Life Sciences in Space Research

(The H4-Index of Life Sciences in Space Research is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
A review of astronaut mental health in manned missions: Potential interventions for cognitive and mental health challenges38
Applicability of composite materials for space radiation shielding of spacecraft30
Biology and crop production in Space environments: Challenges and opportunities29
The effects of microgravity on the digestive system and the new insights it brings to the life sciences29
Review of research into bioregenerative life support system(s) which can support humans living in space24
Plant biology for space exploration – Building on the past, preparing for the future24
Improving astronaut cancer risk assessment from space radiation with an ensemble model framework20
Negative impact of disuse and unloading on tendon enthesis structure and function20
Plant responses to real and simulated microgravity20
Growth and photosynthetic responses of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. cv. Tokyo Bekana) to continuously elevated carbon dioxide in a simulated Space Station “Veggie” crop-production environment20
Thick shielding against galactic cosmic radiation: A Monte Carlo study with focus on the role of secondary neutrons19
A proposed change to astronaut exposures limits is a giant leap backwards for radiation protection19
Reversing radiation-induced immunosuppression using a new therapeutic modality19
Updated deterministic radiation transport for future deep space missions19
Galactic cosmic ray simulation at the NASA space radiation laboratory – Progress, challenges and recommendations on mixed-field effects18
Lignocellulose degradation, biogas production and characteristics of the microbial community in solid-state anaerobic digestion of wheat straw waste18
Recent developments in space food for exploration missions: A review17
A non-invasive approach to monitor anemia during long-duration spaceflight with retinal fundus images and deep learning17