Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Empathy, gender, and prosocial behavior58
Ask not what economics can do for sports - Ask what sports can do for economics40
Can we stay one step ahead of cheaters? A field experiment in proctoring online open book exams38
We and It: An interdisciplinary review of the experimental evidence on how humans interact with machines37
Incentives in experimental economics33
Does self-control constitute a driver of millennials’ financial behaviors and attitudes?27
Social preferences across different populations: Meta-analyses on the ultimatum game and dictator game27
Financial fragility and financial optimism linkage during COVID-19: Does financial literacy matter?22
The Psychological Inventory of Financial Scarcity (PIFS): A psychometric evaluation21
Gender differences in performance under time constraint: Evidence from chess tournaments21
The Trust Game Does Not (Only) Measure Trust: The Risk-Trust Confound Revisited19
Anchoring in Economics: A Meta-Analysis of Studies on Willingness-To-Pay and Willingness-To-Accept19
Unearned Endowment and Charity Recipient Lead to Higher Donations: A Meta-Analysis of the Dictator Game Lab Experiments18
Life satisfaction and tax morale: The role of trust in government and cultural orientation17
Choking under pressure in archery17
Lab vs online experiments: No differences15
Gender, loneliness and happiness during COVID-1914
Willingness to take financial risks and insurance holdings: A European survey14
Gender and beauty price discrimination in produce markets14
Consumers’ Preferences for Eco-labels on Plants: The Influence of Trust and Consequentiality Perceptions13
Further from the truth: The impact of moving from in-person to online settings on dishonest behavior13
Concerns for future generations in societies: A deliberative analysis of the intergenerational sustainability dilemma13
When do robo-advisors make us better investors? The impact of social design elements on investor behavior13
To file or not to file? Another dimension of tax compliance - the Eswatini Taxpayers’ survey13
Competition and gender in the lab vs field: Experiments from off-grid renewable energy entrepreneurs in Rural Rwanda12
Exposure to inequality may cause under-provision of public goods: Experimental evidence12
Improving the level of financial literacy and the influence of the cognitive ability in this process12
What determines the willingness to sanction violations of newly introduced social norms: Personality traits or economic preferences? evidence from the COVID-19 crisis11
Is Society Ready for AI Ethical Decision Making? Lessons from a Study on Autonomous Cars10
Cognitive ability, financial literacy, and narrow bracketing in time-preference elicitation10
Visual versus Text Attribute Representation in Choice Experiments10
Emotions in Tax Related Situations Shape Compliance Intentions: A Comparison between Austria and Italy10
Prospect theory and insurance demand: Empirical evidence on the role of loss aversion10
Robin Hood meets Pinocchio: Justifications increase cheating behavior but decrease physiological tension10
Energy saving in a simulated environment: An online experiment of the interplay between nudges and financial incentives10
Does Self-Control Foster Generosity? Evidence from Ego Depleted Children9
The Right-Oriented Bias in Soccer Penalty Shootouts9
Expectations, reference points, and compliance with COVID-19 social distancing measures9
Prosocial behavior in the time of COVID-19: The effect of private and public role models9
Time preference under cognitive load - An experimental study9
How the honesty oath works: Quick, intuitive truth telling under oath9
Religious identity, between-group effects and prosocial behavior: Evidence from a field experiment in China8
Foreign language effect on risk preference: The framing effect, loss aversion, and risk aversion8
The effects of personality, risk and other-regarding attitudes on trust and reciprocity8
Thinking through norms can make them more effective. Experimental evidence on reflective climate policies in the UK8
Resume fraud and counterproductive behavior: The impact of narcissism in the labor market8
Grading attribute selection of China's grading system for agricultural products: What attributes benefit consumers more?8
The adventure of running experiments with teenagers8
Compliance in teams – Implications of joint decisions and shared consequences8
A field experiment on dishonesty: A registered replication of Azar et al. (2013)8
Nudging low-carbon consumption through advertising and social norms8
Altruistic self-concept mediates the effects of personality traits on volunteering: Evidence from an online experiment7
Ignorance, intention and stochastic outcomes☆7
Does pro-sociality or trust better predict staying home behavior during the Covid-19?7
The effects of Jesus and God on pro-sociality and discrimination7
The role of social and psychological related soft information in credit analysis: Evidence from a Fintech Company7
Civic honesty and cultures of trust7
Contrarian profits and representativeness heuristic in the MENA stock markets7
The limits of transparency in reducing corruption7
A Modified Contingent Valuation Method Shrinks Gain-Loss Asymmetry6
What noise matters? Experimental evidence for stochastic deviations in social norms6
Group identity in fairness decisions: Discrimination or inequality aversion?6
Cognitive misers on the web: An online-experiment of incentives, cheating, and cognitive reflection6
Eye cues increase cooperation in the dictator game under physical attendance of a recipient, but not for all6
Pressure versus ability: Evidence from penalty shoot-outs between teams from different divisions6
Gender differences in the effect of subjective feedback in an online game6
Experimental evidence of moral cleansing in the interpersonal and environmental domains6
Recruiting experimental subjects using WhatsApp6
Cooperation under social and strategic uncertainty – The role of risk and social capital in rural Cambodia6
On the psychology of bonuses: The effects of loss aversion and Yerkes-Dodson law on performance in cognitively and mechanically demanding tasks6
What drives innovative behavior?- An experimental analysis on risk attitudes, creativity and performance6
A systematic review of nudges on hand hygiene against the spread of COVID-196
Cooperation makes beliefs: Weather variation and social trust in Vietnam6
Socioeconomic determinants of happiness: Empirical evidence from developed and developing countries5
The identifiable victim effect and public opinion toward immigration; a natural experiment study5
Decision-makers are more impulsive on smartphones than on computers5
Meaning and gender differences5
Survey evidence on core factors of behavioral biases5
Inequitable wages and tax evasion5
The role of initial success in competition: An analysis of early lead effects in NBA overtimes5
Preference stability in discrete choice experiments. Some evidence using eye-tracking5
Happiness, democracy and socio-economic conditions: Evidence from a difference GMM estimator5
Nudges and choice architecture in public policy: A bibliometric analysis5
Depression and financial planning horizon5
Self-employment and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Perceived Importance of Family, Friends, Leisure Time, and Work5
Responsibility and prosocial behavior - Experimental evidence on charitable donations by individuals and group representatives5
Updating politicized beliefs: How motivated reasoning contributes to polarization5
Do elicited promises affect people's trust? —Observations in the trust game experiment5
The effect of disinformation about COVID-19 on consumer confidence: Insights from a survey experiment4
The fairness of long and short ABBA-sequences: A basketball free-throw field experiment4
Nudging smokers away from lighting up: A meta-analysis of framing effect in current smokers4
Mental Accounting and decision making: a systematic literature review4
Conditional Pension Funds to Combat Cheating in Sporting Contests: Theory and Experimental Evidence4
Visual judgments of length in the economics laboratory: Are there brains in stochastic choice?4
Investigating inconsistencies in complex lotteries: The role of cognitive skills of low-numeracy subjects4
Time and risk preferences of individuals, married couples and unrelated pairs4
Pledges and how social influence shapes their effectiveness4
Are newly self-employed overly optimistic about their future well-being?4
On the voluntary provision of public goods under risk4
If it looks like a human and speaks like a human ... Communication and cooperation in strategic Human–Robot interactions4
Karma and honest behavior: An experimental study4
Pay distribution preferences and productivity effects: An experiment4
Fifty years of the Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics: A bibliometric review4
What if consumers saw the bigger picture? Systems thinking and the adoption of bio-based consumer products4
Prove them wrong: Do professional athletes perform better when facing their former clubs?4
Consumer information in a market for expert services: Experimental evidence4
“Financial less is more”: An experimental study of financial communication4
Are People More Patient with Their Spouse's Money? An Experimental Study3
Improving models of coordination incentives for biodiversity conservation by fitting a multi-agent simulation model to a lab experiment3
Do Happy People Cheat Less? A Field Experiment on Dishonesty3
A model of menu-dependent evaluations and comparison-aversion3
Productivity within groups: An analysis of shirking in high school cross country competitions3
A culture of cheating: The role of worldviews in preferences for honesty3
Long-term relationships, group lending, and peer monitoring in microfinance: Experimental evidence3
Framing and subject pool effects in healthcare credence goods3
Limited rationality and the strategic environment: Further evidence from a pricing game3
How does firms’ cost structure affect their quality–price mix? An experimental analysis3
Using financial tips to guide debt repayment: Experimental evidence from low- and moderate-income tax filers3
Do fans’ emotions influence charitable donations? Evidence from monetary and returnable cup donations in German soccer stadiums3
Machiavelli Preferences Without Blame: Delegating Selfish vs. Generous Decisions in Dictator Games3
Testing the decoy effect to improve online survey participation: Evidence from a field experiment3
Charitable giving, social capital, and positional concerns3
Self-regulation training and job search input: A natural field experiment within an active labor market program3
The role of autonomy and reactance for nudging — Experimentally comparing defaults to recommendations and mandates3
Confucian culture, moral reminder, and soft corruption3
Who is watching me? Disentangling audience and interpersonal closeness effects in a Pay-What-You-Want context3
Are risk preferences explaining gender differences in investment behavior?3
With whom, and about what, do we compete for social status? Effects of social closeness and relevance of reference groups for positional concerns3
Leader and citizens participation for the environment: Experimental evidence from Eastern Europe3
The effects of injunctive and descriptive tipping norms on tipping behavior and motives3
Pay-per-minute pricing: A field experiment comparing traditional and participative pricing mechanisms3
Subjective well-being and stated preferences: Explorations from a choice experiment in Norway3
Social status and social learning3
Free agency and organizational rankings: A social comparison perspective on signaling theory3
Comparing risk elicitation in lotteries with visual or contextual aids3
The effects of educational assortative matching on job and marital satisfaction3
Culture and prevalence of sanctioning institutions3
A criticism of Bernheim & Sprenger's (2020) tests of rank dependence3
Life satisfaction and austerity: Expectations and the macroeconomy3
Do Arabian babblers play mixed strategies in a “volunteer’s dilemma”?3
What leads people to tolerate negative interest rates on their savings?3
Gender differences in competitiveness: Friends matter3
Understanding pastoralists’ preferences for goat traits: Application of all-levels and end-point choice experiments3
Anonymity and self-expression in online rating systems—An experimental analysis3
The value of bad ratings: An experiment on the impact of distortions in reputation systems3
You Can’t Hide Your Lying Eyes: Honesty Oaths and Misrepresentation3
Cooperation is unaffected by the threat of severe adverse events in public goods games3
Going with your gut: The (In)accuracy of forecast revisions in a football score prediction game3
Is natural language processing the cheap charlie of analyzing cheap talk? A horse race between classifiers on experimental communication data3
Big and small lies3
Who invests in cryptocurrency? The role of overconfidence among American investors3
Cash or card? Impression management and restaurant tipping behavior3
How time flies: Time perception and intertemporal choice2
Prosocial fish consumption and implications for labeling policy2
The generosity spillover effect of pledges in a two-person giving game2
Mental budgeting of the self-employed without personnel2
On the empirical validity of cumulative prospect theory: A response to the Wakker commentaries2
Economic incentives and political inequality in the management of environmental public goods2
Will I tell you that you are smart (dumb)? Deceiving Others about their IQ or about a Random Draw2
Experimental analysis of a land assembly mechanism2
Trying to Make a Good First Impression: A Natural Field Experiment to Engage New Entrants to the Tax System2
Temperature, health and wellbeing in Australia2
Mechanism performance under strategy advice and sub-optimal play: A school choice experiment2
How Group Size and Decision Rules Impact Risk Preferences: Comparing group and individual settings in lottery-choice experiments2
Climate policy versus growth concerns: Suggestions for economic research and communication2
Coordination problems triggered by sunspots in the laboratory2
Nudges and peak pricing: A common pool resource energy conservation experiment2
Central Bank Transparency with (semi-)public Information: Laboratory Experiments2
The (un)compromise effect: How suggested alternatives can promote active choice2
Is Experimentation Invariant to Group Size? A Laboratory Analysis of Innovation Contests2
Competition and prosociality: A lab-in-the-field experiment in Ghana2
Crime-related exposure to violence and prosocial behavior: Experimental evidence from Colombia2
Sonic Thunder vs. Brian the Snail: Are people affected by uninformative racehorse names?2
Coping with advantageous inequity—Field evidence from professional penalty kicking2
Do you follow your head or your heart? The simultaneous impact of framing effects and incidental emotions on investment decisions2
Legal Fees, Cost-Shifting Rules and Litigation: Experimental Evidence2
Selection, socialization, and risk preferences in the finance industry: Longitudinal evidence for German finance professionals2
Measuring non-cognitive skills exploiting log-files on online behaviour2
Compliance with pre-harvest interval rules in apple production—A comparative analysis of green nudges among fruit growers and agricultural students in Germany2
Stated preferences outperform elicited preferences for predicting reported compliance with COVID-19 prophylactic measures2
Strategic retailers and myopic consumers: Competitive pricing of perishable goods2
Experiments on portfolio selection: A comparison between quantile preferences and expected utility decision models2
How people pay each other: Data, theory, and calibrations2
An empirical comparison of conjoint and best-worst scaling case III methods2
To double, quadruple, or keep? Semi-automated service increases micro-investments2
A systematic review of the main anomalies in intertemporal choice2
Does trust break even? A trust-game experiment with negative endowments2
The unintended psychological and behavioral drawbacks of big push strategies: Increased psychological entitlement, selfish behavior, and decreased prosocial behavior2
Moral reasoning and anti-immigrant bias: Experimental evidence from university students in Germany and the United States2
Competition, subjective feedback, and gender gaps in performance2
Motivational goal bracketing with non-rational goals2
The effect of future-time referencing on pro-environmental behavior2
Uncertainty and climate change: The IPCC approach vs decision theory2
The income inequality trap: When redistributive preferences do not correct greater inequality2
Review on Robert Sugden's “The Community of Advantage: A Behavioural Economist's Defence of the Market”. Oxford, July 17th 2018. 352 p. ISBN: 97801988251422
Are Very High Salaries Necessary for Achieving Economic Efficiency?2
The effect of name letter on market prices: Field experiments on seller behavior2
Parental risk preferences, maternal bargaining power, and the educational progressions of children: Lab-in-the-field evidence from rural Côte d'Ivoire2
Charitable giving with stochastic income2
Team competition when there is within-team inequality2
Experimental test of the effects of punishment probability and size on the decision to take a bribe2
Does Mood affect Sexual and Gender Discrimination in Hiring Choices? Evidence from Online Experiments2
The impact of information interventions on public opinion on social media regulation: Evidence from a survey on Twitter’s Trump Ban2
Borderland resilience, willingness to help and trust–An empirical study of the French-German border area2
The relationship between monetary incentives, social status, and physical activity2
Risk and Prior Outcome Effects on Managerial Decision Making2
The role of financial socialization and self-control on saving habits2
Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach2
Delaying and motivating decisions in the (Bully) dictator game2
Demanding the morally demanding: Experimental evidence on the effects of moral arguments and moral demandingness on charitable giving2
What you get is not what you paid for: New evidence from a lab experiment on negative externalities and information asymmetries2
Does award and origin labeling influence consumers’ willingness-to-pay beyond sensory cues? An experimental auction on improved Philippine tablea (cocoa liquor)2
Effectiveness of the approval mechanism in a three-player common pool resource dilemma1
Is Deception a Consequence of Emotion? Disposition, Mood, and Decision Frame.1
On the limits of hierarchy in public goods games: A survey and meta-analysis on the effects of design variables on cooperation1
The effects of community-based signals on investment decisions in copy trading1
The preoccupied parent1
The effect of tax transparency on consumer and firm behavior: Experimental evidence1
Applying behavioral insights to increase rural and remote internships: Results from two Randomized Controlled Trials1
Charitable behaviour and political affiliation: Evidence for the UK1
The double dividend of social information in charitable giving: Evidence from a framed field experiment1
Are women and men equally happy at work? Evidence from PhD holders at a public university in Uruguay1
The effect of a larger contract zone on agreement rates under arbitration1
Psychosocial stress, hormones, and impulsivity/risk-taking in economic decision-making1
Probability matching and strategic decision making1
The Framing of Information Nudge Affects Students' Anticipated Effort: A Large-Scale, Randomized Survey Experiment1
The effect of thinking style on dynamic systems performance: The mediating role of stock-flow understanding1
Limited attention in beverage choice: Evidence from a field experiment1
Shrinking the shadow economy: Experimental insights into the role of financial development1
On the cost of wearing white shorts in women's sport1
An integrated model on purchase intentions of typical and tax-deductible saving products: The roles of retirement goal clarity and age1
Averaging bias in firm acquisition processes1
Tax amnesties and the insurance effect: An experimental study1
Anchoring on valuations and perceived informativeness1
Learning from trading activity in laboratory security markets with higher-order uncertainty1
Are ambiguity preferences aligned with risk preferences?1
The cost of honesty: Field evidence1
Setting the stage: Fairness behavior in virtual reality dictator games1
Heterogeneity in rent-seeking contests with multiple stages: Theory and experimental evidence1
Do perceptions of economic well-being predict the onset of war and peace?1
Framing zero: Why losing nothing is better than gaining nothing1
Keeping up with the Kardashians: Evidence from a choice experiment with a nationally representative sample1
Scarcity and consumption priorities1
What drives drivers? Switching, learning, and the impact of claims in car insurance1
Possessive individualism: A crisis of capitalism1
Incentivizing cooperation against a norm of defection: Experimental Evidence from Egypt1
Consumer perceptions of price increase by CSR: Focusing on construal level and consumer attribution1
Price and saliency in health care: When can targeted nudges change behaviors?1
Gen Z and financial education: Evidence from a randomized control trial in the South of Italy1
High incentives without high cost - The role of (perceived) stake sizes in dictator games1