Communications in Mathematics and Statistics

(The TQCC of Communications in Mathematics and Statistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Large Deviation of Semi-linear Stochastic Partial Differential Equation Driven by Brownian Sheet16
On One Open Question of the Theory of $$\sigma $$-Properties of a Finite Group14
Nonparametric estimation for stationary and strongly mixing processes on Riemannian manifolds13
Livšic Theorem for Matrix Cocycles Over An Axiom A Flow10
The Cooperative Mean Field Game for Production Control with Sticky Price9
Uniqueness and Continuity of the Solution to $$L_p$$ Dual Minkowski Problem9
Explicit Gaussian Quadrature Rules for $$C^1$$ Cubic Splines with Non-uniform Knot Sequences8
Turán Number of Nonbipartite Graphs and the Product Conjecture8
Optimal Convergence Rates in the Averaging Principle for Slow–Fast SPDEs Driven by Multiplicative Noise7
Analysis of Informatively Interval-Censored Case–Cohort Studies with the Application to HIV Vaccine Trials7
Reflecting Brownian Motion and the Gauss–Bonnet–Chern Theorem6
Fast Isogeometric Method for Fluid–Structure Interaction Simulation of Heart Valves with GIFT Framework6
Weak Solutions of McKean–Vlasov SDEs with Supercritical Drifts5
On Structure Theorems and Non-saturated Examples5
Exponentiated Generalized Inverse Flexible Weibull Distribution: Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Estimation Under Complete and Type II Censored Samples with Applications5
Jensen–Renyi’s–Tsallis Fuzzy Divergence Information Measure with its Applications5
A Classification of Finite Metahamiltonian p-Groups4
Power Generalized Weibull Distribution Based on Record Values and Associated Inferences with Bladder Cancer Data Example4
Minimum Density Power Divergence Estimator for Negative Binomial Integer-Valued GARCH Models4
Inference for Partially Linear Quantile Regression Models in Ultrahigh Dimension4
On f-Hypercentral Actions of Finite Group3
Frobenius Manifolds and a New Class of Extended Affine Weyl Groups of A-type (II)3
The kth Power Expectile Estimation and Testing3
Existence and Convergence of Solutions for Nonlinear Elliptic Systems on Graphs3
A Survey of Deep Learning-Based Mesh Processing3
On a Discriminator for the Polynomial $$f(x)=x^3+x$$3
Finite Groups Isospectral to Simple Groups3
Isogeometric Analysis on Implicit Domains: Approximation, Stability and Error Estimates3
General Central Limit Theorems for m-Dependent Random Variables Under Sub-linear Expectations3
Diffeomorphic Registration of 3D Surfaces with Point and Curve Landmarks3
Space Mapping of Spline Spaces over Hierarchical T-meshes2
Fully-Decoupled and Second-Order Time-Accurate Scheme for the Cahn–Hilliard Ohta–Kawaski Phase-Field Model of Diblock Copolymer Melt Confined in Hele–Shaw Cell2
Solvability of Parabolic Anderson Equation with Fractional Gaussian Noise2
Matrix Roots and Embedding Conditions for Three-State Discrete-Time Markov Chains with Complex Eigenvalues2
Area-Preserving Parameterization with Tutte Regularization2
Learning Invariance Preserving Moment Closure Model for Boltzmann–BGK Equation2
On Spatio-Temporal Model with Diverging Number of Thresholds and its Applications in Housing Market2
Designing Optimal Large Four-Level Experiments: A New Technique Without Recourse to Optimization Softwares2
Harrison Center and Products of Sums of Powers2
A Note on the Filtered Decomposition Theorem2
A High-Dimensional Test for Multivariate Analysis of Variance Under a Low-Dimensional Factor Structure2
$$\partial \overline{\partial }$$-Lemma and Double Complex2
Fractional-Degree Expectation Dependence2
Approximation Properties for Blended B-Splines on Unstructured Quadrilateral Mesh2
Minimum Spanning Trees Across Well-Connected Cities and with Location-Dependent Weights2
Testing the Mean Vector for High-Dimensional Data2
Semi-Functional Partial Linear Quantile Regression Model with Randomly Censored Responses2
Functional Shige Peng’s Central Limit Theorems for Martingale Vectors1
Hardy Spaces Associated with Non-negative Self-adjoint Operators and Ball Quasi-Banach Function Spaces on Doubling Metric Measure Spaces and Their Applications1
Improving the Lag Window Estimators of the Spectrum and Memory for Long-Memory Stationary Gaussian Processes1
Non-associative Categories of Octonionic Bimodules1
The Short Local Algebras of Dimension 6 with Non-projective Reflexive Modules1
Unadjusted Langevin Algorithm for Non-convex Weakly Smooth Potentials1
Isogeometric Topology Optimization Based on Deep Learning1
Multiple Solutions of a Nonlinear Biharmonic Equation on Graphs1
The Number of Triangles in Random Intersection Graphs1
Directional Entropy and Pinsker $$\sigma $$-Algebra for $$\mathbb {Z}^{2}$$-Actions1
Katok’s Entropy Formula of Unstable Metric Entropy for Partially Hyperbolic Diffeomorphisms1
A Class of Polynomial Modules over Map Lie Algebras1
Rigid Analytic p-Adic Simpson Correspondence for Line Bundles1
Time-Implicit High-Order Accurate Positivity-Preserving Discretizations for the Navier–Stokes and Navier–Stokes–Korteweg Equations1
Neural Network-Based Variational Methods for Solving Quadratic Porous Medium Equations in High Dimensions1
Explicit Generators of the Centre of the Quantum Group1
Efficient Fully Discrete Spectral-Galerkin Scheme for the Volume-Conserved Multi-Vesicular Phase-Field Model of Lipid Vesicles with Adhesion Potential1
Tool Path Planning with Confined Scallop Height Error Using Optimal Connected Fermat Spirals1
A Note on Bogomolov-Type Inequality for Semi-stable Parabolic Higgs Bundles1
An Identity for Expectations and Characteristic Function of Matrix Variate Skew-normal Distribution with Applications to Associated Stochastic Orderings1
Additive Hazards Regression for Misclassified Current Status Data1
Consistency of the k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Spatially Dependent Data1
A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach for Finite Mixture of Mode Regression Model Using Skew-Normal Distribution1
Incorporating Relative Error Criterion to Conformal Prediction for Positive Data1
Variable Selection in High-Dimensional Error-in-Variables Models via Controlling the False Discovery Proportion1
Generalizations of the Erdős–Kac Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem1
On $$\sigma $$-Solubility Criteria for Finite Groups1
Positive Radial Solutions to the Double Singular $$k_i$$-Hessian System: Existence, Multiplicity and Dependence on a Parameter1
Three Circles Theorem for Volume of Conformal Metrics1
Continuous Cluster Expansion for Field Theories1
Federated Sufficient Dimension Reduction Through High-Dimensional Sparse Sliced Inverse Regression1
Spectral Gap of the Largest Eigenvalue of the Normalized Graph Laplacian1
f-Harmonic Maps Within Bounded Distance from Quasi-isometric Maps1
A Spectral Segmentation Method for Large Meshes1
Differentiable Deformation Graph-Based Neural Non-rigid Registration1
Identification and Estimation of Generalized Additive Partial Linear Models with Nonignorable Missing Response1
Pricing Discrete Barrier Options Under the Jump-Diffusion Model with Stochastic Volatility and Stochastic Intensity1
On Construction of Mappable Nearly Orthogonal Arrays with Column-Orthogonality1
Second Maximal Invariant Subgroups and Solubility of Finite Groups1
Estimating Latent Linear Correlations from Fuzzy Frequency Tables1