Journal of Big Data

(The H4-Index of Journal of Big Data is 41. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Review of deep learning: concepts, CNN architectures, challenges, applications, future directions3128
CatBoost for big data: an interdisciplinary review538
A survey on missing data in machine learning368
Text Data Augmentation for Deep Learning254
Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection Systems Using a Feature Selection Method on the UNSW-NB15 Dataset253
Deep Learning applications for COVID-19204
A survey on deep learning tools dealing with data scarcity: definitions, challenges, solutions, tips, and applications203
Comparative analysis of deep learning image detection algorithms166
The use of Big Data Analytics in healthcare166
A survey on data‐efficient algorithms in big data era155
A systematic review and research perspective on recommender systems153
A survey on generative adversarial networks for imbalance problems in computer vision tasks139
Resampling imbalanced data for network intrusion detection datasets137
A survey and analysis of intrusion detection models based on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 Big Data129
Intrusion detection systems using long short-term memory (LSTM)113
Transfer learning: a friendly introduction112
A machine learning based credit card fraud detection using the GA algorithm for feature selection109
A novel community detection based genetic algorithm for feature selection103
Part of speech tagging: a systematic review of deep learning and machine learning approaches95
Air-pollution prediction in smart city, deep learning approach94
IGRF-RFE: a hybrid feature selection method for MLP-based network intrusion detection on UNSW-NB15 dataset94
Analysis and best parameters selection for person recognition based on gait model using CNN algorithm and image augmentation92
A literature review on one-class classification and its potential applications in big data86
Machine learning techniques to predict daily rainfall amount76
A survey on artificial intelligence assurance64
Data science approach to stock prices forecasting in Indonesia during Covid-19 using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)58
A deep learning-based model using hybrid feature extraction approach for consumer sentiment analysis54
Stress detection using natural language processing and machine learning over social interactions53
Text based personality prediction from multiple social media data sources using pre-trained language model and model averaging52
A novel multi-source information-fusion predictive framework based on deep neural networks for accuracy enhancement in stock market prediction52
Time-series analysis with smoothed Convolutional Neural Network51
A comprehensive performance analysis of Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark for large scale data sets using HiBench49
Enhanced credit card fraud detection based on attention mechanism and LSTM deep model49
Designing a Permissioned Blockchain Network for the Halal Industry using Hyperledger Fabric with multiple channels and the raft consensus mechanism45
Big data quality framework: a holistic approach to continuous quality management45
Machine learning-based mathematical modelling for prediction of social media consumer behavior using big data analytics45
The performance of BERT as data representation of text clustering44
Detecting web attacks using random undersampling and ensemble learners44
Chronic kidney disease prediction using machine learning techniques43
Flight delay prediction based on deep learning and Levenberg-Marquart algorithm43
Cyberbullying detection: advanced preprocessing techniques & deep learning architecture for Roman Urdu data41