
(The TQCC of Aerospace is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Large Constellations of Small Satellites: A Survey of Near Future Challenges and Missions114
A Detailed Survey and Future Directions of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with Potential Applications78
Electric Propulsion Methods for Small Satellites: A Review70
Autonomous Trajectory Generation Algorithms for Spacecraft Slew Maneuvers58
Review of State-of-the-Art Green Monopropellants: For Propulsion Systems Analysts and Designers51
A Survey on Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization Approaches49
A Review on the Current Status of Icing Physics and Mitigation in Aviation48
Spoken Instruction Understanding in Air Traffic Control: Challenge, Technique, and Application44
How Well Can Persistent Contrails Be Predicted?43
Aircraft Pilots Workload Analysis: Heart Rate Variability Objective Measures and NASA-Task Load Index Subjective Evaluation41
Influence of Novel Airframe Technologies on the Feasibility of Fully-Electric Regional Aviation40
Experimental Heat Loads for Electrothermal Anti-Icing and De-Icing on UAVs39
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing for Prediction of Human Factors in Aviation Incident Reports39
Energy Transition in Aviation: The Role of Cryogenic Fuels37
Aircraft Requirements for Sustainable Regional Aviation36
Proof of Concept Study for Fuselage Boundary Layer Ingesting Propulsion36
Compressive Behaviour of Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures: A Review36
Natural Language Processing Based Method for Clustering and Analysis of Aviation Safety Narratives36
Design and Optimization of Ram Air–Based Thermal Management Systems for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft35
Design and Experimental Comparison of PID, LQR and MPC Stabilizing Controllers for Parrot Mambo Mini-Drone35
Global Optimization of UAV Area Coverage Path Planning Based on Good Point Set and Genetic Algorithm35
Multi-Aircraft Trajectory Collaborative Prediction Based on Social Long Short-Term Memory Network35
Automated Defect Detection and Decision-Support in Gas Turbine Blade Inspection34
Aircraft Trajectory Clustering in Terminal Airspace Based on Deep Autoencoder and Gaussian Mixture Model34
Compressive Behaviour of 3D-Printed PETG Composites32
Detection and Recognition of Drones Based on a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Using Visible Imagery32
Climate-Optimized Trajectories and Robust Mitigation Potential: Flying ATM4E32
Aircraft 4D Trajectory Prediction in Civil Aviation: A Review31
A Comprehensive Survey on Climate Optimal Aircraft Trajectory Planning31
Procedures for the Integration of Drones into the Airspace Based on U-Space Services30
A Multi-Objective Coverage Path Planning Algorithm for UAVs to Cover Spatially Distributed Regions in Urban Environments30
Explanation of Machine-Learning Solutions in Air-Traffic Management30
The Need for Multi-Sensor Data Fusion in Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Aircraft Structures30
Performance and Emissions of a Microturbine and Turbofan Powered by Alternative Fuels29
Development of Green Storable Hybrid Rocket Propulsion Technology Using 98% Hydrogen Peroxide as Oxidizer28
A Performance-Based Airspace Model for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management28
New Reliability Studies of Data-Driven Aircraft Trajectory Prediction28
Neural Network Based Model Predictive Control for a Quadrotor UAV26
SU2-NEMO: An Open-Source Framework for High-Mach Nonequilibrium Multi-Species Flows26
Rocket Lab Mission to Venus26
Vision-Based Autonomous Landing for the UAV: A Review26
A Physics-Based Multidisciplinary Approach for the Preliminary Design and Performance Analysis of a Medium Range Aircraft with Box-Wing Architecture26
Aircraft Fleet Health Monitoring with Anomaly Detection Techniques25
Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Automate Aircraft Maintenance Visual Inspection25
Probabilistic Flight Delay Predictions Using Machine Learning and Applications to the Flight-to-Gate Assignment Problem25
Deep Neural Network Feature Selection Approaches for Data-Driven Prognostic Model of Aircraft Engines25
Emission Modes in Electrospray Thrusters Operating with High Conductivity Ionic Liquids25
Structural Batteries for Aeronautic Applications—State of the Art, Research Gaps and Technology Development Needs24
Active Energy Management Based on Meta-Heuristic Algorithms of Fuel Cell/Battery/Supercapacitor Energy Storage System for Aircraft24
Venus Life Finder Missions Motivation and Summary23
Constrained Urban Airspace Design for Large-Scale Drone-Based Delivery Traffic23
Design Exploration for Sustainable Regional Hybrid-Electric Aircraft: A Study Based on Technology Forecasts23
Constrained Motion Planning of 7-DOF Space Manipulator via Deep Reinforcement Learning Combined with Artificial Potential Field22
Evaluation and Comparison of Hybrid Wing VTOL UAV with Four Different Electric Propulsion Systems22
Challenges and Solutions for High-Speed Aviation Piston Pumps: A Review22
An Optimal Fuzzy Logic-Based Energy Management Strategy for a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Power Unmanned Aerial Vehicle22
Utilization of FPGA for Onboard Inference of Landmark Localization in CNN-Based Spacecraft Pose Estimation22
Advanced Sizing Methodology for a Multi-Mode eVTOL UAV Powered by a Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Battery21
Theory of Contrail Formation for Fuel Cells21
Towards a Circular Economy in the Aviation Sector Using Eco-Composites for Interior and Secondary Structures. Results and Recommendations from the EU/China Project ECO-COMPASS21
A Review of Spatial Robotic Arm Trajectory Planning21
Opportunistic In-Flight INS Alignment Using LEO Satellites and a Rotatory IMU Platform21
An End-to-End UAV Simulation Platform for Visual SLAM and Navigation20
Aircraft Maintenance Check Scheduling Using Reinforcement Learning20
Mitigation of Non-CO2 Aviation’s Climate Impact by Changing Cruise Altitudes20
Design of Low Altitude Long Endurance Solar-Powered UAV Using Genetic Algorithm20
An Experimental Investigation of the Convective Heat Transfer on a Small Helicopter Rotor with Anti-Icing and De-Icing Test Setups20
UAV Path Planning Based on Improved Artificial Potential Field Method19
Review of On-Orbit Robotic Arm Active Debris Capture Removal Methods19
Advanced Materials and Technologies for Compressor Blades of Small Turbofan Engines19
Wing Structure of the Next-Generation Civil Tiltrotor: From Concept to Preliminary Design19
Review of Deep Reinforcement Learning Approaches for Conflict Resolution in Air Traffic Control19
Estimation of Liquid Hydrogen Fuels in Aviation19
Generation and Mitigation Mechanism Studies of Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Instability in a Modelled Swirling Combustor with a Heat Exchanger18
Spatiotemporal Graph Indicators for Air Traffic Complexity Analysis18
Buckling Analysis of a Thin-Walled Structure Using Finite Element Method and Design of Experiments18
Parametric Study of a Composite Skin for a Twist-Morphing Wing18
Nonlinear Aeroelastic Simulations and Stability Analysis of the Pazy Wing Aeroelastic Benchmark18
Polyatomic Ion-Induced Electron Emission (IIEE) in Electrospray Thrusters18
Design and Fabrication of a Phase Change Material Heat Storage Device for the Thermal Control of Electronics Components of Space Applications18
The Study of Electrical Energy Power Supply System for UAVs Based on the Energy Storage Technology18
Two-Stage Pursuit Strategy for Incomplete-Information Impulsive Space Pursuit-Evasion Mission Using Reinforcement Learning17
Assessment of Future Airframe and Propulsion Technologies on Sustainability of Next-Generation Mid-Range Aircraft17
In-Flight Aircraft Trajectory Optimization within Corridors Defined by Ensemble Weather Forecasts17
Energy Absorption Characteristics of a CFRP-Al Hybrid Thin-Walled Circular Tube under Axial Crushing17
Physics Guided Deep Learning for Data-Driven Aircraft Fuel Consumption Modeling17
Fault Tolerant Attitude and Orbit Determination System for Small Satellite Platforms17
Onboard Processing in Satellite Communications Using AI Accelerators17
Progress of Porous/Lattice Structures Applied in Thermal Management Technology of Aerospace Applications16
Aircraft Emissions, Their Plume-Scale Effects, and the Spatio-Temporal Sensitivity of the Atmospheric Response: A Review16
Neural Nonlinear Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Input (NARX) for Turboshaft Aeroengine Fuel Control Unit Model16
Comparison of the Aircraft Noise Calculation Programs sonAIR, FLULA2 and AEDT with Noise Measurements of Single Flights16
A Real-Time Trajectory Optimization Method for Hypersonic Vehicles Based on a Deep Neural Network16
Fatigue Reliability Analysis of Composite Material Considering the Growth of Effective Stress and Critical Stiffness16
Risk Assessment for UAS Logistic Delivery under UAS Traffic Management Environment16
A Review on Solid-State-Based Additive Friction Stir Deposition16
A Review of Working Fluids and Flow State Effects on Thermal Performance of Micro-Channel Oscillating Heat Pipe for Aerospace Heat Dissipation16
Innovative Mechanical Design Strategy for Actualizing 80 kg-Class X-Band Active SAR Small Satellite of S-STEP16
Hybrid Rockets as Post-Boost Stages and Kick Motors16
Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Guidance Law for Intercepting Hypersonic Vehicles16
Fault Detection of Aero-Engine Sensor Based on Inception-CNN16
Optimal Sizing and Operation of Airport Infrastructures in Support of Electric-Powered Aviation16
Design and Development of an Experimental Setup of Electrically Powered Spinning Rotor Blades in Icing Wind Tunnel and Preliminary Testing with Surface Coatings as Hybrid Protection Solution16
A Review of Research on the Vacuum Plume16
Propulsion Sizing Correlations for Electrical and Fuel Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles15
Predicting the Remaining Useful Life of Landing Gear with Prognostics and Health Management (PHM)15
Progress of Stewart Vibration Platform in Aerospace Micro–Vibration Control15
Classification and Analysis of Go-Arounds in Commercial Aviation Using ADS-B Data15
Analysis of Risk-Based Operational Bird Strike Prevention15
Manufacturing Technology of Lightweight Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures in Aerospace: Current Situation and toward Intellectualization15
Design of a Multi-Constraint Formation Controller Based on Improved MPC and Consensus for Quadrotors15
Maneuvering Spacecraft Orbit Determination Using Polynomial Representation15
A Deep Learning Approach for Short-Term Airport Traffic Flow Prediction15
Large-Scale CAMUI Type Hybrid Rocket Motor Scaling, Modeling, and Test Results15
Conceptual Design of a Hybrid Hydrogen Fuel Cell/Battery Blended-Wing-Body Unmanned Aerial Vehicle—An Overview14
Design and Analysis of MataMorph-3: A Fully Morphing UAV with Camber-Morphing Wings and Tail Stabilizers14
Vibration Response Aspects of a Main Landing Gear Composite Door Designed for High-Speed Rotorcraft14
Assessment of the Impact of Material Selection on Aviation Sustainability, from a Circular Economy Perspective14
Aircraft Engine Gas-Path Monitoring and Diagnostics Framework Based on a Hybrid Fault Recognition Approach14
Hybrid Rocket Engine Design Optimization at Politecnico di Torino: A Review14
Climate Impact Mitigation Potential of European Air Traffic in a Weather Situation with Strong Contrail Formation14
A Multi-UCAV Cooperative Decision-Making Method Based on an MAPPO Algorithm for Beyond-Visual-Range Air Combat14
The Effect of Real-World Interference on CNN Feature Extraction and Machine Learning Classification of Unmanned Aerial Systems14
Transient Dynamic System Behavior of Pressure Actuated Cellular Structures in a Morphing Wing14
Mission Performance Analysis of Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft14
In-flight Lift and Drag Estimation of an Unmanned Propeller-Driven Aircraft14
Real-Time Implementation of an Adaptive PID Controller for the Quadrotor MAV Embedded Flight Control System14
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operating Mode Classification Using Deep Residual Learning Feature Extraction14
Mission Architecture to Characterize Habitability of Venus Cloud Layers via an Aerial Platform14
Intelligent Combined Neural Network and Kernel Principal Component Analysis Tool for Engine Health Monitoring Purposes14
Comparison of Tethered Post-Capture System Models for Space Debris Removal14
Multimodal Analysis of Eye Movements and Fatigue in a Simulated Glass Cockpit Environment14
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pitch Control Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Discrete Actions in Wind Tunnel Test14
The Investigation of Plume-Regolith Interaction and Dust Dispersal during Chang’E-5 Descent Stage14
Human–Machine Interface Design for Monitoring Safety Risks Associated with Operating Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems in Urban Areas13
ProgNet: A Transferable Deep Network for Aircraft Engine Damage Propagation Prognosis under Real Flight Conditions13
Optimal Design of Electrically Fed Hybrid Mars Ascent Vehicle13
Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Dinitramide (ADN) as Green Energy Source for Space Propulsion13
Application of Probabilistic Set-Based Design Exploration on the Energy Management of a Hybrid-Electric Aircraft13
Design, Production and Evaluation of 3D-Printed Mold Geometries for a Hybrid Rocket Engine13
A Polymorphing Wing Capable of Span Extension and Variable Pitch13
Thermal Management System Optimization for a Parallel Hybrid Aircraft Considering Mission Fuel Burn13
Performance Assessment of an Integrated Environmental Control System of Civil Hypersonic Vehicles13
Exemplification of Detecting Gas Turbine Blade Structure Defects Using the X-ray Computed Tomography Method13
Neural Network Prediction for Ice Shapes on Airfoils Using iceFoam Simulations13
The Effect of Vortex Generators on Shock-Induced Boundary Layer Separation in a Transonic Convex-Corner Flow13
Multi-Objective Optimization of Low Reynolds Number Airfoil Using Convolutional Neural Network and Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm13
Validation of Numerical Models of a Rotorcraft Crashworthy Seat and Subfloor13
Design and Performance of X-Band SAR Payload for 80 kg Class Flat-Panel-Type Microsatellite Based on Active Phased Array Antenna13
The Enabling Technologies for a Quasi-Zero Emissions Commuter Aircraft13
Mechanism and Performance Differences between the SSG/LRR-ω and SST Turbulence Models in Separated Flows13
An Efficient and Robust Sizing Method for eVTOL Aircraft Configurations in Conceptual Design13
Dynamic Characterization of a High-Altitude Balloon during a Flight Campaign for the Detection of ISM Radio Background in the Stratosphere13
Overview of the Flight Dynamics Subsystem for Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Mission13
Neuroevolutionary Control for Autonomous Soaring13
A Robust Reacting Flow Solver with Computational Diagnostics Based on OpenFOAM and Cantera13
LEO Object’s Light-Curve Acquisition System and Their Inversion for Attitude Reconstruction12
Capture Dynamics and Control of a Flexible Net for Space Debris Removal12
State Monitoring Method for Tool Wear in Aerospace Manufacturing Processes Based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)12
Mechanical Properties of Cold Sprayed Aluminium 2024 and 7075 Coatings for Repairs12
Data-Driven Simulation for Evaluating the Impact of Lower Arrival Aircraft Separation on Available Airspace and Runway Capacity at Tokyo International Airport12
The Use of Machine Learning for the Prediction of the Uniformity of the Degree of Cure of a Composite in an Autoclave12
Flight Anomaly Detection via a Deep Hybrid Model12
Fixed Wing Aircraft Automatic Landing with the Use of a Dedicated Ground Sign System12
Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Aviation Safety: Systematic Review of Research and Outlook into the Future12
A Novel Holistic Index for the Optimization of Composite Components and Manufacturing Processes with Regard to Quality, Life Cycle Costs and Environmental Performance12
A Modular Framework for the Life Cycle Based Evaluation of Aircraft Technologies, Maintenance Strategies, and Operational Decision Making Using Discrete Event Simulation12
Optimal Design of Multimissile Formation Based on an Adaptive SA-PSO Algorithm12
Novel Structure and Thermal Design and Analysis for CubeSats in Formation Flying12
Ice Accretion on Rotary-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles—A Review Study12
Evaluation of Influence Factors on the Visual Inspection Performance of Aircraft Engine Blades12
Rendezvous in Cis-Lunar Space near Rectilinear Halo Orbit: Dynamics and Control Issues12
Survey on Mission Planning of Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles12
Simulation and Analysis of Fluid–Solid–Thermal Unidirectional Coupling of Near-Space Airship12
Assessment of the Potential of Electric Propulsion for General Aviation Using Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) Methodology12
Initial Assessment of a Fuel Cell—Gas Turbine Hybrid Propulsion Concept12
Air Traffic Complexity Map Based on Linear Dynamical Systems12
Sensitivity Study of Ice Accretion Simulation to Roughness Thermal Correction Model12
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pitch Control under Delay Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Continuous Action in Wind Tunnel Test12
A Novel Control Allocation Method for Yaw Control of Tailless Aircraft12
A Text-Driven Aircraft Fault Diagnosis Model Based on a Word2vec and Priori-Knowledge Convolutional Neural Network12
GA Optimization of Variable Angle Tow Composites in Buckling and Free Vibration Analysis through Layerwise Theory11
Fast Path Planning for Long-Range Planetary Roving Based on a Hierarchical Framework and Deep Reinforcement Learning11
Development of the EIRSAT-1 CubeSat through Functional Verification of the Engineering Qualification Model11
Tuning of a Linear-Quadratic Stabilization System for an Anti-Aircraft Missile11
Learning from Incidents: A Qualitative Study in the Continuing Airworthiness Sector11
High-Performance Properties of an Aerospace Epoxy Resin Loaded with Carbon Nanofibers and Glycidyl Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxane11
High Damping Passive Launch Vibration Isolation System Using Superelastic SMA with Multilayered Viscous Lamina11
Investigation of Merge Assist Policies to Improve Safety of Drone Traffic in a Constrained Urban Airspace11
Digital Twin Modeling Method for Hierarchical Stiffened Plate Based on Transfer Learning11
Influence of Plasma on the Combustion Mode in a Scramjet11
Quantifying the Environmental Design Trades for a State-of-the-Art Turbofan Engine11
Towards Determining the Contrail Cirrus Efficacy11
Real-Time Precise Orbit Determination for LEO between Kinematic and Reduced-Dynamic with Ambiguity Resolution11
A Review of Current Research in Subscale Flight Testing and Analysis of Its Main Practical Challenges11
Aeroelastic Tailoring of the Next Generation Civil Tiltrotor Technological Demonstrator Composite Wing11
Dust Ingestion in a Rotorcraft Engine Compressor: Experimental and Numerical Study of the Fouling Rate11
Deducing the Composition of Venus Cloud Particles with the Autofluorescence Nephelometer (AFN)11
Wrapping Deployment Simulation Analysis of Leaf-Inspired Membrane Structures11
Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Quadrotor UAV against Sensor Fault Diagnosed by the Auto Sequential Random Forest11
Wind Tunnel Testing of ONERA-M, AGARD-B and HB-2 Standard Models at Off-Design Conditions11
Effect of Increased Cabin Recirculation Airflow Fraction on Relative Humidity, CO2 and TVOC11
A Literature Review on Crack Arrest Features for Composite Materials and Composite Joints with a Focus on Aerospace Applications11
Parameter Adaptive Sliding Mode Force Control for Aerospace Electro-Hydraulic Load Simulator11
Clustering Federated Learning for Bearing Fault Diagnosis in Aerospace Applications with a Self-Attention Mechanism11
A Global ArUco-Based Lidar Navigation System for UAV Navigation in GNSS-Denied Environments11
Active Fault-Tolerant Control for Near-Space Hypersonic Vehicles11
Energy System Optimization and Simulation for Low-Altitude Solar-Powered Unmanned Aerial Vehicles11
Numerical Simulations of the Internal Ballistics of Paraffin–Oxygen Hybrid Rockets at Different Scales11
In-Flight Demonstration of Stall Improvement Using a Plasma Actuator for a Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle11
Recent Advances of the BIRALET System about Space Debris Detection11
The Contrail Mitigation Potential of Aircraft Formation Flight Derived from High-Resolution Simulations11
Model-Based Dynamic Performance Simulation of a Microturbine Using Flight Test Data11
Unscented Kalman Filter-Aided Long Short-Term Memory Approach for Wind Nowcasting11
Application of Noise Certification Regulations within Conceptual Aircraft Design11
Experimental Validation for the Performance of MR Damper Aircraft Landing Gear11
Methodology for Evaluating Risk of Visual Inspection Tasks of Aircraft Engine Blades11
A Virtual Simulation-Pilot Agent for Training of Air Traffic Controllers11
Digital Twin-Driven Reconfigurable Fixturing Optimization for Trimming Operation of Aircraft Skins11
Modular Impulsive Green Monopropellant Propulsion System (MIMPS-G): For CubeSats in LEO and to the Moon11
Thrust Control of Lab-Scale Hybrid Rocket Motor with Wax-Aluminum Fuel and Air as Oxidizer10
Spectral Light Curve Simulation for Parameter Estimation from Space Debris10
Design of Mega-Constellations for Global Uniform Coverage with Inter-Satellite Links10
A Complete Mission Concept Design and Analysis of the Student-Led CubeSat Project: Light-110
EVTOL Tilt-Wing Aircraft Design under Uncertainty Using a Multidisciplinary Possibilistic Approach10
Multisatellite Flyby Inspection Trajectory Optimization Based on Constraint Repairing10
Design of an ATC Tool for Conflict Detection Based on Machine Learning Techniques10
Computational and Experimental Modeling in Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics and High-Speed Gas and Plasma Flows (A Review)10
Ground Vibration Testing of a Flexible Wing: A Benchmark and Case Study10
International Passenger Traffic at the Hellenic Airports: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Mid-Term Forecasting10
Evaluating New Liquid Storable Bipropellants: Safety and Performance Assessments10
On-Orbit Pulse Phase Estimation Based on CE-Adam Algorithm10
Statistics and Machine Learning in Aviation Environmental Impact Analysis: A Survey of Recent Progress10
Research and Development of Fault Diagnosis Methods for Liquid Rocket Engines10
A Context-Aware Language Model to Improve the Speech Recognition in Air Traffic Control10
Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Aero-Engines Using a Time-Enhanced Multi-Head Self-Attention Model10
Effects of Stroke Amplitude and Wing Planform on the Aerodynamic Performance of Hovering Flapping Wings10
A Preliminary Investigation of Maintenance Contributions to Commercial Air Transport Accidents10
Post-COVID-19 Scenarios of Global Airline Traffic until 2040 That Reflect Airport Capacity Constraints and Mitigation Strategies10
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Longitudinal Oscillations in Hall Thrusters10
Autonomous Landing of a Quadrotor on a Moving Platform via Model Predictive Control10
Air Traffic Management as a Vital Part of Urban Air Mobility—A Review of DLR’s Research Work from 1995 to 202210
Online Model-Based Remaining-Useful-Life Prognostics for Aircraft Cooling Units Using Time-Warping Degradation Clustering10
Comparison of Visual and Visual–Tactile Inspection of Aircraft Engine Blades10
Optimal Guidance Laws for a Hypersonic Multiplayer Pursuit-Evasion Game Based on a Differential Game Strategy10
PSO-Based Soft Lunar Landing with Hazard Avoidance: Analysis and Experimentation10
Aerial Platform Design Options for a Life-Finding Mission at Venus10
Anti-Interception Guidance for Hypersonic Glide Vehicle: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach10
Radio Frequency Interference Measurements for a Radio Astronomy Observatory Site in Indonesia10
Task Planning for Multiple-Satellite Space-Situational-Awareness Systems10