Hydrology Research

(The median citation count of Hydrology Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Quantifying groundwater fluxes from an aapa mire to a riverside esker formation37
Quantifying water-related ecosystem services potential of the Kangchenjunga Landscape in the eastern Himalaya: a modeling approach29
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic investigation of the multilayer aquifer system: a case study of the Quaternary and the Campanian aquifers of the Mateur plain, Northern Tunisia27
Comparison between two generalized Nash models with a same non-zero initial condition27
A framework to determine soil-water retention relation for mine wastes and its applications in emergency risk assessment24
Analysis of spatiotemporal variations of drought and its correlations with remote sensing-based indices via wavelet analysis and clustering methods21
2021 UK floods: event summaries and reflections from the Flood Forecasting Centre21
Quantitative response relationships between annual precipitation in China from 1951 to 2018 and its influencing factors20
Modeling probabilistic-based 1D riverbed elevation estimation model due to uncertainties in runoff and sediment-related factors20
A new Xin'anjiang and Sacramento combined rainfall-runoff model and its application20
Hydrological evaluation of satellite and reanalysis-based rainfall estimates over the Upper Tekeze Basin, Ethiopia18
Derivation of instantaneous unit hydrographs using linear reservoir models18
Hydro-environmental response to the inter-basin water resource development in the middle and lower Han River, China17
Green infrastructure and climate change impacts on the flows and water quality of urban catchments: Salmons Brook and Pymmes Brook in north-east London16
Relative impacts of increases of solar radiation and air temperature on the temperature of surface water in a shallow, eutrophic lake16
A comparative assessment of CMIP5 and CMIP6 in hydrological responses of the Yellow River Basin, China15
Evaluation of five complementary relationship models for estimating actual evapotranspiration during soil freeze-thaw cycles15
Hydrology under change: long-term annual and seasonal changes in small agricultural catchments in Norway15
Determination of Clark unit hydrograph parameters for estimating probable maximum flood14
Effects of tributary inflows on unsteady flow hysteresis and hydrodynamics in the mainstream14
Prediction of flash flood peak discharge in hilly areas with ungauged basins based on machine learning14
Isotopic tracers of sources of water for springs from the Edwards Aquifer, Central Texas, USA13
Advances in monitoring and modelling of river ice processes13
Surface-groundwater exchange between a wetland, sandur, and lava field in southeastern Iceland13
Watershed water policy based on a glacier water service perspective in the typical glacier basins, Western China12
Particle size characteristics of sediment by sheet erosion and their responses to related parameters on a Loess hillslope: a plot-scale study12
The 2021 extreme rainfall in Gävle, Sweden: impacts on municipal welfare services and actions towards more resilient premises and operations12
The relationship between the large-scale relative vorticity fields and precipitation over Iran12
A multi-system comparison of forecast flooding extent using a scale-selective approach12
Comparative analysis and risk assessment of dam-break floods: Taking Pingshuijiang Reservoir as an example12
Alternative method for determining available winter water volumes from lakes to support small-scale projects12
Global hydrological parameter estimates to local applications: Influence of forcing and catchment properties11
Video velocity measurement: A two-stage flow velocity prediction method based on deep learning11
An updated national-scale assessment of trends in UK peak river flow data: how robust are observed increases in flooding?11
Unexpected contribution of cloud seeding to NPP increase during drought11
Land-use and land-cover change and its impact on flood hazard occurrence in Wabi Shebele River Basin of Ethiopia10
Spatial–temporal variability of seasonal daily minimum flows in southern Quebec: synthesis on the impacts of climate, agriculture and wetlands10
Application of red edge band in remote sensing extraction of surface water body: a case study based on GF-6 WFV data in arid area10
Probabilistic interval estimation of design floods under non-stationary conditions by an integrated approach10
Wavelet-based predictor screening for statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature using the artificial neural network method9
Decline in net primary productivity caused by severe droughts: evidence from the Pearl River basin in China9
Spatio-temporal variation of annual precipitation in China and its response to ENSO9
Hydrogeochemistry of fluoride in shallow groundwater of the abandoned Yellow River delta, China9
Baseflow index characterization in typical temperate to dry climates: conceptual analysis and simulation experiment to assess the relative role of climate forcing features and catchment geological set9
Determination of the coefficient of friction in the penstock of a hydro-electric dam: Application of two approaches9
Future runoff assessment under climate change and land-cover alteration scenarios: a case study of the Zayandeh-Roud dam upstream watershed9
Post-processing of hydrological model simulations using the convolutional neural network and support vector regression9
Analysis of diurnal, seasonal, and annual distribution of urban sub-hourly to hourly rainfall extremes in Germany9
Water table variations on different land use units in a drained tropical peatland island of Indonesia9
Soil salinization affected by hydrogeochemical processes of shallow groundwater in Cangzhou City, a coastal region in North China9
Modelling non-stationary flood frequency in England and Wales using physical covariates9
Applicability of the HBV model to a human-influenced catchment in northern China8
Probabilistic analysis on the influences of heatwaves during the onset of flash droughts over China8
Changes in actual evapotranspiration and its dominant drivers across the Three-River Source Region of China during 1982–20148
Quantifying the impact of climate change and human activities on the eco-hydrological regimes of the Weihe River Basin, Northwest China8
Copula-based modeling of hydraulic structures using a nonlinear reservoir model8
Propagation dynamics and causes of hydrological drought in response to meteorological drought at seasonal timescales8
A novel hybrid XAJ-LSTM model for multi-step-ahead flood forecasting8
Investigating the effect of lab bias on long-term stream chemistry data7
Introduced flow variability and its propagation downstream of hydropower stations in Sweden7
Vegetation and soil succession determine the water-use strategy ofCaragana korshinskiiin a chronosequence of revegetated areas in Ningxia, Northwest China7
Causes of continuous and short-term hypoxia in rivers entering the sea: a case of Minjiang River in Fujian Province7
Evaluation of hydraulic efficiency of lined irrigation channels – A case study from Punjab, Pakistan7
The changing precipitation storm properties under future climate change7
Dependence of daily precipitation and wind speed over coastal areas: evidence from China's coastline7
Using geochemistry and environmental tracers to study shallow unconfined aquifer recharge and mineralization processes in the Yinchuan Plain, arid Northwest China7
Sub-daily rainfall extremes in the Nordic–Baltic region7
Rainfall spatial variability in the application of Catchment Morphing for ungauged catchments7
Frazil ice events: Assessing what to expect in the future7
Comparative evaluation of daily streamflow prediction by ANN and SWAT models in two karst watersheds in central south Texas7
The study on the time lag of water level in the Three Gorges Reservoir under the regulation processes7
Emergency intervention modes for ice jam events in large-scale water diversion projects7
Regionalization of catchment hydrological model parameters for global water resources simulations7
Battling the extreme: lessons learned from weather-induced disasters on electricity distribution networks and climate change adaptation strategies7
Polybacterial shift in benthic river biofilms attributed to organic pollution – a prospect of a new biosentinel?7
Performance evaluation of surrogate models for simulating multiphase NAPL transport in heterogeneous aquifers7
Daily runoff prediction based on lightweight Mamba with partial normalization6
Impact of snow distribution modelling for runoff predictions6
Rainfall–streamflow response times for diverse upland UK micro-basins: quantifying hydrographs to identify the nonlinearity of storm response6
Groundwater levels hierarchical clustering and regional groundwater drought assessment in heavily drafted aquifers6
Numerical study of hydro-environmental processes of Poyang Lake subject to engineering control6
Evaluation of the effects of climatic variabilities on future hydrological scenarios: application to a coastal basin in Central Chile6
Attribution of nonstationary changes in the annual runoff of the Weihe River using the de-nonstationarity method6
Assessment of ecological flow alterations induced by hydraulic engineering projects in the Han River, China6
Application of weather research and forecasting (WRF) model in evaluating depth–duration–frequency estimates under a future climate scenario6
The Next-Generation Ecosystem Experiment Arctic Rainfall Simulator: a tool to understand the effects of changing rainfall patterns in the Arctic6
Corrigendum: Hydrology Research 53 (7), 958–982: Hydrogeology and groundwater quality in the Nordic and Baltic countries, Nils-Otto Kitterød, Jens Kværner, Per Aagaard, Jurga Arustienė, Jānis B6
Modified DRASTIC method for groundwater vulnerability assessment in areas with diverse Quaternary deposits6
Spatiotemporal patterns of evapotranspiration in the Xiangjiang River Basin from 2000 to 20206
Assessment of anthropogenic and climate-driven water storage variations over water-stressed river basins of Ethiopia6
Controlled drainage under two climate change scenarios in a flat high-latitude field5
Neural network model predictions for phosphorus management strategies on tile-drained organic soils5
A hybrid deep learning approach for streamflow prediction utilizing watershed memory and process-based modeling5
Hydrological drought in two largest river-connecting lakes in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China5
Groundwater dynamic influenced by intense anthropogenic activities in a dried-up river oasis of Central Asia5
Delineation of preferential flow pathways in a tropical crystalline rock aquifer in Tarkwa, Ghana using integrated hydrogeophysical methods5
Estimation of probable maximum precipitation of a high-mountain basin in a changing climate5
Characterizing the groundwater storage–discharge relationship of small catchments in China5
Long-term data reflect nitrogen pollution in Estonian rivers5
Projection of disaster-causing risk of extreme precipitation in the Yangtze River Basin based on CMIP65
Decomposition of contribution to runoff changes and spatial differences of major tributaries in the middle reaches of the Yellow River based on the Budyko framework5
Annual nitrate load patterns in an agricultural watershed in consecutive dry years5
An evaluation of CMIP5 precipitation simulations using ground observations over ten river basins in China5
The phenomenon of drought in Ethiopia: Historical evolution and climatic forcing5
Application of advanced machine learning algorithms and geospatial techniques for groundwater potential zone mapping in Gambela Plain, Ethiopia5
Aerial photogrammetry to characterise and numerically model an ice jam in Southern Quebec5
Improving real-time operational streamflow simulations using discharge data to update state variables of a distributed hydrological model4
Improved drought forecasting in Kazakhstan using machine and deep learning: a non-contiguous drought analysis approach4
Evaluation of NEX-GDDP-CMIP6 in simulation performance and drought capture utility over China – based on DISO4
Machine learning-driven intelligent water quality assessment for enhanced drinking safety and real-time consumer awareness4
Response characteristics of soil moisture to rainfall for a single grass type in an urban area4
Transport of ammonia nitrogen for groundwater pollution control in an informal low-permeability landfill site4
Distribution characteristics and influencing factors of water resources in Henan Province4
Quantitative accuracy assessment of the revised sparse Gash model using distinct time-step climatic parameters4
Prediction of hourly inflow for reservoirs at mountain catchments using residual error data and multiple-ahead correction technique4
Design flood estimation with varying record lengths in Norway under stationarity and nonstationarity scenarios4
Contribution of the reservoir backflow to the eutrophication of its tributary: a case study of the Xiangxi River, China4
Impact of variability in the hydrological cycle components on vegetation growth in an alpine basin of the southeastern Tibet Plateau, China4
Multilayer blue-green roofs as nature-based solutions for water and thermal insulation management4
Identification and characteristics analysis of Meiyu in Anhui Province based on the National Standard of Meiyu monitoring indices4
50 Years with Nordic Hydrology/Hydrology Research4
Estimation of sediment thickness by solving Poisson's equation with bedrock outcrops as boundary conditions4
Regionalization of flow duration curves in Colombia4
Application of the artificial intelligence approach and remotely sensed imagery for soil moisture evaluation4
Ensemble of artificial intelligence and physically based models for rainfall–runoff modeling in the upper Blue Nile Basin4
Nordic contributions to stochastic methods in hydrology4
Editorial: Advances in Water Science Research4
Cluster analysis-based hydrological similarity assessment in small watersheds of Shandong Province's hilly areas3
Simulation of the ice thickness of the Heilongjiang River and application of SD models to a river ice model3
2021 UK floods: improvements and recommendations from the flood forecasting centre3
Impact of rainfall variability and land-use changes on river discharge in Sanaga catchment (forest–savannah transition zone in Central Africa)3
On the runoff validation of ‘Global BROOK90’ automatic modeling framework3
A model for estimating the hydraulic conductivity of bentonite under various density conditions3
Selecting criteria for urban basin delineation based on UAV photogrammetry: a case study in Culiacan, Mexico3
CERCA (Cascading Effects in Risk Consequences Assessment): An operational tool for geo-hydrological scenario risk assessment and cascading effects evaluation3
Evaluating the effects of alternative model structures on dynamic storage simulation in heterogeneous boreal catchments3
A comprehensive method to estimate flood levels of rivers subject to ice jams: A case study of the Chaudière River, Québec, Canada3
Indicators of suspended sediment transport dynamics in rivers3
Impacts of climate change on environmental flows in West Africa's Upper Niger Basin and the Inner Niger Delta3
Sensitivity analysis of hydrological model parameters based on improved Morris method with the double-Latin hypercube sampling3
Quantifying the contribution of uncertainty sources of artificial neural network models using ANOVA for reservoir power generation3
Hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Poyang Lake under the effects of wind and backflow3
Stochastic modeling of artificial neural networks for real-time hydrological forecasts based on uncertainties in transfer functions and ANN weights3
Multi-gauge calibration comparison for simulating streamflow across the Major River Basins in Madagascar: SWAT + Toolbox, R-SWAT, and SWAT + Editor Hard calibration3
The need for training and benchmark datasets for convolutional neural networks in flood applications3
The future of flood hydrology in the UK3
Evaluation of global gridded crop models (GGCMs) for the simulation of major grain crop yields in China3
Mechanisms of hydrological evolution in human-influenced basins3
A practical approach for numerical modeling of a complex and data-limited hydrological system3
Streamflow modeling using the PyTOPKAPI model and remotely sensed rainfall: a case study of the Gilgel Ghibe catchment in Ethiopia3
Estimating groundwater recharge rates in the Upper Awash Basin, Ethiopia under different combinations of model complexity and objective functions3
Effects of anticipatory humanitarian cash assistance to households forecasted to experience extreme flooding: evidence from Bangladesh3
Sustainable planning of multipurpose hydropower reservoirs with environmental impacts in a simulation–optimization framework3
Hydrological effects of open ditch damming and controlled subsurface drainage in a Nordic agricultural field3
Flash flood susceptibility mapping based on catchments using an improved Blending machine learning approach3
Stochastic modeling of gridded short-term rainstorms3
Effect of mountainous rainfall on uncertainty in flood model parameter estimation2
Boosting hydropower generation of mixed reservoirs for reducing carbon emissions by using a simulation–optimization framework2
Assessment of surface waters and pollution impacts in Southern Ghana2
Identifying dominant component of runoff yield processes: a case study in a sub-basin of the middle Yellow River2
Comparative analysis of HEC-HMS and machine learning models for rainfall-runoff prediction in the upper Baro watershed, Ethiopia2
Reconstruction of ESA CCI soil moisture based on DCT-PLS and in situ soil moisture2
Ensemble modeling of the hydrological impacts of climate change: A case study of the Baro River sub-basin, Ethiopia2
Analysis of streamflow and rainfall trends and variability over the Lake Kariba catchment, Upper Zambezi Basin2
Analysis of the climate change impact on the spatiotemporal drought in the Gaza region of the southeastern Mediterranean2
Time scale and influencing factor variations of water and heat fluxes in sandy land2
Research on the urban water resources carrying capacity by using system dynamics simulation2
Detecting the dominant contributions of runoff variance across the source region of the Yellow River using a new decomposition framework2
A deep learning-based hybrid approach for multi-time-ahead streamflow prediction in an arid region of Northwest China2
Flood routing via a copula-based approach2
Sampling uncertainty of UK design flood estimation2
Application of SWAT to assess peatland forestry impacts on water quality2
Will the arid and semi-arid regions of Northwest China become warmer and wetter based on CMIP6 models?2
Evaluation of satellite-derived precipitation datasets: a case study in the Ten Tributaries region of the Yellow River Basin2
Design storm parameterisation for urban drainage studies derived from regional rainfall datasets: A case study in the Spanish Mediterranean region2
Performance of snow density measurement systems in snow stratigraphies2
Flood susceptibility mapping in the Tongo Bassa watershed through GIS, remote sensing and frequency ratio model2
Identifying critical source areas of nonpoint source pollution in a watershed with SWAT–ECM and AHP methods2
Filling observational gaps with crowdsourced citizen science rainfall data from the Met Office Weather Observation Website2
A collaborated framework to improve hydrologic ecosystem services management with sparse data in a semi-arid basin2
Improvement of springtime streamflow prediction using a snow hydrology model aided with USDA SNOTEL and in-situ snowpit observations2
Hydrogeology and groundwater quality in the Nordic and Baltic countries2
Responses of groundwater to precipitation variability and ENSO in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta2
Application of GIS and remote sensing in morphometric analysis of river basin at the south-western part of great Ganges delta, Bangladesh2
Analysis of flood streamflow sensitivity to precipitation using the WRF-Hydro model in a humid environment2
Estimation of change in terrestrial water storage for Abbay River Basin, Ethiopia2