Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology

(The TQCC of Sport Exercise and Performance Psychology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A history of parent involvement in organized youth sport: A scoping review.32
The use of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) to increase the self-determined motivation and psychological well-being of triathletes.27
Pressure training for performance domains: A meta-analysis.23
Sport psychology professionals’ perceptions of the roadblocks to cultural sport psychology.21
Mental toughness as a psychological determinant of behavioral perseverance in special forces selection.19
The effects of mindfulness and music on affective responses to self-paced treadmill walking.13
Domain-specific grit, identity, and self-compassion in intercollegiate athletes.12
Why does teamwork execution breakdown? Experiences of university team sport athletes.11
Autonomy support in sport contexts: The role of parents and coaches in the promotion of athlete well-being and performance.11
A multistudy examination of the complementarity dimension of the coach–athlete relationship.11
Regulatory focus in sport revisited: Does the exact wording of instructions really matter?10
Nonergodicity in protective factors of resilience in athletes.10
Factors perceived to affect the wellbeing and mental health of coaches and practitioners working within elite sport.10
“I still wake up with nightmares” … The long-term psychological impacts from gymnasts’ maltreatment experiences.9
The relationships between perfectionism, angry reactions, and antisocial behavior in team sport.9
Delivering a tele-health intervention promoting motivation and leisure-time physical activity among adults with spinal cord injury: An implementation evaluation.9
Do youth soccer academies provide developmental experiences that prepare players for life beyond soccer? A retrospective account in the United Kingdom.8
Attentional and perceptual capabilities are affected by high physical load in a simulated soccer decision-making task.8
Performance breakdown under pressure among esports competitors.8
Perfectionism, burnout, and engagement in dance: The moderating role of autonomy support.8
Understanding and recognizing high-performance swimmers’ well-being.8
“My body loves me, so I should love it back”: A qualitative evaluation of the bodies in motion program with female collegiate athletes.8
The effectiveness of team reflexivity interventions: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.8
A just-in-time adaptive intervention to enhance physical activity in the SMARTFAMILY2.0 trial.7
Predicting global self-esteem in early adolescence: The importance of individual and gender-specific importance of perceived sports competence.7
The role of mental health protection and promotion among flourishing Canadian university sport coaches.7
Perfectionistic tipping points: Re-probing interactive effects of perfectionism.6
Validation of the Body-Related Envy Scale (BREV) in adolescent girl athletes.6
Testing interventions for music performance under pressure: A randomized controlled study.6
Can stereotype threat increase women’s performance? The case of a fatiguing task.6
Do challenge and threat evaluations predict netball performance and selection at trials in youth netball players?5
A practical guide and empirical example for implementing ecological momentary assessment in sport psychology research with athletes.5
A thematic analysis of social identity and injury in CrossFit®.5
The “underrecovery trap”: When physical fatigue impairs the physical and mental recovery process.5
How team socialization processes relate to youth ice hockey players’ social identity strength and cohesion.5
Personality traits and psychobiosocial states among athletes: The mediating role of dispositional mindfulness.5
Facilitating student-athletes’ dual career transition: A Scandinavian university case study.5
Successful motor performance of a difficult task: Reduced cognitive-motor coupling.5
Collegiate athlete mental health: Comparing treatment-seeking student-athletes and nonathletes on service utilization, clinical presentation, and outcomes.4
The relevance of stability and change of achievement goals for self-regulated motor learning processes and outcomes.4
Emotion dysregulation mediates the relationship between psychological distress, symptoms of exercise addiction and eating disorders: A large-scale survey among fitness center users.4
Association of latent mental health profiles of military officers with active sport participation and hedonic and eudaimonic motives for sport participation.4
The emergence of resilience: Recovery trajectories in sleep functioning after a major stressor.4
Enhancing shared mental models: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.4
The winding road to the Tokyo Olympics: A dynamic approach to the relationships between stress appraisal, coping, performance, and burnout among an artistic swimming team.4
Centralizing forced immigrant male youths’ stories in the development of socially just and inclusive community sport programs.4
Foresee the glory and train better: Narcissism, goal-setting, and athlete training.4
Effectiveness of an online acceptance and commitment therapy programme for perfectionism in soccer players: A randomized control trial.4
Acute effects of resistance and functional-task exercises on executive function of obese older adults: Two counterbalanced, crossover, randomized exploratory studies.3
Examining how Canadian Hockey League general managers build and sustain cultures of excellence.3
Mental skills in the armed forces: A scoping review.3
A qualitative examination of the developmental networks of elite sport coaches.3
Looking back to move forward: Recently retired Olympians’ perspectives of factors that contribute to and undermine athlete well-being.3
Revisiting recovery: Athlete-centered perspectives on the meanings of recovery from elite endurance training.3
The effects of support (in)adequacy on self-confidence and performance: Two experimental studies.3
Think, see, do: Executive function, visual attention, and soccer penalty performance.3
Questioning stereotypes disrupts the effects of stereotype threat.3
Personality traits of special forces operators: Comparing commandos, candidates, and controls.3
A prospective study of teammate factors on athletes’ well-being, disordered eating, and compulsive exercise.3
Conducting systematic reviews of applied interventions: A comment on Cabral et al. (2022).3
An exploration of the resources of high-performance athletes and coaches to cope with unexpected transitions.3