Freshwater Science

(The median citation count of Freshwater Science is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Effects of road-salt application on Cladocera assemblages in shallow Precambrian Shield lakes in south-central Ontario, Canada26
Unique surface density layers promote formation of harmful algal blooms in the Pengxi River, Three Gorges Reservoir25
Large portion of USA streams lose protection with new interpretation of Clean Water Act23
Beta diversity of stream insects differs between boreal and subtropical regions, but land use does not generally cause biotic homogenization23
Nutrients and warming alter mountain lake benthic algal structure and function22
Freshwater salinization syndrome alters retention and release of chemical cocktails along flowpaths: From stormwater management to urban streams22
Lessons learned from 20 y of monitoring suburban development with distributed stormwater management in Clarksburg, Maryland, USA20
Influence of stream characteristics and population size on downstream transport of freshwater mollusk environmental DNA20
Goals and approaches in the use of citizen science for exploring plastic pollution in freshwater ecosystems: A review19
Reconceptualizing the hyporheic zone for nonperennial rivers and streams19
Using environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect the endangered Spectaclecase Mussel (Margaritifera monodonta)18
A seasonally dynamic model of light at the stream surface17
Long-term monitoring reveals convergent patterns of recovery from mining contamination across 4 western US watersheds16
Community-powered urban stream restoration: A vision for sustainable and resilient urban ecosystems15
Interactions between microplastics and benthic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems: Knowledge gaps and future trends13
Propylene glycol-based antifreeze is an effective preservative for DNA metabarcoding of benthic arthropods13
Building resilience into water management through public engagement13
Decoupled structure and function of leaf-associated microorganisms under anthropogenic pressure: Potential hurdles for environmental monitoring11
Effects of predator cues carry over from egg and larval stage to adult life-history traits in a damselfly11
How to get your feet wet in public engagement: Perspectives from freshwater scientists11
Perspectives on the functional assessment of multi-stressed stream ecosystems11
Dispersal limitation by structures is more important than intermittent drying effects for metacommunity dynamics in a highly fragmented river network11
Quantifying spatial and temporal relationships between diatoms and nutrients in streams strengthens evidence of nutrient effects from monitoring data10
Closing the gap on wicked urban stream restoration problems: A framework to integrate science and community values9
Structural and functional assessment of multi-stressed lowland waters9
Stream macroinvertebrate reintroductions: A cautionary approach for restored urban streams9
Understanding the relationship between stream metabolism and biological assemblages8
The relationship between watershed protection and water quality: The case of Québec, Canada8
Detection of 4 imperiled western North American freshwater mussel species from environmental DNA with multiplex qPCR assays8
Wildfire and drying legacies and stream invertebrate assemblages8
Mechanisms for engaging social systems in freshwater science research8
Our failure to protect the stream and its valley: A call to back off from riparian development8
Macroinvertebrate biomonitoring in Latin America: Progress and challenges7
Evaluating the efficacy of environmental DNA (eDNA) to detect an endangered freshwater mussel Lasmigona decorata (Bivalvia:Unionidae)7
Macroinvertebrate taxonomic and trait-based responses to large-wood reintroduction in lowland streams7
Variation in stream network relationships and geospatial predictions of watershed conductivity7
Contrasting Raz–Rru stream metabolism and nutrient uptake downstream of urban wastewater effluent sites7
Elevate your work through incorporation of public engagement7
Including equity in urban stream restoration: From historical wrongs to new paradigms7
Nitrate uptake enhanced by availability of dissolved organic matter in tropical montane streams6
The 1st step to healthy ecosystems: Application of a new integrated assessment framework informs stream management in the Tukituki catchment, New Zealand6
Water depth, flow variability, and size class influence the movement behavior of freshwater mussels (Unionida) in Great Lakes river drainages6
Weak differences in sensitivity to major ions by different larval stages of the mayfly Neocloeon triangulifer6
Highlighting assumptions of community engagement in urban stream restoration6
Freshwater mussel burrow position and its relation to streambed roughness6
Patterns of macroinvertebrate production and energy flow in headwater streams of the Brazilian Savanna6
Periphyton C and N stable isotopes detect agricultural stressors in low-order streams6
Variation in processes structuring fish assemblages as inferred from metacommunity analyses: Differences between headwater and adventitious streams within a river network5
Using nature preserve creek cleanups to quantify anthropogenic litter accumulation in an urban watershed5
Seiche- and storm-driven benthic oxygen uptake in a eutrophic freshwater bay determined with aquatic eddy covariance5
Abundance, distribution, and geometry of naturally occurring streambank soil pipes5
Integrating the influence of untreated sewage into our understanding of the urban stream syndrome5
Nutrient processing domains: Spatial and temporal patterns of material retention in running waters5
Response of nutrient limitation to invasive fish suppression: How carcasses and analog pellets alter periphyton5
Partitioning and drivers of aquatic insect beta diversity in mountain streams5
Abundance and distribution of testate amoebae bearing siliceous plates in freshwater lakes and ponds along the east coast of North America: Importance of water depth and pH4
The host mussel Sinanodonta woodiana alleviates negative effects of a small omnivorous fish (Acheilognathus macropterus) on water quality: A mesocosm experiment4
Site exposure, substrate, depth, and the thermocline affect the growth of native unionid mussels in a stratified lake4
Water abstraction reduces taxonomic and functional diversity of stream invertebrate assemblages4
Confronting existing knowledge on ecological preferences of stream macroinvertebrates with independent biomonitoring data using a Bayesian multi-species distribution model4
Heat and smoke from wildfires influence water temperature and dissolved oxygen levels in headwater streams4
Differentiating physical and biological storage of N along an intermittent Antarctic stream corridor4
Using unsorted sweep-net samples to rapidly assess macroinvertebrate biodiversity4
Relationships between macroinvertebrates and detritus in freshwater wetlands4
Aquatic vegetation dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River over 2 decades spanning vegetation recovery4
Calcium stress in Daphnia pulicaria and exposure to predator-derived cues: Making a bad situation worse?4
Occupancy of invasive Northern Crayfish (Faxonius virilis) in northern streams is associated primarily with water temperature4
Qcthreshold departs from theoreticalQcin urban watersheds: The role of streambed mobility data in managing the urban disturbance regime3
Leaf-litter stoichiometry and microbial phosphatase activity, respiration, and decomposition as phosphorus enrichment endpoints: A laboratory experiment3
Freshwater floodplain habitats buffer native food webs from negative effects of nonnative centrarchids and bullfrogs3
Assessing seasonal and biological indices of juvenile Chinook Salmon for freshwater decision triggers that increase ocean survival3
Effects of impoundments on stream crayfish assemblages3
Co-occurring lotic crayfishes exhibit variable long-term responses to extreme-flow events and temperature3
State of the ART: Using artificial refuge traps to control invasive crayfish in southern California streams3
Ammonia-oxidizing archaea and ammonium concentration as drivers of nitrification in a protected freshwater lake3
Catchment soil characteristics predict organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus levels in temperate lakes3
Responses of survival, growth, and feeding of the invasive Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata) to salinity stress3
Algal-driven priming of cellulose decomposition along a phosphorus gradient in stream mesocosms3
Optimizing stormwater management to facilitate urban stream restoration via a science-based approach3
Updated occurrence data and species distribution modeling of the invasive amphipod Apocorophium lacustre in North America3
Environmental factors structuring diatom assemblages in thermo-mineral springs of Sardinia, Italy3
Modeling thermal metrics of importance for native vs non-native fish across stream networks to provide insight for watershed-scale fisheries management3
Dispersal ability and biogeographic gradients influence gene flow of 3 aquatic insects in Laurentian Great Lakes interdunal wetlands2
Taxon-specific photosynthetic responses of attached algal assemblages to experimental translocation between river habitats2
The contribution of autochthonous resource to the diet of aquatic consumers is unrelated to its spatial distribution in tank bromeliads2
Intermittency mediates macroinvertebrate and crayfish effects on leaf breakdown in temperate headwater streams2
Larval taxonomy of eastern Nearctic Polycentropus sensu stricto (Trichoptera: Polycentropodidae)2
Hatching dynamics of invertebrate dormant stages in temporary ponds are influenced by multiple hydrations2
Spatiotemporal patterns of macroinvertebrate assemblages across mountain streams with contrasting thermal regimes2
Functional insights into succession in a phyllospheric microbial community across a full period of aquatic plant litter decomposition2
Taxa-specific responses to flooding shape patterns of abundance in river rock pools2
Environmental controls on long-term growth of freshwater mussels in an oligotrophic lake2
Effect of identity and richness on ecological function in aggregations of 2 similarly sized unionid mussel species2
Differential responses of fish assemblages to environmental and spatial factors are mediated by dispersal-related traits in Neotropical streams2
Debris dams retain trash, mostly plastic, in urban streams2
How extreme drought events, introduced species, and disease interact to influence threatened amphibian populations2
Heterogenous distribution of kākahi (freshwater musselEchyridella menziesii) environmental DNA in 5 New Zealand lakes of differing size and geomorphology2
Limiting nutrients drive mountain stream ecosystem processes along an elevation gradient2
Invasive fish (Gambusia affinis) as an ecological filter for macroinvertebrate colonization of experimental ponds2
Effects of subsidies from small anadromous Pacific salmon populations on stream and riparian food webs are mediated by channel gradient2
Local and regional drivers of macrophyte beta diversity in tropical coastal rivers2
Population structure and habitat availability determine resource use by Rainbow Trout in high elevation lakes2
Context matters: An insider’s view on freshwater ecosystem research in Latin America1
Biotic interactions could control colonization success during stream restoration1
Characterizing the association between oil and gas development and water quality at a regional scale1
Winners and losers over a ½ century of change in crayfish assemblages of Wyoming, USA1
Weighted stream temperature tolerance index is insensitive to changes in stream fish composition1
Subsidies of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, not energy subsidies, strengthen immune responses in a terrestrial predator1
Bloom and bust: Historical trends of harmful algal blooms in Muskegon Lake, Michigan, a Great Lakes estuary1
Wildfire effects on mass and thermal tolerance of Hydropsyche oslari (Trichoptera) in southwestern USA montane grassland streams1
Characterizing the role of phosphorus availability and periphytic algae in the food choice and performance of detritivorous caddisflies (Trichoptera:Limnephilidae)1
Primary production modeling identifies restoration targets for shifting shallow, eutrophic lakes to clear-water regimes1
Integrating measures of ecosystem structure and function to improve assessments of stream integrity1
Nutrient limitation of periphytic algal assemblages in agricultural streams across grassland to boreal landscapes1
Urbanization and stream ecology: Moving the bar on multidisciplinary solutions to wicked urban stream problems1
Identifying invertebrate indicators for streamflow duration assessments in forested headwater streams1
Evidence for pulse-shunt carbon exports from a mixed land-use, restored prairie watershed1
Joint species distribution models reveal taxon-specific sensitivities to potential anthropogenic alteration1
Response of denitrification rate and denitrifiers to human-disturbance intensity and physicochemical factors of overlying water in a subtropical stream, China1
Water availability and quality determine temporal synchrony and beta diversity of microcrustaceans in temporary pools1
Molecular insight reveals broad-scale spatial patterns in floodplain ciliate assemblages, whereas morphology reflects local environmental controls1
The role of emergent physical and chemical properties of Florida spring complexes in predicting fish assemblage structure1
Morphological plasticity in a caddisfly that co-occurs in lakes and streams1
Chemical fragmentation of stream systems and fish species richness: The upstream effects of water pollution1
Trace metal–macronutrient colimitation of algal biofilms in streams with differing ambient inorganic nutrients1
The effects of temperature and light on ecosystem metabolism in a Japanese stream1
Isotopic niches of Silver Carp and two native planktivores in a large reservoir1
Food, water quality, and the growth of a freshwater mussel: Implications for population restoration1
Role of abiotic factors and habitat heterogeneity in the interactions between stream salamanders and crayfish in the southern Appalachians1
A perched culvert and natural obstructions limit fish dispersal in an intermittent prairie stream1
Nutrient availability modulates the effect of water abstraction on the metabolism of 2 lowland forested streams1
Identifying the environmental variables that predict crayfish assemblage structure in agricultural headwater streams1
Environmental DNA detection range for Hydrilla verticillata, a prolific invasive plant1