ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

(The TQCC of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Learning from Accidents: Spatial Intelligence Applied to Road Accidents with Insights from a Case Study in Setúbal District, Portugal173
Isolated or Colocated? Exploring the Spatio-Temporal Evolution Pattern and Influencing Factors of the Attractiveness of Residential Areas to Restaurants in the Central Urban Area84
Describing the Urban Jungle: A Multicriteria Urbanization Index for the Amazon83
A Spatial Regression Model for Predicting Prices of Short-Term Rentals in Athens, Greece81
GIS Mapping Evaluation of Stroke Service Areas in Bangkok Using Emergency Medical Services74
An End-to-End Point of Interest (POI) Conflation Framework72
Map-Matching Error Identification in the Absence of Ground Truth70
An Integrated Graph Model for Spatial–Temporal Urban Crime Prediction Based on Attention Mechanism65
Dynamics of the Burlan and Pomacochas Lakes Using SAR Data in GEE, Machine Learning Classifiers, and Regression Methods63
Predicting Earthquake-Induced Landslides by Using a Stochastic Modeling Approach: A Case Study of the 2001 El Salvador Coseismic Landslides62
Identification of Urban Functional Zones Based on POI Density and Marginalized Graph Autoencoder60
A Deep-Learning-Based Multimodal Data Fusion Framework for Urban Region Function Recognition55
Accuracy Evaluation of Ionospheric Delay from Multi-Scale Reference Networks and Its Augmentation to PPP during Low Solar Activity54
Revealing Dynamic Spatial Structures of Urban Mobility Networks and the Underlying Evolutionary Patterns52
Next Point-of-Interest Recommendation Based on Joint Mining of Spatial–Temporal and Semantic Sequential Patterns48
Flood Monitoring in the Middle and Lower Basin of the Yangtze River Using Google Earth Engine and Machine Learning Methods48
A Pathfinding Algorithm for Large-Scale Complex Terrain Environments in the Field47
Development of Spatial Model for Food Security Prediction Using Remote Sensing Data in West Java, Indonesia46
On the Representativeness of OpenStreetMap for the Evaluation of Country Tourism Competitiveness46
Analysis of Guidance Signage Systems from a Complex Network Theory Perspective: A Case Study in Subway Stations45
Multistage Impacts of the Heavy Rain Process on the Travel Speeds of Urban Roads44
Quantitative Study on American COVID-19 Epidemic Predictions and Scenario Simulations43
Characterizing Intercity Mobility Patterns for the Greater Bay Area in China43
Efficient Interactive Tactile Maps: A Semi-Automated Workflow Using the TouchIt3D Technology and OpenStreetMap Data42
Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Analysis of Social Media Data and Refugee Movement Statistics42
Modeling Population Mobility Flows: A Hybrid Approach Integrating a Gravity Model and Machine Learning41
General Data Search Algorithms for Earth Simulation Systems with Cyclic Boundaries41
Unveiling Urban River Visual Features Through Immersive Virtual Reality: Analyzing Youth Perceptions with UAV Panoramic Imagery41
Optimization of Shared Electric Scooter Deployment Stations Based on Distance Tolerance40
Data-Driven Models Informed by Spatiotemporal Mobility Patterns for Understanding Infectious Disease Dynamics40
Mapping Geospatial AI Flood Risk in National Road Networks39
The Analyses of Land Use and Prevention in High-Density Main Urban Areas under the Constraint of Karst Ground Subsidence: Study of Wuhan City, China39
Mesoscale Structure in Urban–Rural Mobility Networks in the Pearl River Delta Area: A Weighted Stochastic Block Modeling Analysis39
A Spatial Approach for Modeling Amphibian Road-Kills: Comparison of Regression Techniques39
Temporal and Spatial Evolution Analysis of Earthquake Events in California and Nevada Based on Spatial Statistics38
Spectral Index for Mapping Topsoil Organic Matter Content Based on ZY1-02D Satellite Hyperspectral Data in Jiangsu Province, China37
Spatial Distribution Assessment of Terrorist Attack Types Based on I-MLKNN Model37
Geographically-Informed Modeling and Analysis of Platform Attitude Jitter in GF-7 Sub-Meter Stereo Mapping Satellite36
Placial-Discursive Topologies of Violence: Volunteered Geographic Information and the Reproduction of Violent Places in Recife, Brazil36
The Potential Impact of Cycling on Urban Transport Energy and Modal Share: A GIS-Based Methodology36
Redesigning Graphical User Interface of Open-Source Geospatial Software in a Community-Driven Way: A Case Study of GRASS GIS36
A GIS-Based Evacuation Route Planning in Flood-Susceptible Area of Siraha Municipality, Nepal35
Agent-Based Modeling of COVID-19 Transmission: A Case Study of Housing Densities in Sankalitnagar, Ahmedabad34
Enhancing Precision Beekeeping by the Macro-Level Environmental Analysis of Crowdsourced Spatial Data34
Cyber Potential Metaphorical Map Method Based on GMap34
The Agglomeration of Food Services and Their Colocation with Surrounding Complementary Services in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area34
A Spatial Semantic Feature Extraction Method for Urban Functional Zones Based on POIs34
Contextual Enrichment of Crowds from Mobile Phone Data through Multimodal Geo-Social Media Analysis33
Simulating the Spatial Heterogeneity of Housing Prices in Wuhan, China, by Regionally Geographically Weighted Regression33
An Algorithm for Simplifying 3D Building Models with Consideration for Detailed Features and Topological Structure33
Research on the Dynamic Evolution of the Landscape Pattern in the Urban Fringe Area of Wuhan from 2000 to 202033
Spatially Varying Effect Mechanism of Intermodal Connection on Metro Ridership: Evidence from a Polycentric Megacity with Multilevel Ring Roads33
Climate Justice in the City: Mapping Heat-Related Risk for Climate Change Mitigation of the Urban and Peri-Urban Area of Padua (Italy)33
Correlation Analysis and Reconstruction of the Geometric Evaluation Indicator System of the Discrete Global Grid32
Variable-Scale Visualization of High-Density Polygonal Buildings on a Tile Map32
Rapid Extreme Tropical Precipitation and Flood Inundation Mapping Framework (RETRACE): Initial Testing for the 2021–2022 Malaysia Flood32
Where Are Business Incubators Built? County-Level Spatial Distribution and Rationales Based on the Big Data of Chinese Yangtze River Delta Region31
Analysis of Correlation between Anthropization Phenomena and Landscape Values of the Territory: A GIS Framework Based on Spatial Statistics31
Influence of the Built Environment on Pedestrians’ Route Choice in Leisure Walking31
Research on Road Network Partitioning Considering the Coupling of Network Connectivity and Traffic Attributes31
Subsurface Topographic Modeling Using Geospatial and Data Driven Algorithm30
Analysis of PM2.5 Synergistic Governance Path from a Socio-Economic Perspective: A Case Study of Guangdong Province30
Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Graphs and Knowledge Graphs: Perspectives in the Field of Maritime Transportation30
Efficient Trajectory Clustering with Road Network Constraints Based on Spatiotemporal Buffering30
On the Use of ‘Glyphmaps’ for Analysing the Scale and Temporal Spread of COVID-19 Reported Cases30
Research on Three-Dimensional Electronic Navigation Chart Hybrid Spatial Index Structure Based on Quadtree and R-Tree29
County-Level Assessment of Vulnerability to COVID-19 in Alabama29
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Road Traffic Accidents in Major Californian Cities Using a Geographic Information System29
A Tale of Two Cities: COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy as a Result of Racial, Socioeconomic, Digital, and Partisan Divides29
RDQS: A Geospatial Data Analysis System for Improving Roads Directionality Quality29
Evaluating the Impact of Human Activities on Vegetation Restoration in Mining Areas Based on the GTWR29
Cognition of Graphical Notation for Processing Data in ERDAS IMAGINE29
Advanced Integration of Urban Street Greenery and Pedestrian Flow: A Multidimensional Analysis in Chengdu’s Central Urban District29
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Characteristics of Spatially Aggregated Elements in an Urban Area: A Case Study of Wuhan, China29
Metric, Topological, and Syntactic Accessibility in Three-Dimensional Urban Networked Spaces: Modeling Options and Visualization29
Cultural Itineraries Generated by Smart Data on the Web29
Automatic Construction of Indoor 3D Navigation Graph from Crowdsourcing Trajectories29
An Adaptive Route Planning Method of Connected Vehicles for Improving the Transport Efficiency28
Comparative Analysis of Spatial–Temporal Distribution between Traditional Taxi Service and Emerging Ride-Hailing28
Multiscale Analysis of Spatial Accessibility to Acute Hospitals in Carinthia, Austria28
Identifying Suitable Watersheds across Nigeria Using Biophysical Parameters and Machine Learning Algorithms for Agri–Planning27
Heterogeneity of Spatial Distribution and Factors Influencing Unattended Locker Points in Guangzhou, China: The Case of Hive Box27
Interactive Visualization and Representation Analysis Applied to Glacier Segmentation27
Deep Learning of High-Resolution Aerial Imagery for Coastal Marsh Change Detection: A Comparative Study27
A Dynamic and Static Context-Aware Attention Network for Trajectory Prediction27
A Mechanistic Data-Driven Approach to Synthesize Human Mobility Considering the Spatial, Temporal, and Social Dimensions Together27
Research on Urban Fire Station Layout Planning Based on a Combined Model Method26
A Trajectory Ensemble-Compression Algorithm Based on Finite Element Method26
Filtering Link Outliers in Vehicle Trajectories by Spatial Reasoning26
Exploring Equity in a Hierarchical Medical Treatment System: A Focus on Determinants of Spatial Accessibility26
An Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration26
Particle System-Based Multi-Hierarchy Dynamic Visualization of Ocean Current Data26
Geostatistics on Real-Time Geodata Streams—An Extended Spatiotemporal Moran’s I Index with Distributed Stream Processing Technologies26
Geospatial Management and Analysis of Microstructural Data from San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Core Samples26
Improving Victimization Risk Estimation: A Geographically Weighted Regression Approach26
A System for Aligning Geographical Entities from Large Heterogeneous Sources26
Validation of Recent DSM/DEM/DBMs in Test Areas in Greece Using Spirit Leveling, GNSS, Gravity and Echo Sounding Measurements25
Integration of an InSAR and ANN for Sinkhole Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study from Kirikkale-Delice (Turkey)25
Potential Use of Drone Ultra-High-Definition Videos for Detailed 3D City Modeling25
Integrating Visualization and Interaction Tools for Enhancing Collaboration in Different Public Participation Settings25
A Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Mapping Tree Species Using WorldView-2 Imagery in the Agroforestry Landscape of West Africa25
A Comparative Study about Vertical Accuracy of Four Freely Available Digital Elevation Models: A Case Study in the Balsas River Watershed, Brazil25
A Lighting Consistency Technique for Outdoor Augmented Reality Systems Based on Multi-Source Geo-Information25
A Map-Based Recommendation System and House Price Prediction Model for Real Estate25
A Technical and Operational Perspective on Quality Analysis of Stitching Images with Multi-Row Panorama and Multimedia Sources for Visualizing the Tourism Site of Onshore Wind Farm25
Ownership Protection on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Using Transform-Based Watermarking25
Interoperability and Integration: An Updated Approach to Linked Data Publication at the Dutch Land Registry25
FARMs: A Geospatial Crop Modeling and Agricultural Water Management System24
Measuring COVID-19 Vulnerability for Northeast Brazilian Municipalities: Social, Economic, and Demographic Factors Based on Multiple Criteria and Spatial Analysis24
Big Data Management Algorithms, Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Technologies, and Geospatial Simulation and Sensor Fusion Tools in the Internet of Robotic Things24
A Novel Rock Mass Discontinuity Detection Approach with CNNs and Multi-View Image Augmentation24
A High-Resolution Spatial Distribution-Based Integration Machine Learning Algorithm for Urban Fire Risk Assessment: A Case Study in Chengdu, China24
Participatory GIS-Based Approach for the Demarcation of Village Boundaries and Their Utility: A Case Study of the Eastern Boundary of Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka24
Comprehensive Evaluation of the GF-4 Satellite Image Quality from 2015 to 202023
Do Migrant and Native Robbers Target Different Places?23
Modeling as a Critical Process of Knowledge: Survey of Buildings in a State of Ruin23
Improved Indoor Positioning by Means of Occupancy Grid Maps Automatically Generated from OSM Indoor Data23
Remote Sensing Methods for the Biophysical Characterization of Protected Areas Globally: Challenges and Opportunities23
Spatial Modelling of Kaolin Deposit Demonstrated on the Jimlíkov-East Deposit, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic23
A Tidal Flat Wetlands Delineation and Classification Method for High-Resolution Imagery23
Quantifying the Contributions of Environmental Factors to Wind Characteristics over 2000–2019 in China23
Adaptive Geometric Interval Classifier23
Multi-Level and Multiple Aspect Semantic Trajectory Model: Application to the Tourism Domain22
The Seasonal Migrants Spatially Affect the Park Green Space Accessibility and Equity under Different Travel Modes: Evidence from Sanya, China22
Distinguishing the Intervalley Plain from the Intermountain Flat for Landform Mapping Using the Sightline Algorithm22
Dynamic Perception-Based Vehicle Trajectory Prediction Using a Memory-Enhanced Spatio-Temporal Graph Network22
A Semantic Partition Algorithm Based on Improved K-Means Clustering for Large-Scale Indoor Areas22
Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability in the Upper Kelkit Valley (Northeastern Turkey) Using DRASTIC and AHP-DRASTICLu Models22
Spatial and Temporal Characteristic Analysis of Imbalance Usage in the Hangzhou Public Bicycle System22
Evaluating School Location Based on a Territorial Spatial Planning Knowledge Graph22
Energy-Efficient 3D Path Planning for Complex Field Scenes Using the Digital Model with Landcover and Terrain22
ST3DNetCrime: Improved ST-3DNet Model for Crime Prediction at Fine Spatial Temporal Scales21
A Maximal Multimodal Accessibility Equality Model to Optimize the Equality of Healthcare Services21
VGI and Satellite Imagery Integration for Crisis Mapping of Flood Events21
Overview of Lightning Trend and Recent Lightning Variability over Sri Lanka21
Aesthetics and Cartography: Post-Critical Reflections on Deviance in and of Representations21
Influencing Pedestrians’ Route Choice Using Route Shape Simplification21
Machine Learning Approaches to Bike-Sharing Systems: A Systematic Literature Review21
Water Yield Modelling, Sensitivity Analysis and Validation: A Study for Portugal21
Inconsistency Detection in Cross-Layer Tile Maps with Super-Pixel Segmentation21
Mapping Mineral Prospectivity Using a Hybrid Genetic Algorithm–Support Vector Machine (GA–SVM) Model20
Empirical Insights from a Study on Outlier Preserving Value Generalization in Animated Choropleth Maps20
Bayesian Structural Time Series and Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Modelling Impacts of COVID-19 Lockdowns on the Spatiotemporal Patterns of London’s Crimes20
Using Content Analysis to Probe the Cognitive Image of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Exploration of Chinese Social Media20
A Method for Regularizing Buildings through Combining Skeleton Lines and Minkowski Addition20
Development Process, Quantitative Models, and Future Directions in Driving Analysis of Urban Expansion20
Spatial Patterns and the Evolution of Logistics Service Node Facilities in Large Cities—A Case from Wuhan20
Analysing the Impact of Large Data Imports in OpenStreetMap20
Assessing the Transformative Potential: An Examination of the Urban Mobility Impact Based on an Open-Source Microscopic Traffic Simulator for Autonomous Vehicles20
FC-RRT*: An Improved Path Planning Algorithm for UAV in 3D Complex Environment20
Analysis of Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Electric Vehicle Charging Based on Multisource Data20
Spatiotemporal Evolution and Determinant Factors of the Intra-Regional Trade Community Structures of the Indian Ocean Region20
Assessing Regional Development Balance Based on Zipf’s Law: The Case of Chinese Urban Agglomerations20
Is One-Way Multi-Station Feasible? Influence of Value and Cost on Travel Intention of Urban Agglomeration in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area20
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Machine Learning: A Danish Case Study20
A Novel Robust Approach for Computing DE-9IM Matrices Based on Space Partition and Integer Coordinates20
Mitigating Imbalance of Land Cover Change Data for Deep Learning Models with Temporal and Spatiotemporal Sample Weighting Schemes20
Evaluation of the Accessibility of Children’s Spaces at the Community Scale: The Case Study of Hangzhou20
Multifractal Characteristics Analysis Based on Slope Distribution Probability in the Yellow River Basin, China20
Instance Segmentation for Governmental Inspection of Small Touristic Infrastructure in Beach Zones Using Multispectral High-Resolution WorldView-3 Imagery19
Editorial Commentary on the IJGI Special Issue “Mapping Indigenous Knowledge in the Digital Age”19
Perspectives on “Earth Observation and GIScience for Agricultural Applications”19
Agricultural Land-Use Changes in the Judean Region from the End of the Ottoman Empire to the End of the British Mandate: A Spatial Analysis19
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Target Tracking Based on OTSCKF and Improved Coordinated Lateral Guidance Law19
Spatial-Temporal Diffusion Convolutional Network: A Novel Framework for Taxi Demand Forecasting19
Production, Validation and Morphometric Analysis of a Digital Terrain Model for Lake Trichonis Using Geospatial Technologies and Hydroacoustics19
Machine Learning Reveals a Significant Shift in Water Regime Types Due to Projected Climate Change19
A New Graph-Based Fractality Index to Characterize Complexity of Urban Form19
Development of Big Data-Analysis Pipeline for Mobile Phone Data with Mobipack and Spatial Enhancement19
Indigenous Mapping for Integrating Traditional Knowledge to Enhance Community-Based Vegetation Management and Conservation: The Kumeyaay Basket Weavers of San José de la Zorra, México19
Identifying Spatial Determinants of Rice Yields in Main Producing Areas of China Using Geospatial Machine Learning19
Geospatial Analysis of the Non-Surveyed (Estimated) Coastlines in Inoh’s Map, 182119
Evaluation of Urban Flood Resilience Enhancement Strategies—A Case Study in Jingdezhen City under 20-Year Return Period Precipitation Scenario19
GIS and Machine Learning for Analysing Influencing Factors of Bushfires Using 40-Year Spatio-Temporal Bushfire Data18
Using Enhanced Gap-Filling and Whittaker Smoothing to Reconstruct High Spatiotemporal Resolution NDVI Time Series Based on Landsat 8, Sentinel-2, and MODIS Imagery18
Estimates of the Ambient Population: Assessing the Utility of Conventional and Novel Data Sources18
Comprehension of City Map Pictograms Designed for Specific Tourists’ Needs18
DP-CSM: Efficient Differentially Private Synthesis for Human Mobility Trajectory with Coresets and Staircase Mechanism18
Historical Heritage Maintenance via Scan-to-BIM Approaches: A Case Study of the Lisbon Agricultural Exhibition Pavilion18
Using TanDEM-X Global DEM to Map Coastal Flooding Exposure under Sea-Level Rise: Application to Guinea-Bissau18
Searching for an Optimal Hexagonal Shaped Enumeration Unit Size for Effective Spatial Pattern Recognition in Choropleth Maps18
A Novel Heuristic Emergency Path Planning Method Based on Vector Grid Map18
Exploring the Impact of Built Environment Factors on the Relationships between Bike Sharing and Public Transportation: A Case Study of New York18
PSOTSC: A Global-Oriented Trajectory Segmentation and Compression Algorithm Based on Swarm Intelligence18
Constraining the Geometry of NeRFs for Accurate DSM Generation from Multi-View Satellite Images18
Depth Contours and Coastline Generalization for Harbour and Approach Nautical Charts18
Morpho-tectonic Assessment of the Abu-Dabbab Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt: Insights from Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis18
Changes of Spatiotemporal Pattern and Network Characteristic in Population Flow under COVID-19 Epidemic18
Investigating Metropolitan Hierarchies through a Spatially Explicit (Local) Approach18
A Common Approach to Geo-Referencing Building Models in Industry Foundation Classes for BIM/GIS Integration18
Visual Attention and Recognition Differences Based on Expertise in a Map Reading and Memorability Study18
Analysis of Walkable Street Networks by Using the Space Syntax and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Çankırı City17
Public Responses to Air Pollution in Shandong Province Using the Online Complaint Data17
Automatic Clustering of Indoor Area Features in Shopping Malls17
Interpretation of Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Community Green Spaces Based on Service Efficiency and Distribution Characteristics: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Beijing, China17
A Map Tile Data Access Model Based on the Jump Consistent Hash Algorithm17
Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and Land Cover Types17
A GtoG Direct Coding Mapping Method for Multi-Type Global Discrete Grids Based on Space Filling Curves17
Landslide Risk Assessments through Multicriteria Analysis17
Exploring Equity in Healthcare Services: Spatial Accessibility Changes during Subway Expansion17
Multifractal Correlation between Terrain and River Network Structure in the Yellow River Basin, China17
Digital Graphic Documentation and Architectural Heritage: Deformations in a 16th-Century Ceiling of the Pinelo Palace in Seville (Spain)17
Regression and Evaluation on a Forward Interpolated Version of the Great Circle Arcs–Based Distortion Metric of Map Projections17
Evaluating BFASTMonitor Algorithm in Monitoring Deforestation Dynamics in Coniferous and Deciduous Forests with LANDSAT Time Series: A Case Study on Marmara Region, Turkey17
An Occupancy Information Grid Model for Path Planning of Intelligent Robots17
A Hybrid Population Distribution Prediction Approach Integrating LSTM and CA Models with Micro-Spatiotemporal Granularity: A Case Study of Chongming District, Shanghai17
Beyond Objects in Space-Time: Towards a Movement Analysis Framework with ‘How’ and ‘Why’ Elements17
A Machine Learning Approach for Detecting Rescue Requests from Social Media17
Mapping Allochemical Limestone Formations in Hazara, Pakistan Using Google Cloud Architecture: Application of Machine-Learning Algorithms on Multispectral Data17
Discovering Links between Geospatial Data Sources in the Web of Data: The Open Geospatial Engine Approach17
A Data Cube Metamodel for Geographic Analysis Involving Heterogeneous Dimensions17
Low-Cost System for Automatic Recognition of Driving Pattern in Assessing Interurban Mobility using Geo-Information17
Managing Inhomogeneity in the Control Point Network during Staking Out Cadastral Boundaries in Austria16
The Architecture of Mass Customization-Social Internet of Things System: Current Research Profile16
Seismic Vulnerability Assessment in Ranau, Sabah, Using Two Different Models16
Fire Scenario Zone Construction and Personnel Evacuation Planning Based on a Building Information Model and Geographical Information System16
Leveraging Road Characteristics and Contributor Behaviour for Assessing Road Type Quality in OSM16
Geographic Information System-Based Framework for Sustainable Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Logistics Operations16
Smart Solutions for Mega-Cities: Utilizing Long Short-Term Memory and Multi-Head Attention in Parking Prediction16
Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal Characteristics of Nanjing’s Urban Expansion and Its Driving Mechanisms16
Towards Managing Visual Pollution: A 3D Isovist and Voxel Approach to Advertisement Billboard Visual Impact Assessment16
Acceptance of Online Mapping Technology among Older Adults: Technology Acceptance Model with Facilitating Condition, Compatibility, and Self-Satisfaction16
Population Space–Time Patterns Analysis and Anthropic Pressure Assessment of the Insubric Lakes Using User-Generated Geodata16
Assessing Contamination in Transitional Waters Using Geospatial Technologies: A Review16
Bridges and Barriers: An Exploration of Engagements of the Research Community with the OpenStreetMap Community16
Impact of Extreme Climate Indices on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau: A Comprehensive Analysis Utilizing Long-Term Dataset16
An Unconventional Field Mapping Application: A Complete Opensource Workflow Solution Applied to Lithological Mapping of the Coatings of Cultural Heritage16
Dynamic Construction of Spherical Raster Voronoi Diagrams Based on Ordered Dilation16
What Happens in the City When Long-Term Urban Expansion and (Un)Sustainable Fringe Development Occur: The Case Study of Rome16
Modelling Fire Behavior to Assess Community Exposure in Europe: Combining Open Data and Geospatial Analysis16
Multipurpose GIS Portal for Forest Management, Research, and Education16
Refinement Proposals for Geodiversity Assessment—A Case Study in the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary16
ExhibitXplorer: Enabling Personalized Content Delivery in Museums Using Contextual Geofencing and Artificial Intelligence16
A Mixed Methods Evaluation of Wearable Technology: Findings from the Vivo Play Scientist (VPS) Program16
Generating Gridded Gross Domestic Product Data for China Using Geographically Weighted Ensemble Learning16
The Extension of IFC For Supporting 3D Cadastre LADM Geometry15
Analysis of Urban Vitality in Nanjing Based on a Plot Boundary-Based Neural Network Weighted Regression Model15
Investigating Relationships between Runoff–Erosion Processes and Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Multiple Gridded Datasets15
A Web GIS-Based Integration of 3D Digital Models with Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage Exploration15
The Soil Nutrient Digital Mapping for Precision Agriculture Cases in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone of Russia Using Topographic Attributes15
Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?15
Identification and Classification of Routine Locations Using Anonymized Mobile Communication Data15
Detection of Forest Fires through Deep Unsupervised Learning Modeling of Sentinel-1 Time Series15
Landslide Susceptibility Prediction Based on High-Trust Non-Landslide Point Selection15
OBIA-Based Extraction of Artificial Terrace Damages in the Loess Plateau of China from UAV Photogrammetry15
Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Study the Seasonal Influence of Potential Risk Factors on the Incidence of HFMD on the Chinese Mainland15
Open Data for Transparency of Government Tenders: A State Analysis in Croatian Agriculture Land Lease15
Co-Creating GIS-Based Dashboards to Democratize Knowledge on Urban Resilience Strategies: Experience with Camerino Municipality15
An ANNs-Based Method for Automated Labelling of Schematic Metro Maps15
The Land-Use Change Dynamics Based on the CORINE Data in the Period 1990–2018 in the European Archipelagos of the Macaronesia Region: Azores, Canary Islands, and Madeira15