Lancet Global Health

(The TQCC of Lancet Global Health is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2019; 7: e861–711454
Follow-up of a BCG trial after 30 years: what lessons have we learned?752
The challenges of payment for performance under Brazil's PMAQ722
Estimating burden of syphilis among men who have sex with men – Authors' reply635
Estimating burden of syphilis among men who have sex with men552
Financial incentives for reduced alcohol use and increased isoniazid adherence during tuberculosis preventive therapy among people with HIV in Uganda: an open-label, factorial randomised controlled tr411
The iBreastExam versus clinical breast examination for breast evaluation in high risk and symptomatic Nigerian women: a prospective study297
Effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on the BMI of children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and prospective cohort studies239
Rising to the challenge: estimates of the magnitude and causes of vision impairment and blindness224
Prioritising health: cost and tuberculosis elimination in high-burden, resource-limited settings202
Decentralisation, integration, and task-shifting: tools to accelerate the elimination of hepatitis C202
Rethinking pandemic metrics: are composite indices enough?186
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; published online Feb 17.
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2020; published online Oct 15.
Understanding traditional healers' role in the HIV cascade of care: a qualitative study among stakeholders in Mwanza, Tanzania174
Integrating a community-based approach to non-communicable diseases care: a pilot programme in Bangladesh173
Understanding One Health through biological and behavioral risk surveillance in Liberia: a cross-sectional study158
Access to COVID-19 vaccination for displaced Venezuelans in Latin America: a rapid scoping review157
Online interprofessional education for in-service health-care providers improved HIV performance indicators at health facilities in Uganda: a targeted training approach152
National health and budget impact of implementing the WHO HEARTS hypertension control program in Bangladesh151
Periconceptional diet and the risk of gestational diabetes in south Indian women: findings from the BAngalore Nutrition Gestational diabetes LiFEstyle Study (BANGLES)147
Effectiveness and co-benefits of a telephone-based intervention in reducing obesity risk of children aged 2–4 years: findings from a pragmatic randomised controlled trial during the COVID-19 pandemic 141
A low-cost bilirubin measurement tool for neonatal jaundice monitoring at the point-of-care: a comparison of BiliDx with a standard laboratory bilirubinometer and transcutaneous bilirubinometer136
Prevalence of syphilis among adults and adolescents in five sub-Saharan African countries: findings from Population-based HIV Impact Assessment surveys130
A call for reforms in global health publications128
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e1555–64127
Analysis of opioid analgesics consumption in Africa: a longitudinal study from a 20-year continental perspective120
Quantifying progression and regression across the spectrum of pulmonary tuberculosis: a data synthesis study118
The state of health in Pakistan and its provinces and territories, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019114
What gets measured does not always get done – Authors' reply112
Assessing the prevalence and impact of preserved ratio impaired spirometry in low-income and middle-income countries: a post-hoc cross-sectional analysis106
A combined qSOFA-lactate model for sepsis-related mortality prediction: a small step towards an elusive answer?106
The upcoming flu seasons: how worried should we be?105
Global NCD policy implementation stalls in the modern era103
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; 9: e759–72102
Escalating burden of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Ethiopia98
Mandatory food fortification with folic acid – Authors' reply97
Efficacy of typhoid conjugate vaccine in Nepal: final results of a phase 3, randomised, controlled trial96
Alarming high prevalence of non-HIV sexually transmitted infections in a rural population of Southern Uganda95
Thank you to The Lancet Global Health's statistical and peer reviewers in 202293
Trial-of-antibiotics to assist tuberculosis diagnosis in symptomatic adults in Malawi (ACT-TB study): a randomised controlled trial90
Measuring what matters: supporting cities in tackling climate and health challenges87
Progress to be made in asthma management85
Noma: neglected no more?84
Influenza vaccination in failing hearts84
Implementation of dual maternal HIV-Syphilis testing: The devil is in the details82
Trachoma control using water, sanitation, and hygiene81
Water infrastructure and citizenship exclusion of Roma communities in Europe81
Single dose HPV vaccine in achieving global cervical cancer elimination80
The health status of Indonesia's provinces: the double burden of diseases and inequality gap80
Influenza surveillance data from Africa to inform tailored vaccination programmes78
Towards malaria elimination in Brazil78
C-reactive protein: another addition to our armamentarium against tuberculosis?77
Addressing the adherence challenge in tuberculosis treatment: more than digital technologies76
Visual function rather than visual acuity – Authors' reply74
The optimal screening strategy for chronic hepatitis B virus infection in China73
A tool to identify NCD interventions to achieve the SDG target73
The OptiMA protocol in children with wasting and stunting72
Intimate partner violence among women with infertility72
Tackling marketing of formula milk: process matters70
Statin use in low-income and middle-income countries – Authors' reply70
An urgent need for early diagnosis and treatment of acute rheumatic fever68
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2018; 6: e1196–25268
The past and future of maternal and peripartum mortality67
Causes of stillbirth and death among children younger than 5 years in eastern Hararghe, Ethiopia: a population-based post-mortem study67
Examining the relationship between armed conflict and coverage of maternal and child health services in 35 countries in sub-Saharan Africa: a geospatial analysis67
Impact of the human papillomavirus vaccine in low-resource settings67
Paving the way towards hepatitis B virus-free generations in Africa66
Investing in late-stage clinical trials and manufacturing of product candidates for five major infectious diseases: a modelling study of the benefits and costs of investment in three middle-income cou65
Assessment of serological responses following vaccination campaigns with type 2 novel oral polio vaccine: a population-based study in Tajikistan in 202164
Health effects of routine measles vaccination and supplementary immunisation activities in 14 high-burden countries: a Dynamic Measles Immunization Calculation Engine (DynaMICE) modelling study64
Neonatal care practices need to be further explored62
Fixed prevalence of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance markers after 3 years of drug pressure61
Leveraging remote consultations in resource-limited settings61
Severity assessment tools for dehydration associated with diarrhoea in a low-resource setting60
Optimising the management of acute malnutrition59
Effects of a social norm-based handwashing intervention including handwashing stations, and a handwashing station-only intervention on handwashing with soap in urban Côte d'Ivoire: a cluster randomise58
A road to optimising maternal and newborn quality care measurement for all58
Challenges in interpreting SARS-CoV-2 serological results in African countries58
Post-discharge malaria chemoprevention in children admitted with severe anaemia in malaria-endemic settings in Africa: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised contr57
Global health in low-income and middle-income countries: a framework for action56
Postinfectious hydrocephalus in African infants: common, under-recognised, devastating, and potentially preventable56
Challenges in estimating the burden of neurological disorders across Indian states – Authors' reply56
Progress towards universal health coverage and inequalities in infant mortality: an analysis of 4·1 million births from 60 low-income and middle-income countries between 2000 and 201955
National prevalence of vision impairment and blindness and associated risk factors in adults aged 40 years and older with known or undiagnosed diabetes: results from the SMART-India cross-sectional st54
Potential impact and cost-effectiveness of Shigella vaccination in 102 low-income and middle-income countries in children aged 5 years or younger: a modelling study53
Human papillomavirus vaccine effect against human papillomavirus infection in Rwanda: evidence from repeated cross-sectional cervical-cell-based surveys53
Revisiting blood pressure thresholds to define hypertension during pregnancy: is 140/90 mmHg too high?52
Horizontal versus vertical inequalities: the relative significance of geography versus class in mapping subnational fertility52
Childhood cancer medicines: understanding barriers to access52
Queering global health: a feminist and lesbian, gay, and bisexual perspective51
Southeast Asia needs a revolving fund for vaccines51
Queering global health: a feminist and lesbian, gay, and bisexual perspective – Authors' reply50
Retinoblastoma as a lens for correctable disparities worldwide50
The future of the International Health Regulations49
Improving the quality of intensive care in middle-income countries49
Challenges in estimating the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in Africa48
Integrated pneumonia surveillance: pandemics and beyond48
Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health47
Economic evaluation is insufficient without health systems analysis47
Maternal mortality, stillbirths, and neonatal mortality: a transition model based on analyses of 151 countries47
Global access to existing and future antimicrobials and diagnostics: antimicrobial subscription and pooled procurement47
Low-level viraemia among people living with HIV in Nigeria: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study46
Restrictive abortion laws, COVID-19, telehealth, and medication abortion in the SDG era46
Factors associated with medical consumable availability in level 1 facilities in Malawi: a secondary analysis of a facility census45
Bringing home manufacturing of medical products44
Global health research funding applications: brain drain under another name?44
“The Nobodies”: unidentified dead bodies—a global health crisis requiring urgent attention44
Why we still need a pandemic treaty43
Trends in missing females at birth in India from 1981 to 2016: analyses of 2·1 million birth histories in nationally representative surveys42
The Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022 and camel pageant championships increase risk of MERS-CoV transmission and global spread42
Effective cataract surgical coverage in adults aged 50 years and older: estimates from population-based surveys in 55 countries42
Infant BCG vaccination and risk of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis throughout the life course: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis42
Community delivery of malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy41
The socioeconomic gradient of alcohol use: an analysis of nationally representative survey data from 55 low-income and middle-income countries41
Preprints versus peer-reviewed articles41
The values and risks of an Intergovernmental Panel for One Health to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response41
Families affected by catastrophic costs due to tuberculosis41
AI telemedicine screening in ophthalmology: health economic considerations40
Protecting local manufacture in international trade agreements40
Impact of smokeless tobacco policies40
Racism and health: the need for urgent action40
Tuberculosis and undernutrition in India39
A hidden pandemic: the danger of donated respiratory devices to children in LMICs39
Reimagining family planning: beyond opinion leaders and service uptake indicators39
Towards tuberculosis elimination: reaching the most at-risk populations with tuberculosis preventive therapy39
Can early measles vaccination control both measles and respiratory syncytial virus infections?38
Is intimate partner violence declining in low-income and middle-income countries?38
Indigenous children: opportunities for early childhood development through book-sharing38
Decentralising screening and preventive treatment among children exposed to tuberculosis in the household38
People who inject drugs: testing and treatment of HIV and HCV38
Maternal morbidity: the lifelong experience of survivors37
Donor aid mentioning newborns and stillbirths, 2002–19: an analysis of levels, trends, and equity37
Global and regional sepsis and infectious syndrome mortality in 2019: a systematic analysis36
A call for African universities to define their research priorities35
Sex differences in mortality among children, adolescents, and young people aged 0–24 years: a systematic assessment of national, regional, and global trends from 1990 to 202135
Prioritising health-care strategies to reduce childhood mortality, insights from Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS): a longitudinal study35
Supporting midwifery is the answer to the wicked problems in maternity care35
Clinical outcomes with second-line dolutegravir in people with virological failure on first-line non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor-based regimens in South Africa: a retrospective cohort s35
Mapping low-resource contexts to prepare for lung health interventions in four countries (FRESH AIR): a mixed-method study35
Health service quality in 2929 facilities in six low-income and middle-income countries: a positive deviance analysis34
The when is less important than the what: an epidemic scale as an alternative to the WHO's Public Health Emergency of International Concern34
Patient-level and system-level determinants of stroke fatality across 16 large hospitals in Ghana and Nigeria: a prospective cohort study34
Using drones to deliver blood products in Rwanda34
Complexity of clinical trial operationalisation in India34
Aligning meta-regression analyses of cost-effectiveness evidence to policy makers' needs34
Challenges on the road to achieving the SDG 3.2 targets in resource-limited settings34
Does medical male circumcision result in sexual risk compensation in Africa?33
Trends and determinants of newborn mortality in Kyrgyzstan: a Countdown country case study33
Poliovirus antibodies following two rounds of campaigns with a type 2 novel oral poliovirus vaccine in Liberia: a clustered, population-based seroprevalence survey33
Gender norms and the wellbeing of girls and boys33
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Sierra Leone32
Pesticide suicides: what more evidence is needed to ban highly hazardous pesticides?32
Cybersecurity in the age of digital pandemics: protecting patient data in low-income and middle-income countries32
The drug drought in maternal health: an ongoing predicament32
New insights into cancer epidemiology and survival in sub-Saharan Africa32
Quantifying the wellbeing of women: what metrics matter?31
Resolving the CD4-testing crisis to help end AIDS-related deaths31
National and subnational burden of mental disorders in Iran (1990–2019): findings of the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study31
Metrics for the people and by the people31
HIFA response to the Lancet Global Health Editorial31
Effects of hospital facilities on patient outcomes after cancer surgery: an international, prospective, observational study30
Monitoring essential medicines access—unfinished business30
Threats to the effectiveness of insecticide-treated bednets for malaria control: thinking beyond insecticide resistance30
Association of current Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma japonicum, and Schistosoma mekongi infection status and intensity with periportal fibrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis30
Global burden of tuberculous meningitis in children aged 0–14 years in 2019: a mathematical modelling study30
Primary health care in practice: usual source of care and health system performance across 14 countries29
Enhanced bedside mortality prediction combining point-of-care lactate and the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) score in patients hospitalised with suspected infection in southeast Asi29
Mandatory food fortification with folic acid29
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2021; 2: 144–6029
Treat All versus targeted strategies to select HBV-infected people for antiviral therapy in The Gambia, west Africa: a cost-effectiveness analysis28
Comparison of maternal and neonatal outcomes of COVID-19 before and after SARS-CoV-2 omicron emergence in maternity facilities in Malawi (MATSurvey): data from a national maternal surveillance platfor28
Pregnant women's appetite for risk28
Leprosy post-exposure prophylaxis risks not adequately assessed28
Respiratory diseases, racial disparities, and residential proximity to coal power plants in Wisconsin, USA: a cross-sectional study28
Antenatal corticosteroids in adequately equipped facilities in low-resource settings28
Ethnoracial inequalities and child mortality in Brazil: a nationwide longitudinal study of 19 million newborn babies28
The importance of post-discharge surgical site infection surveillance: an exploration of surrogate outcome validity in a global randomised controlled trial (FALCON)27
Access in the rare diseases landscape27
Incidence, risk factors, prognosis, and health-related quality of life after stroke in a low-resource community in Chile (ÑANDU): a prospective population-based study27
Working with the news media for the greater good27
Countering helicopter research with equitable partnerships27
Intravenous ferric carboxymaltose for iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy27
Preventing pellagra during isoniazid preventive treatment27
Access to comprehensive services for HIV and non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa26
Childhood encephalitis in the Greater Mekong region (the SouthEast Asia Encephalitis Project): a multicentre prospective study26
The state inoculates: vaccines as soft power26
Health system quality and COVID-19 vaccination: a cross-sectional analysis in 14 countries26
Association of enteropathogen detection with diarrhoea by age and high versus low child mortality settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis26
What research evidence can support the decolonisation of global health? Making space for deeper scholarship in global health journals26
Why pneumococcal surveillance must continue25
Questions about the HELIX trial25
COVID-19 pandemic and health-care disruptions: count the most vulnerable25
When should global health actors prioritise more uncertain interventions?25
COVID-19 and maternal and perinatal outcomes – Authors' reply25
Performance of standardised colposcopy to detect cervical precancer and cancer for triage of women testing positive for human papillomavirus: results from the ESTAMPA multicentric screening study25
Impact of the 100 days mission for vaccines on COVID-19: a mathematical modelling study25
Preventive therapy: can tuberculosis efforts learn anything from the leprosy approach?25
The effect of intermittent preventive treatment for malaria with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine on vaccine-specific responses among schoolchildren in rural Uganda (POPVAC B): a double-blind, randomise25
Accelerating the evidence for built environment health interventions25
Machines matter too: including biomedical engineering partnerships in global health initiatives24
Safeguarding the SDG promise to end hunger and leave no one behind: the plight of children in the Gaza Strip24
Dolutegravir for second-line antiretroviral therapy: the beat goes on24
Schistosome and malaria exposure and urban–rural differences in vaccine responses in Uganda: a causal mediation analysis using data from three linked randomised controlled trials24
Safety of hepatitis E vaccine in pregnancy: an emulated target trial following a mass reactive vaccination campaign in Bentiu internally displaced persons camp, South Sudan24
Hepatitis E vaccine and fetal loss: the potential pathophysiological basis – Authors' reply24
Intimate partner violence and childhood health outcomes in 37 sub-Saharan African countries: an analysis of demographic health survey data from 2011 to 202224
The cause of nodding syndrome remains unknown24
The value of longitudinal qualitative approaches in vaccination pilot studies23
Financial incentives can improve secondary distribution of HIV self-tests – Authors' reply23
A research definition and framework for acute paediatric critical illness across resource-variable settings: a modified Delphi consensus23
No health without brain health23
Implementation of the 7-1-7 target for detection, notification, and response to public health threats in five countries: a retrospective, observational study23
Mortality in patients admitted to hospital with heart failure in China: a nationwide Cardiovascular Association Database-Heart Failure Centre Registry cohort study23
Cancer medicines on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines: processes, challenges, and a way forward23
Global patterns and trends in Kaposi sarcoma incidence: a population-based study22
Multicomponent strategy with decentralised molecular testing for tuberculosis in Uganda: a cost and cost-effectiveness analysis22
Global estimates of incidence and mortality of cervical cancer in 2020: a baseline analysis of the WHO Global Cervical Cancer Elimination Initiative22
Variations in risks from smoking between high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of data from 179 000 participants from 63 countries22
Cost-effectiveness of interventions for HIV/AIDS, malaria, syphilis, and tuberculosis in 128 countries: a meta-regression analysis22
The cost of inaction on physical inactivity to public health-care systems: a population-attributable fraction analysis22
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and perinatal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis22
Availability of facility resources and services and infection-related maternal outcomes in the WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study: a cross-sectional study21
Culture-confirmed neonatal bloodstream infections and meningitis in South Africa, 2014–19: a cross-sectional study21
Effectiveness and safety of intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin–piperaquine or artesunate–amodiaquine for reducing malaria and related morbidities in schoolchildren in Tanzania: 21
Feasibility of measles and rubella vaccination programmes for disease elimination: a modelling study21
The effect of conditional cash transfers on the control of neglected tropical disease: a systematic review21
Safety and immunogenicity of a typhoid conjugate vaccine among children aged 9 months to 12 years in Malawi: a nested substudy of a double-blind, randomised controlled trial21
Potential benefit of extended dose schedules of human papillomavirus vaccination in the context of scarce resources and COVID-19 disruptions in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical m20
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in low-resource settings: a statement by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation, supported by the AFEM, EUSEM, IFEM, and IFRC20
Difference in mortality among individuals admitted to hospital with COVID-19 during the first and second waves in South Africa: a cohort study20
The risk of perinatal mortality following short inter-pregnancy intervals—insights from 692 402 pregnancies in 113 Demographic and Health Surveys from 46 countries: a population-based analysis20
Expanded screening for chronic hepatitis B virus infection in China20
Outcomes of rheumatic fever in Uganda: a prospective cohort study20
Urgently seeking efficiency and sustainability of clinical trials in global health20
Digital adherence technologies to improve tuberculosis treatment outcomes in China: a cluster-randomised superiority trial20
Essential diagnostics: mind the gap20
Infant BCG vaccination is beneficial, but not sufficient20
Disability: measurement matters20
Intravenous versus oral iron for anaemia among pregnant women in Nigeria (IVON): an open-label, randomised controlled trial20
Prediction of upcoming global infection burden of influenza seasons after relaxation of public health and social measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: a modelling study20
Economic analysis of antenatal screening for human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 in Brazil: an open access cost-utility model20
Estimates of the global burden of cervical cancer associated with HIV20
The COVID-19 pandemic and maternal mental health in a fragile and conflict-affected setting in Tumaco, Colombia: a cohort study20
Polio eradication at the crossroads19
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2022; 10: e139319
The surge of mpox in Africa: a call for action19
Correction to Lancet Glob Health 2022; 10: e482–9019
Routine sterile glove and instrument change at the time of abdominal wound closure to prevent surgical site infection (ChEETAh): a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis of a pragmatic, cluster-rando19
Advancing mental health service delivery in low-resource settings19