Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance

(The H4-Index of Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance is 29. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in finance: Identifying foundations, themes, and research clusters from bibliometric analysis303
A time–frequency analysis of the impact of the Covid-19 induced panic on the volatility of currency and cryptocurrency markets176
The reaction of G20+ stock markets to the Russia–Ukraine conflict “black-swan” event: Evidence from event study approach159
COVID-19 pandemic and stock market response: A culture effect103
FinTech payments in the era of COVID-19: Factors influencing behavioral intentions of “Generation X” in Hungary to use mobile payment85
Are the European Union stock markets vulnerable to the Russia–Ukraine war?85
A tale of company fundamentals vs sentiment driven pricing: The case of GameStop77
The impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on faith-based investments: An original analysis77
Volatility connectedness of major cryptocurrencies: The role of investor happiness71
A systematic literature review of investor behavior in the cryptocurrency markets69
Financial well-being, COVID-19, and the financial better-than-average-effect67
COVID-19 containment measures and stock market returns: An international spatial econometrics investigation50
Corporate integrity and hostile takeover threats: Evidence from machine learning and “CEO luck”46
The impact of financial literacy and financial interest on risk tolerance46
Preferences for sustainable and responsible equity funds - A choice experiment with Swedish private investors45
Herding behaviour and price convergence clubs in cryptocurrencies during bull and bear markets45
The impact of COVID-19 induced panic on the return and volatility of precious metals43
The COVID-19 pandemic and speculation in energy, precious metals, and agricultural futures41
Higher moment connectedness in cryptocurrency market41
Immune or at-risk? Stock markets and the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic40
Financial literacy, self-efficacy and risky credit behavior among college students: Evidence from online consumer credit38
Openness, economic uncertainty, government responses, and international financial market performance during the coronavirus pandemic38
Nonlinear nexus between cryptocurrency returns and COVID-19 news sentiment35
Trust in the government increases financial well-being and general well-being during COVID-1934
Revisiting the determinants of individual sustainable investment—The case of Japan34
Reducing algorithm aversion through experience34
z-Tree unleashed: A novel client-integrating architecture for conducting z-Tree experiments over the Internet32
Improving stock price prediction using the long short-term memory model combined with online social networks31
A model of trust in Fintech and trust in Insurtech: How Artificial Intelligence and the context influence it29