Coastal Engineering Journal

(The TQCC of Coastal Engineering Journal is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Influence of the permeability of submerged breakwaters on surrounding wave and current fields36
Ecosystem functions of confined-scale artificial tidal flats in urban areas in Japan: analysis of driving factors for function-based design23
Impacts of wave-induced ocean surface turbulent kinetic energy flux on typhoon characteristics19
Rock mound to reduce wave overwash and crest lowering of a sand barrier16
A composite approach towards understanding the mechanisms and driving variables of river mouth variability: A case study of the Da Dien River mouth14
Laboratory modelling of vertical sediment mixing in the surf zone13
Simulated flood forces on a building due to the storm surge by Typhoon Haiyan12
A numerical model for predicting waves run-up on coastal areas11
Comparative analysis of parametric cyclone models and relations for radius of maximum winds for storm surge simulations: case of Typhoon Meranti 201611
Validation of the applicability of the particle-based open-source software DualSPHysics to violent flow fields9
Progress of disaster mitigation against tropical cyclones and storm surges: a comparative study of Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Japan8
Tsunami inundation and flow velocity within a partially sheltered structural array7
A critical review on the tsunami-induced scour around structures7
Improvement of the coral growth and cost-effectiveness of hybrid infrastructure by an innovative breakwater design in Naha Port, Okinawa, Japan7
Real-time tsunami forecasting system with nonlinear effects using Green’s functions: application to near-shore tsunami behavior in complex bay topography7
Rapid assessment of tsunami source impacts on low-lying coastal areas using offshore wave superposition and static sweep of onshore terrain6
Hydrodynamic characteristics of emerged modular porous reef breakwaters6
Effect of coastal boundary representation on basin-scale internal waves6
Comparative numerical simulation of storm surge inundation characteristics along the dynamic east coast of the Meghna estuary in Bangladesh6
Direct measurements of sea spray particle fluxes using a high temporal resolution optical particle counter over the coastal ocean6
Numerical investigation on characteristics of long wave components amplified under the 2018 Typhoons Jebi and Trami observed along the coast of Wakayama, Japan6
Sea level variability and coastal inundation over the northeastern Mediterranean Sea6
Threshold for oscillatory-flow ripple initiation on cohesive and non-cohesive mixtures of sand and mud5
Increase in overtopping rate caused by local gust-winds during the passage of a typhoon5
Extraction of ocean wave parameters from video images5
NDBC Wave observation system update5
Satellite derived bathymetry using empirical and machine learning approaches: a case study in the highly dynamic coastal water5
UAV close-range photogrammetry for breakwater damage assessment in a Tyrrhenian coastal site5
Deformation of Spartina patens and Spartina alterniflora stems under irregular wave action5
Linking climate change mitigation and adaptation through coastal green–gray infrastructure: a perspective5
Mitigating tsunami effects on buildings via novel use of discrete onshore protection systems5
Green port structures and their ecosystem services in highly urbanized Japanese bays5
An assessment of the impact of boundary conditions in dynamical downscaling techniques for fetch-limited waves4
Variations of rapidly intensifying tropical cyclones and their landfalls in the Western North Pacific4
A 3D numerical study on tsunamis ascending a river4
The role of climate in determining foredune types and modes4
Fetch effects on air-sea momentum transfer at very high wind speeds4
Stochastic source modeling and tsunami simulations of cascadia subduction earthquakes for Canadian Pacific coast4
Prediction of wave overtopping discharges at coastal structures using interpretable machine learning4
A new criterion for critical suspension of nonuniform sediment4