
(The TQCC of Photoacoustics is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Snapshot time-reversed ultrasonically encoded optical focusing guided by time-reversed photoacoustic wave160
Spectral crosstalk in photoacoustic computed tomography112
Design of EM-artifact-free earphone based on the photoacoustic effect94
Fano meets Stokes: Four-order-of-magnitude enhancement of asymmetric Brillouin light scattering spectra83
Optical polarization perturbed by shear strains of ultrasonic bulk waves in anisotropic semiconductors: Multiphysics modeling and optoacoustic validation81
Adaptive polarization photoacoustic computed tomography for biological anisotropic tissue imaging81
Parallel imaging with phonon microscopy using a multi-core fibre bundle detection77
Fabrication of a translational photoacoustic needle sensing probe for interstitial photoacoustic spectral analysis70
Fluorescence-informed photoacoustic discrimination of multiple chromophores by lifetime mapping optically gated responses68
Visualizing the early-stage testicular torsion by dual-modal photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging68
Sound velocity mapping from GHz Brillouin oscillations in transparent materials by optical incidence from the side of the sample67
A multi-aperture encoding scheme for increased SNR in photoacoustic Imaging64
Detection of collagen by multi-wavelength photoacoustic analysis as a biomarker for bone health assessment61
Superpixel spectral unmixing framework for the volumetric assessment of tissue chromophores: A photoacoustic data-driven approach56
Multispectral optoacoustic tomography for in vivo detection of lymph node metastases in oral cancer patients using an EGFR-targeted contrast agent and intrinsic tissue contrast: A proof-of-concept stu56
Understanding photoacoustic signal formation in the presence of transparent thin films50
Cantilever-enhanced dual-comb photoacoustic spectroscopy49
Learning spatially variant degradation for unsupervised blind photoacoustic tomography image restoration46
Open photoacoustic cell for concentration measurements in rapidly flowing gas45
A high-sensitivity high-resolution intravascular photoacoustic catheter through mode cleaning in a graded-index fiber44
An extremum-guided interpolation for sparsely sampled photoacoustic imaging43
Quantification of prefrontal cortical neuronal ensembles following conditioned fear learning in a Fos-LacZ transgenic rat with photoacoustic imaging in Vivo43
Multi-mechanism collaboration enhanced photoacoustic analyzer for trace H2S detection41
Cantilever-enhanced photoacoustic measurement of HTO in water vapor41
Video-rate dual-modal photoacoustic and fluorescence imaging through a multimode fibre towards forward-viewing endomicroscopy41
Broadband transparent ultrasound transducer with polymethyl methacrylate as matching layer for in vivo photoacoustic microscopy41
Fisheye piezo polymer detector for scanning optoacoustic angiography of experimental neoplasms40
Multi-angle data acquisition to compensate transducer finite size in photoacoustic tomography39
pH-responsive ratiometric photoacoustic imaging of polyaniline nanoparticle-coated needle for targeted cancer biopsy38
Multispectral optoacoustic tomography might be a helpful tool for noninvasive early diagnosis of psoriatic arthritis38
Adaptive optics enhanced sensitivity in Fabry-Pérot based photoacoustic tomography37
Ultrafast photoacoustic cavitation pumped by picosecond laser for high-efficient and long-term shockwave theranostics37
Multiscale optoacoustic assessment of skin microvascular reactivity in carotid artery disease37
Photostability enhancement of silica-coated gold nanostars for photoacoustic imaging guided photothermal therapy36
Multiple diffusion models-enhanced extremely limited-view reconstruction strategy for photoacoustic tomography boosted by multi-scale priors36
In vivo co-registered hybrid-contrast imaging by successive photoacoustic tomography and magnetic resonance imaging34
Niche preclinical and clinical applications of photoacoustic imaging with endogenous contrast34
High-fidelity deconvolution for acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy enabled by convolutional neural networks33
Activity of keloids evaluated by multimodal photoacoustic/ultrasonic imaging system33
Ppb-level gas detection using on-beam quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy based on a 28 kHz tuning fork32
Integrated near-infrared QEPAS sensor based on a 28 kHz quartz tuning fork for online monitoring of CO2 in the greenhouse32
Probing gigahertz coherent acoustic phonons in TiO2 mesoporous thin films29
Refraction, beam splitting and dispersion of GHz surface acoustic waves by a phononic crystal29
Multi-modal imaging for uptake of peptide ligand specific for CD44 by hepatocellular carcinoma28
H2S quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy sensor employing a liquid-nitrogen-cooled THz quantum cascade laser operating in pulsed mode28
Photoacoustic spectrum analysis for spherical target size and optical property determination: A feasibility study28
Adaptive dual-speed ultrasound and photoacoustic computed tomography27
T-type cell mediated photoacoustic spectroscopy for simultaneous detection of multi-component gases based on triple resonance modality27
Croconaine-based nanoparticles enable efficient optoacoustic imaging of murine brain tumors26
X-ray free-electron laser induced acoustic microscopy (XFELAM)26
Ppb-level detection of methane based on an optimized T-type photoacoustic cell and a NIR diode laser26
Quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy exploiting low-frequency tuning forks as a tool to measure the vibrational relaxation rate in gas species26
4D spectral-spatial computational photoacoustic dermoscopy26
Open-closed single-tube on-beam tuning-fork-enhanced fiber-optic photoacoustic spectroscopy25
Classification and risk assessment of ovarian-adnexal lesions using parametric and radiomic analysis of co-registered ultrasound-photoacoustic tomographic images25
Efficient label-free in vivo photoacoustic imaging of melanoma cells using a condensed NIR-I spectral window25
Label-free analytic histology of carotid atherosclerosis by mid-infrared optoacoustic microscopy24
Spatial quantification of clinical biomarker pharmacokinetics through deep learning-based segmentation and signal-oriented analysis of MSOT data24
Theoretical and experimental study on the detection limit of the micro-ring resonator based ultrasound point detectors24
Silicon photonic acoustic detector (SPADE) using a silicon nitride microring resonator24
A novel photoacoustic-fluorescent contrast agent for quantitative imaging of lymphatic drainage24
Multivariate-coupled-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy with Chebyshev rational fractional-order filtering algorithm for trace CH4 detection24
In vivo characterization and analysis of glioblastoma at different stages using multiscale photoacoustic molecular imaging23
Classification and discrimination of real and fake blood based on photoacoustic spectroscopy combined with particle swarm optimized wavelet neural networks23
Experimental and numerical study of Conoscopic Interferometry sensitivity for optimal acoustic pulse detection in ultrafast acoustics23
Non-invasive evaluation of transdermal drug delivery using 3-D transient triplet differential (TTD) photoacoustic imaging23
Dynamic acoustic focusing in photoacoustic transmitter23
Dual-wavelength UV-visible metalens for multispectral photoacoustic microscopy: A simulation study22
Evaluation of ultrasound sensors for transcranial photoacoustic sensing and imaging22
Time-domain Brillouin scattering theory for probe light and acoustic beams propagating at an angle and acousto-optic interaction at material interfaces22
Spectral analysis of amplitude and phase echoes in picosecond ultrasonics for strain pulse shape determination22
Posterior photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging of the periodontal pocket with a compact intraoral transducer21
Deep learning acceleration of iterative model-based light fluence correction for photoacoustic tomography21
Ultrasensitive broadband photoacoustic microscopy based on common-path interferometric surface plasmon resonance sensing21
Special issue introduction: Ultrafast photoacoustics21
Effect of surface plasmon on optical detection of picosecond ultrasonic pulses generated in aluminum nanofilms20
Photoacoustic digital brain and deep-learning-assisted image reconstruction20
Photoacoustic graphic equalization and application in characterization of red blood cell aggregates20
Compact quartz-enhanced photoacoustic sensor for ppb-level ambient NO2 detection by use of a high-power laser diode and a grooved tuning fork19
Quartz tuning forks resonance frequency matching for laser spectroscopy sensing19
Non-invasive evaluation of endometrial microvessels via in vivo intrauterine photoacoustic endoscopy19
Non-invasive multispectral optoacoustic tomography resolves intrahepatic lipids in patients with hepatic steatosis18
Structural and functional imaging of psoriasis for severity assessment and quantitative monitoring of treatment response using high-resolution optoacoustic imaging18
Ultrasound-enhanced Unet model for quantitative photoacoustic tomography of ovarian lesions18
Integrated near-infrared fiber-optic photoacoustic sensing demodulator for ultra-high sensitivity gas detection18
In vivo quantitative photoacoustic evaluation of the liver and kidney pathology in tyrosinemia18
Multispectral optoacoustic tomography enables assessment of disease activity in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease17
Raster-scanning optoacoustic mesoscopy biomarkers for atopic dermatitis skin lesions17
Characterization of H2S QEPAS detection in methane-based gas leaks dispersed into environment17
High sensitivity and ultra-low concentration range photoacoustic spectroscopy based on trapezoid compound ellipsoid resonant photoacoustic cell and partial least square17
Size-tunable ICG-based contrast agent platform for targeted near-infrared photoacoustic imaging.17
A review of a strategic roadmapping exercise to advance clinical translation of photoacoustic imaging: From current barriers to future adoption17
Suppressing artifacts in the total focusing method using the directivity of laser ultrasound17
Head-to-tail imaging of mice with spiral volumetric optoacoustic tomography16
Use of pattern recognition in photoacoustic imaging to identify neuronal ensembles in the prefrontal cortex of rats undergoing conditioned fear learning16
Bornite (Cu5FeS4) nanocrystals as an ultrasmall biocompatible NIR-II contrast agent for photoacoustic imaging16
A three-dimensional modeling method for quantitative photoacoustic breast imaging with handheld probe16
Quantitative volumetric photoacoustic assessment of vasoconstriction by topical corticosteroid application in mice skin16
Development of a 443 nm diode laser-based differential photoacoustic spectrometer for simultaneous measurements of aerosol absorption and NO216
The role of electrostriction in the generation of acoustic waves by optical forces in water16
Machine learning radiomics based on intra and peri tumor PA/US images distinguish between luminal and non-luminal tumors in breast cancers16
Harmonic phase-sensitive detection for quartz-enhanced photoacoustic-thermoelastic spectroscopy15
Progress of clinical translation of handheld and semi-handheld photoacoustic imaging15
Transparent microfiber Fabry-Perot ultrasound sensor with needle-shaped focus for multiscale photoacoustic imaging15
Investigation of silk as a phantom material for ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging15
Azimuth mapping of fibrous tissue in linear dichroism-sensitive photoacoustic microscopy15
Myocardial infarct border demarcation by dual-wavelength photoacoustic spectral analysis15
Quick identification of prostate cancer by wavelet transform-based photoacoustic power spectrum analysis15
Photoacoustic power azimuth spectrum for microvascular evaluation15