Physics of the Dark Universe

(The TQCC of Physics of the Dark Universe is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Gravitoelectromagnetic quadrirefringence88
VISHν: solving five Standard Model shortcomings with a Poincaré-pro86
Quasiperiodic oscillations around a Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by a Dehnen type dark matter halo79
Observable signatures of RN black holes with dark matter halos via strong gravitational lensing and constraints from EHT observations68
Non-canonical 3-form dark energy66
Vacuum structure and electroweak phase transition in singlet scalar dark matter60
Testing the parametric model for self-interacting dark matter using matched halos in cosmological simulations60
Testing backreaction effects with type Ia supernova data and observational Hubble parameter data56
Observational constraints on the interacting dark energy — Dark matter (IDM) cosmological models55
First law of thermodynamics and entropy of FLRW universe in modified gravity52
Confinement and nonlinear electrodynamics: Asymptotic Schwarzschild charged black hole50
Traversable wormholes with weak gravitational lensing effect in f49
Compact stars in scalar–tensor theories with a single-well potential and the corresponding 47
Dark matter is the new BBN47
Reconstructing k-inflation from n47
Quasi-de sitter solution, negative norm state and Krein space in cosmology47
Observational constraints on the cosmology with holographic dark fluid43
Cosmology in holographic non-minimal derivative coupling theory: Constraints from inflation and variation of gravitational constant42
A new approach to flatness, horizon and late-time accelerating expansion problems on the basis of Mach’s principle42
The excess of diffuse radio emission in galaxy clusters A4038 and A166442
Inflation from a chaotic potential with a step41
Model-independent traversable wormholes from baryon acoustic oscillations41
A bound on the cosmic opacity of unparticles from the CMB temperature39
A test of Radial Acceleration Relation for the Giles et al Chandra cluster sample38
Global dynamics for the Szekeres system with non-zero cosmological constant37
Cosmological future singularities in massive gravity and massive bigravity36
Non-perturbative gauge invariant scalar fluctuations of the metric in Higgs inflation from complex geometrical scalar–tensor theory of gravity36
Neutrinos as the Cold Dark Matter: A critical review, KATRIN and new research directions35
Non self-similar Luminosity–temperature relation and dynamical friction35
The quantum de Sitter root of quasi de Sitter observables35
Dissipative charged homologous model for cluster of stars in f35
Cosmological bounce and the cosmological constant problem35
Comparing the scalar-field dark energy models with recent observations33
Perturbative resonance in WIMP paradigm and its cosmological implications on cosmic reheating and primordial gravitational wave detection33
The cosmological constant problem and the extra dimensions of N32
Super interacting dark sector: An improvement on self-interacting dark matter via scaling relations of galaxy clusters32
Current and future cosmological impact of microwave background temperature measurements32
Hubble tension as a guide for refining the early Universe: Cosmologies with explicit local Lorentz and diffeomorphism violation32
Inflation and reheating predictions in f(32
Complete dark energy scenario in f(30
Mapping solutions in nonmetricity gravity: Investigating cosmological dynamics in conformal equivalent theories30
Kerr–Newman black holes in Weyl–Cartan theory: Shadows and EHT constraints29
Probing extra dimensions through cosmological observations of dark energy28
On the viability of the evolution of the universe with Geometric Inflation28
Neutrino model with broken μ -28
Cosmological evolution via interacting/non-interacting holographic dark energy model for curved FLRW space–time in Rastall gravity27
Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet gravity: Is it compatible with modern cosmology?27
Reconstruction of ΛCDM Universe from Noether symmetries in Chameleo27
Constrained cosmological model in f(27
Rotating black hole in 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet massive gravity: Shadow and center of mass energy26
Holography and matter creation revisited26
Neural network reconstruction of scalar-tensor cosmology26
Mass classification of dark matter perturbers of stellar tidal streams25
Bianchi type cosmological models in modified theory with exponential functional form25
An accelerated universe with negative equation of state parameter in inhomogeneous cosmology with 25
Quark and lepton flavors with common modulus τ in 25
Accelerating cosmological models inf(25
QCD surprises: Strong CP problem, neutrino mass, Dark Matter and Dark Energy24
Radio loudness and spindown of pulsars in Einstein-aether gravity24
Generalized interacting Barrow Holographic Dark Energy: Cosmological predictions and thermodynamic considerations23
Is there any measurable redshift dependence on the SN Ia absolute magnitude?23
Microlensing effects of wormholes associated to blackhole spacetimes22
Quantitative predictions for f(R22
The Fast and Furious in JWST high-z galaxies22
Cosmology of unimodular Born–Infeld-f<21
Measuring dark energy with expansion and growth21
Modeling and testing the equation of state for (Early) dark energy21
Tracking the Local Group dynamics by extended gravity21
Strong observational support for the R20
Hamilton–Jacobi formalism for k-inflation20
Do neutrinos bend? Consequences of an ultralight gauge field as dark matter20
Quasi periodic oscillations around Kerr-type black hole in the Starobinsky–Bel–Robinson theory of gravity20
Future targets for light gauge bosons from cosmic strings20
Imprints of dark energy models on structural properties of charged gravastars in extended teleparallel gravity19
A new approach to P19
Improving mimetic gravity with non-trivial scalar potential: Cosmology, black holes, shadow and photon sphere19
Dissipative quintessential cosmic inflation18
Black hole in a generalized Chaplygin–Jacobi dark fluid: Shadow and light deflection angle18
A thermodynamic model of inflation without inflaton field18
Encyclopædia Inflationaris17
Analyzing inflationary parameters and swampland conjectures of modified cosmology according to various entropies17
Complexity factor for a static self-gravitating sphere in Rastall–Rainbow gravity17
Constraining holographic dark energy and analyzing cosmological tensions17
Testing non-local gravity through Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies kinematics16
Cosmic acceleration with bulk viscosity in modified f16
From infinite to infinitesimal: Using the universe as a dataset to probe Casimir corrections to the vacuum energy from fields inhabiting the dark dimension16
Testing the non-commutative charged Schwarzschild black hole surrounded by perfect fluid dark matter for thermodynamical features and weak gravitational lensing16
Models of holographic dark energy in f(<16
Impact of symmetric teleparallel gravity on charged stars exhibiting dark energy background16
Quasinormal modes and shadow in Einstein Maxwell power-Yang–Mills black hole16
Circular motion and collisions of charged spinning particles near Kerr Newman black holes16
Dark energy–dark matter interactions as a solution to the S15
Spontaneous scalarization in Einstein-power-Maxwell-scalar models15
Quantum isotropic Universe in RQM analogy: The cosmological horizon15
Effective speed of cosmological perturbations15
Reconstruction of f(T15
Ghost dark energy in Tsallis and Barrow cosmology15
Reheating predictions in constant-roll inflation models15
Report on chaos bound outside Taub-NUT black holes14
Thermal stability and effects of thermal fluctuations on the static and spherically symmetric hairy black hole by gravitational decoupling14
GW190425, GW190521 and GW190814: Three candidate mergers of primordial black holes from the QCD epoch14
Propagation of axial and polar gravitational waves in Kantowski–Sachs universe14
Climbing out of the shadows: Building the distance ladder with black hole images14
Anisotropic LRS-BI Universe with f(14
Symmetric teleparallel cosmology with boundary corrections14
Modified gravitational wave propagation and the binary neutron star mass function14
Cosmological singularities in non-canonical models of dark energy14
Dark energy stars and quark stars within the context of f<14
Exploring models of running vacuum energy with viscous dark matter from a dynamical system perspective13
Slow-roll inflation in f(R13
A generalized Buchdahl model for compact stars in f13
Neutron stars phenomenology with scalar–tensor inflationary attractors13
Study of warm inflation using irreversible thermodynamical description within Rastall gravity13
Constraining the quintessentialα-attracto12
Dark torsion oscillations and bounces induced by Barbero-Immirzi and quantum correction on Einstein-Cartan gravity with very light inflatons12
Effects of nonlinear interactions on phase portraits and dynamical stability in specific modified gravity12
Particle dynamics and Joule–Thomson expansion of phantom anti-de Sitter black hole stability and thermal fluctuations in massive gravity12
Inflationary dynamics of Mutated Hilltop inflation in Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet Gravity under new slow-roll approximations with generalized reheating12
Revisiting a non-parametric reconstruction of the deceleration parameter from combined background and the growth rate data12
Energy extraction and Keplerian fundamental frequencies in the Kalb–Ramond gravity12
A unified cosmological dark sector from a Bose–Einstein condensate12
Properties of white dwarf stars within rainbow gravity12
Cosmological implications of an interacting model of dark matter & dark energy12
Regular solutions for black strings and torus-like black holes12
Particle dynamics around a static spherically symmetric black hole in the presence of quintessence12
Kinetic coupled tachyon: A dynamical system analysis12
A generalized solution for anisotropic compact star model in F12
Topological behavior of 3D regular black hole with zero point length11
Scalar-mediated quantum forces between macroscopic bodies and interferometry11
Measuring Hubble constant in an anisotropic extension of ΛCDM mode11
Normalized additional velocity distribution: Testing the radial profile of dark matter halos and MOND11
Non-perturbative correction to thermodynamics of conformally dressed 311
The galaxy power spectrum take on spatial curvature and cosmic concordance11
A four parameters quark star in quadratic f(11
Kaniadakis entropy-based characterization of IceCube PeV neutrino signals11
Stability analysis of a f(Q11
Implications of triangular features in the Gaia skymap for the Caustic Ring Model of the Milky Way halo11
Holographic realization from inflation to reheating in generalized entropic cosmology11
Phase transitions and critical phenomena for the FRW universe in an effective scalar-tensor theory10
Dark energy stars in Tolman–Kuchowicz spacetime in the context of Einstein gravity10
Cluster density slopes from dark matter–baryons energy transfer10
Signatures of the accelerating black holes with a cosmological constant from the Sgr 10
Plasma lensing, epicyclic oscillations, particle collision, and thermal fluctuations around a short-hairy black hole10
Anisotropic stars in 4D Einste10
Unified description of dark energy and dark matter candidates with the dark energy interiors10
Well-defined f(Q) gravity, reconstruction of FLRW spacetime and unification of inflation with dark energy epoch10
A case study of small field inflationary dynamics in the Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet framework in the light of 10
Corrigendum to “Axion detection with precision frequency metrology” [Phys. Dark Universe 26 (2019) 100345]10
Generalized scale factor duality symmetry in symmetric teleparallel scalar–tensor FLRW cosmology10
Cosmological application of the lens-redshift probability distribution with improved galaxy-scale gravitational lensing sample10
Quadratic energy–momentum squared gravity: Constraints from big bang nucleosynthesis10
Slow-roll inflation and reheating in Rastall theory10
Corrigendum to “Cluster density slopes from Dark Matter-Baryons Energy Transfer” [Phys. Dark Univ. 33 (2021) 100847]10
On the time dependency of a0<10
Neutrino masses from large-scale structures: Future sensitivity and theory dependence10
Thermodynamic topology and photon spheres of dirty black holes within non-extensive entropy10
Four hints and test candidates of the local cosmic expansion10
Thermodynamics of the apparent horizon in the generalized energy–momentum-squared cosmology10
Particle motion and thermal fluctuations of charged AdS black holes surrounded by exotic fluid with modified Chaplygin equation of state9
Quasiperiodic oscillations, quasinormal modes and shadows of Bardeen–Kiselev Black Holes9
Dynamical dark energy from spacetime-symmetry breaking — Late-time behaviour and phantom crossing9
Study of cosmological dark energy models under f(9
Gravitationally induced matter creation in scalar–tensor f<9
Interacting dark sectors in anisotropic universe: Observational constraints and 9
Compatibility of JWST results with exotic halos9
Shadows and quasinormal modes of rotating black holes in Horndeski theory: Parameter constraints using EHT observations of M87* and Sgr A*9
Self bound compact stars in f(R9
Accretion disks properties around regular black hole solutions obtained from non-linear electrodynamics9
Inflation with shallow dip and primordial black holes9
Barrow Interacting holographic dark energy cosmology with Hubble horizon as IR cutoff: A model can Alleviating the Hubble and 9
Search for black hole hyperbolic encounters with gravitational wave detectors9
Brans–Dicke cosmology with cosmological term Λ(9
Constraining gravity with synergies between radio and optical cosmological surveys9
Cosmological analysis using Panstarrs data: Hubble constant and direction dependence9
The effect of quark–antiquark confinement on the deflection angle by the NED black hole9
Tsallis holographic dark energy model in an anisotropic universe with linearly varying deceleration parameter and its correspondence with phantom9
General constraints on Tsallis holographic dark energy from observational data9
A supersymmetric suspicion from accelerating black hole shadows9
Study of superradiance phenomena and shadow cast by the Simpson-Visser black hole in a non-commutating environment9
Can nonlocal gravity really explain dark energy?9
Hermeian haloes: Extreme objects with two interactions in the past9
Black hole remnants are not too fast to be dark matter8
The effect of non-minimally coupled scalar field on gravitational waves from first-order vacuum phase transitions8
On exact analytical solution of Einstein–Maxwell-scalar field equations8
Null tests of the concordance model in the era of Euclid and the SKA8
Toward a direct measurement of the cosmic acceleration: The first preparation with FAST8
Perturbation in an interacting dark Universe8
Observational constraints on the second-order primordial power spectrum: Exploring a Continuous Spontaneous Localization inspired inflationary model8
Black holes solutions in power-law Maxwell-f(8
Measurement of TeV dark particles due to decay of heavy dark matter in the earth core at IceCube8
Can the quasi-molecular mechanism of recombination decrease the Hubble tension?8
Axially symmetric exponential metric8
Wormholes in a viscous universe8
Analyzing stability of five-dimensional Einstein Chern–Simons gravity through dynamical systems8
Exploring perfect fluid accretion onto quantum-corrected Reissner–Nordstrom black hole8
Autocatalysis of graviton production via the Gertsenshtein effect for the Yang–Mills field8
A preference for cold dark matter over Superfluid Dark Matter in local Milky Way data8
Non-minimal unimodular inflation8
Joule–Thomson expansion of regular Bardeen AdS black hole surrounded by static anisotropic matter field8
On the interaction of Schwarzschild black-holes with gravitational waves8
Using neutrino oscillations to measure H8
Screening models and neutrino oscillations8
Reshuffled strongly interacting massive particle dark matter8
Dark photon Bremsstrahlung and ultra-high-energy cosmic ray8
The structure of hybrid neutron star in Einstein-Λ gravity7
Constrained ΛCDM dark energy models in higher derivative 7
Combined searches for dark matter in dwarf spheroidal galaxies observed with the MAGIC telescopes, including new data from Coma Berenices and Draco7
Note on agegraphic dark energy inspired by modified Barrow entropy7
Constraining maximum mass limit and physical properties of Durgapal–Fuloria complexity-free solution under gravitational decoupling approach7
Quantum cosmology with symmetry analysis for quintom dark energy model7
Shadows of R-charged black holes in AdS57
Low redshift constraints on scale-covariant models7
Comparative analysis of thermodynamic quantities of galaxy clustering through different approaches under the modified potential7
Ricci-cubic holographic dark energy7
Metric-affine gravity: Nonmetricity of space as dark matter/energy ?7
The general expression for f(T7
Another look on the connections of Hubble tension with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle7
Inflationary Cosmology in a non-minimal f(7
Lense–Thirring effect and precession of timelike geodesics in slowly rotating black hole and naked singularity spacetimes7
Phase structure and critical behaviour of charged-AdS black holes with perfect fluid dark matter7
Simultaneously solving the H0<7
Evolving embedded traversable wormholes in f(7
Probing primordial non-Gaussianity with the power spectrum and bispectrum of future 21 cm intensity maps7
Challenges for the statistical gravitational-wave method to measure the Hubble constant7
Extension of Hayward black hole in f(7
Thin-shell gravastar in a noncommutative BTZ geometry7
Mimetic tensor–vector–scalar cosmology: Incorporating dark matter, dark energy and stiff matter7
Testing Verlinde’s emergent gravity with the low acceleration gravitational anomaly observed in wide binary stars7
Non-minimal geometry–matter couplings in Weyl–Cartan space–times: f7
Constant-roll and primordial black holes in f(7
Spherical gravitational collapse in 4D Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet theory7
Dynamical system analysis of interacting dark energy-matter scenarios at the linearized inhomogeneous level7
Observational constraints on Yukawa cosmology and connection with black hole shadows7
Attractor behavior of f(T7
A unified model of inflation and dark energy based on the holographic spacetime foam7
SN1987A cooling due to Plasmon–Plasmon scattering in the Randall–Sundrum Model7
Non-flat and non-extensive thermodynamic effects of Møller tetradic theory of gravitation on cosmology7
Mimicking two field inflationary features with a single field7
Comment on ‘Quantum gravity evolution in the Hawking radiation of a rotating regular Hayward black hole’7