Physical Review X

(The median citation count of Physical Review X is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
GWTC-2: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First Half of the Third Observing Run1209
GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the Second Part of the Third Observing Run344
Population of Merging Compact Binaries Inferred Using Gravitational Waves through GWTC-3312
Dynamical Purification Phase Transition Induced by Quantum Measurements241
Theory of Trotter Error with Commutator Scaling211
Three-Dimensional Charge Density Wave and Surface-Dependent Vortex-Core States in a Kagome Superconductor 191
Emerging Research Landscape of Altermagnetism158
Entanglement Phase Transitions in Measurement-Only Dynamics155
Observation of Unconventional Charge Density Wave without Acoustic Phonon Anomaly in Kagome Superconductors 150
Quantum Information Scrambling on a Superconducting Qutrit Processor145
Fermi Surface Mapping and the Nature of Charge-Density-Wave Order in the Kagome Superconductor 135
Beyond Conventional Ferromagnetism and Antiferromagnetism: A Phase with Nonrelativistic Spin and Crystal Rotation Symmetry128
Realization of Real-Time Fault-Tolerant Quantum Error Correction124
Realization of High-Fidelity CZ and ZZ -Free iSWAP Gates with a Tunable Coupler123
Low-Frequency Divergence and Quantum Geometry of the Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Topological Semimetals116
Coupled Cluster Theory for Molecular Polaritons: Changing Ground and Excited States113
Strong-Field Gravity Tests with the Double Pulsar113
Absence of Barren Plateaus in Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks111
What Limits the Simulation of Quantum Computers?107
Tracking the Footprints of Spin Fluctuations: A MultiMethod, MultiMessenger Study of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model104
Quantum Electrodynamics in a Topological Waveguide101
Prediction of Toric Code Topological Order from Rydberg Blockade100
Virtual Distillation for Quantum Error Mitigation90
Effective Theory for the Measurement-Induced Phase Transition of Dirac Fermions89
Exponential Error Suppression for Near-Term Quantum Devices86
Chiral Photocurrent in Parity-Violating Magnet and Enhanced Response in Topological Antiferromagnet84
Hilbert Space Fragmentation and Commutant Algebras84
Quantum Electrodynamic Control of Matter: Cavity-Enhanced Ferroelectric Phase Transition84
Modeling the Spatiotemporal Epidemic Spreading of COVID-19 and the Impact of Mobility and Social Distancing Interventions83
Odd-Even Layer-Number Effect and Layer-Dependent Magnetic Phase Diagrams in MnBi81
Robust Encoding of a Qubit in a Molecule80
Multimessenger Constraints for Ultradense Matter79
Dirac-Type Nodal Spin Liquid Revealed by Refined Quantum Many-Body Solver Using Neural-Network Wave Function, Correlation Ratio, and Level Spectroscopy78
Scalar Active Mixtures: The Nonreciprocal Cahn-Hilliard Model78
Pseudospectrum and Black Hole Quasinormal Mode Instability77
Dynamical Backaction Magnomechanics75
Giant and Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Unconventional Collinear Antiferromagnets with Nonrelativistic Spin-Momentum Coupling75
Symmetry, Thermodynamics, and Topology in Active Matter74
Large-Scale Optical Reservoir Computing for Spatiotemporal Chaotic Systems Prediction74
Multiorbital Processes Rule the Nd174
Correlation-Induced Insulating Topological Phases at Charge Neutrality in Twisted Bilayer Graphene70
Universal Fast-Flux Control of a Coherent, Low-Frequency Qubit70
Adiabatic Eigenstate Deformations as a Sensitive Probe for Quantum Chaos69
Observation of Integer and Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall Effects in Twisted Bilayer 67
High-Throughput Study of Lattice Thermal Conductivity in Binary Rocksalt and Zinc Blende Compounds Including Higher-Order Anharmonicity66
Quench Dynamics of a Fermi Gas with Strong Nonlocal Interactions66
Charge-Density-Wave-Induced Bands Renormalization and Energy Gaps in a Kagome Superconductor 66
Entanglement Membrane in Chaotic Many-Body Systems64
Fractal, Logarithmic, and Volume-Law Entangled Nonthermal Steady States via Spacetime Duality63
Site Mixing for Engineering Magnetic Topological Insulators62
First-Order General-Relativistic Viscous Fluid Dynamics62
Electronic Structure Trends Across the Rare-Earth Series in Superconducting Infinite-Layer Nickelates62
Cell and Nucleus Shape as an Indicator of Tissue Fluidity in Carcinoma61
Nearly Optimal Measurement Scheduling for Partial Tomography of Quantum States61
Multiterminal Josephson Effect60
Influence Matrix Approach to Many-Body Floquet Dynamics58
Mott Insulating States with Competing Orders in the Triangular Lattice Hubbard Model56
Kekulé Spiral Order at All Nonzero Integer Fillings in Twisted Bilayer Graphene56
General Theory of Josephson Diodes55
Randomized Compiling for Scalable Quantum Computing on a Noisy Superconducting Quantum Processor53
Observation of a Smooth Polaron-Molecule Transition in a Degenerate Fermi Gas53
Boundary-Obstructed Topological High- Tc53
Entanglement Phase Transition Induced by the Non-Hermitian Skin Effect52
Entanglement and Charge-Sharpening Transitions in U(1) Symmetric Monitored Quantum Circuits52
Normal State of Nd152
Storage and Release of Subradiant Excitations in a Dense Atomic Cloud51
Universal Gate Operations on Nuclear Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array of 51
Non-Fermi Liquids as Ersatz Fermi Liquids: General Constraints on Compressible Metals50
Spinon Fermi Surface Spin Liquid in a Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet NaYbSe50
Ytterbium Nuclear-Spin Qubits in an Optical Tweezer Array50
Coherent Spin-Spin Coupling Mediated by Virtual Microwave Photons50
Unified Approach to Enhanced Sampling50
Hardware-Efficient, Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation with Rydberg Atoms49
Interaction-Stabilized Topological Magnon Insulator in Ferromagnets49
Noninvertible Chiral Symmetry and Exponential Hierarchies48
Acoustic Realization of a Four-Dimensional Higher-Order Chern Insulator and Boundary-Modes Engineering48
Symmetry Classes of Open Fermionic Quantum Matter47
Dual-Element, Two-Dimensional Atom Array with Continuous-Mode Operation47
Broken-Symmetry Ground States of the Heisenberg Model on the Pyrochlore Lattice47
Magnetic Field Effect on Topological Spin Excitations in CrI46
Wigner Formulation of Thermal Transport in Solids46
Gapless Topological Phases and Symmetry-Enriched Quantum Criticality46
Emergent Magnetic Phases in Pressure-Tuned van der Waals Antiferromagnet FePS<45
Modeling the Influence of Data Structure on Learning in Neural Networks: The Hidden Manifold Model45
Ising Superconductivity and Magnetism in NbSe245
Thermal Metasurfaces: Complete Emission Control by Combining Local and Nonlocal Light-Matter Interactions45
Ground-State Properties of the Hydrogen Chain: Dimerization, Insulator-to-Metal Transition, and Magnetic Phases44
Editorial: Altermagnetism—A New Punch Line of Fundamental Magnetism44
Construction and Classification of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases in Interacting Fermion Systems44
Evidence of a Phonon Hall Effect in the Kitaev Spin Liquid Candidate α44
Thermodynamic Unification of Optimal Transport: Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relation, Minimum Dissipation, and Thermodynamic Speed Limits43
Observation of Unidirectional Solitonlike Edge States in Nonlinear Floquet Topological Insulators43
Quantum Variational Optimization of Ramsey Interferometry and Atomic Clocks43
Vacancy-Induced Low-Energy Density of States in the Kitaev Spin Liquid43
A Race-Track Trapped-Ion Quantum Processor42
Half-Magnetic Topological Insulator with Magnetization-Induced Dirac Gap at a Selected Surface42
When Is a Non-Markovian Quantum Process Classical?42
Superuniversality of Superdiffusion42
Quantum Photonic Interface for Tin-Vacancy Centers in Diamond42
Spin-Group Symmetry in Magnetic Materials with Negligible Spin-Orbit Coupling41
Correlations in Perturbed Dual-Unitary Circuits: Efficient Path-Integral Formula41
Local Pairing of Feynman Histories in Many-Body Floquet Models40
Glassy Dynamics in a Disordered Heisenberg Quantum Spin System40
Quantum Control of the Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit in Diamond39
Quantifying Rate- and Temperature-Dependent Molecular Damage in Elastomer Fracture39
Improved Thermal Area Law and Quasilinear Time Algorithm for Quantum Gibbs States39
Continuous Symmetries and Approximate Quantum Error Correction39
Demonstration of Quantum Brachistochrones between Distant States of an Atom38
Efficient Classical Simulation of Random Shallow 2D Quantum Circuits38
Coupling a Mobile Hole to an Antiferromagnetic Spin Background: Transient Dynamics of a Magnetic Polaron37
Physics of High-Charge Electron Beams in Laser-Plasma Wakefields37
Variational Power of Quantum Circuit Tensor Networks37
Symmetry Classification and Universality in Non-Hermitian Many-Body Quantum Chaos by the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev Model37
Fermionic Monte Carlo Study of a Realistic Model of Twisted Bilayer Graphene37
Entanglement between Identical Particles Is a Useful and Consistent Resource37
Emerging Dissipative Phases in a Superradiant Quantum Gas with Tunable Decay37
Learning and Avoiding Disorder in Multimode Fibers37
Stripes, Antiferromagnetism, and the Pseudogap in the Doped Hubbard Model at Finite Temperature36
Can We Make Sense of Dissipation without Causality?36
Reinforcement Learning for Many-Body Ground-State Preparation Inspired by Counterdiabatic Driving36
Observation of Hydrogen-Induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Reversible Switching of Magnetic Chirality36
Correspondence Principle for Many-Body Scars in Ultracold Rydberg Atoms36
Quantum Coding with Low-Depth Random Circuits35
Moiré Surface States and Enhanced Superconductivity in Topological Insulators35
Moiré-Trapped Interlayer Trions in a Charge-Tunable WSe35
Thermodynamic Inference in Partially Accessible Markov Networks: A Unifying Perspective from Transition-Based Waiting Time Distributions35
Public Discourse and Social Network Echo Chambers Driven by Socio-Cognitive Biases35
Growth of Rényi Entropies in Interacting Integrable Models and the Breakdown of the Quasiparticle Picture34
Incoherent Cooper Pairing and Pseudogap Behavior in Single-Layer FeSe/SrT34
Presence of s -Wave Pairing in Josephson Junctions Made of Twisted Ultrathin34
Coherent and Purcell-Enhanced Emission from Erbium Dopants in a Cryogenic High- Q Resonator34
Dynamical Freezing and Scar Points in Strongly Driven Floquet Matter: Resonance vs Emergent Conservation Laws34
Emergence of Bimodal Motility in Active Droplets34
Model-Free Quantum Control with Reinforcement Learning34
Theory of the Coherence of Topological Lasers34
Universal Limitations on Quantum Key Distribution over a Network33
Ab Initio Full Cell GW+DMFT<33
Improving Thermodynamic Bounds Using Correlations33
Transverse Spin Dynamics in the Anisotropic Heisenberg Model Realized with Ultracold Atoms33
Fast Logic with Slow Qubits: Microwave-Activated Controlled-Z Gate on Low-Frequency Fluxoniums33
Unifying Quantum and Classical Speed Limits on Observables33
Density Fluctuations across the Superfluid-Supersolid Phase Transition in a Dipolar Quantum Gas32
Probing Symmetries of Quantum Many-Body Systems through Gap Ratio Statistics32
Generation of High-Resolution Handwritten Digits with an Ion-Trap Quantum Computer32
Unsupervised Learning Universal Critical Behavior via the Intrinsic Dimension32
Geometric Control of Universal Hydrodynamic Flow in a Two-Dimensional Electron Fluid32
Evidence for a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ideal Type-II Weyl State in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator M32
How Circular Dichroism in Time- and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Can Be Used to Spectroscopically Detect Transient Topological States in Graphene32
Correlated Insulators, Semimetals, and Superconductivity in Twisted Trilayer Graphene32
Possible Quadrupole Density Wave in the Superconducting Kondo Lattice CeRh32
Emergent Memory and Kinetic Hysteresis in Strongly Driven Networks32
Sources of Low-Energy Events in Low-Threshold Dark-Matter and Neutrino Detectors31
Evidence for Dominant Phonon-Electron Scattering in Weyl Semimetal WP31
Quantum Inflation: A General Approach to Quantum Causal Compatibility31
Tight Bounds on the Simultaneous Estimation of Incompatible Parameters31
Phase-Space Geometry of Mass-Conserving Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics30
Towards Terawatt-Scale Spectrally Tunable Terahertz Pulses via Relativistic Laser-Foil Interactions30
Optical Signatures of Periodic Charge Distribution in a Mott-like Correlated Insulator State30
Multi-GeV Electron Bunches from an All-Optical Laser Wakefield Accelerator30
Asymmetric Attosecond Photoionization in Molecular Shape Resonance30
Stochastic Thermodynamics of Nonlinear Electronic Circuits: A Realistic Framework for Computing Around k30
Supervised Learning in Physical Networks: From Machine Learning to Learning Machines29
Ab Initio Study of (ν29
Fault-Tolerant Parity Readout on a Shuttling-Based Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer29
Thirty Milliseconds in the Life of a Supercooled Liquid29
Emergence of Polarized Ideological Opinions in Multidimensional Topic Spaces29
Bipolaronic High-Temperature Superconductivity29
Measuring the Thermodynamic Cost of Timekeeping29
Subsystem Codes with High Thresholds by Gauge Fixing and Reduced Qubit Overhead29
Laplacian-Level Quantum Hydrodynamic Theory for Plasmonics28
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory of Moiré Bilayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Phase Diagram, Resistivity, and Quantum Criticality28
Suppressing Dissipation in a Floquet-Hubbard System28
Andreev Reflection in the Fractional Quantum Hall State28
Emergent Dark States from Superradiant Dynamics in Multilevel Atoms in a Cavity28
Certified Quantum Random Numbers from Untrusted Light27
Heart of Entanglement: Chiral, Nematic, and Incommensurate Phases in the Kitaev-Gamma Ladder in a Field27
Quantum-Enhanced Data Classification with a Variational Entangled Sensor Network27
Probing Many-Body Quantum Chaos with Quantum Simulators27
Role of Shift Vector in High-Harmonic Generation from Noncentrosymmetric Topological Insulators under Strong Laser Fields27
Super-Heavy Ions Acceleration Driven by Ultrashort Laser Pulses at Ultrahigh Intensity27
Enhancing Associative Memory Recall and Storage Capacity Using Confocal Cavity QED27
What to Learn from a Few Visible Transitions’ Statistics?26
Core-Level X-Ray Spectroscopy of Infinite-Layer Nickelate: LDA+DMFT26
Determination of Dynamical Quantum Phase Transitions in Strongly Correlated Many-Body Systems Using Loschmidt Cumulants26
Dimensional Crossover in the Superfluid-Supersolid Quantum Phase Transition26
Perturbations of Spinning Black Holes beyond General Relativity: Modified Teukolsky Equation26
Case for a U(1<26
Normal State Properties of Quantum Critical Metals at Finite Temperature26
Controlling Atom-Photon Bound States in an Array of Josephson-Junction Resonators26
Length Scales in Brownian yet Non-Gaussian Dynamics26
Gapped Chiral Fermions26
Maximum Refractive Index of an Atomic Medium26
New Method for Measuring Angle-Resolved Phases in Photoemission25
Ultrafast Demagnetization of Iron Induced by Optical versus Terahertz Pulses25
All States are Universal Catalysts in Quantum Thermodynamics25
Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect from Inverted Charge Transfer Gap25
Optomechanical Ground-State Cooling in a Continuous and Efficient Electro-Optic Transducer25
Two-Dimensional Quantum-Link Lattice Quantum Electrodynamics at Finite Density25
Proposal for a Nanomechanical Qubit25
Sensing of Arbitrary-Frequency Fields Using a Quantum Mixer25
Modeling COVID-19 Dynamics in Illinois under Nonpharmaceutical Interventions25
Integrated Optical Addressing of a Trapped Ytterbium Ion25
In situ Tuning of the Electric-Dipole Strength of a Double-Dot Charge Qubit: Charge-Noise Protection and Ultrastrong Coupling25
Extracting Interpretable Physical Parameters from Spatiotemporal Systems Using Unsupervised Learning25
Mapping the Cavity Optomechanical Interaction with Subwavelength-Sized Ultrasensitive Nanomechanical Force Sensors25
All Holographic Four-Point Functions in All Maximally Supersymmetric CFTs25
Molecular Platform for Frequency Upconversion at the Single-Photon Level24
Imprinting Persistent Currents in Tunable Fermionic Rings24
Hardware-Encoding Grid States in a Nonreciprocal Superconducting Circuit24
Nonlocal Effective Electromagnetic Wave Characteristics of Composite Media: Beyond the Quasistatic Regime24
Collapse and Revival of an Artificial Atom Coupled to a Structured Photonic Reservoir24
Laser-Accelerated, Low-Divergence 15-MeV Quasimonoenergetic Electron Bunches at 1 kHz24
Broadband Terahertz Probes of Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Disentangle Extrinsic and Intrinsic Contributions24
High-Fidelity, Frequency-Flexible Two-Qubit Fluxonium Gates with a Transmon Coupler24
Correlation-Picture Approach to Open-Quantum-System Dynamics24
Fundamental Thermal Noise Limits for Optical Microcavities23
Measurements Conspire Nonlocally to Restructure Critical Quantum States23
Quantum-Logic Gate between Two Optical Photons with an Average Efficiency above 40%23
Pulsed Ion Microscope to Probe Quantum Gases23
Detection of Long-Lived Complexes in Ultracold Atom-Molecule Collisions22
Higgs-Mediated Optical Amplification in a Nonequilibrium Superconductor22
Many-Body Quantum Teleportation via Operator Spreading in the Traversable Wormhole Protocol22
Primary Thermometry of Propagating Microwaves in the Quantum Regime22
Work, Entropy Production, and Thermodynamics of Information under Protocol Constraints22
Carrier Injection and Manipulation of Charge-Density Wave in Kagome Superconductor 22
Ergodicity Breaking in Area-Restricted Search of Avian Predators22
Thermodynamics of Active Field Theories: Energetic Cost of Coupling to Reservoirs21
Emergence of Gapless Quantum Spin Liquid from Deconfined Quantum Critical Point21
Valley Isospin Controlled Fractional Quantum Hall States in Bilayer Graphene21
Topological Superconductivity in an Extended s -Wave Superconductor and Its Implication to Iron-B21
Revealing Consensus and Dissensus between Network Partitions21
Symmetry-Based Approach to Superconducting Nodes: Unification of Compatibility Conditions and Gapless Point Classifications21
Surface Waves on Self-Complementary Metasurfaces: All-Frequency Hyperbolicity, Extreme Canalization, and TE-TM Polarization Degeneracy21
Field-Induced Tuning of the Pairing State in a Superconductor21
Observation of 2D Cherenkov Radiation21
Signatures of Quantum Phase Transitions after Quenches in Quantum Chaotic One-Dimensional Systems21
Learning Feynman Diagrams with Tensor Trains21
Analytical, Statistical Approximate Solution of Dissipative and Nondissipative Binary-Single Stellar Encounters21
Perimeter Modes of Nanomechanical Resonators Exhibit Quality Factors Exceeding 1021
Observation of Γ -Valley Moiré Bands and Emergent Hexag21
Fingerprints of High-Dimensional Coexistence in Complex Ecosystems21
Robust Topological Order in Fermionic Z221
Midcircuit Operations Using the omg Architecture in Neutral Atom Arrays21
Conceptual Understanding through Efficient Automated Design of Quantum Optical Experiments21
Neutron Spectroscopy Evidence on the Dual Nature of Magnetic Excitations in a van der Waals Metallic Ferromagnet 21
Enhancing Spin Coherence in Optically Addressable Molecular Qubits through Host-Matrix Control20
Field-Angle Dependence Reveals Odd-Parity Superconductivity in CeRh20
Giant Magnetic In-Plane Anisotropy and Competing Instabilities in Na20
Designing Three-Dimensional Flat Bands in Nodal-Line Semimetals20
Stiefel Liquids: Possible Non-Lagrangian Quantum Criticality from Intertwined Orders20