against the archival grain: case studies of pop culture archives of a music scene, regional zines, and local beer1
Appraisal is need of re-appraisal: reflections on “Confronting Jenkinson’s canon: reimagining the ‘destruction and selection of modern archives’ through the Auditor-General of South Africa’s financial1
Theatre and archival memory: Irish drama and marginalised histories 1951-19771
Re-framing archival thought in Jamaica and South Africa: challenging racist structures, generating new narratives1
Fragmented authoritarianism in action: An analysis of interaction between researcher and archivist in the People’s Republic of China1
Access to Public Archives in Europe: progress in the implementation of CoE Recommendation R (2000)13 on a European policy on access to archives1
Preserving digital materials1
Records of the Jesus Guild in St Paul’s Cathedral, c.1450-1550: an edition of Oxford, Bodleian MS Tanner 221, and associated material0
‘It’s good for them to feel stretched’: collaborative volunteer projects at the Staffordshire Record Office0
Neither physical nor juridical persons: electronic personhood and an evolving theory of archival diplomatics0
Reflections on “Affect and digital caregiving: challenging the performing arts canon with a ’dig where you stand’ database”0
Marketing plans in action: a step-by-step guide for libraries, archives and cultural organizations0
Community archives, community spaces: heritage, memory and identity0
What is heritage? by Dr Rodney Harrison0
A history of participation in museums and archives: traversing citizen science and citizen humanities0
The backstages of archives: the reverse of photographs0
Victor William Gray MBE (1946 – 2021)0
Documenting the Armenian Genocide in Norway: the role of a National Archive in the social life of a collection0
New directions in queer oral history: archives of disruption0
Settler to settler (Reading “Remnants of Jenkinson”)0
Exhibiting the Archive: Space, Encounter, and Experience0
From passive subjects to active agents: enabling child-centred recordkeeping in social care contexts0
Editorial: dismantling structural racism in archives and recordkeeping practices in the UK0
Susan Graham (1970 - 2022)0
Christopher Richard Havelock Cooper (1946-2022)0
Adrian Allan (1942 - 2022)0
Copyright protection of unpublished works in the common law world0
Two weather diaries from Northern England, 1779-1807: the journals of John Chipchase and Elihu Robinson0
Letchworth Settlement, 1920 – 2020: a century of creative learning0
The early records of Coleshill: c 1120-15490
Grave concerns: the state of public cemetery records management in South Africa0
Records management and archiving in the pharmaceutical industry and regulatory authorities0
Lesley Marion Richmond (1956-2022)0
“A duty, an opportunity and a pleasure”: connecting archives and public history0
A hidden history of our discipline: Latin American archival thinking in the mid-20 th century0
Trinity College Library Dublin: a descriptive catalogue of manuscripts containing Middle English and some Old English0
The fabric accounts of St Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster, 1292-13960
Reflections on “Authenticity”0
Making ‘slave ownership’ visible in the archival catalogue: findings from a pilot project0
Reviewer Summary for Archives and Records , 20230
WI scrapbooks and community archives: women’s experiences of record-keeping in 1960s rural England0
The International Conference on the History of Records and Archives 2022 special issue0
The Duke of Norfolk’s deeds at Arundel Castle, catalogue 3: The early Howard inheritance in Norfolk0
Michael Stanley Moss (1947 – 2021)0
Police casework recordkeeping in England and Wales: an archival denial of evidence0
Searching for trust: blockchain technology in an age of disinformation0
Anthony Cains (1936–2020)0
Archives and special collections as sites of contestation0
Sustainable Enterprise Strategies for Optimizing Digital Stewardship: A Guide for Libraries, Archives, and Museums0
Artefacts, archives, and documentation in the relational museum0
Notice of new publications received April to August 20200
Looking at, describing and identifying objects0
Digital stewardship for River stewardship: creating the Richmond River open access repository0
The social movement archive0
The ghosts of old readers: social media, representation and gender in the information sector0
The Exeter cloth dispatch book, 1763-17650
Burning the books: a history of knowledge under attack0
Managing digital archives0
Reflections on “Affect and digital caregiving: challenging the performing arts canon with a ‘dig where you stand’ database”0
Affect and rapid response collecting: exploring the significance of emotion in UK archives’ COVID-19 collecting projects0
Practical approaches to collections care Practical approaches to collections care by Samantha Forsko, London, Routledge, 2023, 198 pp., £29.99 (paperback), ISBN: 97810320
Jennifer Gill (1946-2020)0
Managing the digital you: where and how to keep and organize your digital life0
The Register of the Goldsmiths’ Company: Deeds and Documents, c. 1190 to c. 1666, 3 Volumes0
A conspectus of scribal hands writing English, 700-11000
Justus Wamukoya (1951 – 2021)0
Managing information risks: threats, vulnerabilities and responses0
Diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion in museums0
The handbook of archival practice0
Factors influencing the effectiveness of university records management in Indonesia: the PLS-SEM approach0
Re-animation and interrogation: Irish visual and performing artists’ encounters with the archive0
Reconstituting and rebuilding lost and missing institutional records at Tate0
Archiving Caribbean Identity: records, community, and memory0
Uncertain archives: critical keywords for big data0
Thomas Kevin Campbell 1939-20230
Reflections on “Remnants of Jenkinson: observations on settler archival theory in Canadian archival appraisal discourse”0
Preserving Ancient Egyptian cultural heritage: an examination of the role of egyptological archives0
In visible archives: queer and feminist visual culture in the 1980s In visible archives: queer and feminist visual culture in the 1980s , by Margaret Galvan, Minneapolis0
Odds, ends, and archival exclusion: ephemeral archives and counter-history in the English country house0
Making and tracing marks: the country house as a living archive0
Caring for your cherished objects: the Winterthur guide0
Notice of new publications received September to December 20200
Best practice in volunteer management in archives: analyzing two organizations0
Ethical questions in name authority control0
Reflections on “Authenticity”0
Economic considerations for libraries, archives and museums0
Remnants of Jenkinson: observations on settler archival theory in Canadian archival appraisal discourse0
Museum collection ethics: acquisition, stewardship and interpretation0
Reading and shaping medieval cartularies: multi-scribe manuscripts and their patterns of growth – a study of the earliest cartularies of Glasgow Cathedral and Lindores Abbey0
Defining a discipline: archival research and practice in the twenty-first century; essays in honor of Richard J Cox0
Partners for preservation: advancing digital preservation through cross-community collaboration0
The architecture and archaeology of war office records0
Digitization and digital archiving: a practical guide for librarians, 2nd edition0
Steilneset Memorial: 17th-century archives on witchcraft trials connecting past and present0
A time to gather: archives and the control of Jewish culture0
Reflections on the editorial0
English archives, an historical survey English archives, an historical survey , edited by Richard Olney, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press with the British Records A0
Defining ‘proper research’: privileged access, local authority archives and the academic researcher0
Interdisciplinarity and archives – editorial0
Book conservation and digitization: the challenges of dialogue and collaboration0
Antiracism and black memory in the archives: a project to preserve black organization collections at the University of Campinas (Brazil)0
Encyclopedia of archival writers 1515-2015: writing history through biography0
Archival basics: a practical manual for working with historical collections0
Using Twitter to build communities: a primer for libraries, archives, and museums0
David H. Tyrell 1948-20240
Management basics for information professionals0
Archiving cultures: heritage, community and the making of records and memory Archiving cultures: heritage, community and the making of records and memory , by Jeanette A0
Establishing special collections literacy for undergraduate students: an investigation into benefits and barriers of access0
Up against the wall: art, activism and the AIDS poster0
Monica Ory (1941-2023)0
Welcome to this special issue on confronting the canon0
Transformative digital humanities: challenges and opportunities0
Monks Eleigh Manorial Records, 1210–16830
Archival operations in post-dictatorship novels: memory and Chilean human rights records0
Manuscripts in the Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms: Cultures and connections0
Two archival canons0
The Remaking of Archival Values0
Pioneers in Maltese archives and libraries: people, contexts and institutions in 20th-century Malta0
Libraries, archives, and museums: an introduction to cultural heritage institutions through the ages0