Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

(The TQCC of Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial: Exploring the Chemical Universe118
Prospects and challenges of numerical modeling of the Sun at millimeter wavelengths101
Effects of anomalous cosmic rays on the solar wind events in the outer heliosphere87
Solar wind magnetosonic mach number as a control variable for energy dissipation during magnetic storms47
Ion alfvén velocity fluctuations and implications for the diffusion of streaming cosmic rays46
From physics of polar aurora to changes of the fundamental approaches to the physics of the magnetospheric processes38
Response of the American equatorial ionization anomaly to 2016 Arctic sudden stratospheric warming events35
Editorial: White Dwarfs in the Age of the Great Collaborations33
The use of RNA-seq for the study of physiological adaptations of halophiles in extreme environments for astrobiological data interpretation33
QM/MM Study of the H2 Formation on the Surface of a Water Ice Grain Doped With Formaldehyde: Molecular Dynamics and Reaction Kinetics33
Editorial: Asteroid modeling: Processing and combining diverse datasets32
Observing the signatures of AGB s-process nucleosynthesis in planetary nebulae: An origins story32
Models for plasmasphere and plasmatrough density and average ion mass including dependence on L, MLT, geomagnetic activity, and phase of the solar cycle32
Planetary bioengineering on Earth to return and maintain the atmospheric carbon dioxide to pre-industrial levels: Assessing potential mechanisms32
Fine Classification of QSOs and Seyferts for Activity Types Based on SDSS Spectroscopy28
Influence of magnetic reconnection on the eruptive catastrophes of coronal magnetic flux ropes27
Low-latitude ionospheric responses and positioning performance of ground GNSS associated with the geomagnetic storm on March 13–14, 202227
-Omics studies of plant biology in spaceflight: A critical review of recent experiments27
Ionize Hard: Interstellar PO+ Detection26
Editorial: Nuclear Reactions of Astrophysical Interest25
Electromagnetic solitons and their stability in relativistic degenerate dense plasmas with two electron species25
Editorial: Understanding the causes of asymmetries in Earth’s magnetosphere-ionosphere system25
Editorial: Heterogeneous processes on dust and ice surfaces in planetary atmospheres: Mars, Venus, Titan, and perspectives for exoplanets24
Dayside Diffuse Aurora and the Cold-Plasma Structuring: A Brief Review24
A system science methodology develops a new composite highly predictable index of magnetospheric activity for the community: the whole-Earth index E(1)24
Does the way we do science foster discovery?24
Editorial: Galactic Dynamics in the Solar Neighborhood23
Analytical results for phase bunching in the pendulum model of wave-particle interactions23
Editorial: Data-Driven MHD - Novel Applications to the Solar Atmosphere22
Dependence of daytime thermospheric winds on IMF By as measured from south pole22
The pysat ecosystem22
Complex dayside particle precipitation observed during the passage of a solar wind rotational discontinuity21
Extending the sunspot area series from Kodaikanal Solar Observatory21
Measurement methods for gamma-ray bursts redshifts21
Model Kinetic Equations for Multiply Ionized Gas Mixtures21
Generalised uncertainty relations from finite-accuracy measurements20
Direct Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection Onset via the Tearing Instability20
The Capability of Utilizing Abiotic Enantiomers of Amino Acids by Halomonas sp. LMO_D1 Derived From the Mariana Trench20
Imaging Low-Energy Ion Outflow in the Auroral Zone20
Dispersive propagation of nuclear electromagnetic pulse in the ionosphere20
New deformed Heisenberg algebra from the μ-deformed model of dark matter20
Simulating asteroid impacts and meteor events by high-power lasers: from the laboratory to spaceborne missions19
Geospace: The naturally occurring plasma laboratory19
Interrogating solar flare loop models with IRIS observations 2: Plasma properties, energy transport, and future directions19
Turbulence in the Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets19
Spectral features of a single type III burst in the frequency range of 10–70 MHz19
The Need for a System Science Approach to Global Magnetospheric Models19
A Synergic Strategy to Characterize the Habitability Conditions of Exoplanets Hosted by Solar-Type Stars18
Dome control with fuzzy logic18
Van Allen Probes Observations of Oxygen Ions at the Geospace Plume18
Microwave Perspective on Magnetic Breakout Eruption18
Vacuum-Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Icy C2H4 at 13–60 K18
The SunPy Project: An interoperable ecosystem for solar data analysis18
SITCoM: SiRGraF Integrated Tool for Coronal dynaMics18
Irregularities in the African ionosphere associated with total electron content anomalies observed during high solar activity levels18
Search for (sub)stellar Companions of Exoplanet Hosts by Exploring the Second ESA-Gaia Data Release18
Python tools for ESA’s Swarm mission: VirES for Swarm and surrounding ecosystem18
NOIRE-Net–a convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms18
Observations key to understanding solar cycles: a review17
Modern Faraday Rotation Studies to Probe the Solar Wind17
Towards the Identification and Classification of Solar Granulation Structures Using Semantic Segmentation17
Short-term prediction of horizontal winds in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere over coastal Peru using a hybrid model17
Ultra-low-mass and small-radius white dwarfs made of heavy elements17
Editorial: Kinetic plasma dynamics in the light of novel in situ heliospheric observations: synergistic view with theories and simulations17
Bulk Viscous Bianchi Type-V Cosmological Model in f(R, T) Theory of Gravity16
Editorial: Gravitational Waves: A New Window to the Universe16
Gender diversity in heliophysics16
From Coronal Holes to Pulsars and Back Again: Learning the Importance of Data16
Generalized uncertainty principle and burning stars16
Editorial: Magnetic Connectivity of the Earth and Planetary Environments to the Sun in Space Weather Studies16
Using mutual information to investigate non-linear correlation between AE index, ULF Pc5 wave activity and electron precipitation16
Resolving Space Plasma Species With Electrostatic Analyzers15
Perspective Article for the Research Topic “Generation-to-Generation Communications in Space Physics” Find Fun and Joy in what You Do15
Ensemble deep learning models for prediction and uncertainty quantification of ground magnetic perturbation15
Precursor identification for strong flares based on anomaly detection algorithm15
CHES robotic observation software kit15
A multi-modal volumetric microscope with automated sample handling for surveying microbial life in liquid samples15
Challenges and interpersonal dynamics during a two-person lunar analogue Arctic mission15
Five Dimensional Bianchi Type-I Anisotropic Cloud String Cosmological Model With Electromagnetic Field in Saez-Ballester Theory15
GMAG: An open-source python package for ground-based magnetometers14
Editorial: The links between space plasma physics and planetary science14
Structural properties of a new class of stellar structures in modified teleparallel gravity14
Editorial: Magnetosphere and ionosphere response to the solar wind transients14
Transport of energetic particles in turbulent space plasmas: pitch-angle scattering, telegraph, and diffusion equations14
A selective up-sampling method applied upon unbalanced data for flare prediction: potential to improve model performance14
Grand Challenge for Space Physics14
Methanol in the RNA world: An astrochemical perspective13
Designing a novel tomato ideotype for future cultivation in space manned missions13
Robo-AO and SOAR High-Resolution Surveys of Exoplanet Hosting Stars13
Progress and prospects for research on Martian topographic features and typical landform identification13
The high-energy tail of energetic electron precipitation: solar wind drivers and geomagnetic responses13
Recent results and future perspectives with solid targets at LUNA13
Recommendations on simple but transformative diversity, equity, and inclusion measures in Heliophysics over the next decade13
Scaling laws for ablation waves formed by ice sublimation and rock dissolution: applications to the Earth, Mars and Pluto13
Relationship between geomagnetic storms and occurrence of ionospheric irregularities in the west sector of Africa during the peak of the 24th solar cycle13
Linear Theory of Electromagnetic Ion Beam Instabilities in the Earth’s Forshock: Peter Gary’s Contributions (1981–1991)13
Study of the isomeric yield ratio in the photoneutron reaction of natural holmium induced by laser-accelerated electron beams13
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): the future of hard X-ray dual AGN science13
Resolution of the equatorial spread F problem: Revisited13
Comparison of empirical models of ionospheric heating to global simulations13
Time-frequency catalogue: JSON implementation and python library13
Secondary Magnetic Reconnection at Earth’s Flank Magnetopause13
Recent insights on CME deflections at low heights12
The Triple Dusk-Dawn Aberration of the Solar Wind at Earth12
Sulfur- and Iron-Rich Mineralogical Features Preserved in Permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic: Analogs for the Astrobiological Exploration of Mars12
The Pre-main Sequence: Challenges and Prospects for Asteroseismology12
A machian model as potential alternative to dark matter halo thesis in galactic rotational velocity prediction12
Design and implementation of a scalable correlator based on ROACH2 + GPU cluster for tianlai 96-dual-polarization antenna array12
The NUMEN Project: An Update of the Facility Toward the Future Experimental Campaigns12
Physics in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere: A personal perspective12
Testing the key processes that accelerate outer radiation belt relativistic electrons during geomagnetic storms12
Photovoltaics-Driven Power Production Can Support Human Exploration on Mars12
Editorial: New advances in lunar and related planetary studies12
How Tycho Brahe’s recordings in 1572 support SN 1572 as a type I(a) supernova12
Unsolved problems in Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE) and the picket fence12
Heliophysics and space weather science at ∼1.5 AU: Knowledge gaps and need for space weather monitors at Mars12
How do nuclear isomers influence the gamma-ray bursts in binary neutron star mergers?12
Exploring Three Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Geomagnetic Predictions12
Pathways to Detection of Strongly-Bound Inorganic Species: The Vibrational and Rotational Spectral Data of AlH2OH, HMgOH, AlH2NH2, and HMgNH211
A comparative study of data-driven MHD simulations of solar coronal evolution with photospheric flows derived from two different approaches11
Global Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations: Performance Quantification of Magnetopause Distances and Convection Potential Predictions11
The high-energy tail of energetic electron precipitation: case studies11
The Central Dark Matter Fraction of Massive Early-Type Galaxies11
Dependence of the global dayside reconnection rate on interplanetary magnetic field By and the earth’s dipole tilt11
Science return of probing magnetospheric systems of ice giants11
The Lompe code: A Python toolbox for ionospheric data analysis11
The evolving paradigm of the subauroral geospace11
Investigation of the drivers and atmospheric impacts of energetic electron precipitation10
Impact of Metals on (Star)Dust Chemistry: A Laboratory Astrophysics Approach10
Spatial extent of the energetic electron precipitation region during substorms10
The Science of Fundamental Catalogs10
Editorial: Driving towards a more diverse space physics research community—perspectives, initiatives, strategies, and actions10
Field Line Resonances and Cavity Modes at Earth and Jupiter10
Drift phase resolved diffusive radiation belt model: 1. Theoretical framework10
Can strong substorm-associated MeV electron injections be an important cause of large radiation belt enhancements?10
Quantum Fluctuations in the Effective Relational GFT Cosmology10
Scaling, Mirror Symmetries and Musical Consonances Among the Distances of the Planets of the Solar System10
Assessing the demographics of the 2021 and 2022 CEDAR workshop10
Exoplanet Two-Square Degree Survey With SAO RAS Robotic Facilities10
Planetary Nebulae and the Ionization of the Interstellar Medium in Galaxies10
Investigating short-term earthquake precursors detection through monitoring of total electron content variation in ionosphere10
Large-Scale Crop Production for the Moon and Mars: Current Gaps and Future Perspectives10
Extended metric validation of a semi-physical Space Weather Modeling Framework conductance model on field-aligned current estimations10
The PI launchpad: Expanding the base of potential principal investigators across space sciences10
Measurement and calibration of non-linear shear terms in galaxy cluster fields10
Magnetic field properties in star formation: A review of their analysis methods and interpretation9
Editorial: Ionospheric signatures of magnetic reconnection in Earth’s magnetosphere9
Light travel time effects in blazar flares9
Anomalies in the Cosmic Microwave Background and Their Non-Gaussian Origin in Loop Quantum Cosmology9
N-dimensional Lomb Scargle Periodogram analysis of traveling ionospheric disturbances using ionosonde data9
Shock-induced radiation belt dynamics: simultaneous observations of “one-kick” acceleration and ultralow frequency modulation9
Cosmic ray contributions from rapidly rotating stellar mass black holes: cosmic Ray GeV to EeV proton and anti-proton sources9
cavsiopy: a Python package to calculate and visualize spacecraft instrument orientation9
Small Mirrors for Small Satellites: Design of the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission CubeSat (DeMi) Payload9
The dynamic chromosphere at millimeter wavelengths9
The Relevance of Nuclear Reactions for Standard Solar Models Construction9
Curlometer and gradient techniques: past and future applications9
A window into magnetic reconnection: IRIS observations of the consequences of reconnection during solar flares9
Speckle Interferometric Observations With the Gemini 8-m Telescopes: Signal-to-Noise Calculations and Observational Results9
Small-scale flux ropes in ICME sheaths9
Selection of Amino Acid Chirality Induced by Cyclic Dipeptide Synthesis in Plausible Prebiotic Conditions9
Interhemispheric ionosphere-plasmasphere system shows a high sensitivity to the exospheric neutral hydrogen density: a caution of the global reference atmospheric model hydrogen density9
Pipeline for the Antarctic Survey Telescope 3-3 in Yaoan, Yunnan9
Imbalanced classification applied to asteroid resonant dynamics9
Data mining for science of the sun-earth connection as a single system8
Influence of MHD Turbulence on Ion Kappa Distributions in the Earth's Plasma Sheet as a Function of Plasma β Parameter8
Thermal fluctuations, QNMs, and emission energy of charged ADS black hole with nonlinear electrodynamics8
Multi-Physics Constraints at Different Densities to Probe Nuclear Symmetry Energy in Hyperonic Neutron Stars8
Correlation between the solar wind speed and the passage of poleward-moving auroral forms into the polar cap8
An event of extreme relativistic and ultra-relativistic electron enhancements following the arrival of consecutive corotating interaction regions: Coordinated observations by Van Allen Probes, Arase, 8
Blobs in a Solar EUV Jet8
Comparing magnetopause predictions from two MHD models during a geomagnetic storm and a quiet period8
A prominence eruption from the Sun to the Parker Solar Probe with multi-spacecraft observations8
The upward propagating ionospheric hiss waves during the seismic time observed by the China seismo-electromagnetic satellite8
Plasma Imaging, LOcal Measurement, and Tomographic Experiment (PILOT): A Mission Concept for Transformational Multi-Scale Observations of Mass and Energy Flow Dynamics in Earth’s Magnetosphere8
Ion Dynamics in the Meso-scale 3-D Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability: Perspectives From Test Particle Simulations8
Multi-Variate LSTM Prediction of Alaska Magnetometer Chain Utilizing a Coupled Model Approach8
The first photometric investigation of two short-period Algol-type eclipsing binaries: IW UMa and V367 Gem8
Deciphering Solar Magnetic Activity: The Solar Cycle Clock8
Effect of Binding Energies on the Encounter Desorption8
Solar flare catalog based on SDO/AIA EUV images: Composition and correlation with GOES/XRS X-ray flare magnitudes8
The Planetary Theory of Solar Activity Variability: A Review8
Editorial: Cross section data of interest for nuclear astrophysics: experimental and theoretical status, and perspectives8
Star-exoplanet interactions: A growing interdisciplinary field in heliophysics8
The evolution of our understanding of coronal mass ejections8
Triggering mechanism of an eruptive filament located in a weak active region8
Improving Predictions of the 3D Dynamic Model of the Plasmasphere8
Storm-time variability of terrestrial hydrogen exosphere: kinetic simulation results8
Scalar field solutions and energy bounds for modeling spatial oscillations in Schwarzschild black holes based on the Regge–Wheeler equation8
Analysis of the different physical mechanisms in the atypical sporadic E (Es) layer occurrence over a low latitude region in the Brazilian sector8
Mesoscale Structure in the Solar Wind8
A Constrained Analysis of the 40Ca(18O,18F)40K Direct Charge Exchange Reaction Mechanism at 275 MeV8
Future Prospects for Solar EUV and Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy Missions8
Human-microbes symbiosis in health and disease, on earth and beyond planetary boundaries8
Remote and in-Situ Characterization of Mars Analogs: Coupling Scales to Improve the Search for Microbial Signatures on Mars8
Exploring the possibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and fulleranes as the carrier of the 21 micron emission feature8
No Transits of Proxima Centauri Planets in High-Cadence TESS Data8
Why can the auroral-type sporadic E layer be detected over the South America Magnetic Anomaly (SAMA) region? An investigation of a case study under the influence of the high-speed solar wind stream8
Solar Wind Turbulence Outlined Through Magnetic Islands and Nonlinear Waves7
Multispacecraft wave analysis of current sheet flapping motions in Earth’s magnetotail7
Ionospheric response modeling under eclipse conditions: Evaluation of 14 December 2020, total solar eclipse prediction over the South American sector7
The potential of Shannon entropy to find the large separation of δ Scuti stars: The entropy spectrum7
Modeling exospheres: analytical and numerical methods with application examples7
MMS Observations of Double Mid-Latitude Reconnection Ion Beams in the Early Non-Linear Phase of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability7
Improved space weather observations and modeling for aviation radiation7
RACS2: a framework of a remote autonomous control system for telescope observation and its application7
Effect of Solar Wind Pressure and Substorm Linked Particle Injection on Local Time Distribution of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves7
Exploiting White-Light Observations to Improve Estimates of Magnetic Connectivity7
The Key Role of Cold Ionospheric Ions As a Source of Hot Magnetospheric Plasma and As a Driver of the Dynamics of Substorms and Storms7
Mesoscale phenomena and their contribution to the global response: a focus on the magnetotail transition region and magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling7
Proton aurora and relativistic electron microbursts scattered by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves7
Multi-scale processes of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at Earth’s magnetopause7
Spots and Flares in Hot Main Sequence Stars Observed by Kepler, K2, and TESS7
Atmospheric, Geomorphological, and Compositional Analysis of Martian Asimov and Hale Craters: Implications for Recurring Slope Lineae7
Editorial: Refractory Astrochemistry7
Multipoint radio probe of the solar corona: The trans-coronal radio array fleet7
The Occurrence and Prevalence of Time Domain Structures in the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability at Different Positions Along the Earth’s Magnetospheric Flanks7
Controls on Reactive Oxygen Species Cycles in Yellowstone Hot Springs: Implications for Biosignature Preservation on Mars7
The characteristic and size–frequency distribution of rocks at the Zhurong landing site, Mars7
Early-Time Non-Equilibrium Pitch Angle Diffusion of Electrons by Whistler-Mode Hiss in a Plasmaspheric Plume Associated with BARREL Precipitation7
Changes in membrane fatty acids of a halo-psychrophile exposed to magnesium perchlorate and low temperatures: Implications for Mars habitability7
Practical Limits on Nanosatellite Telescope Pointing: The Impact of Disturbances and Photon Noise7
Black Hole Science With the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna7
The Tian Ma 65-m Telescope Automatic Early Warning System7
Cosmic rays escape from their sources7
Diffusive Plasma Transport by the Magnetopause Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability During Southward IMF7
Prospects for detection of a galactic diffuse neutrino flux7
Space weather with an arc’s ∼2 h trip across the nightside polar cap7
Evolution of Hot and Dense Stellar Interiors: The Role of the Weak Interaction Processes7
The Plasma Universe: A Coherent Science Theme for Voyage 20507
Is the Solar Wind Electron Strahl a Seed Population for the Earth’s Electron Radiation Belt?7
AI-ready data in space science and solar physics: problems, mitigation and action plan7
Survey of reconnection signatures in auroral oval ion precipitation7
Hamiltonian formulations of quasilinear theory for magnetized plasmas7
Deep learning-based galaxy image deconvolution7
The temporal variability of Io’s hotspots7
Kamodo’s model-agnostic satellite flythrough: Lowering the utilization barrier for heliophysics model outputs7
Infrared-radio-follow-up observations for detection of the magnetic radio emission of extra solar planets: a new window to detect exoplanets7
Statistics of geomagnetic storms: Global simulations perspective7
Corrigendum: The NASA High-Resolution Speckle Interferometric Imaging Program: Validation and Characterization of Exoplanets and Their Stellar Hosts7
Integration of Nitrifying, Photosynthetic and Animal Compartments at the MELiSSA Pilot Plant7
Kinematics of the diffuse intragroup and intracluster light in groups and clusters of galaxies in the local universe within 100 Mpc distance7
Corrigendum: The temporal variability of Io’s hotspots7
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): instrument and mission profile7
The Origin and Evolution of Giant Radio Galaxies6
Solar-Like Oscillators in the Kepler Era: A Review6
A fresh look into the interaction of exoplanets magnetosphere with stellar winds using MHD simulations6
Exploring the Properties of the Electron Strahl at 1 AU as an Indicator of the Quality of the Magnetic Connection Between the Earth and the Sun6
Impulsive Solar Energetic Particle Events: Extreme-Ultraviolet Waves and Jets6
Multi-messenger astrophysics of black holes and neutron stars as probed by ground-based gravitational wave detectors: from present to future6