Journal of Big Data

(The TQCC of Journal of Big Data is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Review of deep learning: concepts, CNN architectures, challenges, applications, future directions3128
CatBoost for big data: an interdisciplinary review538
A survey on missing data in machine learning368
Text Data Augmentation for Deep Learning254
Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems Using a Feature Selection Method on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset253
Deep Learning applications for COVID-19204
A survey on deep learning tools dealing with data scarcity: definitions, challenges, solutions, tips, and applications203
Comparative analysis of deep learning image detection algorithms166
The use of Big Data Analytics in healthcare166
A survey on data‐efficient algorithms in big data era155
A systematic review and research perspective on recommender systems153
A survey on generative adversarial networks for imbalance problems in computer vision tasks139
Resampling imbalanced data for network intrusion detection datasets137
A survey and analysis of intrusion detection models based on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Big Data129
Intrusion detection systems using long short-term memory (LSTM)113
Transfer learning: a friendly introduction112
A machine learning based credit card fraud detection using the GA algorithm for feature selection109
A novel community detection based genetic algorithm for feature selection103
Part of speech tagging: a systematic review of deep learning and machine learning approaches95
Air-pollution prediction in smart city, deep learning approach94
IGRF-RFE: a hybrid feature selection method for MLP-based network intrusion detection on UNSW-NB15 dataset94
Analysis and best parameters selection for person recognition based on gait model using CNN algorithm and image augmentation92
A literature review on one-class classification and its potential applications in big data86
Machine learning techniques to predict daily rainfall amount76
A survey on artificial intelligence assurance64
Data science approach to stock prices forecasting in Indonesia during Covid-19 using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)58
A deep learning-based model using hybrid feature extraction approach for consumer sentiment analysis54
Stress detection using natural language processing and machine learning over social interactions53
A novel multi-source information-fusion predictive framework based on deep neural networks for accuracy enhancement in stock market prediction52
Text based personality prediction from multiple social media data sources using pre-trained language model and model averaging52
Time-series analysis with smoothed Convolutional Neural Network51
Enhanced credit card fraud detection based on attention mechanism and LSTM deep model49
A comprehensive performance analysis of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark for large scale data sets using HiBench49
Big data quality framework: a holistic approach to continuous quality management45
Machine learning-based mathematical modelling for prediction of social media consumer behavior using big data analytics45
Designing a Permissioned Blockchain Network for the Halal Industry using Hyperledger Fabric with multiple channels and the raft consensus mechanism45
Detecting web attacks using random undersampling and ensemble learners44
The performance of BERT as data representation of text clustering44
Flight delay prediction based on deep learning and Levenberg-Marquart algorithm43
Chronic kidney disease prediction using machine learning techniques43
Cyberbullying detection: advanced preprocessing techniques & deep learning architecture for Roman Urdu data41
A practical Alzheimer’s disease classifier via brain imaging-based deep learning on 85,721 samples40
Big data analytics on social networks for real-time depression detection40
Skin-Net: a novel deep residual network for skin lesions classification using multilevel feature extraction and cross-channel correlation with detection of outlier40
Detecting cybersecurity attacks across different network features and learners39
Image captioning model using attention and object features to mimic human image understanding39
Determining threshold value on information gain feature selection to increase speed and prediction accuracy of random forest37
Apply machine learning techniques to detect malicious network traffic in cloud computing37
Arabic text summarization using deep learning approach36
An alternative approach to dimension reduction for pareto distributed data: a case study36
Programming big data analysis: principles and solutions35
Machine learning approaches in Covid-19 severity risk prediction in Morocco35
A novel sensitivity-based method for feature selection34
Hemorrhage semantic segmentation in fundus images for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy by using a convolutional neural network34
Stable bagging feature selection on medical data34
Unsupervised outlier detection in multidimensional data33
Sleep stage classification using extreme learning machine and particle swarm optimization for healthcare big data33
A hybrid machine learning method for increasing the performance of network intrusion detection systems32
Review of deep learning methods for remote sensing satellite images classification: experimental survey and comparative analysis32
User profile correlation-based similarity (UPCSim) algorithm in movie recommendation system31
Predictive analytics using Big Data for the real estate market during the COVID-19 pandemic31
Querying knowledge graphs in natural language30
Mapping and 3D modelling using quadrotor drone and GIS software30
Gap, techniques and evaluation: traffic flow prediction using machine learning and deep learning30
Sentiment analysis classification system using hybrid BERT models29
Performance evaluation of deep learning techniques for DoS attacks detection in wireless sensor network29
Detecting Denial of Service attacks using machine learning algorithms29
Tabular and latent space synthetic data generation: a literature review29
Social network data analysis to highlight privacy threats in sharing data29
Machine learning-based identification of patients with a cardiovascular defect28
Multivariate cryptocurrency prediction: comparative analysis of three recurrent neural networks approaches28
CRNet: a multimodal deep convolutional neural network for customer revisit prediction27
Utilizing technologies of fog computing in educational IoT systems: privacy, security, and agility perspective27
The effect of feature extraction and data sampling on credit card fraud detection26
The use of generative adversarial networks to alleviate class imbalance in tabular data: a survey26
Array databases: concepts, standards, implementations26
Tumor antigens and immune subtypes of glioblastoma: the fundamentals of mRNA vaccine and individualized immunotherapy development26
IDS-attention: an efficient algorithm for intrusion detection systems using attention mechanism26
Using social media for sub-event detection during disasters26
Plant disease detection and classification techniques: a comparative study of the performances26
Exploring big data traits and data quality dimensions for big data analytics application using partial least squares structural equation modelling26
Remote patient monitoring and classifying using the internet of things platform combined with cloud computing26
Arabic aspect sentiment polarity classification using BERT25
Investigating the impact of pre-processing techniques and pre-trained word embeddings in detecting Arabic health information on social media25
Human behavior in image-based Road Health Inspection Systems despite the emerging AutoML25
Automatic LIDAR building segmentation based on DGCNN and euclidean clustering25
Exploring halal tourism tweets on social media25
Governance and sustainability of distributed continuum systems: a big data approach24
Predicting LQ45 financial sector indices using RNN-LSTM24
Minimum threshold determination method based on dataset characteristics in association rule mining24
IoT Big Data provenance scheme using blockchain on Hadoop ecosystem24
Multiclass emotion prediction using heart rate and virtual reality stimuli24
A review of graph neural networks: concepts, architectures, techniques, challenges, datasets, applications, and future directions24
An exploratory content and sentiment analysis of the guardian metaverse articles using leximancer and natural language processing24
A novel time efficient learning-based approach for smart intrusion detection system23
Modelling customers credit card behaviour using bidirectional LSTM neural networks23
A hybrid recommender system based-on link prediction for movie baskets analysis23
Optimized hybrid investigative based dimensionality reduction methods for malaria vector using KNN classifier23
Deep learning for emotion analysis in Arabic tweets22
Modeling and tracking Covid-19 cases using Big Data analytics on HPCC system platform22
Modeling the public attitude towards organic foods: a big data and text mining approach21
A reconstruction error-based framework for label noise detection21
Optimizing classification efficiency with machine learning techniques for pattern matching21
Evaluating classifier performance with highly imbalanced Big Data21
DaLiF: a data lifecycle framework for data-driven governments20
Using meta-learning for automated algorithms selection and configuration: an experimental framework for industrial big data20
Big data insight on global mobility during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown20
An LSTM and GRU based trading strategy adapted to the Moroccan market20
Automatic analysis of social media images to identify disaster type and infer appropriate emergency response20
A new theoretical understanding of big data analytics capabilities in organizations: a thematic analysis19
Exploration of issues, challenges and latest developments in autonomous cars19
A brief survey on big data: technologies, terminologies and data-intensive applications19
Deep learning enhancing banking services: a hybrid transaction classification and cash flow prediction approach19
Social media text analytics of Malayalam–English code-mixed using deep learning18
An unsupervised method for social network spammer detection based on user information interests18
Identification of mRNA vaccines and conserved ferroptosis related immune landscape for individual precision treatment in bladder cancer18
Detection of fake news and hate speech for Ethiopian languages: a systematic review of the approaches18
Real-time spatio-temporal event detection on geotagged social media18
The forecast of COVID-19 spread risk at the county level18
A survey of dimension reduction and classification methods for RNA-Seq data on malaria vector18
AraXLNet: pre-trained language model for sentiment analysis of Arabic17
A distributed Content-Based Video Retrieval system for large datasets17
DV-DVFS: merging data variety and DVFS technique to manage the energy consumption of big data processing17
Real-time event detection in social media streams through semantic analysis of noisy terms17
Healthcare knowledge graph construction: A systematic review of the state-of-the-art, open issues, and opportunities17
BEST: a web application for comprehensive biomarker exploration on large-scale data in solid tumors17
A comparison of machine learning methods for ozone pollution prediction17
Twitter sentiment analysis using hybrid gated attention recurrent network17
Image caption generation using Visual Attention Prediction and Contextual Spatial Relation Extraction17
Machine learning-based network intrusion detection for big and imbalanced data using oversampling, stacking feature embedding and feature extraction17
Towards data sharing economy on Internet of Things: a semantic for telemetry data16
Data analytics for crop management: a big data view16
A scalable association rule learning heuristic for large datasets16
Sensing and making sense of tourism flows and urban data to foster sustainability awareness: a real-world experience16
Defining user spectra to classify Ethereum users based on their behavior16
Unsupervised feature learning-based encoder and adversarial networks15
Model fusion of deep neural networks for anomaly detection15
Traffic and road conditions monitoring system using extracted information from Twitter15
Optimization of air traffic management efficiency based on deep learning enriched by the long short-term memory (LSTM) and extreme learning machine (ELM)14
Time series big data: a survey on data stream frameworks, analysis and algorithms14
Social media analysis of Twitter tweets related to ASD in 2019–2020, with particular attention to COVID-19: topic modelling and sentiment analysis14
Developing a mathematical model of the co-author recommender system using graph mining techniques and big data applications14
Machine learning based customer churn prediction in home appliance rental business14
Diabetes emergency cases identification based on a statistical predictive model14
An analytics model for TelecoVAS customers’ basket clustering using ensemble learning approach14
An analysis of the graph processing landscape14
Unsupervised outlier detection for time-series data of indoor air quality using LSTM autoencoder with ensemble method14
Breast cancer prediction using gated attentive multimodal deep learning14
Data-centric artificial intelligence in oncology: a systematic review assessing data quality in machine learning models for head and neck cancer13
The evolution of Big Data in neuroscience and neurology13
Why polls fail to predict elections13
Comparing traditional news and social media with stock price movements; which comes first, the news or the price change?13
NLP-based platform as a service: a brief review13
Implementation of Long Short-Term Memory and Gated Recurrent Units on grouped time-series data to predict stock prices accurately13
IoT information theft prediction using ensemble feature selection13
Predictors of outpatients’ no-show: big data analytics using apache spark13
Forex market forecasting using machine learning: Systematic Literature Review and meta-analysis13
Understanding quality of analytics trade-offs in an end-to-end machine learning-based classification system for building information modeling13
Advanced machine learning techniques for cardiovascular disease early detection and diagnosis13
Vehicle routing problems based on Harris Hawks optimization13