Current Environmental Health Reports

(The TQCC of Current Environmental Health Reports is 16. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Role of Metals on SARS-CoV-2 Infection: a Review of Recent Epidemiological Studies112
Zinc as a Mechanism-Based Strategy for Mitigation of Metals Toxicity75
An Epidemiologic Review of Menstrual Blood Loss as an Excretion Route for Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances70
Select Early-Life Environmental Exposures and DNA Methylation in the Placenta69
The Association Between High Ambient Temperature and Mortality in the Mediterranean Basin: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis68
Menstrual Products as a Source of Environmental Chemical Exposure: A Review from the Epidemiologic Perspective60
Comparison of Recreational Fish Consumption Advisories Across the USA58
Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change on Women: a Scoping Review58
Institutional Review Board Preparedness for Disaster Research: a Practical Approach57
Air Pollution and Perinatal Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Challenges, Limitations, and the Potential of Epigenetics54
Time to Treat the Climate and Nature Crisis as One Indivisible Global Health Emergency49
The Health Cost of Transport in Cities47
The Association Between Personal Air Pollution Exposures and Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO): A Systematic Review45
Environmental Exposures and Extracellular Vesicles: Indicators of Systemic Effects and Human Disease45
Existing Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Drought and Health Research43
Health Disparities in the Aftermath of Flood Events: A Review of Physical and Mental Health Outcomes with Methodological Considerations in the USA41
Contributions of Synthetic Chemicals to Autoimmune Disease Development and Occurrence39
Global Research on Natural Disasters and Human Health: a Mapping Study Using Natural Language Processing Techniques34
Influence of Air Pollution Exposures on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: a Review30
Current Trends and Future Directions in Urban Social Prescribing26
Epigenetic Responses to Nonchemical Stressors: Potential Molecular Links to Perinatal Health Outcomes26
Exposure Assessment for Tropical Cyclone Epidemiology23
A Review of the Interactive Effects of Climate and Air Pollution on Human Health in China23
Advancing Understanding of Chemical Exposures and Maternal-child Health Through the U.S. Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) Program: A Scoping Review23
Occurrence and Risks of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Shellfish23
Phenols, Parabens, Phthalates and Puberty: a Systematic Review of Synthetic Chemicals Commonly Found in Personal Care Products and Girls’ Pubertal Development22
Childhood Trauma and Epigenetics: State of the Science and Future22
Healthy Aging Requires a Healthy Home Care Workforce: the Occupational Safety and Health of Home Care Aides21
Perinatal Metal and Metalloid Exposures and Offspring Cardiovascular Health Risk21
A Review of Urban Planning Approaches to Reduce Air Pollution Exposures20
A State-of-the-Science Review on Metal Biomarkers20
Public Health Risks of PFAS-Related Immunotoxicity Are Real20
Breaking Down and Building Up: Gentrification, Its drivers, and Urban Health Inequality20
Extracellular Vesicles: Footprints of environmental exposures in the aging process?19
Biodiversity and Health in the Urban Environment19
Toxicological Effects of Inhaled Crude Oil Vapor19
A Review on The Role of Environmental Exposures in IgG4-Related Diseases18
Air Pollution and Lung Cancer: Contributions of Extracellular Vesicles as Pathogenic Mechanisms and Clinical Utility18
A Review on Climate, Air Pollution, and Health in North Africa17
A Review of the Effectiveness of Current US Policies on Antimicrobial Use in Meat and Poultry Production16
Correction to: Prenatal Diet as a Modifier of Environmental Risk Factors for Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Outcomes16