Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Hydrological and hydrodynamic coupling simulation under composite underlying surfaces in urban polder areas51
Groundwater vulnerability and, risk assessment of seawater intrusion for the development of a strategy plan towards sustainability: Case of the Souss-Massa coastal area, Morocco46
Sewage pollution from onsite sewage disposal systems and an offshore wastewater treatment plant outfall in coastal waters of Keaukaha, Hawaiʻi Island43
Spatial assessment of land use and land cover change impacts on groundwater recharge and groundwater level: A case study of the Hat Yai basin35
Evaluating the performance of five global gridded potential evapotranspiration products in hydrological simulation: Application in the upper Han River Basin33
Probability of rainfall-induced landslides coupled with effective-duration threshold and soil moisture30
An explainable Bayesian gated recurrent unit model for multi-step streamflow forecasting30
Simulation and explanatory analysis of dissolved oxygen dynamics in Lake Ulansuhai, China30
Hydrological niche separation between two coexisting shrubs in an extremely arid region29
Comprehensive performance evaluation of satellite-based and reanalysis rainfall estimate products in Ethiopia: For drought, flood, and water resources applications.29
Hydrologic response and prediction of future water level changes in Qinghai Lake of Tibet Plateau, China28
Changing spatiotemporal dependence of the precipitation-temperature during Indian Summer Monsoon using observational and CMIP6 model simulations28
Assessment of the sedimentation and trapping efficiency in dam reservoirs by applying the settling basin framework25
Comprehensive evaluation and attribution analysis of baseflow variation in a typical karst basin, Southwest China24
Hydrological insights: Comparative analysis of gridded potential evapotranspiration products for hydrological simulations and drought assessment24
Comprehensive evaluation of seasonal forecasts from NMME and statistical models over the Blue Nile Basin and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) watershed24
Continuous shallow groundwater decline and accidental extreme precipitation control the soil nitrate leaching of a well-irrigated area in the North China Plain23
Changes of summer meteorological drought and their relationship with the dry and wet circulation patterns in the Huai River basin, China23
Assessing the intensity of the water cycle utilizing a Bayesian estimator algorithm and wavelet coherence analysis in the Issyk-Kul Basin of Central Asia23
Inferring the seasonal origins of the plant (Cinnamomum camphora) and soil water from precipitation by stable isotope techniques in the East Asian monsoon region23
An efficient 2-D flood inundation modelling based on a data-driven approach22
Evaluating soil moisture simulations from a national-scale gridded hydrological model over Great Britain21
Distinct geographical and seasonal signals in two tree-ring based streamflow reconstructions from Tasmania, southeastern Australia21
Achieving effective calibration of precipitation forecasts over a continental scale20
Daily flow simulation in Thailand Part II: Unraveling effects of reservoir operation20
Distinction of driver contributions to wetland decline and their associated basin hydrology around Iran20
A new approach to quantification of groundwater resource stress19
Land use, climate, and water change in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (VMD) using earth observation and hydrological modeling19
Riverine flood potential assessment at municipal level in Slovakia19
Improvements in the degree-day model, incorporating forest influence, and taking China’s Tianshan Mountains as an example18
Spatio-temporal dynamics of suspended particulate matter in the middle Niger River using in-situ and satellite radiometric measurements18
Summertime ENSO potentially amplifies rainstorm and flood risk in the lower Yellow River Basin, China18
Projected high-resolution ETo spatiotemporal variation under future climate change and paddy area expansion in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China18
Potential recharge sources and origin of solutes in groundwater in the central Qinghai–Tibet Plateau using hydrochemistry and isotopic data17
Characterizing shallow groundwater in hillslope aquifers using isotopic signatures: A case study in the Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia17
Assessment of the impact of climate change on streamflow of Ganjiang River catchment via LSTM-based models17
Quantifying the impacts of groundwater abstraction on Ganges river water infiltration into shallow aquifers under the rapidly developing city of Patna, India17
Assessment of impact in groundwater levels and stream-aquifer interaction due to increased groundwater withdrawal in the lower Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River Basin using MODFLOW17
Effect of ENSO modulation by decadal and multi-decadal climatic oscillations on contiguous United States streamflows17
Quantifying groundwater recharge in the Venetian high plain between the Brenta and Piave Rivers through integrated surface–subsurface hydrological modeling17
Runoff response to the uncertainty from key water-budget variables in a seasonally snow-covered mountain basin17
Assessment of hydrological changes in inland water body using satellite altimetry and Landsat imagery: A case study on Tsengwen Reservoir16
Real-time optimization of a large-scale reservoir operation in Thailand using adaptive inflow prediction with medium-range ensemble precipitation forecasts16
Connecting past, present, and future trends of hydraulic and phosphorus loading in the Bay of Quinte tributaries, Ontario, Canada16
A new lake classification scheme for the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Canada) characterizes hydrological processes that cause lake-level variation16
Three-dimensional structure and sources of groundwater masses beneath the Osaka Plain, Southwest Japan16
Manganese in the Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain aquifer system, eastern USA—Modeling regional occurrence with pH, redox, and machine learning16
Parameter estimation for models of major rainfall induced floods in ungaged mountain basins of Colorado15
Recent Pockmark activity in Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) severely affected by changes in climate and land use15
Using hydropedological characteristics to improve modelling accuracy in Afromontane catchments15
Evaluation of WRF model rainfall forecast using citizen science in a data-scarce urban catchment: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia15
The response of vegetation to chemical and hydrological gradients at a patterned rich fen in northern Alberta, Canada15
Modeling the spatial and temporal availability of water resources potential over Abbay river basin, Ethiopia15
Reconstructed summertime (June–July) streamflow dating back to 1788 CE in the Kazakh Uplands as inferred from tree rings15
Error-correction-based data-driven models for multiple-hour-ahead river stage predictions: A case study of the upstream region of the Cho-Shui River, Taiwan14
Resilience, stress and sustainability of alluvial aquifers in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia: Opportunities for groundwater management14
Applicability evaluation of three improved temperature vegetation dryness indices in High Mountain Asia14
Modifying the water table fluctuation method for calculating recharge in sloping aquifers14
An integrative socio-hydrological resilience assessment and management implications for oasis sustainability in arid regions, Northwest China14
Water quality at Chaco Culture National Historical Park and the potential effects of hydrocarbon extraction14
Comparative performance of regionalization methods for model parameterization in ungauged Himalayan watersheds14
Review of chemical properties of inland soda and saline waters in East Africa (rift valley region)14
A practical evaluation of micro-hydrokinetic power potential for the Continental United States14
Attributing the drivers of runoff decline in the Thaya river basin14
Characterizing precipitation uncertainties in a high-altitudinal permafrost watershed of the Tibetan plateau based on regional water balance and hydrological model simulations14
Suitable water surface area of the tail lake under the constraint of water diversion scheme in arid areas based on emergy theory13
Development of spatially varying groundwater-drawdown functions for land subsidence estimation13
Modeling the sediment transport capacity of rill flow using a soil-rock mixture on steep slopes13
Energy-balance modeling of heterogeneous glacio-hydrological regimes at upper Indus13
The skill of statistical downscaling in future climate with high-resolution climate models as pseudo-reality13
Sensitivity of snowmelt runoff modelling to the level of cloud coverage for snow cover extent from daily MODIS product collection 613
Variations in water storage of Bosten Lake, China, over the last two decades based on multi-source satellite data13
Hydraulic simulation of an urban river affected by treated effluent based on signal processing theory and physically based models13
Performance assessment and uncertainty prediction of a daily time-step HBV-Light rainfall-runoff model for the Upper Benue River Basin, Northern Cameroon13
Spatiotemporal dynamics of blue and green water resources in a mountainous watershed: A case study of the Wujiang River Basin, China13
Development of river morphologic stability index (RMSI) to assess mountain river systems13
Tide-modulated river discharge division in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta channel network, Bangladesh13
Decoding the hundred-year water level changes of the largest Saline Lake in China: A joint lake-basin modeling study based on a revised SWAT+13
A new water allocation scheme considering the optimization of industrial structures in arid areas of the Chinese Loess Plateau13
Using a regionalisation approach to evaluate streamflow simulated by an ecohydrological model calibrated with global land surface evaporation from remote sensing12
Blue and green water re-distribution dependency on precipitation datasets for a tropical Indian River basin12
Process based calibration of a continental-scale hydrological model using soil moisture and streamflow data12
Rainfall estimates from opportunistic sensors in Germany across spatio-temporal scales12
Modelling typhoon-induced extreme river discharges: A case study of Typhoon Hagibis in Japan12
Modeling hydraulic heads with impulse response functions in different environmental settings of the Baltic countries12
A review of applications of remote sensing for drought studies in the Andes region12
Improved modeling of Congo's hydrology for floods and droughts analysis and ENSO teleconnections12
Application of PCSWMM for assessing the impacts of urbanization and climate changes on the efficiency of stormwater drainage systems in managing urban flooding in Robe town, Ethiopia12
Meteorological and hydrological droughts in Mekong River Basin and surrounding areas under climate change12
Groundwater monitoring near oil sands development: Insights from regional water quality datasets in the Alberta Oil Sands Region (AOSR)12
Long-term variations of cloud top patterns associated with heavy rainfall over the Korean peninsula12
Reconstructing GRACE-derived terrestrial water storage anomalies with in-situ groundwater level measurements and meteorological forcing data12
Numerical groundwater flow and nitrate transport assessment in alluvial aquifer of Varaždin region, NW Croatia12
Climate change impact on water supply and hydropower generation potential in Northern Manitoba12
Can plant or lichen natural abundance 15N ratios indicate the influence of oil sands N emissions on bogs?12
Hydrological complexity and climate implications in Australia’s arid zone: A decade of high-resolution rainfall observations11
Hydrochemistry and stable isotope indication of natural mineral water in Changbai Mountain, China11
Effects of land use changes on green water along upper and middle reaches of Huaihe River Basin11
Hydrological response to future climate change in a mountainous watershed in the Northeast of Tibetan Plateau11
Streamflow droughts in Sweden: Spatiotemporal patterns emerging from six decades of observations11
The impact of overgrazing on water fluxes in a semi-arid watershed – The suitability of watershed scale modeling in a data scarce area11
Temporal rainfall variability and drought characterization in Cheleka Watershed, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia11
The impact of human activities and climate change on the eco-hydrological processes in the Yangtze River basin11
Projections of precipitation change from CMIP6 based on a new downscaling method in the Poyang Lake basin, China11
Hydrological response to climate change in a glacierized catchment in eastern Tien Shan, Central Asia11
Effects of the Three Gorges Dam on the downstream streamflow based on a large-scale hydrological and hydrodynamics coupled model11
Estimating snow water equivalent using observed snow depth data in China11
Assessing water resources availability in headwater sub-catchments of Pungwe River Basin in a changing climate11
Observed and projected trends in spring flood discharges for the Upper Harricana River, eastern boreal Canada11
Block-scale use of bioretention cells to restore the urban water balance: A case study in Tehran metropolis10
Impacts of climate change and human activities on sediment load in Longchuan River Basin, China10
Hydrological drought assessment using the standardized groundwater index and the standardized precipitation index in the Berg River Catchment, South Africa10
Spatio-temporal performance evaluation of 14 global precipitation estimation products across river basins in southwest Iran10
Curve number calibration for measuring impacts of land management in sub-humid Ethiopia10
Hydrological responses to historical and predicted land use/land cover changes in the Welmel watershed, Genale Dawa Basin, Ethiopia: Implications for water resource management10
Sensitivity of global hydrological models to potential evapotranspiration estimation methods in the Senegal River Basin (West Africa)10
Runoff and erosion from three unpaved road segments in northern Vietnam10
Quantifying changes and drivers of runoff in the Kaidu River Basin associated with plausible climate scenarios10
Value of long-term isotope monitoring of an index lake for tracking changes in lake water balances across a northern freshwater landscape10
Future changes and distribution of water resources in China under global warming levels of 1.5–4.5 °C10
Assessment of the capability of modern reanalyses to simulate precipitation in warm months using adjusted radar precipitation10
Predicting national-scale tile drainage discharge in Denmark using machine learning algorithms10
Citizen science data to improve rainfall-runoff model performance in urbanizing Akaki catchment, Awash Basin, Ethiopia10
Reconstruction of long-term hydrologic change and typhoon-induced flood events over the entire island of Taiwan10
Reduced runoff and sediment loss under alternative land capability-based land use and management options in a sub-humid watershed of Ethiopia10
Assessment of climatic and anthropogenic effects on flood dynamics in the Cerkniško Polje (SW Slovenia) based on a 70-year observation dataset10
Spatial and temporal change of hydrological connectivity in the Wusuli River Basin10
Projected increases in potential groundwater recharge and reduced evapotranspiration under future climate conditions in West Africa10
Equivalent Horton’s ratios of channel network within the framework of variable source basin area10
Evaluation of bankfull stage from plotted channel geometries10
Statistical analysis relating variations in groundwater level to droughts on Jeju Island, Korea10
Using stable isotopes to track hydrological processes at an oil sands mine, Alberta, Canada10
A study of riverbank filtration effectiveness in the Kępa Bogumiłowicka well field, southern Poland10
Exploring conceptual models of infiltration and groundwater recharge on an intermittent river: The role of geologic controls10
Responses of hydrological processes to vegetation greening and climate change in subtropical watersheds9
Potential effects of internal dam-break in Stare Miasto Reservoir in Poland9
Impacts of a proposed water control project on the inundation regime in China's largest freshwater lake (Poyang Lake): Quantification and ecological implications9
Increasing vulnerability of vegetation to Meteorological and Groundwater drought: A Case study in Argentina9
Novel framework for quantifying dam construction, climate change, and land-use change impacts on flow regime: A case study in Ganjiang River Basin, China9
Changes to the hydrology of a boreal fen following the placement of an access road and below ground pipeline9
Modeling streamflow response under changing environment using a modified SWAT model with enhanced representation of CO2 effects9
Impact of high-density managed aquifer recharge implementation on groundwater storage, food production and resilience: A case from Gujarat, India9
Quantifying impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on runoff in the source region of Alpine River in northeast Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau9
The hydrochemical evolution of a constructed peatland in a post-mining landscape six years after construction9
Revealing the intricate relationship: Droughts and typhoons in Taiwan using the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)9
Geospatial stable isotopes signatures of groundwater in United Arab Emirates using machine learning9
Urban flood adaptation and optimization for net-zero: Case study of Dongjak-gu, Seoul9
Impact assessment of sea level rise-induced high tide flooding and socioeconomic losses in a highly vulnerable coastal region9
A state-of-the-art and future perspectives of transboundary rivers in the cold climate – a systematic review of Irtysh River9
Evaluation of ERA5 and WFDE5 forcing data for hydrological modelling and the impact of bias correction with regional climatologies: A case study in the Danube River Basin9
Reconstruction of long-term water temperature indicates significant warming in Polish rivers during 1966–20209
A comprehensive overview of groundwater salinization and recharge processes in a semi-arid coastal aquifer (Essaouira, Morocco)9
Examining the 2022 drought event in the past and future discharge changes of the Upper Jialing River from a tree-ring perspective9
A multi-variable calibration framework at the grid scale for integrating streamflow with evapotranspiration data to improve the simulation of distributed hydrological model9
Using a comparative of DRASTIC and Bayesian weights of evidence approach to assess transboundary aquifer vulnerability in a data scarcity region: Tuli-Karoo aquifer9
Long-term optimal reservoir operation with tuning on large-scale multi-objective optimization: Case study of cascade reservoirs in the Upper Yellow River Basin9
Effects of drought on groundwater-fed lake areas in the Nebraska Sand Hills9
Combining groundwater budget, hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes to identify the groundwater flow in carbonate aquifers located in Campania Region (Southern Italy)9
Projected changes of groundwater levels in northeastern Romania according to climate scenarios for 2020–21009
Exploring denoising diffusion probabilistic model for daily streamflow gap filling in Central Asia typical watersheds9
Using a Bayesian joint probability approach to improve the skill of medium-range forecasts of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall9
Variability in flow and tracer-based performance metric sensitivities reveal regional differences in dominant hydrological processes across the Athabasca River basin9
Assessment of impacts of water transfer on lake flow and water quality in Lake Chaohu using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic-ecological model9
Impacts of climate and land-use change on flood events with different return periods in a mountainous watershed of North China9
Evaluation of groundwater potential using ANN-based mountain gazelle optimization: A framework to achieve SDGs in East El Oweinat, Egypt8
Comparing the use of ERA5 reanalysis dataset and ground-based agrometeorological data under different climates and topography in Italy8
Sensitivities of hydrological processes under climate warming and Landuse/landcover change in the Lhasa basin, Tibetan plateau8
Understanding the effects of digital elevation model resolution and building treatment for urban flood modelling8
Long-term drought intensification over Europe driven by the weakening trend of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation8
Spatial and temporal variabilities of surface water and sediment pollution at the main tidal-influenced river in Ca Mau Peninsular, Vietnamese Mekong Delta8
Assessing impacts of climate variability and land use/land cover change on the water balance components in the Sahel using Earth observations and hydrological modelling8
Evaluation of managed aquifer recharge in the Central Highlands of Vietnam8
Quantifying aquifer interaction using numerical groundwater flow model evaluated by environmental water tracer data: Application to the data-scarce area of the Bandung groundwater basin, West Java, In8
An assessment of gridded precipitation products over High Mountain Asia8
Tracking inter-annual terrestrial water storage variations over Lake Baikal basin from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On missions8
Evaluation of three gridded potential evapotranspiration datasets for streamflow simulation in three inland river basins in the arid Hexi Corridor, Northwest China8
Spatial variability of diurnal to seasonal cycles of precipitation from a high-altitude equatorial Andean valley to the Amazon Basin8
Assessing the impact of climate change on flood inundation and agriculture in the Himalayan Mountainous Region of Bhutan8
Spatiotemporal variations of water conservation and its influencing factors in ecological barrier region, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau8
Downscaling and validating GLDAS groundwater storage anomalies by integrating precipitation for recharge and actual evapotranspiration for discharge8
Spatio-temporal variation of evapotranspiration and its linkage with environmental factors in the largest freshwater lake wetland in China8
Spatio-temporal dynamics of water storage across Northwest China over the past four decades8
Nested hydrological modeling for flood prediction using CMIP6 inputs around Lake Tana, Ethiopia8
Benchmarking data-driven rainfall-runoff modeling across 54 catchments in the Yellow River Basin: Overfitting, calibration length, dry frequency8
Bias learning improves data driven models for streamflow prediction8
Determining the source and mechanism of river salinity: An integrated regional study8
Snow water equivalent in the Western Sudetes and its changes in the light of a changing climate8
Spatiotemporal variability of runoff events in response to rainfall, snowmelt, and rain-on-snow in the Lake Erie Basin8
Analysis of runoff generation driving factors based on hydrological model and interpretable machine learning method8
Long-term dense Landsat observations reveal detailed waterbody dynamics and temporal changes of the size-abundance relationship8
Effects of climate change on terrestrial water storage and basin discharge in the lancang River Basin8
Evaluation of pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties: A voyage from regional to field scales across Europe8
Assessment of the standard precipitation frequency estimates in the United States8
Urban flood forecasting based on the coupling of numerical weather model and stormwater model: A case study of Zhengzhou city8
Intensifying drought of Poyang Lake and potential recovery approaches in the dammed middle Yangtze River catchment8
Sustainable management of groundwater extraction: An Australian perspective on current challenges8
Improving streamflow simulation in Dongting Lake Basin by coupling hydrological and hydrodynamic models and considering water yields in data-scarce areas8
Evaluation of ERA5, ERA5-Land, GLDAS-2.1, and GLEAM potential evapotranspiration data over mainland China8
A novel framework for uncertainty quantification of rainfall–runoff models based on a Bayesian approach focused on transboundary river basins7
Quantifying the overlooked groundwater component in the water budget of a shallow soda lake in Hungary amidst climate change concerns7
The fluctuation characteristics of typical lakes in arid areas7
Assessing drought conditions in Northeast Brazil: A comparative analysis of soil moisture, groundwater, and total water storage7
Effective transboundary aquifer areas between Mexico and the United States: A border-wide approach7
Unrevealing the water-use strategies for typical ecological restoration plants and cash crops in the Eastern Chinese Loess Plateau region7
Compound effects of sea level and flow on river-induced flooding in coastal areas of southern Sweden7
A novel approach to include small reservoirs into a global hydrological model: Assessing its potential to reduce the agricultural water gap of smallholder farmers in Senegal7
Flood risk assessment in arid and semi-arid regions using Multi-criteria approaches and remote sensing in a data-scarce region7
Tracing contaminants of emerging concern in the Awash River basin, Ethiopia7
Hydrological processes in multi-layered aquifers of a karst watershed with coal mining activity: Insights from hydrochemistry and isotopes7
Intercomparison of reanalysis and satellite precipitation products in endorheic and exorheic basins on the Tibetan Plateau7
Historical climate change impacts on the water balance and storage capacity of agricultural reservoirs in small ungauged watersheds7
Analyses of groundwater storage change using GRACE satellite data in the Usutu-Mhlatuze drainage region, north-eastern South Africa7
Potential impact of precipitation temporal structure on meteorological drought and vegetation condition: A case study on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau7
Water and environmental management in oil sands regions7
Groundwater dynamics clustering and prediction based on grey relational analysis and LSTM model: A case study in Beijing Plain, China7
Multi-objective synergy and competition relationship of water and sediment regulation of the Heishanxia reservoir in upstream of the Yellow River Basin7
Runoff variation and its attribution analysis in the typical basin of Loess Plateau at multiple temporal and spatial scales7
Combined interpretation of geophysical, hydrogeochemical and environmental isotope data in a distal lobe of the Maros fluvial fan, Hungary – A novel approach in aquifer characterisation7
Linking hydroclimate indices to projected warming temperature and increased precipitation under CMIP6 for a sub-arctic basin7
Predicting future evapotranspiration based on remote sensing and deep learning7
Characteristics and discrepant responses of rainfall erosivity to El Niño-southern oscillation under varied rainfall intensity in a Karst Hilly region, China7
Assessing spatiotemporal variation in dry-wet abrupt alternation using an improved process-based approach7
A diagnostic framework to reveal future clean water scarcity in a changing climate7
A new scenario free procedure to determine flood peak changes in the Harz Mountains in response to climate change projections7
Spatiotemporal variations of total and dissolved trace elements and their distributions amongst major colloidal forms along and across the lower Athabasca River7
Synergistic impact of climate and land use land cover change dynamics on the hydrological regime of Loktak Lake catchment under CMIP6 scenarios7
Reference evapotranspiration estimation in hyper-arid regions via D-vine copula based-quantile regression and comparison with empirical approaches and machine learning models7
Modeling present and future flows in a tailings pile at the former Le Cellier uranium mine (France)7
Regional-scale seasonal forecast of surface water availability in a semi-arid environment: The case of Ceará State in Northeast of Brazil7
Rising lake levels in central East Africa are driven by increasing rainfall and land-use intensification7
Attribution mechanism of drought propagation time with changes in climate and underlying surface7
Cumulative infiltration and infiltration rate prediction using optimized deep learning algorithms: A study in Western Iran7
Advanced long-term actual evapotranspiration estimation in humid climates for 1958–2021 based on machine learning models enhanced by the RReliefF algorithm7
The influence of different tree species and age on the surface water balance of a small commercial forestry catchment7
Response patterns of mountain river deltas and adjacent coasts to the changes in sediment discharge: A case study of Minjiang River, China7
Characteristics of groundwater drought and its propagation dynamics with meteorological drought in the Sanjiang Plain, China: Irrigated versus nonirrigated areas7
Exploring hydrological system performance for alpine low flows in local and continental prediction systems7
Estimating groundwater recharge across Africa during 2003–2023 using GRACE-derived groundwater storage changes7
The Lake Chad transboundary aquifer. Estimation of groundwater fluxes through international borders from regional numerical modeling7
Evolutionary and ensemble machine learning predictive models for evaluation of water quality7
Applying baseflow approach to the environmental flow needs of the Similkameen River Watershed in British Columbia, Canada6
Br-Li and stable isotopes to induce groundwater salinity in crystalline and detrital aquifers: Oriental Haouz Morocco6
Baseline hydro-geochemical characteristics of groundwater in Abu Ali watershed (Northern Lebanon)6
Insight into landscape characteristics influence on the adaptability of estuarine shallow groundwater system to 100-year extreme precipitation6
Development of data-driven algal bloom alert models with low temporal resolution data and application to Hong Kong rivers6
Unlocking watershed mysteries: Innovative regionalization of hydrological model parameters in data-scarce regions6
Impacts of tropical cyclones on extreme precipitation and flooding in a humid subtropical inland basin of China6
Analyzing water uptake of apple trees using isotopic techniques in the Shandong Peninsula, China6
Assessment of the G2 model estimations and comparing it with erosion plots and observed sediment data in the Southern Caspian Sea river basins6
Unfolding cascading impacts of changing South Asia monsoon on a Hindu Kush Himalayas basin6