Journal of the Economics of Ageing

(The median citation count of Journal of the Economics of Ageing is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The economic burden of COVID-19 in the United States: Estimates and projections under an infection-based herd immunity approach30
What are the effects of expanding social pension on health? Evidence from the Basic Pension in South Korea26
Revisiting longer-term health effects of informal caregiving: Evidence from the UK17
Big data at work: Age and labor productivity in the service sector17
Trust and retirement preparedness: Evidence from Singapore13
How financial literacy shapes the demand for financial advice at older ages13
Mental health effects of caregivers respite: Subsidies or Supports?11
Do living arrangements matter?—Evidence from eating behaviors of the elderly in rural China11
R&D-driven medical progress, health care costs, and the future of human longevity10
Working longer and population aging in the U.S.: Why delayed retirement isn’t a practical solution for many10
The relationship between age and subjective well-being: Estimating within and between effects simultaneously10
Age differences in preferences through the lens of socioemotional selectivity theory9
Health insurance and poverty of the older population in the United States: The importance of a health inclusive poverty measure9
Worsening workers' health by lowering retirement age: The malign consequences of a benign reform9
Health misperception and healthcare utilisation among older Europeans9
The effects of population aging on South Korea’s economy: The National Transfer Accounts approach9
Lifetime employment–coresidential trajectories and extended working life in Chile8
Time to change? Promoting mobility at older ages to support longer working lives8
Automation and aging: The impact on older workers in the workforce7
The effect of social pension on consumption among older adults in Korea7
Macroeconomic impacts of changes in life expectancy and fertility7
Opportunity costs of unpaid caregiving: Evidence from panel time diaries7
The role of gender, education and family in the welfare organization: Disaggregating National Transfer Accounts7
The effects of an increase in the retirement age on health — Evidence from administrative data7
Self-selection in physical and mental health among older intra-European migrants6
The rise of age-friendly jobs6
Later retirement and the labor market re-integration of elderly unemployed workers6
Consumption and poverty of older Chinese: 2011–20206
Pension exposure and health: Evidence from a longitudinal study in South Africa6
Met or unmet need for long-term care: Formal and informal care in southern Europe6
Does financial education affect retirement savings?6
The economics of longevity – An introduction6
The long term impact of Chilean policy reforms on savings and pensions6
The evolution of labor force participation and the expected length of retirement in Brazil6
Population age structure and secular stagnation: Evidence from long run data5
Pension information and women’s awareness5
Temps dip deeper: Temporary employment and the midlife nadir in human well-being5
Population ageing and income inequality5
Population aging and house prices: Who are we calling old?5
Aging workforce, wages, and productivity: Do older workers drag productivity down in Korea?5
Demand for older workers: What do we know? What do we need to learn?5
Early retired or automatized? Evidence from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe5
The Economic and Health Effects of Long-Term Care Insurance: New Evidence from Korea5
Optimal demand for medical and long-term care4
COVID-19 and attitudes towards early withdrawal of pension funds: The role of trust and political ideology4
Income trajectories in later life: Longitudinal evidence from the Health and Retirement Study4
Long-run health trends in Europe3
The impact of social security wealth on the distribution of wealth in the European Union3
Excess costs of dementia in old age (85+) in Germany: Results from the AgeCoDe-AgeQualiDe study3
Medical progress and life cycle choices3
Fertility, Imperfect Labor Market, and Notional Defined Contribution Pension3
Returning to work: The role of soft skills and automatability on unretirement decisions3
The limited power of socioeconomic status to predict lifespan: Implications for pension policy3
Age, longevity, and preferences3
Aging, education and intergenerational flows in Uruguay3
The impact of famine experience on middle-aged and elderly individuals’ food consumption: Evidence from China3
Age and education effects in Singapore’s demographic dividend 1970–20203
Public redistribution in Europe: Between generations or income groups?3
Evolution of inequalities in health care use among older people in Brazil: Evidence for the period 1998–20192
Objective and subjective memory: Impact on the financial behavior of older adults in the United States2
Political violence and household savings: Evidence from the long-term effects of the Cultural Revolution2
Informal caregiving and work: A high price to pay. The case of Baltic States2
Determinants of early-access to retirement savings: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic2
Does human capital compensate for population decline?2
The impact of cash transfers on child outcomes in rural Thailand: Evidence from a social pension reform2
Do stronger employment discrimination protections decrease reliance on Social Security Disability Insurance? Evidence from the U.S. Social Security reforms2
What explains different rates of nursing home admissions? Comparing the United States to Denmark and the Netherlands2
The old-age pension household replacement rate in Belgium2
Fiscal consequences of Alzheimer's disease and informal care provision in the UK: A “government perspective” microsimulation2
R(a)ising employment of older individuals2
Why is ageing associated with lower adoption of new technologies? Evidence from voluntary medical male circumcision and a structural model2
Evidence of behavioural life-cycle features in spending patterns after retirement2
Monetary cost estimation of care for functionally dependent older adults in Mexico2
The effect of volunteering on employment: Evidence from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)2
The effect of unemployment on care provision2
Beware of the employer: Financial incentives for employees may fail to prolong old-age employment2
Health improvements impact income inequality2
Long-term services and supports and disease management among older Chinese adults in different stages of cognitive impairment2
A longitudinal perspective on inter vivos transfers between children and their parents in need of long-term care1
Retirement and healthcare utilization: Evidence from pension eligibility ages in South Korea1
The nature and extent of demographic dividend in West Africa: National transfer account approach1
Investment in human capital by socioeconomic status in Uruguay1
Interview with Liashko Viktor, Ukrainian Minister of Health1
Are pilot experiments random? Social connections and policy expansion in China1
Private health insurance, healthcare spending and utilization among older adults: Results from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Aging1
The (dynamic) effect of retirement on food purchases1
The effect of educational expansion and family change on the sustainability of public and private transfers1
Households’ heterogeneous welfare effects of using home equity for life cycle consumption1
Assistance benefits and unemployment outflows of the elderly unemployed: The impact of a law change1
Revisiting the effect of retirement on Cognition: Heterogeneity and endowment1
Joint retirement behaviour and pension reform in the Netherlands1
Aging populations and expenditures on health1
Intra-familial transfers, son preference, and retirement behavior in South Korea1
The displacement effect of compulsory pension savings on private savings. Evidence from the Netherlands, using pension funds supervisory data1
Age-dependent risk aversion: Re-evaluating fiscal policy impacts of population aging1
Understanding the effects of widowhood on health in China: Mechanisms and heterogeneity1
The role of educational attainment in production and transfers in the form of unpaid household work1
Effect of immigration on depression among older natives in Western Europe1
Early retirement of employees in demanding jobs: Evidence from a German pension reform1
A dynamic behavioral model of Korean saving, work, and benefit claiming decisions1
Intergenerational paid and unpaid labor production and consumption inequality by gender in Mexico1
The Global Roadmap for Healthy Longevity: United States of America National Academy of Medicine Consensus Study Report, 20221