Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology

(The TQCC of Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Scaled Paired Comparisons as an Alternative to Ratings and Rankings for Measuring Values18
Effects of Address Coverage Enhancement on Estimates from Address-Based Sampling Studies12
Increasing Participation in a Mobile App Study: The Effects of a Sequential Mixed-Mode Design and In-Interview Invitation12
Optimality of the Recursive Neyman Allocation11
Small Area Prediction for Exponential Dispersion Families Under Informative Sampling11
Responsive and Adaptive Designs in Repeated Cross-National Surveys: A Simulation Study10
Interviewer Ratings of Physical Appearance in a Large-Scale Survey in China8
Usefulness of Internet Surveys to Identify People with Disabilities: A Cautionary Tale8
A Semiparametric Multiple Imputation Approach to Fully Synthetic Data for Complex Surveys8
Visible Cash, a Second Incentive, and Priority Mail? An Experimental Evaluation of Mailing Strategies for a Screening Questionnaire in a National Push-to-Web/Mail Survey8
Protecting the Identity of Participants in Qualitative Research7
Panel Conditioning in A Probability-based Longitudinal study: A Comparison of Respondents with Different Levels of Survey Experience7
Model-Based Inference for Rare and Clustered Populations From Adaptive Cluster Sampling Using Auxiliary Variables7
Equipping the Offline Population with Internet Access in an Online Panel: Does It Make a Difference?7
Differential Privacy and Noisy Confidentiality Concepts for European Population Statistics7
Correction to: Leveraging Predictive Modelling from Multiple Sources of Big Data to Improve Sample Efficiency and Reduce Survey Nonresponse Error7
Optimal Allocation Under Anticipated Nonresponse6
Who Counts? Measuring Disability Cross-Nationally in Census Data6
Underreporting of Purchases in the US Consumer Expenditure Survey6
Predicting Nonresponse in Future Waves of a Probability-Based Mixed-Mode Panel with Machine Learning6
Maximum Entropy Design by a Markov Chain Process6
Questionnaire Complexity, Rest Period, and Response Likelihood in Establishment Surveys6
An Adaptive Mode Adjustment for Multimode Household Surveys6
Recent Advances in Data Integration6
Model-Based Prediction for Small Domains Using Covariates: A Comparison of Four Methods5
Improving Donor Imputation Using the Prediction Power of Random Forests: a Combination of SwissCheese and missForest5
The Impact of Mixing Survey Modes on Estimates of Change: A Quasi-Experimental Study5
Survey Consent to Administrative Data Linkage: Five Experiments on Wording and Format5
The Prevalence and Nature of Cognitive Interviewing as a Survey Questionnaire Evaluation Method in the United States5
Introducing Web in a Telephone Employee Survey: Effects on Nonresponse and Costs4
Estimating the Size of Clustered Hidden Populations4
Adapting Nearest Neighbor for Multiple Imputation: Advantages, Challenges, and Drawbacks4
Joint Imputation of General Data4
Augmenting Survey Data with Digital Trace Data: Is There a Threat to Panel Retention?3
Positive Learning or Deviant Interviewing? Mechanisms of Experience on Interviewer Behavior3
Using Smartphones to Capture and Combine Self-Reports and Passively Measured Behavior in Social Research3
Inferring a Population Composition From Survey Data With Nonignorable Nonresponse: Borrowing Information From External Sources3
Risk of Workforce Exit due to Disability: State Differences in 2003–20163
Correcting Selection Bias in Big Data by Pseudo-Weighting3
Is there a Day of the Week Effect on Panel Response Rate to an Online Questionnaire Email Invitation?3
Calibrated Multilevel Regression with Poststratification for the Analysis of Sms Survey Data3
Variable Inclusion Strategies for Effective Quota Sampling and Propensity Modeling: An Application to SARS-CoV-2 Infection Prevalence Estimation3
Data Privacy Concerns as a Source of Resistance to Complete Mobile Data Collection Tasks Via a Smartphone App3
Estimation of Finite Population Proportions for Small Areas—A Statistical Data Integration Approach3
Inference from Nonrandom Samples Using Bayesian Machine Learning3
Pseudo-Bayesian Small-Area Estimation2
Estimation of Covid-19 Prevalence Dynamics from Pooled Data2
Text Messages to Facilitate the Transition to Web-First Sequential Mixed-Mode Designs in Longitudinal Surveys2
Effects of a Web–Mail Mode on Response Rates and Responses to a Care Experience Survey: Results of a Randomized Experiment2
Modeling in Sample Surveys: Discussion of Professor Valliant’s Hansen Lecture 20222
Detecting Interviewer Fraud Using Multilevel Models2
Bayesian Inference for Estimating Subset Proportions using Differentially Private Counts2
Private Tabular Survey Data Products through Synthetic Microdata Generation2
Item Count Technique with a Continuous or Count Control Variable for Analyzing Sensitive Questions in Surveys2
The Effects of a Targeted “Early Bird” Incentive Strategy on Response Rates, Fieldwork Effort, and Costs in a National Panel Study2
Lack of Replication or Generalization? Cultural Values Explain a Question Wording Effect2
Interviewer Effects on the Measurement of Physical Performance in a Cross-National Biosocial Survey2
Sequential and Concurrent Mixed-Mode Designs: A Tailored Approach2
Improving the Measurement of Gender in Surveys: Effects of Categorical Versus Open-Ended Response Formats on Measurement and Data Quality Among College Students2
Estimation of a Population Total Under Nonresponse Using Follow-up2
Investigating Respondent Attention to Experimental Text Lengths2
A Primer on the Data Cleaning Pipeline2
Many Classes, Restricted Measurement (MACREM) Models for Improved Measurement of Activities of Daily Living2
Conjugate Modeling Approaches for Small Area Estimation with Heteroscedastic Structure2
Constructing State and National Estimates of Vaccination Rates from Immunization Information Systems2
Dependence-Robust Confidence Intervals for Capture–Recapture Surveys2
Small Area Estimation of Household Economic Indicators under Unit-Level Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape2
Optimal Conformal Prediction for Small Areas2