Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring

(The TQCC of Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Real-time vehicle identification using two-step LSTM method for acceleration-based bridge weigh-in-motion system61
An integrated system for tunnel construction safety control based on BIM–IoT–PSO54
Mexico City during and after the September 19, 2017 earthquake: Assessment of seismic resilience and ongoing recovery process48
A three-stage detection algorithm for automatic crack-width identification of fine concrete cracks39
Prediction of topside displacement of offshore platforms based on multi-source data fusion with multilayer perceptron neural network37
Domain-adapted Gaussian mixture models for population-based structural health monitoring35
Dynamic Stacking ensemble monitoring model of dam displacement based on the feature selection with PCA-RF31
A hybrid method for strand looseness identification in post-tensioned system using FEM and ANN28
Study on the dispersion characteristics of the 60D40 turnout rail based on energy distribution26
Force evaluation of internal cable of prestressed grids based on field monitoring and hierarchical objective model updating26
Micro-deformation monitoring technology and optimization method for the rail surface of high-speed railway operation lines with adjacent constructions24
Hidden Markov models for pipeline damage detection using piezoelectric transducers24
Probabilistic damage detection using a new likelihood-free Bayesian inference method24
Application of artificial neural network to predict dynamic displacements from measured strains for a highway bridge under traffic loads23
Mapping temperature contours for a long-span steel truss arch bridge based on field monitoring data22
Structural damage identification using improved dynamic time warping fast algorithm based on largest triangle three buckets dimensionality reduction22
Output-only entropy-based damage detection using transmissibility function22
Systematical vibration data recovery based on novel convolutional self-attention networks21
Structural damage detection of 3-D truss structure using nodal response analysis21
Drive-by scour damage detection in railway bridges using deep autoencoder and different sensor placement strategies20
Reconstruction of structural acceleration response based on CNN-BiGRU with squeeze-and-excitation under environmental temperature effects20
Structural safety evaluation using proof loads based on Bayesian inference20
Transfer learning for probabilistic localization of hidden cracks in concrete structures18
Fatigue crack detection in welded structural components of steel bridges using artificial neural network18
Temporal–spatial coupled model for multi-prediction of tunnel structure: using deep attention-based temporal convolutional network18
Special issue on knowledge, evaluation and preservation of cultural heritage17
Controlled demolition: novel monitoring and experimental validation of blast-induced full-scale existing high-rise building implosion using numerical finite element simulations17
Evaluation of vibration properties of an 18-story mass timber–concrete hybrid building by on-site vibration tests17
Non-destructive damage detection for steel pipe scaffolds using MFL-based 3D defect visualization17
Robust capacitance sensors for wireless bridge scour monitoring17
Experimental investigation and damage evaluation of a novel bond type anchorage for carbon fiber reinforced polymer tendons16
An adaptive identification method for outliers in dam deformation monitoring data based on Bayesian model selection and least trimmed squares estimation15
Intelligent leak detection method for low-pressure gas pipeline inside buildings based on pressure fluctuation identification15
Experimental measurement-based FE model updating and seismic response of Santa Maria Church and its guesthouse building15
Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation15
Automatic pixel-level bridge crack detection using learning context flux field with convolutional feature fusion14
Detecting, localizing, and quantifying damage using two-dimensional sensing sheet: lab test and field application14
Dynamic strain-based monitoring of a historical Vierendeel truss bridge under changing environmental and support conditions14
Analysis of structural vibration characteristics of embankment dam based on DVMD–VDR14
Structural health monitoring and fatigue life reliability assessment of a flexible structure in extreme wind14
Vibration monitoring of stadia grandstands: real-time and long-term approaches14
Methodology for selecting measurement points that optimize information gain for model updating14
A sprayed grid coating sensor for the quantitative monitoring of fatigue cracks in steel bridges14
A hybrid wavelet-deep learning approach for vibration-based damage detection in monopile offshore structures considering soil interaction14
Reconstructing missing InSAR data by the application of machine leaning-based prediction models: a case study of Rieti13
Probabilistic SDDLV method for localizing damage in bridges monitored within one cluster under time-varying environmental temperatures13
Deep Gaussian process regression for damping of a long-span bridge under varying environmental and operational conditions13
Leveraging deep learning techniques for condition assessment of stormwater pipe network13
SCSHM benchmark study on bridge in-service structural monitoring13
Model updating of Masonry courtyard walls of the historical Isabey mosque using ambient vibration measurements12
B-CNN: a deep learning method for accelerometer-based fatigue cracks monitoring system12
A highly efficient adaptive geomagnetic signal filtering approach using CEEMDAN and salp swarm algorithm12
Civil infrastructure defect assessment using pixel-wise segmentation based on deep learning12
Development and implementation of medium-fidelity physics-based model for hybrid digital twin-based damage identification of piping structures12
Vibration-based and computer vision-aided nondestructive health condition evaluation of rail track structures12
Prestress force and moving force identification in prestressed concrete bridges via Lagrangian polynomial-based load shape function approach12
Optimized finite element analysis and strengthening assessment of the I-39 Kishwaukee bridge utilizing proof load testing12
Tram- and train-induced vibrations in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia in Rome12
Tension estimation methods for two cables connected by an intersection clamp using natural frequencies12
Thermal deformation monitoring of a highway bridge: combined analysis of geodetic and satellite-based InSAR measurements with structural simulations11
Self-excited hoisting chain tension measurements for dam spillway gates and identification of uneven hoisting11
Field measurement of wind pressure on a large-scale spatial structure and comparison with wind tunnel test results11
A novel and robust data anomaly detection framework using LAL-AdaBoost for structural health monitoring11
Digital modeling approach of distributional mapping from structural temperature field to temperature-induced strain field for bridges11
A machine learning-based data augmentation strategy for structural damage classification in civil infrastructure system11
Field tests and numerical analysis of the effects of scour on a full-scale soil–foundation–structural system11
Image-based automatic multiple-damage detection of concrete dams using region-based convolutional neural networks11
Damage identification of single-layer cylindrical latticed shells based on the model updating technique10
Recognition and location of steel structure surface corrosion based on unmanned aerial vehicle images10
Large-scale distributed fiber optic sensing network for short and long-term integrity monitoring of tunnel linings10
A pilot project for the long-term structural health monitoring of historic city gates10
Dynamic structural health monitoring of a model wind turbine tower using distributed acoustic sensing (DAS)9
Field vibration evaluation and dynamics estimation of a super high-rise building under typhoon conditions: data-model dual driven9
Validation of an FE model updating procedure for damage assessment using a modular laboratory experiment with a reversible damage mechanism9
Strain predictions at unmeasured locations of a substructure using sparse response-only vibration measurements9
Correction: Essential dynamic characterization of a historical bridge: integrated experimental and numerical investigations9
A direct method to detect and localise damage using longitudinal data of ends-of-span rotations under live traffic loading9
Evolution of modal parameters of composite wind turbine blades under short- and long-term forced vibration tests9
Experimental verification for load rating of steel truss bridge using an improved Hamiltonian Monte Carlo-based Bayesian model updating9
Unsupervised environmental operating condition compensation strategies in a guided ultrasonic wave monitoring system: evaluation and comparison9
Spatio-temporal analysis of georeferenced time-series applied to structural monitoring9
Health assessment and self-powered corrosion monitoring system for deteriorated bridges8
On the combined use of satellite and on-site information for monitoring anomalous trends in structures within cultural heritage sites8
Development of slope deformation monitoring system based on tilt sensors with low-power wide area network technology and its application8
Investigation into vibration-based structural damage identification and amplitude-dependent damping ratio of reinforced concrete bridge deck slab under different loading states8
Structural damage information amplification methodology based on cluster Mahalanobis distance cumulant and IMFs8
Using limited roving sensors to monitor bridge subjected to random traffic load8
Environmental effects on the experimental modal parameters of masonry buildings: experiences from the Italian Seismic Observatory of Structures (OSS) network8
Thermal analysis of RCC dams during construction considering different ambient boundary conditions at the upstream and downstream faces8
Tracking long-term modal behaviour of a footbridge and identifying potential SHM approaches8
A force-adaptive percussion method for bolt looseness assessment8
A novel structural damage detection strategy based on VMD-FastICA and ESSAWOA8
Tilt mapping for zigzag-shaped concrete panel in retaining structure using terrestrial laser scanning8
Development and applications of slope and river monitoring system using low-power wide-area network technology8
In Memoriam7
RC column damaged classification based on deep contrasted attention7
Research on the ring strain of the segment for large-section underwater shield tunnels7
Variations of natural frequencies of masonry minarets due to environmental effects7
New approach to monitor bridge piers subjected to scour using rocking vibrations: theoretical and experimental identification of two vibration modes7
Image-based bolt-loosening detection using an improved homography-based perspective rectification method7
Defect detection method of underwater bored cast-in-place pile based on optical image in borehole7
Detection and analysis of slurry jacket for pipe jacking construction in soft ground7
Automated subway tunnel lining crack classification and detection based on two-step sequential convolutional neural network7
Fatigue damage evaluation and verification of steel wire rope based on magnetic flux leakage7
Innovative stabilization diagram for automated structural modal identification based on ERA and hierarchical cluster analysis7
Correction: Bridge deformation quantiles prediction with MVO-CNN-BiLSTM based on mixed attention mechanism and periodic multi-source information fusion7
Modal tracking under large environmental influence7
Clustering evaluation of internal structural defects in ancient and replica antique green bricks based on ultrasonic detection7
Crack width measurement with OFDR distributed fiber optic sensors considering strain redistribution after structure cracking7
Experimental study on the damage identification of bridge expansion joints7
Vertical dynamic measurements of a railway transition zone: a case study in Sweden7
An automated health monitoring system for uncoordinated deformation between the metro station side wall and row piles7