Spatial Statistics

(The TQCC of Spatial Statistics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A K-function for inhomogeneous random measures with geometric featu50
A Bayesian nonparametric spatial model with covariate-dependent joint weights46
Compositionally-warped additive mixed modeling for a wide variety of non-Gaussian spatial data44
Spherical Poisson point process intensity function modeling and estimation with measure transport43
Graph convolutional networks for spatial interpolation of correlated data42
Spatial linear discriminant analysis approaches for remote-sensing classification36
Data-driven modeling of wildfire spread with stochastic cellular automata and latent spatio-temporal dynamics31
Computationally efficient localised spatial smoothing of disease rates using anisotropic basis functions and penalised regression fitting28
Nearly Ds-optimal assigned location design for a linear model with spatially varying coefficients26
A criterion and incremental design construction for simultaneous kriging predictions26
Spatio-temporal small area surveillance of the COVID-19 pandemic25
A new class of α-transformations for the spatial analysis of Compo22
Mapping the short-term exposure–response relationships between environmental factors and health outcomes and identifying the causes of heterogeneity: A multivariate-conditional-meta-autoregression-bas22
Bivariate Matérn covariances with cross-dimple for modeling coregionalized variables20
Discriminant analysis of environmental data based on zero inflated spatial auto-beta models20
A multi-site stochastic weather generator for high-frequency precipitation using censored skew-symmetric distribution17
A mixed sampling strategy for partially geo-referenced finite populations17
Developments in statistical inference when assessing spatiotemporal disease clustering with the tau statistic17
Capturing spatial dependence of COVID-19 case counts with cellphone mobility data16
Deformed SPDE models with an application to spatial modeling of significant wave height16
Endemic–epidemic models to understand COVID-19 spatio-temporal evolution16
Population-weighted exposure to air pollution and COVID-19 incidence in Germany16
Analytical simulation methodology for nonlinear spatiotemporal models: Spatial salience in Covid-19 contagion13
Generalised hyperbolic state space models with application to spatio-temporal heat wave prediction13
Neural likelihood surfaces for spatial processes with computationally intensive or intractable likelihoods13
Spatial non-stationarity test of regression relationships in the multiscale geographically weighted regression model11
Automatic cross-validation in structured models: Is it time to leave out leave-one-out?11
A more accurate estimation with kernel machine for nonparametric spatial lag models10
Constructing large nonstationary spatio-temporal covariance models via compositional warpings10
Copula-based multiple indicator kriging for non-Gaussian random fields10
Spatio-temporal mapping of stunting and wasting in Nigerian children: A bivariate mixture modeling10
Determination of the best weight matrix for the Generalized Space Time Autoregressive (GSTAR) model in the Covid-19 case on Java Island, Indonesia9
A two-stage Cox process model with spatial and nonspatial covariates9
Spatio-temporal modelling of COVID-19 incident cases using Richards’ curve: An application to the Italian regions9
Semi-parametric resampling with extremes9
Surface time series models for large spatio-temporal datasets9
Imputed spatial data: Cautions arising from response and covariate imputation measurement error9
TheF-family of covariance functions: A Matérn 9
Bayesian surface regression versus spatial spectral nonparametric curve regression8
A flexible likelihood-based neural network extension of the classic spatio-temporal model8
Feasibility of Monte-Carlo maximum likelihood for fitting spatial log-Gaussian Cox processes8
On the importance of thinking locally for statistics and society8
A Poisson cokriging method for bivariate count data8
Spatial robust fuzzy clustering of COVID 19 time series based on B-splines8
Deep graphical regression for jointly moderate and extreme Australian wildfires8
Testing global and local dependence of point patterns on covariates in parametric models8
A deep learning synthetic likelihood approximation of a non-stationary spatial model for extreme streamflow forecasting8
Estimating confidence intervals for spatial hierarchical mixed-effects models with post-stratification8
Maximum likelihood estimation of spatially varying coefficient models for large data with an application to real estate price prediction7
Spatial statistics and stochastic partial differential equations: A mechanistic viewpoint7
A flexible class of priors for orthonormal matrices with basis function-specific structure7
Geostatistical prediction through convex combination of Archimedean copulas7
Comparing eight remotely sensed sea surface temperature products and Bayesian maximum entropy-based data fusion products7
Quasi-likelihood for multivariate spatial point processes with semiparametric intensity functions7
Ordered conditional approximation of Potts models7
Bayesian modeling and clustering for spatio-temporal areal data: An application to Italian unemployment7
Spatial modeling for the distribution of species in plant communities7
A spatio-temporal model for temporal evolution of spatial extremal dependence7
Object oriented spatial analysis of natural concentration levels of chemical species in regional-scale aquifers7
Spatially varying anisotropy for Gaussian random fields in three-dimensional space6
Mesoscopic laddering in consumer behaviour: Analysing the modalities of consumption on a micro-individual scale in the Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibitions (MICE) sector6
General spatial model meets adaptive shrinkage generalized moment estimation: Simultaneous model and moment selection6
A zero-dose vulnerability index for equity assessment and spatial prioritization in low- and middle-income countries6
A convolution type model for the intensity of spatial point processes applied to eye-movement data6
Quantifying the small-area spatio-temporal dynamics of the Covid-19 pandemic in Scotland during a period with limited testing capacity6
Impacts of spatial imputation on location-allocation problem solutions6
Robust second-order stationary spatial blind source separation using generalized sign matrices6
Copula-Based Data-Driven Multiple-Point Simulation Method6
An investigation of atmospheric temperature and pressure using an improved spatio-temporal Kriging model for sensing GNSS-derived precipitable water vapor6
SciKit-GStat Uncertainty: A software extension to cope with uncertain geostatistical estimates6
A parametric specification test for linear spatial autoregressive models6
Effects of geographically stratified random sampling initial solutions on solving a continuous surface p-median location problem using the ALTERN heuristic6
Flexible modeling of multivariate spatial extremes5
Modeling spatial correlation that grows on trees, with a stream network application5
The impact of spatial statistics in Africa5
Distribution-free regression model selection with a nested spatial correlation structure5
The Spillover Effects of Institutional Quality and Economic Openness on Economic Growth for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries5
A multivariate spatial and spatiotemporal ARCH Model5
Measurement error-filtered machine learning in digital soil mapping5
Fused spatial point process intensity estimation with varying coefficients on complex constrained domains5
Variable selection methods for Log-Gaussian Cox processes: A case-study on accident data5
A selective view of climatological data and likelihood estimation5
Correlation-based hierarchical clustering of time series with spatial constraints5
WITHDRAWN: Editorial: Spatio-temporal dynamics of Covid5
Modelling the effect of a border closure between Switzerland and Italy on the spatiotemporal spread of COVID-19 in Switzerland5
Model-assisted estimation of forest attributes exploiting remote sensing information to handle spatial under-coverage5
Editorial: Spatio-temporal dynamics of Covid5
Probabilistic Context Neighborhood model for lattices5
Bayesian Physics Informed Neural Networks for data assimilation and spatio-temporal modelling of wildfires5
Nonparametric spatiotemporal analysis of violent crime. A case study in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area5
Spatio-temporal clustering using generalized lasso to identify the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia according to provincial flight route-based connections5