Injury Epidemiology

(The TQCC of Injury Epidemiology is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Examining media reports of pediatric unintentional firearm injury deaths for prevention messaging concerning secured storage of firearms: U.S., 2021–202293
Prevalence and predictors of psychological distress following injury: findings from a prospective cohort study44
Pediatric injuries and poisonings associated with detergent packets: results from the Canadian Hospitals Injury Reporting and Prevention Program (CHIRPP), 2011–202328
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on pediatric dog bite injuries21
A cross sectional study of non-medical use of prescription opioids and suicidal behaviors among adolescents20
Firearm injury hospitalizations and handgun purchaser licensing laws: longitudinal evaluation of state-level purchaser licensure requirements on firearm violence, 2000–201619
Prevalence, risk factors and perceptions of caregivers on burns among children under 5 years in Kisenyi slum, Kampala, Uganda17
Characteristics and neighborhood-level opportunity of assault-injured children in Milwaukee14
Safe at home: prevention of pediatric unintentional injuries13
A descriptive and comparative analysis of injuries reported in USA Cycling-sanctioned competitive road cycling events12
Research needs related to firearm rights restoration12
Using data fusion with multiple imputation to correct for misclassification in self-reported exposure: a case-control study of cannabis use and homicide victimization11
Ghost guns: spookier than you think they are11
Accuracy of the national violent death reporting system in identifying unintentional firearm deaths to children by children10
Analysis of the regional distribution of road traffic mortality and associated factors in Japan10
Assault-related traumatic brain injury hospitalizations in Canada from 2010 to 2021: rates, trends and comorbidity10
Evaluating an urban pediatric hospital’s scald burn prevention program10
Measuring gun violence in police data sources: transitioning to NIBRS10
Adverse childhood experiences, child behavioral health needs, and family characteristics associated with the presence of a firearm in the home: a survey of parents in Chicago9
The dark side of nighttime all-terrain vehicle use8
Examining differences between mass, multiple, and single-victim homicides to inform prevention: findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System8
Trends in police complaints and arrests on New York City subways, 2018 to 2023: an interrupted time-series analysis8
Functional limitations and firearm purchases among low-income U.S. military veterans8
Firearm locking device preferences among firearm owners in the USA: a systematic review8
Changes in pediatric injuries sustained while engaged in activities where helmet usage is recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Impact of a suicide prevention learning module for firearm training courses in Louisiana8
An epidemiological study of unintentional pediatric firearm fatalities in the USA, 2009–20188
The association between county ordinances allowing off-road vehicles on public roads and crash rates8
R2DRV: study protocol for longitudinal assessment of driving after mild TBI in young drivers8
Effect of wearing a helmet on the occurrence of head injuries in motorcycle riders in Benin: a case-control study8
COVID-19-related violence trend data challenges & a resource for injury researchers7
Your neighborhood matters: an ecological social determinant study of the relationship between residential racial segregation and the risk of firearm fatalities7
A firm recommendation: measuring the softness of infant sleep surfaces7
Social network size and endorsement of political violence in the US7
Spatial co-occurrence of firearm homicides and opioid overdose deaths in Chicago by level of COVID-19 mortality, 2017–20217
Dual public health crises: the overlap of drug overdose and firearm injury in Indianapolis, Indiana, 2018–20207
Protocolized abuse screening to decrease provider bias and increase capture of potential events6
Interactions at the point of firearm purchase and subsequent use of locking devices6
Time-dependent suicide rates among Army soldiers returning from an Afghanistan/Iraq deployment, by military rank and component6
Impact of neighborhood-level COVID-19 mortality on the increase in drug overdose mortality in New York City during the COVID-19 pandemic6
The risks of warm nights and wet days in the context of climate change: assessing road safety outcomes in Boston, USA and Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic6
Neighborhood disadvantage and firearm injury: does shooting location matter?6
Would restricting firearm purchases due to alcohol- and drug-related misdemeanor offenses reduce firearm homicide and suicide? An agent-based simulation6
Hand and wrist injuries among collegiate athletes vary with athlete division6
Firework-related injuries treated at emergency departments in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 compared to 2018–20196
Research utility and limitations of textual data in the National Violent Death Reporting System: a scoping review and recommendations6
They built this city—construction workers injured in Delhi, India: cross-sectional analysis of First Information Reports of the Delhi Police 2016–20186
Trauma-related falls in an urban geriatric population: predictive risk factors for poorer clinical outcomes5
Gun violence against unhoused and unstably housed women: A cross-sectional study that highlights links to childhood violence5
Public health critical race praxis at the intersection of traffic stops and injury epidemiology5
Hydrocarbon ingestions among individuals younger than 20 years old reported to United States Poison Centers, 2000–20215
Pediatric suicide by violent means: a cry for help and a call for action5
Neighborhood collective efficacy and environmental exposure to firearm homicide among a national sample of adolescents5
The Advancing Understanding of Transportation Options (AUTO) study: design and methods of a multi-center study of decision aid for older drivers5
Impact of standardization on racial and socioeconomic disparities in non-accidental trauma evaluations in infants in a pediatric emergency department5
Neighborhood risk factors for sports and recreational injuries: a systematic review of studies applying multilevel modeling techniques5
Rideshare use among parents and their children5
Attitudes and perceived barriers to firearm safety anticipatory guidance by pediatricians: a statewide perspective5
The effectiveness of value-based messages to engage gun owners on firearm policies: a three-stage nested study5
Extortion experiences of recent adult immigrants from Latin America: self-reported prevalence, associated costs, and current mental health5
Children’s injury database: development of an injury surveillance system in a pediatric emergency department5
Motor vehicle crashes on tribal reservations: mapping and statistics5
Demographic differences in perceived effectiveness for policies to prevent school shootings: results from a representative survey in New Jersey5
Community partnership approaches to safe sleep (CPASS) program evaluation5
Fatal and non-fatal firearm-related injuries in Canada, 2016–2020: a population-based study using three administrative databases5
Unintentional injury prevention in American Indian and Alaska Native communities: a scoping review of the Indian Health Service Primary Care Provider newsletter4
Harnessing national data systems to understand circumstances surrounding veteran suicide: linking Department of Veterans Affairs and National Violent Death Reporting System Data4
Gun violence and the voices of youth on community safety in the time of COVID-19 in East Harlem, NY: a youth participatory action research cross-sectional study4
Characteristics of e-scooter and bicycle injuries at a university hospital in a large German city – a one-year analysis4
A joinpoint analysis examining trends in firearm injuries at six us trauma centers from 2016 to 20224
A multicenter evaluation of pediatric emergency department injury visits during the COVID-19 pandemic4
An intervention to improve safe firearm storage for adolescents presenting with suicide ideation or attempt in a pediatric emergency department4
Pediatric trauma burden in Tanzania: analysis of prospective registry data from thirteen health facilities4
The practice of lethal means restriction counseling in US emergency departments to reduce suicide risk: a systematic review of the literature4
Clinical strategies for reducing firearm suicide4
Impact of caregiver swimming capability on perceptions of swimming pool supervision of toddlers4
Factors associated with discharge destination from acute care after moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries in Norway: a prospective population-based study4