
(The TQCC of Mathematics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Asymptotic Expansion of a Function Introduced by L.L. Karasheva191
Design of Distributed Interval Observers for Multiple Euler–Lagrange Systems145
Adaptive Finite/Fixed Time Control Design for a Class of Nonholonomic Systems with Disturbances139
Representing Hierarchical Structured Data Using Cone Embedding137
Systems of Linear Equations with Non-Negativity Constraints: Hyper-Rectangle Cover Theory and Its Applications111
Solving System of Linear Equations Using Common Fixed Point Theorems in Bicomplex Valued Metric Spaces111
HAPC Model of Crowd Behavior during Crises111
Unsteady Heat Transfer of Pulsating Gas Flows in a Gas-Dynamic System When Filling and Emptying a Cylinder (as Applied to Reciprocating Machines)103
Authentication of Counterfeit Hundred Ringgit Malaysian Banknotes Using Fuzzy Graph Method102
Optimal Control Strategy of a Mathematical Model for the Fifth Wave of COVID-19 Outbreak (Omicron) in Thailand99
Kit of Uniformly Deployed Sets for p-Location Problems98
Optimal Coloring Strategies for the Max k-Cut Game97
Poncelet Porisms and Loci of Centers in the Isotropic Plane97
Allocation of Starting Points in Global Optimization Problems94
Novel Proportional–Integral–Derivative Control Framework on Continuous-Time Positive Systems Using Linear Programming94
Multivalued Contraction Fixed-Point Theorem in b-Metric Spaces93
Application of Fractional Differential Equations for Modeling Bacteria Migration in Porous Medium88
IBA-VNS: A Logic-Based Machine Learning Algorithm and Its Application in Surgery87
Boundedness of Vector Linéard Equation with Multiple Variable Delays87
An Integrated Instruction and a Dynamic Fuzzy Inference System for Evaluating the Acquirement of Skills through Learning Activities by Higher Middle Education Students in Mexico85
Polynomial Intermediate Checksum for Integrity under Releasing Unverified Plaintext and Its Application to COPA85
An Efficient Linearized Difference Algorithm for a Diffusive Sel′kov–Schnakenberg System83
Development of an Algorithm for Computing the Force and Stress Parameters of a Cycloid Reducer83
Approximate Solutions of a Fixed-Point Problem with an Algorithm Based on Unions of Nonexpansive Mappings81
Periodic Solutions to Nonlinear Second-Order Difference Equations with Two-Dimensional Kernel79
Real-Time Management for an EV Hybrid Storage System Based on Fuzzy Control78
Biomedical Interaction Prediction with Adaptive Line Graph Contrastive Learning77
Inclusion Properties of p-Valent Functions Associated with Borel Distribution Functions77
Beyond Boundaries: The AHP-DEA Model for Holistic Cross-Banking Operational Risk Assessment77
On Groups in Which Many Automorphisms Are Cyclic75
An Unconditional Positivity-Preserving Difference Scheme for Models of Cancer Migration and Invasion75
Quantum and Classical Log-Bounded Automata for the Online Disjointness Problem72
Neurodidactics of Languages: Neuromyths in Multilingual Learners71
Preface to the Special Issue “Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Service Supply Chain”71
A Quasi-3D Higher-Order Theory for Bending of FG Nanoplates Embedded in an Elastic Medium in a Thermal Environment70
Maximum Correntropy Criterion with Distributed Method68
Resource Retrial Queue with Two Orbits and Negative Customers68
Modified Finite Element Study for Heat and Mass Transfer of Electrical MHD Non-Newtonian Boundary Layer Nanofluid Flow68
Induction Motor Fault Classification Based on Combined Genetic Algorithm with Symmetrical Uncertainty Method for Feature Selection Task67
A Method for Reducing Sub-Divisional Errors in Open-Type Optical Linear Encoders with Angle Shift Pattern Main Scale67
Entropy Variations of Multi-Scale Returns of Optimal and Noise Traders Engaged in “Bucket Shop Trading”65
Modeling and Simulation of a miRNA Regulatory Network of the PTEN Gene64
GPS: A New TSP Formulation for Its Generalizations Type QUBO64
Survey on Mathematical Models and Methods of Complex Logical Dynamical Systems63
Bayesian Estimation of a Transmuted Topp-Leone Length Biased Exponential Model Based on Competing Risk with the Application of Electrical Appliances63
Generalized Hukuhara Weak Solutions for a Class of Coupled Systems of Fuzzy Fractional Order Partial Differential Equations without Lipschitz Conditions61
Smooth Break Detection and De-Trending in Unit Root Testing61
Notes on Convergence Results for Parabolic Equations with Riemann–Liouville Derivatives61
Economic Performance and Stock Market Integration in BRICS and G7 Countries: An Application with Quantile Panel Data and Random Coefficients Modeling60
Error Correction Based Deep Neural Networks for Modeling and Predicting South African Wildlife–Vehicle Collision Data60
Gulf Countries’ Citizens’ Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines—A Machine Learning Approach60
Infrared Small Target Detection Based on Partial Sum Minimization and Total Variation60
Extra Edge Connectivity and Extremal Problems in Education Networks59
Trigonometric Polynomial Solutions of Bernoulli Trigonometric Polynomial Differential Equations59
Effectively Combining Risk Evaluation Metrics for Precise Fault Localization59
Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network Harmonic Control with a Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Approach59
An Improved Component-Wise WENO-NIP Scheme for Euler System59
Age-Dependent Survival Rates in SIR-SI Dengue Transmission Model and Its Application Considering Human Vaccination and Wolbachia Infection in Mosquitoes58
Functional Limit Theorem for the Sums of PSI-Processes with Random Intensities58
Classification in High Dimension Using the Ledoit–Wolf Shrinkage Method57
Generalized Contractions and Fixed Point Results in Spaces with Altering Metrics57
The Partial Inverse Spectral and Nodal Problems for Sturm–Liouville Operators on a Star-Shaped Graph57
Sharper Concentration Inequalities for Median-of-Mean Processes56
On the Geometry and Topology of Discrete Groups: An Overview56
Dynamics of a Higher-Order Three-Dimensional Nonlinear System of Difference Equations56
Multi-Objective Green Closed-Loop Supply Chain Management with Bundling Strategy, Perishable Products, and Quality Deterioration56
Characteristic, C-Characteristic and Positive Cones in Hyperfields56
Non-Convex Optimization: Using Preconditioning Matrices for Optimally Improving Variable Bounds in Linear Relaxations55
ESN-Observer-Based Adaptive Stabilization Control for Delayed Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Control Gain55
Connections between Linear Complementary Dual Codes, Permanents and Geometry55
Illumination Removal via Gaussian Difference L0 Norm Model for Facial Experssion Recognition55
Global Boundedness in a Logarithmic Keller–Segel System54
Analysis of a State Degradation Model and Preventive Maintenance Strategies for Wind Turbine Generators Based on Stochastic Differential Equations54
Application of Hybrid Model between the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution and Feature Extractions for Bearing Defect Classification54
Fixed-Switching-Frequency Modulated Model Predictive Control for Islanded AC Microgrid Applications53
Coordinated Economic Operation of Hydrothermal Units with HVDC Link Based on Lagrange Multipliers53
A Novel EA-Based Techno–Economic Analysis of Charging System for Electric Vehicles: A Case Study of Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia53
Power Families of Bivariate Proportional Hazard Models52
MHD Mixed Convection of Hybrid Ferrofluid Flow over an Exponentially Stretching/Shrinking Surface with Heat Source/Sink and Velocity Slip52
Hyperparameter Optimization for 1D-CNN-Based Network Intrusion Detection Using GA and PSO50
Network Alignment across Social Networks Using Multiple Embedding Techniques50
Perspective Transformer and MobileNets-Based 3D Lane Detection from Single 2D Image50
Polynomial-Time Constrained Message Passing for Exact MAP Inference on Discrete Models with Global Dependencies49
Prediction of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survival Outcomes Using a Hybrid Agnostic Explanation TabNet Model49
Fuzzy Logic to Measure the Degree of Compliance with a Target in an SDG—The Case of SDG 1149
A New Estimator: Median of the Distribution of the Mean in Robustness48
Superconvergent Nyström Method Based on Spline Quasi-Interpolants for Nonlinear Urysohn Integral Equations48
Characterizations of the Frame Bundle Admitting Metallic Structures on Almost Quadratic ϕ-Manifolds48
A Normalized Global Economic Policy Uncertainty Index from Unsupervised Machine Learning47
An Adaptive Frequency Sampling Algorithm for Dynamic Condensation-Based Frequency Response Analysis47
Three-Legged Compliant Parallel Mechanisms: Fundamental Design Criteria to Achieve Fully Decoupled Motion Characteristics and a State-of-the-Art Review47
Parameter Identification of Optimized Fractional Maximum Power Point Tracking for Thermoelectric Generation Systems Using Manta Ray Foraging Optimization47
A Self-Adaptive Cuckoo Search Algorithm Using a Machine Learning Technique46
Key Vulnerable Nodes Discovery Based on Bayesian Attack Subgraphs and Improved Fuzzy C-Means Clustering46
Modelling Interaction Effects by Using Extended WOE Variables with Applications to Credit Scoring46
Intelligent Adaptive PID Control for the Shaft Speed of a Marine Electric Propulsion System Based on the Evidential Reasoning Rule46
Categories, Quantum Computing, and Swarm Robotics: A Case Study45
Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge Graph Reasoning for Commonsense Question Answering45
A Novel Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Framework for Gait Adjustment45
A Multi-Factor Selection and Fusion Method through the CNN-LSTM Network for Dynamic Price Forecasting45
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions in Nonlinear Neutral System with Two Volterra Terms45
Wearable Inertial Sensor-Based Hand-Guiding Gestures Recognition Method Robust to Significant Changes in the Body-Alignment of Subject45
A Comprehensive Study of the Complex mKdV Equation through the Singular Manifold Method44
Series Solutions of High-Dimensional Fractional Differential Equations44
Modification of the Large Parameter Approach for the Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems44
A Hybrid Initialization and Effective Reproduction-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Tackling Bi-Objective Large-Scale Feature Selection in Classification44
Two-Dimensional Exponential Sparse Discriminant Local Preserving Projections44
Optimizing Propellant Distribution for Interorbital Transfers43
Double Fuzzy Ideal Multifunctions43
Geological Modeling Method Based on the Normal Dynamic Estimation of Sparse Point Clouds43
Enhancing Pneumonia Segmentation in Lung Radiographs: A Jellyfish Search Optimizer Approach43
Incorporating the Third Law of Geography with Spatial Attention Module–Convolutional Neural Network–Transformer for Fine-Grained Non-Stationary Air Quality Predictive Learning43
Distributed Batch Learning of Growing Neural Gas for Quick and Efficient Clustering43
Charged Cavitation Multibubbles Dynamics Model: Growth Process43
Simultaneous Bayesian Clustering and Model Selection with Mixture of Robust Factor Analyzers43
Hopf Bifurcation, Periodic Solutions, and Control of a New 4D Hyperchaotic System43
Seismo-VLAB: An Open-Source Software for Soil–Structure Interaction Analyses43
Medical Diagnosis and Pattern Recognition Based on Generalized Dice Similarity Measures for Managing Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Information42
Multimodal Identification Based on Fingerprint and Face Images via a Hetero-Associative Memory Method42
A 3D Cuboid Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Controlled Alternate Quantum Walk of Message Coding42
Deep Learning-Based Plant-Image Classification Using a Small Training Dataset42
An Evolutionary Game Analysis of Periodical Fluctuation in Food Safety Supervision42
Gain-Scheduled Sliding-Mode-Type Iterative Learning Control Design for Mechanical Systems42
Multi-Type Self-Attention-Based Convolutional-Neural-Network Post-Filtering for AV1 Codec42
A Novel Method for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Bearing Based on Spectrum Image Similarity Measures42
Convolutional Neural Network for Closed-Set Identification from Resting State Electroencephalography41
Trivariate Spectral Collocation Approach for the Numerical Solution of Three-Dimensional Elliptic Partial Differential Equations41
Nonlinear Large-Scale Perturbations of Steady Thermal Convective Dynamo Regimes in a Plane Layer of Electrically Conducting Fluid Rotating about the Vertical Axis41
Moving Spatial Turbulence Model for High-Fidelity Rotorcraft Maneuvering Simulation41
Impulsive Control and Synchronization for Fractional-Order Hyper-Chaotic Financial System41
Machine Learning Human Behavior Detection Mechanism Based on Python Architecture41
Risk-Sensitive Maximum Principle for Controlled System with Delay40
Research on Vehicle AEB Control Strategy Based on Safety Time–Safety Distance Fusion Algorithm40
Comparative Analysis of a Cone, Wedge, and Plate Packed with Microbes in Non-Fourier Heat Flux40
A Semantic Representation Method of Building Codes Applied to Compliance Checking40
Direct Yaw Moment Control for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles Based on Hierarchical Optimization Control Framework40
End-to-End Deep Learning Framework for Arabic Handwritten Legal Amount Recognition and Digital Courtesy Conversion40
Equilibrium Analysis for Batch Service Queueing Systems with Strategic Choice of Batch Size40
An Unsupervised Computed Tomography Kidney Segmentation with Multi-Region Clustering and Adaptive Active Contours40
Influence of the Schottky Junction on the Propagation Characteristics of Shear Horizontal Waves in a Piezoelectric Semiconductor Semi-Infinite Medium40
Analysis and Optimization of Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machine for Cogging Torque Reduction39
An Optimal H-Infinity Controller for Left Ventricular Assist Devices Based on a Starling-like Controller: A Simulation Study39
General Mean-Field BDSDEs with Stochastic Linear Growth and Discontinuous Generator39
Anisotropy-Based Adaptive Polynomial Chaos Method for Hybrid Uncertainty Quantification and Reliability-Based Design Optimization of Structural-Acoustic System39
On Characterizing a Three-Dimensional Sphere39
A Novel Effective Vehicle Detection Method Based on Swin Transformer in Hazy Scenes39
Contextual Augmentation Based on Metric-Guided Features for Ocular Axial Length Prediction39
Continuous-Time Dynamic Graph Networks Integrated with Knowledge Propagation for Social Media Rumor Detection39
Associated Fault Diagnosis of Power Supply Systems Based on Graph Matching: A Knowledge and Data Fusion Approach39
Significance of Ternary Hybrid Nanoparticles on the Dynamics of Nanofluids over a Stretched Surface Subject to Gravity Modulation39
Attention-Based 1D CNN-BiLSTM Hybrid Model Enhanced with FastText Word Embedding for Korean Voice Phishing Detection38
Controlled Filtered Poisson Processes38
Event-Triggered Second-Order Sliding Mode Controller Design and Implementation38
A Simheuristic Approach to Scheduling Sustainable and Reliable Maintenance for Bridge Infrastructure38
The Inconsistency of the Algorithms of Jaro–Winkler and Needleman–Wunsch Applied to DNA Chain Similarity Results38
Enhanced Non-Maximum Suppression for the Detection of Steel Surface Defects38
Permutation Tests for Metaheuristic Algorithms38
Chaos in Inverse Parallel Schemes for Solving Nonlinear Engineering Models38
Tensor Network Space-Time Spectral Collocation Method for Time-Dependent Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Equations38
Generalized Shortest Path Problem: An Innovative Approach for Non-Additive Problems in Conditional Weighted Graphs38
Research Progress of Complex Network Modeling Methods Based on Uncertainty Theory37
OFPI: Optical Flow Pose Image for Action Recognition37
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Credit Scoring Using the LIME Explainer: A Comprehensive Approach37
A New Method of Identifying the Aerodynamic Dipole Sound Source in the Near Wall Flow37
Modulations of Collapsing Stochastic Modified NLSE Structures37
The Mathematics of Quasi-Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging37
Modal Reconstruction Based on Arbitrary High-Order Zernike Polynomials for Deflectometry37
Numerical Simulation and Structure Optimization of Multilayer Metamaterial Plus-Shaped Solar Absorber Design Based on Graphene and SiO2 Substrate for Renewable Energy Generation37
Technology Empowers Finance: Boundaries and Risks37
Some Generalized Entropy Ergodic Theorems for Nonhomogeneous Hidden Markov Models36
Convergence of Neural Networks with a Class of Real Memristors with Rectifying Characteristics36
An Enhanced Extremum Seeking-Based Energy Management Strategy with Equivalent State for Hybridized-Electric Tramway-Powered by Fuel Cell–Battery–Supercapacitors36
Exploring Information and Communication Technologies as Driving Forces in Hotel SMEs Performance: Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility36
LoRA Fusion: Enhancing Image Generation36
Investigation of Warning Thresholds for the Deformation of GINA Gasket of Immersed Tunnel Based on a Material-to-Mechanical Analysis36
Nonlinear Oscillations of a Composite Stepped Piezoelectric Cantilever Plate with Aerodynamic Force and External Excitation36
Stabilization of the GLV System with Asymptotically Unbounded External Disturbances36
Optimal Design of Water Distribution Systems Considering Topological Characteristics and Residual Chlorine Concentration36
Decision Making in Fuzzy Rough Set Theory36
Distance Correlation Market Graph: The Case of S&P500 Stocks36
Bursting Oscillations in General Coupled Systems: A Review36
Infeasibility Maps: Application to the Optimization of the Design of Pumping Stations in Water Distribution Networks36
Efficient Complex Aggregate Queries with Accuracy Guarantee Based on Execution Cost Model over Knowledge Graphs36
Searching for Optimal Oversampling to Process Imbalanced Data: Generative Adversarial Networks and Synthetic Minority Over-Sampling Technique36
Alzheimer’s Disease Prediction Using Deep Feature Extraction and Optimization36
Controllable Energy Consumption in a Sustainable Smart Manufacturing Model Considering Superior Service, Flexible Demand, and Partial Outsourcing36
Full-Body Pose Estimation of Humanoid Robots Using Head-Worn Cameras for Digital Human-Augmented Robotic Telepresence36
Fixed Point Results for Hybrid Rational Contractions under a New Compatible Condition with an Application36
Modified Whiteside’s Line-Based Transepicondylar Axis for Imageless Total Knee Arthroplasty35
ReID-DeePNet: A Hybrid Deep Learning System for Person Re-Identification35
The ∗-Ricci Operator on Hopf Real Hypersurfaces in the Complex Quadric35
Topology Optimization and Fatigue Life Estimation of Sustainable Medical Waste Shredder Blade35
Adaptive Rejection of a Sinusoidal Disturbance with Unknown Frequency in a Flexible Rotor with Lubricated Journal Bearings35
Exploration of Multiple Transfer Phenomena within Viscous Fluid Flows over a Curved Stretching Sheet in the Co-Existence of Gyrotactic Micro-Organisms and Tiny Particles35
Convergence of a Class of Delayed Neural Networks with Real Memristor Devices35
Optimal Operation of PV Sources in DC Grids for Improving Technical, Economical, and Environmental Conditions by Using Vortex Search Algorithm and a Matrix Hourly Power Flow35
Problem-Based Learning and Applied Mathematics35
How Do Pre-/In-Service Mathematics Teachers Reason for or against the Use of Digital Technology in Teaching?35
A Preventive Replacement Policy for a System Subject to Bivariate Generalized Polya Failure Process35
A Hash-Based Quantum-Resistant Designated Verifier Signature Scheme35
A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework for Prioritizing and Overcoming Sectoral Barriers in Converting Agricultural Residues to a Building Material35
Daily Peak-Electricity-Demand Forecasting Based on Residual Long Short-Term Network35
Role of Glucose Risk Factors on Human Breast Cancer: A Nonlinear Dynamical Model Evaluation35
Matrix Summability of Walsh–Fourier Series35
Fisher, Bayes, and Predictive Inference35
Blockchain Empowered Smart Home: A Scalable Architecture for Sustainable Smart Cities35
Non-Parametric Test for Decreasing Uncertainty of Residual Life Distribution (DURL)35
The Impact of Missing Continuous Blood Glucose Samples on Machine Learning Models for Predicting Postprandial Hypoglycemia: An Experimental Analysis34
Inductor Current-Based Control Strategy for Efficient Power Tracking in Distributed PV Systems34
Securing an Authenticated Privacy Preserving Protocol in a Group Signature Scheme Based on a Group Ring34
Directional Handover Analysis with Stochastic Petri Net and Poisson Point Process in Heterogeneous Networks34
An Adaptive Cubature Kalman Filter Based on Resampling-Free Sigma-Point Update Framework and Improved Empirical Mode Decomposition for INS/CNS Navigation34
New Statistical Residuals for Regression Models in the Exponential Family: Characterization, Simulation, Computation, and Applications34
Next–Generation Intrusion Detection for IoT EVCS: Integrating CNN, LSTM, and GRU Models34
Return Strategies of Competing E-Sellers: Return Freight Insurance vs. Return Pickup Services34
Computably Enumerable Semisimple Rings34
Relation-Theoretic Nonlinear Almost Contractions with an Application to Boundary Value Problems34
Design of Polynomial Observer-Based Control of Fractional-Order Power Systems34
Variational Iteration and Linearized Liapunov Methods for Seeking the Analytic Solutions of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems34
Summatory Multiplicative Arithmetic Functions: Scaling and Renormalization34
A Study on the Effects of Digital Finance on Green Low-Carbon Circular Development Based on Machine Learning Models34
System Identification of a Servo-Valve Controlled Hydraulic Cylinder Operating Under Variable Load33
High Steep Rock Slope Instability Mechanism Induced by the Pillar Deterioration in the Mountain Mining Area33
A Generalized Autonomous Power Plant Fault Detection Model Using Deep Feature Extraction and Ensemble Machine Learning33
Parallel Selector for Feature Reduction33
Latent-PER: ICA-Latent Code Editing Framework for Portrait Emotion Recognition33
Analytical Bounds for Mixture Models in Cauchy–Stieltjes Kernel Families33
Efficient Numerical Schemes for a Heterogeneous Reaction–Diffusion System with Applications33
Prediction of Projectile Interception Point and Interception Time Based on Harris Hawk Optimization–Convolutional Neural Network–Support Vector Regression Algorithm33
A Survey on Big Data Technologies and Their Applications to the Metaverse: Past, Current and Future33
Novel Algorithms with Inertial Techniques for Solving Constrained Convex Minimization Problems and Applications to Image Inpainting33
The Graph Attention Recommendation Method for Enhancing User Features Based on Knowledge Graphs33
Analysis of Blood Stasis for Stent Thrombosis Using an Advection-Diffusion Lattice Boltzmann Scheme33
Bifurcation of an SIRS Model with a Modified Nonlinear Incidence Rate33
Dynamic Modeling for Metro Passenger Flows on Congested Transfer Routes33
On-Orbit Verification of RL-Based APC Calibrations for Micrometre Level Microwave Ranging System33
Tensor Affinity Learning for Hyperorder Graph Matching32
Newton-Based Extremum Seeking for Dynamic Systems Using Kalman Filtering: Application to Anaerobic Digestion Process Control32
A Gaussian Process-Enhanced Non-Linear Function and Bayesian Convolution–Bayesian Long Term Short Memory Based Ultra-Wideband Range Error Mitigation Method for Line of Sight and Non-Line of Sight Scen32
A Dam Deformation Residual Correction Method for High Arch Dams Using Phase Space Reconstruction and an Optimized Long Short-Term Memory Network32
Patch-Wise-Based Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection on Multivariate Time Series Data32
Numerical Simulation for the Wave of the Variable Coefficient Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method32
Description and Analysis of Data Security Based on Differential Privacy in Enterprise Power Systems32
Multi-View Collaborative Training and Self-Supervised Learning for Group Recommendation32
OASIS-Net: Morphological Attention Ensemble Learning for Surface Defect Detection32
Validation of a Multi-Strain HIV Within-Host Model with AIDS Clinical Studies31
Kelly Criterion Extension: Advanced Gambling Strategy31
Preview Control for Cyber–Physical Systems under Periodic Denial-of-Service Attacks31
Robust Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles31
Analytically Pricing a Vulnerable Option under a Stochastic Liquidity Risk Model with Stochastic Volatility31