Soft Robotics

(The TQCC of Soft Robotics is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Soft Robotics in Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation and Assistance: Current Clinical Evidence and Recommendations204
Soft Actuator with Programmable Design: Modeling, Prototyping, and Applications151
Modular Bioinspired Hand with Multijoint Rigid-Soft Finger Possessing Proprioception90
Nonlinear Dynamics Research of Ground Undulatory Fin Robot with Flexible Deformation and Frictional Contact84
Rosalind Franklin Society Proudly Announces the 2022 Award Recipient for Soft Robotics75
Soft, Wearable, and Pleated Pneumatic Interference Actuator Provides Knee Extension Torque for Sit-to-Stand75
Acknowledgment of Reviewers 202271
Soft Robotics to Enhance Upper Limb Endurance in Individuals with Multiple Sclerosis68
Design and Control of Lightweight Bionic Arm Driven by Soft Twisted and Coiled Artificial Muscles68
An Exoneuromusculoskeleton for Self-Help Upper Limb Rehabilitation After Stroke61
Electroactive Thermo-Pneumatic Soft Actuator with Self-Healing Features: A Critical Evaluation59
Strong Reliable Electrostatic Actuation Based on Self-Clearing Using a Thin Conductive Layer59
Latent Representation-Based Learning Controller for Pneumatic and Hydraulic Dual Actuation of Pressure-Driven Soft Actuators54
Increased Longevity and Pumping Performance of an Injection Molded Soft Total Artificial Heart54
Inverse Origami Design Model for Soft Robotic Development54
Simple and Fast Locomotion of Vibrating Asymmetric Soft Robots51
The Walking Control of a Crab Biorobot in Amphibious Environment47
Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Force Sensor Incorporated into Soft Robotic Gripper for Improved Grasping Stability45
Artificial Fingertip with Embedded Fiber-Shaped Sensing Arrays for High Resolution Tactile Sensing45
Haptic Localization with a Soft Whisker from Moment Readings at the Base44
Soft-Rigid Hybrid Revolute and Prismatic Joints Using Multilayered Bellow-Type Soft Pneumatic Actuators: Design, Characterization, and Its Application as Soft-Rigid Hybrid Gripper43
Toward the Development of Large-Scale Inflatable Robotic Arms Using Hot Air Welding43
Acknowledgment of Reviewers 202340
A Snake-Inspired Layer-Driven Continuum Robot40
Frictional Anisotropic Locomotion and Adaptive Neural Control for a Soft Crawling Robot39
Force Control of a 3D Printed Soft Gripper with Built-In Pneumatic Touch Sensing Chambers38
A Skin-Like Soft Compression Sensor for Robotic Applications38
Monolithic Three-Dimensional Functionally Graded Hydrogels for Bioinspired Soft Robots Fabrication38
YoMo: Yoshimura Continuum Manipulator for MR Environment38
Modeling, Analysis, and Computational Design of Muscle-driven Soft Robots38
Microfiber-Shaped Programmable Materials with Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel37
Sigmoidal Auxiliary Tendon-Driven Mechanism Reinforcing Structural Stiffness of Hyper-Redundant Manipulator for Endoscopic Surgery37
Lattice-and-Plate Model: Mechanics Modeling of Physical Origami Robots37
MagWorm: A Biomimetic Magnet Embedded Worm-Like Soft Robot35
A Geometric Kinematic Model for Flexible Voxel-Based Robots35
Omnidirectional Jump Control of a Locust-Computer Hybrid Robot35
Twisting and Braiding Fluid-Driven Soft Artificial Muscle Fibers for Robotic Applications35
Exo-Glove Shell: A Hybrid Rigid-Soft Wearable Robot for Thumb Opposition with an Under-Actuated Tendon-Driven System34
An Untethered Soft Robot Based on Liquid Crystal Elastomers34
Soft Robotic Perspective and Concept for Planetary Small Body Exploration33
A Layer Jamming Actuator for Tunable Stiffness and Shape-Changing Devices33
Jellyfish-Inspired Soft Robot Driven by Pneumatic Bistable Actuators33
A Soft and Bistable Gripper with Adjustable Energy Barrier for Fast Capture in Space32
Limpet II: A Modular, Untethered Soft Robot32
A Soft-Bodied Aerial Robot for Collision Resilience and Contact-Reactive Perching32
Precurved, Fiber-Reinforced Actuators Enable Pneumatically Efficient Replication of Complex Biological Motions32
Bioinspired, Shape-Morphing Scale Battery for Untethered Soft Robots32
Pneumatic System Capable of Supplying Programmable Pressure States for Soft Robots32
Tactile Model O: Fabrication and Testing of a 3D-Printed, Three-Fingered Tactile Robot Hand31
Steering Muscle-Based Bio-Syncretic Robot Through Bionic Optimized Biped Mechanical Design31
Robust Multimodal Indirect Sensing for Soft Robots Via Neural Network-Aided Filter-Based Estimation31
External Steering of Vine Robots via Magnetic Actuation29
Fluid Mechanics of Pneumatic Soft Robots28
Intentional Blocking Based Photoelectric Soft Pressure Sensor with High Sensitivity and Stability28
A Multipole Magnetoactive Elastomer for Vibration-Driven Locomotion28
Multidimensional Tactile Sensor with a Thin Compound Eye-Inspired Imaging System27
Design and Development of a Continuum Robot with Switching-Stiffness27
Stiffness Change for Reconfiguration of Inflated Beam Robots27
Bioinspired Soft Robotic Fingers with Sequential Motion Based on Tendon-Driven Mechanisms26
Pneumatically Controlled Reconfigurable Bistable Bionic Flower for Robotic Gripper26
Compliant, Large-Strain, and Self-Sensing Twisted String Actuators26
Left-Handed or Right-Handed? Determinants of the Chirality of Helically Deformable Soft Actuators26
Small-Scale Soft Terrestrial Robot with Electrically Driven Multi-Modal Locomotion Capability26
Piezo-Wormbots for Continuous Crawling26
An Origami Continuum Robot Capable of Precise Motion Through Torsionally Stiff Body and Smooth Inverse Kinematics25
3D Printed Biomimetic Soft Robot with Multimodal Locomotion and Multifunctionality25
Learning-Based Control for Soft Robot–Environment Interaction with Force/Position Tracking Capability24
3D Printed Magnetic Bionic Robot Inspired by Octopus for Drug Transportation24
Shape Reconstruction of Extensible Continuum Manipulator Based on Soft Sensors23
Woven Fabric Muscle for Soft Wearable Robotic Application Using Two-Dimensional Zigzag Shape Memory Alloy Actuator23
Stiffness Preprogrammable Soft Bending Pneumatic Actuators for High-Efficient, Conformal Operation22
V-Shape Pneumatic Torsional Actuator: A Building Block for Soft Grasper and Manipulator22
Skeletonizing the Dynamics of Soft Continuum Body from Video22
A Wide-Range Stiffness-Tunable Soft Actuator Inspired by Deep-Sea Glass Sponges22
Magnetic Soft Catheter Robot System for Minimally Invasive Treatments of Articular Cartilage Defects22
Macro Fiber Composite-Actuated Soft Robotic Fish: A Gray Box Model-Predictive Motion Planning Strategy Under Limited Actuation21
Proprioception and Exteroception of a Soft Robotic Finger Using Neuromorphic Vision-Based Sensing21
Chemically Driven Oscillating Soft Pneumatic Actuation21
Soft Miniaturized Actuation and Sensing Units for Dynamic Force Control of Cardiac Ablation Catheters21
Generative Design Procedure for Embedding Specified Planar Behavior in Modular Soft Pneumatic Actuators21
SofaGym: An Open Platform for Reinforcement Learning Based on Soft Robot Simulations20
Complex Three-Dimensional Terrains Traversal of Insect-Scale Soft Robot20
Variable Stiffness Electroadhesion and Compliant Electroadhesive Grippers19
Design of a Wearable Real-Time Hand Motion Tracking System Using an Array of Soft Polymer Acoustic Waveguides18
Reticular Origami Soft Robotic Gripper for Shape-Adaptive and Bistable Rapid Grasping18
Optimal Control of Dielectric Elastomer Actuated Multibody Dynamical Systems18
Armor-Based Stable Force Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Steady Actuation Properties18
Bioinspired High-Degrees of Freedom Soft Robotic Glove for Restoring Versatile and Comfortable Manipulation18
Control-Oriented Models for Hyperelastic Soft Robots Through Differential Geometry of Curves18
Tunable, Textile-Based Joint Impedance Module for Soft Robotic Applications16
Nanotextured Soft Electrothermo-Pneumatic Actuator for Constructing Lightweight, Integrated, and Untethered Soft Robotics16
Bioinspired Bidirectional Stiffening Soft Actuators Enable Versatile and Robust Grasping15
Design and Gesture Optimization of a Soft-Rigid Robotic Hand for Adaptive Grasping15
A Hybrid Anchoring Technology Composed of Reinforced Flexible Shells for a Knee Unloading Exosuit15
Stiffness Tunable Magnetic Actuators Based on Shape Memory Polymer/NdFeB Composite for Segmental Controllable Motion15
Untethered Soft Pneumatic Actuators with Embedded Multiple Sensing Capabilities15
Human-Inspired Tactile Perception System for Real-Time and Multimodal Detection of Tactile Stimuli15
Advancing Soft Robot Proprioception Through 6D Strain Sensors Embedding15
Squid-Inspired Powerful Untethered Soft Pumps via Magnetically Induced Phase Transitions15
Shock Resistive Flexure-Based Anthropomorphic Hand with Enhanced Payload15