Journal of Mathematics

(The TQCC of Journal of Mathematics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Note on the Primitive Roots and the Golomb Conjecture64
Stable and Holomorphic Implementation of Complex Functions Using a Unit Circle-Based Transform48
Dynamic Analysis of the Project Investment Model with Time Delay and Density Constraints42
The Sigma Coindex of Graph Operations37
Inertial Iterative Schemes for D-Accretive Mappings in Banach Spaces and Curvature Systems36
Optimal Solutions for Constrained Bimatrix Games with Payoffs Represented by Single-Valued Trapezoidal Neutrosophic Numbers35
Geometric Properties of Analytic Functions Defined by the (p, q) Derivative Operator Involving the Poisson Distribution33
Research on Classroom Teaching Quality Evaluation of Chinese International Education in Higher-Education Institutions Based on EDAS Method and Euclidean Distance32
A Neural Network Based on a Nonsmooth Equation for a Box Constrained Variational Inequality Problem31
Study on the Solutions of Impulsive Integrodifferential Equations of Mixed Type Based on Infectious Disease Dynamical Systems31
The Exact Solutions of a Diffusive SIR Model via Symmetry Groups30
On Clustering Detection Based on a Quadratic Program in Hypergraphs28
Nonexpansive Mappings on New Premodular Special Space of Sequences27
Analysis of Urban Residents’ Willingness to Pay for Forest Ecological Services Based on the Multilayer Linear Model27
Some Upper Bounds on the First General Zagreb Index24
A Study on ψ‐Caputo‐Type Hybrid Multifractional Differential Equations with Hybrid Boundary Conditions23
Evaluation Method and Simulation of Accounting Integrity in View of Grey Correlation Model23
Two Remarks on the Infinite Approximation of a Finite World in Economic Models23
System Optimization of Talent Life Cycle Management Platform Based on Decision Tree Model23
Labor Market Resource Allocation Optimization Based on Principal Component Analysis22
On the Extensions of Zassenhaus Lemma and Goursat’s Lemma to Algebraic Structures21
On the Partial Sums of the q‐Generalized Dini Function20
Computing the Normalized Laplacian Spectrum and Spanning Tree of the Strong Prism of Octagonal Network20
Strongly Ad‐Nilpotent Elements of the Lie Algebra of Upper Triangular Matrices20
Functional Approach for Solving Reduced Order of Index‐Four Hessenberg Differential‐Algebraic Control System20
Forcing Strong Convergence of a Mann‐Based Iteration for Nonexpansive and Monotone Operators in a Hilbert Space20
On Randic, Seidel, and Laplacian Energy of NEPS Graph19
Quantitative Analysis of Regional Luxury Brand Marketing Using Logit Model19
Existence of Solutions for a p‐Kirchhoff‐Type Problem with Critical Exponent19
The Extension of Auxiliary Problem Principle for Solving Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem in Power Systems17
Classical and Bayesian Inference under Burr‐X Distribution Based on New Unified Progressive Hybrid Censoring Scheme with Engineering Applications16
Unified Approach to the Existence of Solutions for a Coupled System of Fractional Differential‐Integral Equations with Infinite Points and Riemann–Stieltjes Integral Boundary Conditions16
A Note on the Signed Clique Domination Numbers of Graphs16
Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict Customer Satisfaction with E‐Payment Systems during the COVID‐19 Pandemic16
A Comparative Study on Qualification Criteria of Nonlinear Solvers with Introducing Some New Ones15
Finite Groups of Order p2qr in which the Number of Elements of Maximal Order Is p3q15
Uncertainty Measurement and Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Kernel Similarity Rough Set Model15
Some Results about Weak UP‐algebras15
Local RBF‐FD‐Based Mesh‐free Scheme for Singularly Perturbed Convection‐Diffusion‐Reaction Models with Variable Coefficients15
Martingale Decomposition and Backward Stochastic Dynamic Equations on Time Scales14
Alternative Equations for Horizontal Lifts of the Metallic Structures from Manifold onto Tangent Bundle14
Prediction from Transmuted Rayleigh Distribution in the Presence of Outliers14
A Class of Koszul Algebra and Some Homological Invariants through Circulant Matrices and Cycles14
A Comparative Analysis of the Forecasted Mortality Rate under Normal Conditions and the COVID‐19 Excess Mortality Rate in Malaysia14
Exact Formulae for Degree Distance Indices of Sum Graphs14
New Method of Sensitivity Computation Based on Markov Models with Its Application for Risk Management14
Best Proximity Points of Multivalued Hardy‐Roger’s Type (Cyclic) Contractive Mappings of b‐Metric Spaces14
On One Generalization of the Multipoint Nonlocal Contact Problem for Elliptic Equation in Rectangular Area14
On Quantiles Estimation Based on Stratified Sampling Using Multiplicative Bias Correction Approach14
An Expanded Concept and Graph of Zadeh’s Algebraic Operations for 3‐Dimensional Generalized Triangular Fuzzy Sets14
Investigation on Boron Alpha Nanotube by Studying Their M‐Polynomial and Topological Indices13
Financial Account Audit Early Warning Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Random Forest Model13
Optimal Control and Cost‐Effectiveness Strategies of Malaria Transmission with Impact of Climate Variability13
Assouad and Lower Dimensions of Some Homogeneous Cantor Sets13
Existence and Uniqueness of Periodic and Solitary Waves for a Perturbed Generalized KdV Equation13
On Degree‐Based Topological Indices of Thermodynamic Cuboctahedral Bi‐Metallic Structure13
Sum of the Hurwitz‐Lerch Zeta Function over Natural Numbers: Derivation and Evaluation13
Comparative Study of Y‐Junction Nanotubes with Vertex‐Edge Based Topological Descriptors13
The Third Logarithmic Coefficient for Certain Close‐to‐Convex Functions13
Inverse Eigenvalue Problem and Least‐Squares Problem for Skew‐Hermitian {P,K + 1}‐Reflexive Matrices12
Some Oscillation Criteria for a Class of Third‐Order Delay Differential Equations12
A Class of Symmetric Fractional Differential Operator Formed by Special Functions12
A Study about Prevent Tampering with Encrypted Messages over the Network Using Digital Signature12
New Degree‐Based Topological Indices of Toroidal Polyhex Graph by Means of M‐Polynomial12
Generalized Cut Functions and n‐Ary Block Codes on UP‐Algebras12
Morphological Edge Detection Algorithm of Colon Pathological Sections Based on Shearlet11
On the Exact Values of HZ-Index for the Graphs under Operations11
Stanley Depth of the Edge Ideal of Extended Gear Networks and Application in Circuit Analysis11
Global Dynamics of a Within‐Host COVID‐19/AIDS Coinfection Model with Distributed Delays11
Hadamard and Fejér–Hadamard Inequalities for Further Generalized Fractional Integrals Involving Mittag-Leffler Functions11
On Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Generalized Integral Operators11
Exact Values of Zagreb Indices for Generalized T-Sum Networks with Lexicographic Product11
On the Positive Operator Solutions to an Operator Equation X 11
Explicit Expression for Arbitrary Positive Integer Powers of Special Sparse Matrices11
Existence and Stability for a Nonlinear Coupledp-Laplacian System of Fractional Differential Equations11
Some Formulas for New Quadruple Hypergeometric Functions11
Omega, Sadhana, Theta, and PI Polynomials of Double Benzonoid Chain11
Topologies Generated by Two Ideals and the Corresponding j -Approximations Spaces with 11
Some Fractional Integral Inequalities Involving Mittag‐Kernels11
Edge Metric Dimension of Some Classes of Toeplitz Networks11
Estimation of the Tail Index of Pareto‐Type Distributions Using Regularisation10
Convergence Analysis Hilbert Space Approach for Fuzzy Integro‐Differential Models10
Some Notes of the Fractional Integral and Derivatives and Its Applications10
Approach for Multiattribute Decision‐Making with an Interval Grey Number Based on Bonferroni Mean10
Stability and Convergence Analysis for Set-Valued Extended Generalized Nonlinear Mixed Variational Inequality Problems and Generalized Resolvent Dynamical Systems10
Fractional Mixed Weighted Convolution and Its Application in Convolution Integral Equations10
An Analysis on the Markovian Model for Production Management and Establishment of New Pharmacies Using Hyper Graph10
Bivariate Chebyshev Polynomials to Solve Time‐Fractional Linear and Nonlinear KdV Equations10
The Strong Stability of Optimal Nonlinear Dynamical System in Batch Fermentation10
A Fast Diagnosis Method of Escalator Reversal Faults Based on Dynamic Information and Multiattribute Decision-Making10
Orthogonally C‐Ternary Jordan Homomorphisms and Jordan Derivations: Solution and Stability10
The Periodic Solutions of a Class of Difference Equations10
Triple Derivations of Trivial Extensions10
Multiplicative Attributes Derived from Graph Invariants for Saztec4 Diamond10
On Bessel Functions Related with Certain Classes of Analytic Functions with respect to Symmetrical Points10
Mann Hybrid Deepest-Descent Extragradient Method with Line-Search Process for Hierarchical Variational Inequalities for Countable Nonexpansive Mappings10
[Retracted] Detection Method of Limb Movement in Competitive Sports Training Based on Deep Learning9
[Retracted] Research on Automatic Classification Method of Ethnic Music Emotion Based on Machine Learning9
Solvability of the System of Extended Nonlinear Mixed Variational-Like Inequalities and Proximal Dynamical System9
Retracted: Weather Radar Image Superresolution Using a Nonlocal Residual Network9
[Retracted] A Novel Approach to Automate Complex Software Modularization Using a Fact Extraction System9
Retracted: An English Online Homework Tutoring System Supported by Internet Database9
Retracted: Personalized Education Based on Hybrid Intelligent Recommendation System9
Retracted: Research on Community Public Service Information Collaborative Governance Based on Deep Learning Model9
Retracted: The Application of “Internet+” in the Ageing Adaptation of Elderly People with Disabilities at Home9
Lacunary Statistical Convergence in Measure for Double Sequences of Fuzzy Valued Functions9
Retracted: Data Mining and Analysis of the Compatibility Law of Traditional Chinese Medicines Based on FP-Growth Algorithm9
Retracted: Adaptive Enhancement Algorithm of High-Resolution Satellite Image Based on Feature Fusion9
Retracted: Music Therapy Methods Based on SVM and MLP9
Retracted: Preorder of Factors Affecting Oil Prices: Fuzzy PROMETHEE Approach9
[Retracted] A Blockchain Technique for Trade Credit Maintainability Using the Role of Information and Communication Technology9
[Retracted] Text Knowledge Acquisition Method of Collaborative Product Design Based on Genetic Algorithm9
[Retracted] Dynamic Alterations and the Affecting Attributes of the Unbalanced Economic Development in the Basin of the Yellow River: Analysis Utilizing Population‐Weighted Coefficient of Variation9
A Convergent Legendre Spectral Collocation Method for the Variable-Order Fractional-Functional Optimal Control Problems9
Retracted: Research on Automatic Classification Method of Ethnic Music Emotion Based on Machine Learning9
[Retracted] A Survey of Multimedia‐Assisted English Classroom Teaching Based on Statistical Analysis9
Research on the Risk Measurement Algorithm of Supply Chain Order Financing Based on Insurance Actuarial9
Retracted: Research on Design and Application of National Fitness System9
Retracted: Computational Intelligence and Things Technology-Based Collection and Design of Inheritance Characteristics of Tea Product Packaging Art Form9
Bayesian Estimations of Exponential Distribution Based on Interval-Censored Data with a Cure Fraction8
Homology of Warped Product Semi-Invariant Submanifolds of a Sasakian Space Form with Semisymmetric Metric Connection8
Semi- I -Expandable Ideal Topological Spaces8
Certain Class of Analytic Functions Connected with q -Analogue of the Bessel Function8
Asymptotical Stability of Riemann‐Liouville Nonlinear Fractional Neutral Neural Networks with Time‐Varying Delays8
The Legendre’s Symbol Modulo p and Its Some Elementary Results8
A New Algorithm for Extracting Winter Wheat Planting Area Based on Ownership Parcel Vector Data and Medium-Resolution Remote Sensing Images8
Retracted: Design of Intelligent Recognition English Translation Model Based on Deep Learning8
Nonlinear Jordan Derivable Mappings of Generalized Matrix Algebras by Lie Product Square-Zero Elements8
Distribution of α p8
Stability Analysis of State Delay Multiagent Systems with Observer-Based Control Protocols8
On the Hybrid Power Mean Involving the Character Sums and Dedekind Sums8
Computing the Permanent of the Laplacian Matrices of Nonbipartite Graphs8
Correlated Proportions Test under Indeterminacy8
Hybrid Alternated Inertial Projection and Contraction Algorithm for Solving Bilevel Variational Inequality Problems8
Some Algebraic Properties of a Class of Integral Graphs Determined by Their Spectrum8
On State-Dependent Delay Intuitionistic Fuzzy Partial Functional Differential Equations with Integral Boundary Conditions8
Existence Theorem for Noninstantaneous Impulsive Evolution Equations8
A Fractional Epidemiological Model for Bone Remodeling Process8
Optimisation of Driver’s Traffic Literacy Evaluation Index from the Perspective of Information Contribution Sensitivity8
Badminton Backcourt Stroke Route Planning Method Based on Deep Learning8
Retracted: Predicting the Link between Stock Prices and Indices with Machine Learning in R Programming Language8
A Note on LP -Sasakian Manifolds with Almost Quasi-Yamabe Solitons8
The Perfect Roman Domination Number of the Cartesian Product of Some Graphs8
Fractional Integral Inequalities concerning Extended Bessel Function in the Kernel8
Primes and Their Connection to Certain Polyhedral Number Sequences8
On Fixed Point Convergence Results for a General Class of Nonlinear Mappings with a Supportive Application8
Significance of MHD Radiative Non-Newtonian Nanofluid Flow towards a Porous Channel: A Framework of the Casson Fluid Model8
Empirical Likelihood for Partially Linear Single-Index Models under Negatively Associated Errors8
On the Topological Dynamics of Dynamical Manifolds and Their Fundamental Group8
Global Well-Posedness and Convergence Results to a 3D Regularized Boussinesq System in Sobolev Spaces8
Cohen Positive Strongly p -Summing and 8
A Novel Approach Based on Sine Trigonometric Picture Fuzzy Aggregation Operators and Their Application in Decision Support System8
Retracted: Prediction Model of Mining Subsidence Parameters Based on Fuzzy Clustering8
Retracted: Evaluation Algorithm of Labor Legal Effectiveness for Affirmative Action against Gender Discrimination8
Fault-Tolerant Partition Resolvability of Cyclic Networks8
Existence and Stability ofα−Harmonic Maps8
The Polynomial Solutions of Quadratic Diophantine Equation 8
A Note on Cube-Full Numbers in Arithmetic Progression8
Can the Implied Information of Options Predict the Liquidity of Stock Market? A Data-Driven Research Based on SSE 50ETF Options7
Strong GE-Filters and GE-Ideals of Bordered GE-Algebras7
Integral-Type Fractional Equations with a Proportional Riemann–Liouville Derivative7
New Results in Controlled Metric Type Spaces7
3-Total Edge Product Cordial Labeling for Stellation of Square Grid Graph7
Coordinated MT- 7
Free Vibration of Composite Cylindrical Shells Based on Third-Order Shear Deformation Theory7
The p -Adic Valuations of Sums of Binomial Coefficients7
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making with Novel Pythagorean Fuzzy Aggregation Operators7
Comprehensive Evaluation of Talent Growth Factor Index System Based on Hesitant Fuzzy Language7
Some Characterizations for Approximate Biflatness of Semigroup Algebras7
An Inertial Iterative Algorithm with Strong Convergence for Solving Modified Split Feasibility Problem in Banach Spaces7
Linear Barycentric Rational Method for Solving Schrodinger Equation7
A Group Feature Screening Procedure Based on Pearson Chi‐Square Statistic for Biology Data with Categorical Response7
Graph Energy Variants and Topological Indices in Platinum Anticancer Drug Design: Mathematical Insights and Computational Analysis with DFT and QTAIM7
Digital Finance Development and the Digital Transformation of Enterprises: Based on the Perspective of Financing Constraint and Innovation Drive7
A Strong Convergence to a Common Fixed Point of a Subfamily of a Nonexpansive Evolution Family of Bounded Linear Operators on a Hilbert Space7
Prediction of Agricultural Water Consumption in 2 Regions of China Based on Fractional-Order Cumulative Discrete Grey Model7
Predicting Building Energy Consumption with a New Grey Model7
Modelling and Simulation of Competition for Students’ Population with Holling Type II Response7
Differential Geometric Aspects of Pedal Curves on Surfaces7
On Harmonic Index and Diameter of Quasi-Tree Graphs7
Stability Analysis of SIRS Model considering Pulse Vaccination and Elimination Disturbance7
Weaving Frames in Hilbert C 7
Analyzing Similarity Solution of Modified Fisher Equation7
A Multiparameter Hardy–Hilbert-Type Inequality Containing Partial Sums as the Terms of Series7
Hyers–Ulam–Rassias Stability of Additive Mappings in Fuzzy Normed Spaces7
Strong z 7
Study of Heat Transfer in Magnesium Zinc Zirconium 7
Certain Classes of Operators on Some Weighted Hyperbolic Function Spaces7
A Fourth‐Order Fuzzy Support Vector Machine Based on Class Center7
Exact Null Controllability of String Equations with Neumann Boundaries7
Hall Current Effect of Magnetic‐Optical‐Elastic‐Thermal‐Diffusive Semiconductor Model during Electrons‐Holes Excitation Processes7
A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Balancing Two-Sided Assembly Lines with Zoning Constraints7
Research on Risk Prediction Model of Internet Finance Based on Cloud Computing7
High-Performance Computational Early Warning Analysis of Agricultural Economy Relying on Binary Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Algorithm7
Data Dependence, Strict Fixed Point Results, and Well-Posedness of Multivalued Weakly Picard Operators7
The Stable Equilibrium Analysis of Nonlinear Renewable Resource Stock Evolution7
Subgradient Extragradient Method for Finite Lipschitzian Demicontractions and Variational Inequality Problems in a Hilbert Space7
Some Properties of S-Semiannihilator Small Submodules and S7
Some Smooth and Nonsmooth Traveling Wave Solutions for KP-MEW(2, 2) Equation7
Numerical Approximation for Fractional Neutron Transport Equation7
A Flexible Global GCRO-DR Method for Shifted Linear Systems and General Coupled Matrix Equations7
Waring–Goldbach Problem of Even Powers in Short Intervals7
A Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for the Vector Scheduling with Submodular Penalties on Parallel Machines7
A -D3 Modules and 7
Adaptive Neural Network Iterative Sliding Mode Course Tracking Control for Unmanned Surface Vessels7
Data-Driven Consumption Load Monitoring and Adjustment Strategy in Smart Grid7
Classification of Upper Bound Sequences of Local Fractional Metric Dimension of Rotationally Symmetric Hexagonal Planar Networks7
On New Solutions of Fuzzy Hybrid Differential Equations by Novel Approaches6
Fixed-Point Results for Generalized Rational Contractions in Graphical b-Metric Spaces with Applications6
Realistic Models of Financial Market and Structural Stability6
Research on the Reliability of a Two-Robot Security System with Early Warning Function6
Optical Solutions of the Date–Jimbo–Kashiwara–Miwa Equation via the Extended Direct Algebraic Method6
System Level Extropy of the Past Life of a Coherent System6
Double Controlled Partial Metric Type Spaces and Convergence Results6
Characterization of Fractional Mixed Domination Number of Paths and Cycles6
Modeling and Analysis of an Age-Structured Malaria Model in the Sense of Atangana–Baleanu Fractional Operators6
Omega Index of Line and Total Graphs6
Research on Energy Efficiency Management of Forklift Based on Improved YOLOv5 Algorithm6
Performance Evaluation of Reducing Consumption of Energy in the Yangtze River Delta under the Background of Low‐Carbon Economy6
Some Bond Incident Degree Indices of Cactus Graphs6
The Exponential T-X Family of Distributions: Properties and an Application to Insurance Data6
PID‐MPC Implementation on a Chiller‐Fan Coil Unit6
Theoretical Derivation and Parameters Analysis of a Human-Structure Interaction System with the Bipedal Walking Model6
Some Bohr-Type Inequalities for Bounded Analytic Functions6
Characterization and Evolution of a Digital Economy Ecosystem Based on an Interspecies Competition Model6
A Study on Variants of Status Unequal Coloring in Graphs and Its Properties6
Some New Observations on Generalized Contractive Mappings and Related Results in b-Metric-Like Spaces6
The Periodicity of Entire Functions with Finite Order6
Novel Approximations to the Damped Parametric Driven Pendulum Oscillators6
Statistical Inference of the Class of Nonparametric Tests for the Panel Count and Current Status Data from the Perspective of the Saddlepoint Approximation6
Thakur’s Iterative Scheme for Approximating Common Fixed Points to a Pair of Relatively Nonexpansive Mappings6
An Unconditionally Stable Difference Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Modified Fisher–Kolmogorov–Petrovsky–Piscounov Equation6
A New Single-Valued Neutrosophic Rough Sets and Related Topology6
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of a Fractional‐Order Food Chain Model with Two Time Delays6
New Topological Approaches to Generalized Soft Rough Approximations with Medical Applications6
On Domatic Number of Some Rotationally Symmetric Graphs6
On Some Fixed Point Results in E Fuzzy Metric Spaces6
Regional Heterogeneity of Carbon Emissions and Peaking Path of Carbon Emissions in the Bohai Rim Region6
SuperH-Antimagic Total Covering for Generalized Antiprism and Toroidal Octagonal Map6
Hosoya, Schultz, and Gutman Polynomials of Generalized Petersen Graphs P 6
Exploration of Unsteady Squeezing Flow through Least Squares Homotopy Perturbation Method6
Smarandache Ruled Surfaces according to Darboux Frame in 6
Strong Convergence Analysis of Iterative Algorithms for Solving Variational Inclusions and Fixed-Point Problems of Pseudocontractive Operators6
Discrete Analogues of the Erdélyi Type Integrals for Hypergeometric Functions6
Some Indices over a New Algebraic Graph6
Decision Support System Based on CoCoSo Method with the Picture Fuzzy Information6
A New Iterative Method for Suzuki Mappings in Banach Spaces6
Homology Groups in Warped Product Submanifolds in Hyperbolic Spaces6
Fekete–Szegö Problems for Certain Classes of Meromorphic Functions Involving q‐Al‐Oboudi Differential Operator6
Hermite–Hadamard and Jensen‐Type Inequalities via Riemann Integral Operator for a Generalized Class of Godunova–Levin Functions6