Journal of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems and Applications

(The H4-Index of Journal of Cloud Computing-Advances Systems and Applications is 23. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Future of industry 5.0 in society: human-centric solutions, challenges and prospective research areas255
Analysis of factors affecting IoT-based smart hospital design77
Blockchain-based trust management in cloud computing systems: a taxonomy, review and future directions61
An artificial intelligence lightweight blockchain security model for security and privacy in IIoT systems61
Survey on serverless computing57
Efficient task offloading using particle swarm optimization algorithm in edge computing for industrial internet of things55
Multi-level host-based intrusion detection system for Internet of things53
A novel approach for IoT tasks offloading in edge-cloud environments53
An efficient population-based multi-objective task scheduling approach in fog computing systems48
Big data analytics in Cloud computing: an overview48
Adaptive offloading in mobile-edge computing for ultra-dense cellular networks based on genetic algorithm45
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Workload Scheduling for Edge Computing43
Design of Intrusion Detection System based on Cyborg intelligence for security of Cloud Network Traffic of Smart Cities35
Joint optimization of network selection and task offloading for vehicular edge computing34
Improved wild horse optimization with levy flight algorithm for effective task scheduling in cloud computing34
Enterprise adoption of cloud computing with application portfolio profiling and application portfolio assessment29
An edge-cloud collaborative computing platform for building AIoT applications efficiently28
A systematic review of the purposes of Blockchain and fog computing integration: classification and open issues27
Container orchestration on HPC systems through Kubernetes27
Federated learning in cloud-edge collaborative architecture: key technologies, applications and challenges26
A multi-objective optimization for resource allocation of emergent demands in cloud computing25
Recognizing sports activities from video frames using deformable convolution and adaptive multiscale features25
Job scheduling problem in fog-cloud-based environment using reinforced social spider optimization23