ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

(The TQCC of ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
A3T-GCN: Attention Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Traffic Forecasting173
Flood Susceptibility Mapping through the GIS-AHP Technique Using the Cloud118
A Novel Hybrid Method for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping-Based GeoDetector and Machine Learning Cluster: A Case of Xiaojin County, China84
Digital Terrain Models Generated with Low-Cost UAV Photogrammetry: Methodology and Accuracy83
Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Assessment Using Geospatial Platforms and Weights of Evidence (WoE) Method in the Indian Himalayan Region: Recent Developments, Gaps, and Future Directions81
Spatially Varying Effects of Street Greenery on Walking Time of Older Adults72
Escaping from Cities during the COVID-19 Crisis: Using Mobile Phone Data to Trace Mobility in Finland71
Multidimensional Urban Vitality on Streets: Spatial Patterns and Influence Factor Identification Using Multisource Urban Data65
Spatiotemporal Analysis of COVID-19 Spread with Emerging Hotspot Analysis and Space–Time Cube Models in East Java, Indonesia64
Mapping Local Climate Zones and Their Applications in European Urban Environments: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Development Trends63
Spatial Variability of Rainfall Trends in Sri Lanka from 1989 to 2019 as an Indication of Climate Change62
A Review of Human Mobility Research Based on Big Data and Its Implication for Smart City Development55
Deep Learning-Assisted Smart Process Planning, Robotic Wireless Sensor Networks, and Geospatial Big Data Management Algorithms in the Internet of Manufacturing Things55
An Evaluation of Street Dynamic Vitality and Its Influential Factors Based on Multi-Source Big Data54
Improved A-Star Algorithm for Long-Distance Off-Road Path Planning Using Terrain Data Map52
Cascaded Attention DenseUNet (CADUNet) for Road Extraction from Very-High-Resolution Images48
Integration of Laser Scanner and Photogrammetry for Heritage BIM Enhancement48
Spatial Distribution Pattern and Influencing Factors of Sports Tourism Resources in China47
Assessment of Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperatures and Their Impact on Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena in the Kathmandu Valley (1988–2018)47
Land Use/Land Cover Change and Their Driving Factors in the Yellow River Basin of Shandong Province Based on Google Earth Engine from 2000 to 202047
Effects of Virtual Reality Locomotion Techniques on Distance Estimations46
Machine Learning of Spatial Data45
Flash Flood Susceptibility Assessment Based on Geodetector, Certainty Factor, and Logistic Regression Analyses in Fujian Province, China45
A Blockchain Solution for Securing Real Property Transactions: A Case Study for Serbia44
BIM Adoption in the Cambodian Construction Industry: Key Drivers and Barriers44
Big Data Management Algorithms, Deep Learning-Based Object Detection Technologies, and Geospatial Simulation and Sensor Fusion Tools in the Internet of Robotic Things43
Multi-Resolution Transformer Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image43
Characterizing Tourism Destination Image Using Photos’ Visual Content42
A Comparative Study of Frequency Ratio, Shannon’s Entropy and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Models for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment42
An Examination of People’s Privacy Concerns, Perceptions of Social Benefits, and Acceptance of COVID-19 Mitigation Measures That Harness Location Information: A Comparative Study of the U.S. and South42
Autonomous Flight Trajectory Control System for Drones in Smart City Traffic Management42
Subjectively Measured Streetscape Perceptions to Inform Urban Design Strategies for Shanghai41
Assessing the Urban Eco-Environmental Quality by the Remote-Sensing Ecological Index: Application to Tianjin, North China41
How Did Built Environment Affect Urban Vitality in Urban Waterfronts? A Case Study in Nanjing Reach of Yangtze River41
GeoAI for Large-Scale Image Analysis and Machine Vision: Recent Progress of Artificial Intelligence in Geography40
Geoinformation Technologies in Support of Environmental Hazards Monitoring under Climate Change: An Extensive Review39
Identification of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques: A Case Study Upper Coruh River Basin (NE Turkey)39
Emerging Technologies for Smart Cities’ Transportation: Geo-Information, Data Analytics and Machine Learning Approaches39
Improving Urban Land Cover Classification with Combined Use of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-1 Imagery38
Deep Learning-Based Generation of Building Stock Data from Remote Sensing for Urban Heat Demand Modeling38
Mapping Public Urban Green Spaces Based on OpenStreetMap and Sentinel-2 Imagery Using Belief Functions37
A Review of Recent Spatial Accessibility Studies That Benefitted from Advanced Geospatial Information: Multimodal Transportation and Spatiotemporal Disaggregation36
A Quantitative Analysis of Factors Influencing Organic Matter Concentration in the Topsoil of Black Soil in Northeast China Based on Spatial Heterogeneous Patterns36
Mini-Map for Gamers Who Walk and Teleport in a Virtual Stronghold35
How Is Urban Greenness Spatially Associated with Dockless Bike Sharing Usage on Weekdays, Weekends, and Holidays?34
Land-Use Suitability Assessment Using Delphi and Analytical Hierarchy Process (D-AHP) Hybrid Model for Coastal City Management: Kuala Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia34
Integrating Network Centrality and Node-Place Model to Evaluate and Classify Station Areas in Shanghai34
Transfer Learning of a Deep Learning Model for Exploring Tourists’ Urban Image Using Geotagged Photos34
Structure Monitoring with BIM and IoT: The Case Study of a Bridge Beam Model34
Comparison of Ensemble Machine Learning Methods for Soil Erosion Pin Measurements34
Graph Neural Network for Traffic Forecasting: The Research Progress34
IdroGEO: A Collaborative Web Mapping Application Based on REST API Services and Open Data on Landslides and Floods in Italy34
A Research on Landslides Automatic Extraction Model Based on the Improved Mask R-CNN34
Simulation of Land-Use Changes Using the Partitioned ANN-CA Model and Considering the Influence of Land-Use Change Frequency33
Cascaded Residual Attention Enhanced Road Extraction from Remote Sensing Images33
Consistency Analysis and Accuracy Assessment of Three Global Ten-Meter Land Cover Products in Rocky Desertification Region—A Case Study of Southwest China33
Climate Change and Vulnerability: The Case of MENA Countries33
Multi-Scenario Model of Plastic Waste Accumulation Potential in Indonesia Using Integrated Remote Sensing, Statistic and Socio-Demographic Data33
A Novel Method Based on Deep Learning, GIS and Geomatics Software for Building a 3D City Model from VHR Satellite Stereo Imagery32
Which Gridded Population Data Product Is Better? Evidences from Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA)32
Spatial Pattern and Formation Mechanism of Rural Tourism Resources in China: Evidence from 1470 National Leisure Villages32
Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Landslide Susceptibility in Rangamati Municipality of Rangamati District, Bangladesh32
Multiscale Effects of Multimodal Public Facilities Accessibility on Housing Prices Based on MGWR: A Case Study of Wuhan, China31
Machine Learning-Based Supervised Classification of Point Clouds Using Multiscale Geometric Features31
Impact of Urban Land-Cover Changes on the Spatial-Temporal Land Surface Temperature in a Tropical City of Mexico31
Using VGI and Social Media Data to Understand Urban Green Space: A Narrative Literature Review31
The Evolution of Interactivity, Immersion and Interoperability in HBIM: Digital Model Uses, VR and AR for Built Cultural Heritage30
Urban Overheating Assessment through Prediction of Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan30
Machine Learning Approaches to Bike-Sharing Systems: A Systematic Literature Review30
How Are Macro-Scale and Micro-Scale Built Environments Associated with Running Activity? The Application of Strava Data and Deep Learning in Inner London30
An End-to-End Point of Interest (POI) Conflation Framework30
Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in Response to LULC Changes Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study in the Merbil Wetland of the Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India29
Gully Erosion Susceptibility Mapping in Highly Complex Terrain Using Machine Learning Models29
Getting Real: The Challenge of Building and Validating a Large-Scale Digital Twin of Barcelona’s Traffic with Empirical Data29
Using Content Analysis to Probe the Cognitive Image of Intangible Cultural Heritage Tourism: An Exploration of Chinese Social Media29
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Suspended Sediments in the Negro River, Amazon Basin, from In Situ and Sentinel-2 Remote Sensing Data29
High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Framework Based on Attention Mechanism and Adaptive Weighting29
Wildland Fire Susceptibility Mapping Using Support Vector Regression and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Whale Optimization Algorithm and Simulated Annealing29
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Traffic Accidents Hotspots Based on Geospatial Techniques29
Geodiversity Assessment with Crowdsourced Data and Spatial Multicriteria Analysis29
Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Potential Active Landslide Hazards Identification with Multi-Source Data29
Geospatial Analysis of Solar Energy in Riyadh Using a GIS-AHP-Based Technique29
The Intensity of Urban Sprawl in Poland29
A Method to Identify Urban Fringe Area Based on the Industry Density of POI28
Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Gully Erosion Mapping Susceptibility at a Watershed Scale28
Automatic Road Extraction from Historical Maps Using Deep Learning Techniques: A Regional Case Study of Turkey in a German World War II Map27
Analysis of OpenStreetMap Data Quality at Different Stages of a Participatory Mapping Process: Evidence from Slums in Africa and Asia27
A Fine-Scale Mangrove Map of China Derived from 2-Meter Resolution Satellite Observations and Field Data27
Modelling Sediment Retention Services and Soil Erosion Changes in Portugal: A Spatio-Temporal Approach27
Forest Fire Hazards Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Sirmaur District Forest of Himachal Pradesh (India): A Geospatial Approach27
Hybrid-TransCD: A Hybrid Transformer Remote Sensing Image Change Detection Network via Token Aggregation27
Development of a City-Scale Approach for Façade Color Measurement with Building Functional Classification Using Deep Learning and Street View Images26
Multitemporal Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover within an Oil Block in the Ecuadorian Amazon26
Panoramic Street-Level Imagery in Data-Driven Urban Research: A Comprehensive Global Review of Applications, Techniques, and Practical Considerations26
Can Live Streaming Save the Tourism Industry from a Pandemic? A Study of Social Media26
How Image Acquisition Geometry of UAV Campaigns Affects the Derived Products and Their Accuracy in Areas with Complex Geomorphology26
Identification of Poverty Areas by Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Case Study in Guizhou, Southwest China26
The Impact of COVID-19 on Crime: A Spatial Temporal Analysis in Chicago26
Block2vec: An Approach for Identifying Urban Functional Regions by Integrating Sentence Embedding Model and Points of Interest26
Comparative Analysis of Geolocation Information through Mobile-Devices under Different COVID-19 Mobility Restriction Patterns in Spain26
Subsurface Topographic Modeling Using Geospatial and Data Driven Algorithm26
Extending the IFC Standard to Enable Road Operation and Maintenance Management through OpenBIM25
Disaster Image Classification by Fusing Multimodal Social Media Data25
Whose Urban Green? Mapping and Classifying Public and Private Green Spaces in Padua for Spatial Planning Policies25
Comparing High Accuracy t-LiDAR and UAV-SfM Derived Point Clouds for Geomorphological Change Detection25
Spatiotemporal Influence of Land Use/Land Cover Change Dynamics on Surface Urban Heat Island: A Case Study of Abuja Metropolis, Nigeria25
Evaluation of Urban Vibrancy and Its Relationship with the Economic Landscape: A Case Study of Beijing25
Burned Area Mapping over the Southern Cape Forestry Region, South Africa Using Sentinel Data within GEE Cloud Platform25
A Deep Learning Streaming Methodology for Trajectory Classification25
Assessing Street Space Quality Using Street View Imagery and Function-Driven Method: The Case of Xiamen, China25
Building a Large-Scale Micro-Simulation Transport Scenario Using Big Data25
Mapping Coastal Flood Susceptible Areas Using Shannon’s Entropy Model: The Case of Muscat Governorate, Oman25
An Improved Accessibility-Based Model to Evaluate Educational Equity: A Case Study in the City of Wuhan24
Detecting Multi-Decadal Changes in Seagrass Cover in Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand, Using Landsat Imagery and Boosting Ensemble Classification Techniques24
Investigating the Urban Spatial Growth by Using Space Syntax and GIS—A Case Study of Famagusta City24
Geospatial Open Data Usage and Metadata Quality24
The Soil Nutrient Digital Mapping for Precision Agriculture Cases in the Trans-Ural Steppe Zone of Russia Using Topographic Attributes24
Geohazards Susceptibility Assessment along the Upper Indus Basin Using Four Machine Learning and Statistical Models23
Automatic Classification of Photos by Tourist Attractions Using Deep Learning Model and Image Feature Vector Clustering23
Point-of-Interest (POI) Data Validation Methods: An Urban Case Study23
Mapping the Accessibility of Medical Facilities of Wuhan during the COVID-19 Pandemic23
Exploring Spatial Distribution of Urban Park Service Areas in Shanghai Based on Travel Time Estimation: A Method Combining Multi-Source Data23
Data Analytics Process over Road Accidents Data—A Case Study of Lisbon City23
Spatiotemporal Patterns of Human Mobility and Its Association with Land Use Types during COVID-19 in New York City23
Twitter Use in Hurricane Isaac and Its Implications for Disaster Resilience23
Big Data Supported the Identification of Urban Land Efficiency in Eurasia by Indicator SDG 11.3.123
A Novel Urban Tourism Path Planning Approach Based on a Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm22
Processing Laser Point Cloud in Fully Mechanized Mining Face Based on DGCNN22
FuNet: A Novel Road Extraction Network with Fusion of Location Data and Remote Sensing Imagery22
Analysis of Geotagging Behavior: Do Geotagged Users Represent the Twitter Population?22
A Comparison Method for 3D Laser Point Clouds in Displacement Change Detection for Arch Dams22
Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) Method for the Management of Woodland Plantations in Floodplain Areas22
Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Unmanned Surface Vehicles Based on an Improved Velocity Obstacle Method22
A Forest of Forests: A Spatially Weighted and Computationally Efficient Formulation of Geographical Random Forests22
Opportunities and Challenges of Geospatial Analysis for Promoting Urban Livability in the Era of Big Data and Machine Learning22
Characterizing Production–Living–Ecological Space Evolution and Its Driving Factors: A Case Study of the Chaohu Lake Basin in China from 2000 to 202022
Spatial Characteristics of the Tourism Flows in China: A Study Based on the Baidu Index22
Practical Efficient Regional Land-Use Planning Using Constrained Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Optimization22
Predicting Poverty Using Geospatial Data in Thailand22
Leveraging Spatio-Temporal Graphs and Knowledge Graphs: Perspectives in the Field of Maritime Transportation22
Temporal and Spatial Evolution and Influencing Factors of Public Sentiment in Natural Disasters—A Case Study of Typhoon Haiyan21
Assessment and Mapping Soil Water Erosion Using RUSLE Approach and GIS Tools: Case of Oued el-Hai Watershed, Aurès West, Northeastern of Algeria21
Copyright Protection Based on Zero Watermarking and Blockchain for Vector Maps21
The Use of Interactive Virtual BIM to Boost Virtual Tourism in Heritage Sites, Historic Jeddah21
Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Urban Land Expansion and Population Growth in Africa from 2001 to 2019: Evidence from Population Density Data21
A GIS-Based System for Spatial-Temporal Availability Evaluation of the Open Spaces Used as Emergency Shelters: The Case of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada21
The Key Factors Driving the Development of New Towns by Mother Cities and Regions: Evidence from China21
Development of an Integrated BIM-3D GIS Approach for 3D Cadastre in Morocco21
Assessing Earthquake Impacts and Monitoring Resilience of Historic Areas: Methods for GIS Tools20
Mapping Very-High-Resolution Evapotranspiration from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery20
Resilience of Urban Network Structure in China: The Perspective of Disruption20
Developing Relative Spatial Poverty Index Using Integrated Remote Sensing and Geospatial Big Data Approach: A Case Study of East Java, Indonesia20
Multi-Supervised Feature Fusion Attention Network for Clouds and Shadows Detection20
Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and Land Cover Types20
Incorporating Spatial Autocorrelation in Machine Learning Models Using Spatial Lag and Eigenvector Spatial Filtering Features20
Assessment of Neotectonic Landscape Deformation in Evia Island, Greece, Using GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Analysis20
PLD-SLAM: A New RGB-D SLAM Method with Point and Line Features for Indoor Dynamic Scene20
Between Consultation and Collaboration: Self-Reported Objectives for 25 Web-Based Geoparticipation Projects in Urban Planning20
Intracity Pandemic Risk Evaluation Using Mobile Phone Data: The Case of Shanghai during COVID-1920
Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Water Surface Extents and Lake Surface Temperatures Using Google Earth Engine for Lakes Region, Türkiye20
Spatial Morphological Characteristics and Evolution of Traditional Villages in the Mountainous Area of Southwest Zhejiang20
Integrating Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK)–Structure-from-Motion (SfM) with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Photogrammetry and Digital Field Mapping for Structural Geological Analysis20
SDG Indicator 11.3.1 and Secondary Cities: An Analysis and Assessment20
Analysis of Factors Affecting Adoption of Volunteered Geographic Information in the Context of National Spatial Data Infrastructure20
A Multi-Perspective View on Immersive Virtual Environments (IVEs)20
Possibilities for Assessment and Geovisualization of Spatial and Temporal Water Quality Data Using a WebGIS Application19
Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) Methods Implemented as ArcMap Models with Remote-Sensed and Ground-Based Inputs, Examined along with MODIS ET, for Peloponnese, Greece19
Application of Random Forest and SHAP Tree Explainer in Exploring Spatial (In)Justice to Aid Urban Planning19
Research on Large-Scale Urban Shrinkage and Expansion in the Yellow River Affected Area Using Night Light Data19
A Critical Comparison of 3D Digitization Techniques for Heritage Objects19
A Precision Evaluation Index System for Remote Sensing Data Sampling Based on Hexagonal Discrete Grids19
Near Real-Time Semantic View Analysis of 3D City Models in Web Browser19
Spatial Distribution and Mechanism of Urban Occupation Mixture in Guangzhou: An Optimized GeoDetector-Based Index to Compare Individual and Interactive Effects19
Eye Tracking Research in Cartography: Looking into the Future19
Accessibility of Vaccination Centers in COVID-19 Outbreak Control: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Making Approach19
Deep Learning for Detecting and Classifying Ocean Objects: Application of YoloV3 for Iceberg–Ship Discrimination19
Three-Dimensional Inundation Mapping Using UAV Image Segmentation and Digital Surface Model19
RSPCN: Super-Resolution of Digital Elevation Model Based on Recursive Sub-Pixel Convolutional Neural Networks18
Evaluation of Gully Erosion Susceptibility Using a Maximum Entropy Model in the Upper Mkhomazi River Basin in South Africa18
Fully Automated Pose Estimation of Historical Images in the Context of 4D Geographic Information Systems Utilizing Machine Learning Methods18
Improving the Spatial Accessibility of Community-Level Healthcare Service toward the ‘15-Minute City’ Goal in China18
Application of Social Network Analysis in the Economic Connection of Urban Agglomerations Based on Nighttime Lights Remote Sensing: A Case Study in the New Western Land-Sea Corridor, China18
A GloVe-Based POI Type Embedding Model for Extracting and Identifying Urban Functional Regions18
Coupling a Physical Replica with a Digital Twin: A Comparison of Participatory Decision-Making Methods in an Urban Park Environment18
A Common Approach to Geo-Referencing Building Models in Industry Foundation Classes for BIM/GIS Integration18
COVID-19 Infection and Mortality: Association with PM2.5 Concentration and Population Density—An Exploratory Study18
A Survey of Scan-to-BIM Practices in the AEC Industry—A Quantitative Analysis18
Assessment of Groundwater Potential Zones Using GIS and Fuzzy AHP Techniques—A Case Study of the Titel Municipality (Northern Serbia)18
Detecting People on the Street and the Streetscape Physical Environment from Baidu Street View Images and Their Effects on Community-Level Street Crime in a Chinese City18
A Time Series Investigation to Assess Climate Change and Anthropogenic Impacts on Quantitative Land Degradation in the North Delta, Egypt18
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Anthropogenic Heat in the Central Urban Area: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China18
Effects of Climate and Land Use/Land Cover Changes on Water Yield Services in the Dongjiang Lake Basin18
Aesthetics and Cartography: Post-Critical Reflections on Deviance in and of Representations18
Development of a New Phenology Algorithm for Fine Mapping of Cropping Intensity in Complex Planting Areas Using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth Engine18
Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Airborne Images with Dual-Stream DeepLabV3+18
Linking Public Transport User Satisfaction with Service Accessibility for Sustainable Mobility Planning18
Fine Crop Classification Based on UAV Hyperspectral Images and Random Forest18
Watershed Drought and Ecosystem Services: Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Gray Relational Analysis18
A New Data-Enabled Intelligence Framework for Evaluating Urban Space Perception18
Multiclassification Method of Landslide Risk Assessment in Consideration of Disaster Levels: A Case Study of Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province18
Infrastructure of the Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Based on Examples of Italy and Poland18
FC-RRT*: An Improved Path Planning Algorithm for UAV in 3D Complex Environment17
Combining Satellite Remote Sensing and Climate Data in Species Distribution Models to Improve the Conservation of Iberian White Oaks (Quercus L.)17
GIS-Based Spatial and Multi-Criteria Assessment of Riverine Flood Potential: A Case Study of the Nitra River Basin, Slovakia17
Mapping Climate Parameters over the Territory of Botswana Using GMT and Gridded Surface Data from TerraClimate17
Monitoring Coastal Vulnerability by Using DEMs Based on UAV Spatial Data17
Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation for Land Use and Land Cover Types Using Landsat 8 Imagery17
Portraying Citizens’ Occupations and Assessing Urban Occupation Mixture with Mobile Phone Data: A Novel Spatiotemporal Analytical Framework17
A Dynamic and Static Context-Aware Attention Network for Trajectory Prediction17
The Influence of Spatial Grid Division on the Layout Analysis of Urban Functional Areas17
Coupling Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and Clustering Algorithm for MSW Landfill Site Selection (Case Study: Lanzhou, China)17
Spatiotemporal Evolution Patterns of the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Space-Time Aggregation and Spatial Statistics: A Global Perspective17
High-Accuracy Recognition and Localization of Moving Targets in an Indoor Environment Using Binocular Stereo Vision17
Deep Graph Convolutional Networks for Accurate Automatic Road Network Selection17
Investigating Relationships between Runoff–Erosion Processes and Land Use and Land Cover Using Remote Sensing Multiple Gridded Datasets17
Refinement Proposals for Geodiversity Assessment—A Case Study in the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary17
Object Semantic Segmentation in Point Clouds—Comparison of a Deep Learning and a Knowledge-Based Method17
Testing Small-Scale Vitality Measurement Based on 5D Model Assessment with Multi-Source Data: A Resettlement Community Case in Suzhou17
Application-Based COVID-19 Micro-Mobility Solution for Safe and Smart Navigation in Pandemics17
Mitigating Urban Visual Pollution through a Multistakeholder Spatial Decision Support System to Optimize Locational Potential of Billboards17
Ambulances Deployment Problems: Categorization, Evolution and Dynamic Problems Review17
A Web GIS-Based Integration of 3D Digital Models with Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage Exploration17
Spatial Patterns of the Spread of COVID-19 in Singapore and the Influencing Factors16
Decision Making in the 4th Dimension—Exploring Use Cases and Technical Options for the Integration of 4D BIM and GIS during Construction16
Analysis of the Temporal Changes of Inland Ramsar Sites in Turkey Using Google Earth Engine16
Characterizing the Up-To-Date Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Xiong’an New Area from 2017 to 2020 Using the Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Images on Google Earth Engine16
A Novel Heuristic Emergency Path Planning Method Based on Vector Grid Map16
Coupling Historical Maps and LiDAR Data to Identify Man-Made Landforms in Urban Areas16
Efficient Visualization of Large-Scale Oblique Photogrammetry Models in Unreal Engine16
Paradigm of Geological Mapping of the Adıyaman Fault Zone of Eastern Turkey Using Landsat 8 Remotely Sensed Data Coupled with PCA, ICA, and MNFA Techniques16
Spatial Optimization of Mega-City Fire Stations Based on Multi-Source Geospatial Data: A Case Study in Beijing16
A Geomorphic Approach for Identifying Flash Flood Potential Areas in the East Rapti River Basin of Nepal16
Spatiotemporal Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Scale Traffic Forecasting16
A Trajectory Scoring Tool for Local Anomaly Detection in Maritime Traffic Using Visual Analytics16
Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Leaf Area Index and Its Response to Topography in the Three-River Source Region, China from 2000 to 201716
Global Spatial Suitability Mapping of Wind and Solar Systems Using an Explainable AI-Based Approach16
Non-Local Feature Search Network for Building and Road Segmentation of Remote Sensing Image16
Parking Places to Moped-Style Scooter Sharing Services Using GIS Location-Allocation Models and GPS Data16
GeoGraphVis: A Knowledge Graph and Geovisualization Empowered Cyberinfrastructure to Support Disaster Response and Humanitarian Aid16
How Culture and Sociopolitical Tensions Might Influence People’s Acceptance of COVID-19 Control Measures That Use Individual-Level Georeferenced Data16
Mixed Reality Flood Visualizations: Reflections on Development and Usability of Current Systems16
Spatiotemporal Dynamic Analysis of A-Level Scenic Spots in Guizhou Province, China16
An “Animated Spatial Time Machine” in Co-Creation: Reconstructing History Using Gamification Integrated into 3D City Modelling, 4D Web and Transmedia Storytelling16
Exploring Equity in Healthcare Services: Spatial Accessibility Changes during Subway Expansion16
Evaluating Social Distancing Measures and Their Association with the Covid-19 Pandemic in South America16
Exploring the Spatiotemporal Patterns of Residents’ Daily Activities Using Text-Based Social Media Data: A Case Study of Beijing, China16
Estimating the Soil Erosion Cover-Management Factor at the European Part of Russia16
A Research on Susceptibility Mapping of Multiple Geological Hazards in Yanzi River Basin, China16
Improved Indoor Fingerprinting Localization Method Using Clustering Algorithm and Dynamic Compensation15
Inventory and Distribution Characteristics of Large-Scale Landslides in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, China15