European Physical Journal Plus

(The median citation count of European Physical Journal Plus is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Geodesic motion in the spacetime of a SU(2)-Colored (A)dS black hole in conformal gravity124
Note on classical field theory for the non-Hermitian Schrödinger equation with position-dependent masses98
Robustness of Tsallis statistics to describe relativistic electrons in Hartmann potential90
Geometrical and physical interpretation of the Levi-Civita spacetime in terms of the Komar mass density88
Non-equilibrium phase transitions in the double perovskite Sr2CrReO687
Higher-order phase-space moments for Morse oscillators and their harmonic limit82
Contact interactions: the two-dimensional case81
Thermodynamics of modified gravity theories with matter creation models78
Unraveling Violeta Parra's painting technique: a first scientific approach to the study of “Justice”76
A solvable contact potential based on a nuclear model74
Integrability and lump solutions to an extended (2+1)-dimensional KdV equation72
Nonlinear structures in a nonequilibrium plasma: impact of small fluctuations71
Scattering of impure mode and self-trapping phenomenon in a 1D quantum diatomic Klein–Gordon chain containing a mass defect70
Investigating ultrafast structural dynamics using high repetition rate x-ray FEL radiation at European XFEL70
Simulations of quantum walks on beam splitter arrays modeled as higher-order rotations69
Electro-optical properties of solution-processed aluminum–nickel oxide film containing graphene oxide in liquid crystal system66
Enhancing mechanical cooling by phase-matched amplification in a cavity magnomechanical system66
Solutions for scalar equations in AdS$$_4$$ with Adomian method and boundary CFT$$_3$$ duals66
Performance and luminosity models for heavy-ion operation at the CERN Large Hadron Collider64
Electrically controlled optical nonlinear effects in the hybrid opto-electromechanical system: role of the Cubic anharmonic oscillator63
Quantitative SERS method on a colloid at the initial stage of rapid coagulation59
Acoustic transition for a micromorphic model of nematic liquid crystals59
Discovery of the kagome superconductor in the Half-Heusler “NbRhSb”58
On bifurcation of guided wave in functionally graded plates57
Para-Bose oscillator algebras of odd orders: x-representations and Wigner functions for coherent and cat states and their photon-added and photon-subtracted counterparts57
Pseudoclassical description of relativistic particles interacting with electromagnetic fields and weakly interacting with matter fields57
COUNTERFOG system applied inside the warehouse: verification of the counter response against radiochemical attack scenario56
Core (XUV/VUV) and boundary (UV/vis/IR) plasma spectroscopy in fusion devices56
A capacitance model for threshold voltage computation of double-insulating fully-depleted silicon-on-diamond MOSFET55
Light-assisted patterning of salt precipitation on photovoltaic LiNbO3 substrates54
The traveling wave solutions for generalized Benjamin–Bona–Mahony equation51
Advanced nuclear power for clean maritime propulsion51
Complex octonion-based SU(3) flavor symmetry with the concept of octet representation for quark composite particles50
Comparative study of thermodynamics properties of GaAs circular, square and triangular quantum dot under piezoelectric polaron and electromagnetic field49
Constraining quantum fluctuations of spacetime foam from BBN49
A multifractal study of charged secondaries produced in relativistic nucleus–nucleus collisions48
Tripartite separability of four-qubit W and Dicke mixed state in noise environment47
Phonon contribution to nuclear spin diffusion in ruby crystal estimated by lattice dynamics calculations47
Robust integration of dual quaternion approaches, magnetic offsets and screw motion46
Relaxation dynamics of a mixed ferrimagnetic Ising system with random anisotropy46
Micro-computed tomography and laser micro-ablation on altered pyrite in lapis lazuli to enhance provenance investigation: a new methodology and its application to archaeological cases46
Characterizing stabilizer states and H-type magic states via uncertainty relations46
Structural features and physical properties of charged X-ray binaries in f(T) modified gravity under Tolman–Kuchowicz spacetime46
Transverse momentum spectra and angular correlations in $$Z/\gamma$$-hadron production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions46
The novel inhibitive action of the N-(p-ethylphenyl)thiobenzohydroxamic acid for mild steel in 1 M HCl medium: electrochemical, thermodynamic, DFT, and MD simulation study45
(Per)forming magic: a perspective on the history of glass processing45
Complexity analysis of dynamical cylinder in massive Brans–Dicke gravity43
Theoretical analysis of the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless transition critical dynamics near the zero temperature43
On the analogy between stochastic electrodynamics and nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics43
The power spectrum of cosmological number densities43
Modeling the response of a diamond detector in the zero power reactor CROCUS42
Microscopic foundation of thermodynamics, transition to classicality and regularization of gravitational collapse singularities within non-unitary fourth-derivative gravity and its Newtonian limit42
Quasinormal modes in near-extremal spinning C-metric41
Massive gravity solution of black holes and entropy bounds41
Higher-order GUP black hole based on COW experiment and Einstein–Bohr’s photon box41
Two- and three-photon absorption cross-section investigation in nanometer-sized heterodimer and heterotrimer structures41
Bifurcation analysis of a discrete-time compartmental model for hypertensive or diabetic patients exposed to COVID-1940
The extremes of neutron richness40
Non-monotonic dependence of heat loads induced by electron cloud on bunch population at the LHC40
The carbon footprint of proposed $${\mathrm{e}}^+{\mathrm{e}}^-$$ Higgs factories40
Path integral approach to quantum thermodynamics of a vector field coupled to a moving environment40
Simplified chaotic oscillators with two-dimensional offset boosting40
Ferrohydrodynamic mixed convection in Fe$$_3$$O$$_4$$-water/EG or Ni$$_3$$Fe-water/EG ferrofluid in a porous square vented enclosure40
Calculating thermal properties of phosphorene using a deep learning force field40
Extending quantum anharmonic correlated Einstein model in studies of anharmonic EXAFS Debye–Waller factor of BCC structure metals39
Chemically reactive magnetohydrodynamic mixed convective nanofluid flow inside a square porous enclosure with viscous dissipation and Ohmic heating39
Dynamic behavior of small system under the influence of parameters and application of image encryption39
Fabrication of red-emitting Eu3+-induced CaS phosphors: a view of optical, in vitro, lifetime, structural and morphological studies for biomedical applications39
Comparative analysis of signal-to-noise ratio in correlation plenoptic imaging architectures38
Phase diagrams and thermodynamic study of the mixed spin-1/2 and spin-3 Blume-Capel model: renormalization group theory38
Adaptive denoising for strong noisy images by using positive effects of noise38
Status and strategy at ISA, centre for storage ring facilities, Aarhus University, Denmark38
Evaluation of mechanical properties of multilayer graphyne-based structures as anode materials for lithium-ions batteries38
Gravitational lensing and shadow of charged black holes in the low-energy limit of string theory38
Study of plasma dynamics in the HET relying on global thruster characteristics parameterized with discharge voltage37
A novel design of high efficiency perovskite solar cell using electron reflector strategy and transport layers optimization37
Angle range of vanished coercivity controlled by cooling field and interfacial coupling in exchange-biased systems37
Efficiency and energy resolution of gamma spectrometry system with HPGe detector depending on variable source-to-detector distances36
An extended 3-3-1 model with two scalar triplets and linear seesaw mechanism36
CaloShowerGAN, a generative adversarial network model for fast calorimeter shower simulation36
Systematics of zircaloy-4 lattice parameters from 2 K to PWR irradiation conditions36
A Schrödinger cat-like state laser with zero diffusion36
Extending $$\Lambda (t)-$$CDM to the inflationary epoch using dynamical foliations and a pre-inflationary vacuum energy from 5D geometrical vacuum as a unifying mechanism35
Probing the diffusive behaviour of beam-halo dynamics in circular accelerators35
Haar wavelet method for nonlinear vibration of magneto-thermo-elastic carbon nanotube-based mass sensors conveying pulsating viscous fluid35
Quantum entanglement between a hole spin confined to a semiconductor quantum dot and a photon35
Magnetic shielding simulation for particle detection34
Feynman’s path integral approach: a novel method to break the symmetry to study off-center confined and exohedral atoms34
New exact even-dimensional pure Lovelock interior metrics34
AdS waves in Brans-Dicke theory34
The momentum distribution of two bosons in one dimension with infinite contact repulsion in harmonic trap gets analytical34
Low-thickness Ti–Mn–Zn-substituted Ba-hexaferrite/MWCNT nanocomposites with enhanced magnetic, dielectric, and microwave absorption properties34
Thermodynamic optimization selection: ecological analysis of low-dissipation heat devices33
Lifshitz scaling in CPT-even Lorentz-violating electrodynamics and GRB time delay33
On soft gluon resummation for associated single top production with a Higgs boson at the LHC33
Insight into the spin-polarized structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of Nd2GaO4 and Nd2InO4 compounds33
Synthesis, physical, optical properties, and gamma-ray absorbing competency or capability of PbO–B2O3–CaO glasses reinforced with Nd3+/Er3+ ions32
Instability and growth rate of magnetosonic waves in quantum plasmas with oblique magnetic field due to coupling of neutrino beam and flavor oscillations32
Temperature dependence of exchange-spring interaction in core–shell Co0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4/ SrFe12O19 magnetic nanofibers32
On the radius spectrum of solid grains settling in polytropic protoplanets32
Electric field modified quantum entropic measures of particle in a spherical box32
Pump-probe optical response of a semiconductor quantum dot-metallic nanosphere hybrid system31
Tailoring the optical band gap of In–Sn–Zn–O (ITZO) nanostructures with co-doping process on ZnO crystal system: an experimental and theoretical validation31
A review of flow and heat transfer in cavities and their applications31
An example of rotating cosmological universe in modified gravity31
A new parametrization for bulk viscosity cosmology as extension of the $$\Lambda $$CDM model31
Novel solitonic localized structures of high-dimensional breaking equation30
Comparison of different seismic networks efficiencies in earthquake forecasting models30
Semi-empirical determination of the nuclear quadrupole moment of $$^{109}$$Sn30
Hall and Ion-slip current effects on steady fluid flow through a rotating curved square duct with magnetic field30
The transverse momentum distribution of J/ψ mesons produced in pp collisions at the LHC29
Tunable slow and fast light in an atom-assisted hybrid system via external mechanical driving force29
Triad’s consonance and dissonance: a detailed analysis of compactness models29
Perturbiner expansion of antisymmetric tensor gauge field theory29
Novel modified gravity braneworld configurations with a Lagrange multiplier29
Growth of zinc oxide thin films using different precursor solutions by spray pyrolysis technique29
Realization of the Wigner–Heisenberg algebra through generalized momentum operators28
Multiple solutions in aqueous titanium alloy nanofluid: the eigenvalue approach28
In situ LIBS-XRF analysis as a combined approach to disclose the production technology of unique wall mirrors from Pompeii28
Dynamics of a diffusive food chain model with fear effects28
Valence-based analysis for electroluminescence truxene-cored dendrimer: an entropy measures28
Several promising non-vdW multiferroic half-metallic nanosheets ACr2S4 (A = Li, Na, K, Rb): the first-principles researches27
The generalized Ermakov conservative system: a discussion27
Some effects of different coordinate systems in cosmology27
On a thermal cloud—Bose–Einstein condensate coupling system27
Modulation instability spectrum and rogue waves of the repulsive lattices27
Particle detectors based on glass: toward the Multigap Resistive Plate Chambers27
Mean-field plus quadrupole–quadrupole and pairing model in the ds-shell27
Using a post-version continuum distorted wave formalism for calculation of the fully differential cross section of helium atom single ionization by proton impact27
Scientific investigation of the Minsterley Maidens’ crowns27
State and parameter estimation of stochastic physical systems from uncertain and indirect measurements27
Numerical modeling for transient heat transfer of PCM with inclusion of nanomaterial27
Experimental and numerical investigations of a fixed-bed distributor for obtaining the outlet fluid velocity profile27
Reinforcement of the plasmon–phonon coupling in α-quartz via deposition of gold nanoparticles in etched ion tracks27
Preparation of BaSi2O2N2:Eu2+ cyan phosphor with excellent luminescence properties via heterogeneous precipitation method for high-CRI white LED applications27
Band alignment engineering to improve open‐circuit voltage in Cd-free Cu(In,Ga)Se2/(Zn,In)S thin-film solar cells26
The value of FDG-PET/CT imaging in the assessment, monitoring, and management of COVID-1926
Geodesic congruences in 5D warped Ellis–Bronnikov spacetimes26
Dirac equation in curved spacetime: the role of local Fermi velocity26
Design of quasiperiodic magnetic superlattices and domain walls supporting bound states26
Effect of structural parameters and applied external fields on the third harmonic generation coefficient of AlGaAs/GaAs three-step quantum well26
Electronic and optical properties of single substitutional Mn dopant in CdSe nanocrystals and CdSe/ZnSe core/shell nanocrystals26
Speed of sound in QCD matter at finite temperature and density26
Centrality anomalies for the domestic air transportation networks in the USA: an empirical benchmark26
Nonlinear simulations of energetic particle modes in tokamak plasmas with reversed magnetic shear26
Mechanisms of formation and change in grass-wrapped-mud traces at the Laohuling Dam site in Liangzhu, China26
Distortion-free conductivity-dependent temporal cloak based on tunnelling chiral medium26
High performance surface plasmon resonance-based photonic crystal fiber biosensor for cancer cells detection26
Shannon information entropy in the presence of magnetic and Aharanov–Bohm (AB) fields26
Complex supersymmetry in graphene26
Numerical treatment on the new fractional-order SIDARTHE COVID-19 pandemic differential model via neural networks25
Structure of nnn/ppp three quasiparticle quadruplets in odd-A nuclei25
Phenomenological toy model for flash effect in proton therapy25
Two-photon bound-to-bound transitions under strong screening potential25
Feasibility study on conservation of water-saturated archaeological wood in earthen sites by hot air with different humidity25
Transmission and dispersion management of room-temperature atomic vapor medium of $$^{85}$$Rb using EIT protocol25
The Swiss Light Source and SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute25
MGD solution under Class I generator25
S$$^4$$: simple quasi-1D model for structural health monitoring of single lap joint software25
Bubbles interactions in fluidized granular medium for the van der Waals hydrodynamic regime25
Ultrasonically Pd functionalized, surface plasmon enhanced ZnO/CeO2 heterostructure for degradation of organic pollutants in water25
Geometric minimization of softly broken potentials25
Collective behaviors of a star-coupled system in a dichotomous fluctuating potential25
A hybrid (γ, n) and (n, γ) transmutation study for long-lived fission products and thermal analysis of converter cooling system25
Extending the applicability of the RVT technique for the randomized radioactive decay chain model25
A thorough detection of the mortar materials for Buddhist buildings in Bagan, Myanmar25
Piezoelectrically controlled wave propagation in laminates with auxetic core: Transient analysis incorporated with electrical stability monitoring25
A mobile instrument for joint X-ray fluorescence and diffraction measurements on complex-shape Cultural Heritage objects25
The influence of the dielectric surrounding medium on energy levels and optical responses of an on-center impurity in a core/shell spherical nanodot25
Non-abelian exponential Yang-Mills AdS black brane and transport coefficients25
XRF analysis of ancient Numidian coins: a comparison between different kingdoms25
Relativistic calculations of the Landé $${{{g}}}_{{{J}}}$$-factors, and hyperfine parameters in Ra-223 isotope25
Thermophysical optimization of ND/PG-water nanofluids by NSGA-II coupled with RSM and ANN25
Electronic and optical properties of a $$D_2^+$$ complex in two-dimensional quantum dots with Gaussian confinement potential24
Thermal response of single-peak and double-peak nematicons24
Analysis of the refugees’ drowning events:24
Manipulation of transverse emittances in circular accelerators by crossing nonlinear 2D resonances24
Multiple optomechanically induced transparency, Fano resonance, and group delay in hybrid Laguerre–Gaussian cavity with two rovibrational mirrors24
Changes in blood–brain barrier permeability characterized from electroencephalograms with a combined wavelet and fluctuation analysis24
An algebraic projection procedure for construction of the basis vectors of irreducible representations of U(4) in the Su$$_{S}$$(2)$$\otimes $$su$$_{T}$$(2) basis24
Study of gyratonic pp-waves by using the Noether symmetry approach24
Characterization of pure torsion of a rubber-like cylinder using a hyperelastic model24
Traversable wormhole solutions admitting Karmarkar condition in Lyra manifold24
Two-parameter deformed quantum mechanics based on Fibonacci calculus and Debye crystal model of two-parameter deformed quantum statistics24
Generalized thermoelastic MGT model for a functionally graded heterogeneous unbounded medium containing a spherical hole24
Uniform regularity for a two-phase model with magnetic field24
Electron transport of carbon atoms sequence in two-band model24
MAX IV Laboratory23
Spacetime expansion in the presence of a background velocity field23
Simulation of energy absorption and dose of ionizing radiation on spike of SARS-CoV-2 and comparing it with human mortality statistics, using Geant4-DNA toolkit23
Study of the heavy quarks energy loss through medium polarization, elastic collision and radiative processes23
Analytical modeling of three-stage inactivation of viruses within droplets and solid porous particles23
Film thinning and heat transfer analysis of Casson hybrid-nanoliquid flow over an unsteady permeable stretching sheet in presence of magnetic field23
In-medium electromagnetic form factors and spin polarizations23
Three statistical descriptions of classical systems and their extensions to hybrid quantum–classical systems23
Resonance-enhanced high-transition-temperature superconductors within the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer scheme23
On the angular momentum and spin of generalized electromagnetic field for r-vectors in (k, n) space-time dimensions23
Quantum Stirling heat engine in two-coupled-qubit Heisenberg XYZ model23
Linear and nonlinear stability of charged thin-shell wormhole in f(R) gravity22
Modulational instability and travelling waves in (2+1)-dimensional alpha-helix protein chains with diagonal and off-diagonal couplings22
Quest for two-proton radioactivity22
Anisotropic electrically charged stars in f(Q) symmetric teleparallel gravity22
Threefold spin helicity as possible origin of SU(3) gauge symmetry22
Non-singular solutions in f(R, T) gravity coupled with a bulk viscous fluid22
Modelling the efficacy of Wolbachia-based mosquito control: a population replacement approach22
Analyzing the Shang-Western Zhou Dynasty pottery from the Jinsha Site with multi-technique method22
Effects of appearance characteristics on the mechanical properties of defective SWCNTs: using finite element methods and molecular dynamics simulation22
Radiation attenuation properties of transparent aluminum oxynitride: a comprehensive study22
Absence of quantum oscillations in spin magnetization of HgTe22
Relativistic configuration interaction calculations on Kα X-ray satellites of Rb XXXVI to Rb XXVIII22
Validity of energy conditions of matter in traversable wormholes under the f(Q) modified gravity theory22
Plasmon-exciton interactions in a spheroidal multilayer nanoshell for refractive index sensor application22
Passive propulsion of molecular machines by the asymmetric distribution of reaction products with various site reaction rates and non-local interactions21
Optomechanically induced transparency in a position-dependent hybrid optomechanical system21
Gravitational effects of a cloud of strings on the generalized Klein–Gordon oscillator in the presence of Coulomb-type potential21
Oscillating multi-node solitons in spin-orbit coupled spin-1 Bose–Einstein condensates21
Analysis of correlation and ionization from pair distributions in many-electron systems21
Black hole solution and thermal properties in 4D AdS Gauss–Bonnet massive gravity21
Exceptional points and scattering of discrete mechanical metamaterials21
Rogue waves on the background of periodic traveling waves in the discrete Hirota equation21
Application of algebraic properties of matrix to the study of normal modes of vibration in molecules21
Evaluation of the permanence of benzene on solid material with GC–MS analytical techniques, at time intervals21
On the origin of cosmic web21
Impact of thermal radiation on stretching sheet: a numerical approach using new similarity transformations21
Stability of a Duffing oscillator with a position-dependent mass21
Wall conditions effects on rarefied gas flow characteristics in the system of microbeams with different temperatures21
Event-generator validation with MCPLOTS and LHC@home21
A hidden self-interacting dark matter sector with first-order cosmological phase transition and gravitational wave21
Coupled van der Pol and Duffing oscillators: emergence of antimonotonicity and coexisting multiple self-excited and hidden oscillations21
Complementarity between quantum entanglement and geometric and dynamical appearances in N spin-1/2 system under all-range Ising model20
Gravitational weak lensing of Schwarzschild-like black hole in presence of plasma20
Near horizon approximation and beyond for a two-level atom falling into a Kerr–Newman black hole20
Transport characteristics of a $${\mathcal {PT}}$$-symmetric non-Hermitian system: effect of environmental interaction20
Influence of preparation conditions on CsCu2I3 yellow luminescent films based on CVD method20
Contribution of nonlocal integral elasticity to modified strain gradient theory20
Dynamics of a stochastic nutrient-plankton model with impulsive control strategy20
Dirac-like Hamiltonians associated to Schrödinger factorizations20
Analytical solution of magneto-hydrodynamics with acceleration effects of Bjorken expansion in heavy-ion collisions20
Basic properties of an alternative flow equation in gravity theories20
Torsional vibrations of functionally graded restrained nanotubes20
Significance of EMHD graphene oxide (GO) water ethylene glycol nanofluid flow in a Darcy–Forchheimer medium by machine learning algorithm20
Localised particles and fuzzy horizons: a tool for probing quantum black holes20
Structural optimization of thermal stresses in BGA solder joints based on improved BP neural network-genetic algorithm20
Generalised Proca theories in teleparallel gravity20
Joule–Thomson expansion of the torus-like black hole19
A drag and lift passive control study of Carreau–Yasuda fluid in a channel with a cylinder rooted in a transient flow19
The generalized second law of thermodynamics in viscous Ricci dark energy model19
Approximate solutions of fuzzy fractional population dynamics model19
Investigation of clay and neutron absorbers’ roles in the genesis and evolution of Oklo natural nuclear reactors19
Two-loop renormalization of the CPT-even Lorentz-violating scalar QED19