
(The median citation count of Peacebuilding is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Colonial power and decolonial peace11
On violence, the everyday, and social reproduction: Agnes and Myanmar’s transition10
Making peace to sustain war: the Astana Process and Syria’s illiberal peace10
International relations, sociolinguistics and the ‘everyday’: a linguistic ethnography of peace-building through language education7
Everyday peace: rethinking typologies of social practice and local agency7
What are they writing for? Peace research as an impermeable metropole7
What knowledge counts? Local humanitarian knowledge production in protracted conflicts. A Central African Republic case study6
The banality of infrastructural racism through the lens of peace and conflict studies6
Peace in cities, peace through cities? Theorising and exploring geographies of peace in violently contested cities6
Re-conceptualising competitive victimhood in reconciliation processes: the case of Northern Ireland5
Open-pit peace: the power of extractive industries in post-conflict transitions5
Non-state conflicts, peacekeeping, and the conclusion of local agreements5
Capturing post-conflict anxieties: towards an analytical framework5
Why peacebuilding is condemned to fail if it ignores ethnicization. The case of Colombia4
Post-ISIL reconciliation in Iraq and the local anatomy of national grievances: the case of Yathrib4
The rule of law, the local turn, and re-thinking accountability in security sector reform processes4
Religion, peace and justice: the effects of transitional justice on religious armed conflict resolution3
Active looking: images in peace mediation3
Dissolving conflict. Local peace agreements and armed conflict transitions3
Local agency, adaptation, and vertical integration of bottom-up peacebuilding: reflecting on systemic action research in Myanmar3
Identity, Resilience and Social Justice: Peace-making for a Neoliberal Global Order3
Power or peace? Restoration or emancipation through peace processes3
Enforced silence or mindful non-violent action? Everyday peace and South Korean victims of civilian massacres in the Korean War3
Why language matters? Colombia’s passing theory of peace3
Reintegration of ex-combatants in a militarized society3
Seeing peace like a city: local visions and diplomatic proposals for future solutions3
Building a peace we don’t know? The power of subjunctive technologies in digital peacebuilding3
Cross-case patterns of security production in hybrid political orders: their shapes, ordering practices, and paradoxical outcomes3
Navigating colonial debris: structural challenges for Colombia’s peace accord2
Peace negotiation process and outcome: considering Colombia and Turkey in comparative perspective2
Scrutinising UN peacebuilding: entangled peace and its limits2
Same but different: the role of local leaders in the peace processes in liberia and sierra leone2
Derry girls and the politics of the everyday: theorising for a more youth-inclusive approach to peacebuilding2
From global norms to national politics: decoupling transitional justice in Colombia2
Elite support for peace agreements: evidence from Colombia2
Fierce and accommodationist divided cities: understanding right-to-the-city protests in Beirut and Manama2
Local agreements as a process: the example of local talks in Homs in Syria2
Memory, violence and post-conflict reconstruction: rebuilding and reimagining Mosul2
Collective reincorporation of FARC-EP and social and solidarity economies: beyond moral imagination2
Is recognition the answer? Exploring the barriers for successful reintegration of ex-combatants into civil society in Northern Ireland and Colombia2
A tale of two commissions: explaining the different trajectories of human rights movements in Korea1
Reclaiming the sacred: towards a holographic notion of power and peace1
Dialogue for peace: the production of knowledge and norms between international practices and local ownership in Ukraine1
‘The ‘local-visual turn’: understanding peacebuilding in post-conflict societies using photo-elicitation1
Speaking with a ‘soft voice’: professional and pragmatic civilities amongst South Sudanese NGO leaders1
Occupying Space in the Kirkuk Bazaar: an intersectional analysis1
Youth as generational configurations: Conceptualising conflicts along generation-based dynamics1
Deepening understandings of success and failure in post-conflict reconciliation1
Coordinated ethnographic peace research: assessing complex peace interventions writ large and over time1
Beyond intragroup betrayal during intergroup relational peacebuilding1
Peaces of music: understanding the varieties of peace that music-making can foster1
Embodied reconciliation: a new research agenda1
In the aftermath of Genocide: Guatemala’s failed reconciliation1
From the river to the sea: Palestine and Israel in the shadow of ‘peace’1
Competition for control of the state and the transitional justice agenda among Tunisian civil society organisations1
‘Good personhood’ in Kosovo: a Serbian perspective from below1
How local are local agreements? Shaping local agreements as a new form of third-party intervention in protracted conflicts1
Modern concept of peacebuilding and the idea of peacebuilding in Igbo pre-colonial society in Africa1
An empirical take on the debates on peacebuilding’s failure: the case study of the Ivorian Dialogue Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2011–2014)1
Disruptive hope: the communal repertoires of violence resistance in Cúcuta1
Geographies of peace in the wake of non-war violence in the city: Agir pour la Paix in a marginalised neighbourhood in France1
Autonomy in the pursuit of peace: demarcation and territorial accommodation in Indonesia and the Philippines1
Filling the gap: customary institutions as governance actors1
Shaping violences: state formation, symbolic violence and the link between public and private interests in Brazil1
Between the duty to prosecute atrocities and domestic precedents of dealing with the past in the era of the International Criminal Court1
Biopolitical peacebuilding1
Narratives of change and repair: how the study of storytelling in the social sciences can inspire peacebuilding research1
The impact of state abdication on transitional justice: when non-state actors and other states fill the post-transition gap1
Constitution-making and statebuilding in Kosovo: we (you) the people1
Navigating Dahiyeh, negotiating everyday peace: mediation practices across Beirut’s Southern Suburbs1
Architecture, politics and peacebuilding in Medellín1
Photography and everyday peacebuilding. Examining the impact of photographing everyday peace in Colombia1
Imagining peace and enacting utopias in Puerto Rico0
Gender and citizenship in transitional justice: everyday experiences of reparation and reintegration in Colombia Gender and citizenship in transitional justice: everyday experiences of 0
Ontological security and protracted conflict in frontier societies: towards a trans-local turn in peacebuilding0
Digital peacekeeping, cyborg soldiers and militarised masculinities: a posthuman critique0
Interviews on masculinities in post-conflict contexts as a process of three translations0
Beyond politics: in/civilities of ‘non-political’ peacebuilding for Kashmir0
The many conceptions of post-conflict reconciliation: learning from practitioners0
Peacekeeping’s conflict urbanism: a decade of urban change in Mali0
The search for a comprehensive political settlement in Transnistria: explaining the failure to reach agreement0
Local agreements - an introduction to the special issue0
Micro-level experiences, understandings and visions of peace in Sri Lanka’s war victory0
Controlling victims: forced exhumations in the Peruvian Andes0
Rebel politics: a political sociology of armed struggle in Myanmar’s borderlands0
New avenues in peace implementation research: actors, geolocation, and time0
Two and a half approaches to the local turn in peacebuilding0
Young protesters’ ambivalence about violence in the 2015 crisis in Burundi: local legacies of conflict and generational change0
Dancing conflicts, unfolding peaces: movement as method to elicit conflict transformation0
Pragmatism, courage, and ideals of peace in times of war0
Swimming against the tide: transfer from civil society consultations to track 10
Humanitarian diplomacy as moral history0
‘This coconut was the one that finally worked’: cursing for peace and justice in Sri Lanka0
Reevaluating religious understandings of reconciliation: a study in Bosnia and Herzegovina0
Why did Turkey’s peace process (2013-2015) fail? Four explanations0
Civility as collective self-care in Nablus (Palestine): face-to-face interactions in the shadow of war0
Reflexive postliberal peace: a cultural paradigm shift in Israel’s peacebuilding0
Gendering peace: UN peacebuilding in Timor-Leste0
The challenges and opportunities of researching masculinities during peace processes0
Violence and hegemonic masculinities in Timor-Leste – on the challenges of using theoretical frameworks in conflict-affected societies0
The glaring gaps: environmental violence and peace research and practice0
In-group competition & out-group cooperation: cooperative players in protracted ethnic conflict resolution0
Good ones and bad ones: gendered distortions and aspirations in research with conflict-affected youth in Liberia0
Forum Theatre for Reconciliation: a drama-based approach to conflict transformation applied to socio-environmental struggles in Bolivia0
When God stops fighting: how religious violence ends When God stops fighting: how religious violence ends , by Mark Juergensmeyer, Oakland, California, University of Cal0
Stigmatisation as settler colonialism: designating humanitarian and civic society organisations in Palestine as security threats0
Peacebuilding legacy: programming for change and young people’s attitudes to peace Peacebuilding legacy: programming for change and young people’s attitudes to peace , b0
Honyomiji: the local women’s peacebuilding institution in South Sudan0
No peace without justice? Two perspectives on historical justice after genocide0
The frontlines of peace: an insider’s guide to changing the world0
Mine clearance, peacebuilding and development: interactions between sustainable development goals and infrastructure in Angola0
Post-conflict reconstruction and local government0
Review of International relations then and now, 2nd edition0
Ilusión as a temporal dimension of hope in Colombia0
Review of the book interactive peacemaking: a people-centred approach Review of the book interactive peacemaking: a people-centred approach , by Susan H. Allen, Routledg0
Unspeakable: reflections on relational approaches to research in post-conflict settings0
Peacebuilding paradigms: the impact of theoretical diversity on implementing sustainable peace0
Imagining national security through the body’s organisation: conscientious objectors in South Korea0
Local non-violent strategies amid Guatemala’s post-accord violence: understanding the potential and limitations in poor urban neighbourhoods0
Methodology of the excluded: conspiracy as discourse in the eastern DRC0
Interpreter training in conflict and post-conflict scenarios0
The art of ‘tick boxes’: quantitative audience evaluation methods of documentary theatre for ‘peace’ in Northern Ireland0
Local peace governance in post-war Timor-Leste: reconceiving governance ambiguity as a formalised political unsettlement0
Peacebuilding through women’s community development Wee women’s work in Northern Ireland Peacebuilding through women’s community development Wee women’s work in Northern Ireland 0
Understanding higher education as a conflictual field. Situational dynamics of peace and conflict in Senegalese universities0
Pluck, luck and peacemaking0
Review of reconstructions: the troubles in photographs and words0
Urban restructuring and the reproduction of spaces of violence in Belfast0
Gender as an analytic lens for agonistic peace: insights from Colombia’s Truth Commission0
Re-theorising the participation-security nexus in war-to-peace transitions0
Review: peace and security in the Balkans: a local perspective Review: peace and security in the Balkans: a local perspective , edited by Nemanja Džuverović and Věra Sto0
Galkaio, Somalia: bridging the border0
Peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and the ‘balance of bureaucratic power’ in Kofi Annan’s Secretariat: a micro-history of two United Nations departments0
Peace and rural development in Colombia0
High-risk feminism in Colombia: women’s mobilization in violent contexts High-risk feminism in Colombia: women’s mobilization in violent contexts , by Julia Zulver, New 0
Hybrid governance in South Sudan: the negotiated state in practice0
Investigating the links between civil war, peace and foreign direct investment: a case study of Sri Lanka’s tourism sector0
Letting the state off the hook? Dilemmas of holding the state to account in times of transition0
Feel the grass grow: ecologies of slow peace in Colombia Feel the grass grow: ecologies of slow peace in Colombia , by Angela Jill Lederach, Stanford, California, USA, S0
Sport and strategic peacebuilding: Northern Ireland and Korea compared0
Global norms and local action: the campaigns to end violence against women in Africa0
Transcending antagonism in South Asia: advancing agonistic peace through the Partition Museum0
Troubling masculinities: a feminist, relational approach to researching sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers0
The fragmentation of the security-development nexus: the UK government’s approach to security and development 2015-20220
Rethinking peace and violence from the favelas0
Introduction to the special issue: in/civility in peace and conflict0
Locating violence-resistant masculinities in sites of conflict0
State (ir)responsibility and the (un)making of transformative reparations at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia0
Master peace: expert power and techno-morals in Lebanon0