Biomedical Optics Express

(The TQCC of Biomedical Optics Express is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
All-fiberized 1840-nm femtosecond thulium fiber laser for label-free nonlinear microscopy100
Statistical analysis of corneal OCT speckle: a non-parametric approach58
Non-invasive quantification of total hemoglobin concentrations by visible-light spectroscopic optical coherence tomography – a validation study on healthy volunteers55
Polarimetric imaging of peripheral nerves: an intraoperative aid54
Compact and aberration effects-shielded objective intraocular scatter measurement system53
Multispectral Photoacoustic Imaging of Breast Cancer Tissue with Histopathology Validation50
Investigation of refractive index dynamics during in vitro embryo development using off-axis digital holographic microscopy48
En-face polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography to characterize early-stage esophageal cancer and determine tumor margin46
Technologies for depth scanning in miniature optical imaging systems [Invited]44
Sidelobe suppressed Bessel beams for one-photon light-sheet microscopy43
Rapid detection of hysteromyoma and cervical cancer based on serum surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and a support vector machine42
Virtual simulator for cystoscopy containing motion blur and bladder debris to aid the development of clinical tools42
Twenty-five years of clinical applications using adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy [Invited]42
Aberration compensation in Doppler holography of the human eye fundus by subaperture signal correlation40
Open-top axially swept light-sheet microscopy40
Heterogeneities of zebrafish vasculature development studied by a high throughput light-sheet flow imaging system37
Super-Resolution-Chip: an in-vitro platform that enables super-resolution microscopy of co-cultures and 3D systems37
Fast Fourier ptychographic quantitative phase microscopy for in vitro label-free imaging36
Fluorescence lifetime tracking and imaging of single moving particles assisted by a low-photon-count analysis algorithm35
NY-ESO-1 antigen-antibody interaction process based on an TFBG plasmonic sensor33
Continuous-wave parallel interferometric near-infrared spectroscopy (CW πNIRS) with a fast two-dimensional camera33
Quantification of blood flow index in diffuse correlation spectroscopy using long short-term memory architecture32
Non-invasive diffuse optical monitoring of cerebral physiology in an adult swine-model of impact traumatic brain injury32
High-resolution 3D Fourier ptychographic reconstruction using a hemispherical illumination source with multiplexed-coded strategy31
Repeated imaging through a multimode optical fiber using adaptive optics31
Contactless SpO2 with an RGB camera: experimental proof of calibrated SpO230
Sensitivity of visible range multi-wavelength algorithms for retinal tissue oximetry to acquisition parameters30
Fluence rate directly derived from photon pathlengths: a tool for Monte Carlo simulations in biomedical optics30
High-throughput and high-accuracy diagnosis of multiple myeloma with multi-object detection29
Ultra-wide-angle peripheral refraction using a laser-scanning instrument29
Development of silicone-based phantoms for biomedical optics from 400 to 1550 nm29
Measurement of red blood cell deformability during morphological changes using rotating-glass-plate-based scanning optical tweezers29
Super resolution reconstruction of fluorescence microscopy images by a convolutional network with physical priors29
Automatic and quantitative measurement of alveolar bone level in OCT images using deep learning: erratum28
PDMS-embedded wearable FBG sensors for gesture recognition and communication assistance27
Evaluation of resonant scanning as a high-speed imaging technique for two-photon imaging of cortical vasculature27
Adaptive optics visual simulators: a review of recent optical designs and applications [Invited]27
All fiber-based illumination system for multi-exposure speckle imaging27
Fast, multiplane line-scan confocal microscopy using axially distributed slits26
Real-time OCT image denoising using a self-fusion neural network26
Modelling red blood cell optical trapping by machine learning improved geometrical optics calculations25
Wavelet attention network for the segmentation of layer structures on OCT images25
CCS-UNet: a cross-channel spatial attention model for accurate retinal vessel segmentation25
Continuous spectral zooming for in vivo live 4D-OCT with MHz A-scan rates and long coherence24
Digital ocular swept source optical coherence aberrometry24
Wavefront sensor-less adaptive optics using deep reinforcement learning24
Stokes polarization imaging applied for monitoring dynamic tissue optical clearing24
Interferometric thermometry of ocular tissues for retinal laser therapy24
In vivo three- and four-photon fluorescence microscopy using a 1.8 µm femtosecond fiber laser system24
Sidelobe suppression in structured light sheet fluorescence microscopy by the superposition of two light sheets23
Absolute Grüneisen parameter measurement in deep tissue based on X-ray-induced acoustic computed tomography23
Analytical optimization of the cutting efficiency for generic cavitation bubbles23
Robotic-arm-assisted flexible large field-of-view optical coherence tomography23
OCT-GAN: single step shadow and noise removal from optical coherence tomography images of the human optic nerve head23
All-optical ultrasound catheter for rapid B-mode oesophageal imaging22
In vivo assessment of inflammatory bowel disease in rats with ultrahigh-resolution colonoscopic OCT22
PSCAT: a lightweight transformer for simultaneous denoising and super-resolution of OCT images22
Real-time calibrating polarization-sensitive diffuse reflectance handheld probe characterizes clinically relevant anatomical locations of oral tissue in vivo21
Design and characterization of color printed polyurethane films as biomedical phantom layers21
Sentinel lymph node mapping in patients with breast cancer using a photoacoustic/ultrasound dual-modality imaging system with carbon nanoparticles as the contrast agent: a pilot study21
Tissue-mimicking phantoms for performance evaluation of photoacoustic microscopy systems21
Longitudinal tracking of perfluorooctanoic acid exposure on mammary epithelial cell spheroids by dynamic optical coherence tomography21
Co-registered speckle contrast optical tomography and frequency domain-diffuse optical tomography for imaging of the fifth metatarsal21
Terahertz dielectric spectroscopy and solid immersion microscopy of ex vivo glioma model 101.8: brain tissue heterogeneity21
Spatiotemporal singular value decomposition for denoising in photoacoustic imaging with a low-energy excitation light source21
High-resolution photoacoustic/ultrasound imaging of the porcine stomach wall: an ex vivo feasibility study21
Line-scanning SD-OCT for in-vivo, non-contact, volumetric, cellular resolution imaging of the human cornea and limbus21
Microscopic optical coherence tomography (mOCT) at 600 kHz for 4D volumetric imaging and dynamic contrast21
Photoacoustic computed tomography of mechanical HIFU-induced vascular injury21
Laser-generated focused ultrasound transducer using a perforated photoacoustic lens for tissue characterization21
Non-invasive laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI) of extra-embryonic blood vessels in intact avian eggs at early developmental stages21
Three-dimensional virtual histology of the cerebral cortex based on phase-contrast X-ray tomography21
Spectrally encoded flow cytometry using few-mode fiber collection20
Extending field-of-view of retinal imaging by optical coherence tomography using convolutional Lissajous and slow scan patterns20
Combination of pathological and spectroscopic characterization to promote diagnosis of retinal pigment epithelium-Bruch’s membrane complex in a diabetic rat model20
LS-Net: lightweight segmentation network for dermatological epidermal segmentation in optical coherence tomography imaging20
In vivo three-photon fluorescence imaging of mouse brain vasculature labeled by Evans blue excited at the NIR-III window20
Label-free differentiation of functional zones in mature mouse placenta using micro-Raman imaging20
Corneal endothelium assessment in specular microscopy images with Fuchs’ dystrophy via deep regression of signed distance maps20
PhaseRMiC: phase real-time microscope camera for live cell imaging20
Design concepts for advanced-technology intraocular lenses [Invited]20
Machine learning-based rapid diagnosis of human borderline ovarian cancer on second-harmonic generation images20
Measuring glucose concentration in a solution based on the indices of polarimetric purity20
Technology of the photobiostimulation of the brain’s drainage system during sleep for improvement of learning and memory in male mice19
Disassembly of microtubules by intense terahertz pulses19
OCT based four-dimensional cardiac imaging of a living chick embryo using an impedance signal as a gating for post-acquisition synchronization19
Handheld interventional ultrasound/photoacoustic puncture needle navigation based on deep learning segmentation19
Multi-task learning approach for volumetric segmentation and reconstruction in 3D OCT images19
Notch RGB-camera based SpO2 estimation: a clinical trial in neonatal intensive care unit19
Multi-spectral intravascular photoacoustic/ultrasound/optical coherence tomography tri-modality system with a fully-integrated 0.9-mm full field-of-view catheter for plaque vulnerability imaging19
Synthesizing the degree of polarization uniformity from non-polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography signals using a neural network18
Frequency modulation stimulated Raman scattering scheme for real-time background correction with a single light source18
Three-dimensional deep regression-based light scattering imaging system for nanoscale exosome analysis18
Three-dimensional cerebral vasculature topological parameter extraction of transgenic zebrafish embryos with a filling-enhancement deep learning network18
Multispectral intraoperative imaging for the detection of the hemodynamic response to interictal epileptiform discharges18
All-fiber SPR microfluidic chip for GDF11 detection18
Automated endocardial cushion segmentation and cellularization quantification in developing hearts using optical coherence tomography18
3D stimulated Raman spectral imaging of water dynamics associated with pectin-glycocalyceal entanglement18
Switchable preamplifier for dual modal photoacoustic and ultrasound imaging18
Investigating the correlation between early vascular alterations and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease in mice with SD-OCT18
High-fidelity diabetic retina fundus image synthesis from freestyle lesion maps18
Biomedical Optics Express recognizes the best paper prize winners: editorial18
Prediction of the postoperative prognosis in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer based on preoperative serum surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy17
Complexity of crystalline lens wobbling investigated by means of combined mechanical and optical simulations17
Deep learning using a residual deconvolutional network enables real-time high-density single-molecule localization microscopy17
Non-invasive assessment of hair regeneration in androgenetic alopecia mice in vivo using two-photon and second harmonic generation imaging17
Central and peripheral refraction measured by a novel double-pass instrument17
Integrating clinical access limitations into iPDT treatment planning with PDT-SPACE17
Depth-resolved extraction of optical attenuation for glaucoma assessment in clinical settings: a pilot study17
Detection speed optimization of the OI-RD microscope for ultra-high throughput screening17
Non-uniform image reconstruction for fast photoacoustic microscopy of histology imaging17
Effect of fixational eye movements in corneal topography measurements with optical coherence tomography17
Comparison of whole blood and serum samples of breast cancer based on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with machine learning17
Comprehensive automatic processing and analysis of adaptive optics flood illumination retinal images on healthy subjects17
LKG-Net: lightweight keratoconus grading network based on corneal topography17
Development of a theranostic preclinical fluorescence molecular tomography/cone beam CT-guided irradiator platform17
Assessment of retinal vein pulsation through video-ophthalmoscopy and simultaneous biosignals acquisition17
Rapid azoospermia classification by stimulated Raman scattering and second harmonic generation microscopy17
Absolute prediction of relative changes in contrast sensitivity with aberrations using a single metric of retinal image quality17
Blind deconvolution of second harmonic microscopy images of the living human eye17
Optical memory effect of excised cataractous human crystalline lenses17
Multiscale label-free imaging of myelin in human brain tissue with polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography and birefringence microscopy16
Comprehensive assessment of the anterior segment in refraction corrected OCT based on multitask learning16
Effect of cataract-induced refractive change on intraocular lens power formula predictions16
Characterization of pathological stomach tissue using polarization-sensitive second harmonic generation microscopy16
Cross-modal attention network for retinal disease classification based on multi-modal images16
Noncontact longitudinal shear wave imaging for the evaluation of heterogeneous porcine brain biomechanical properties using optical coherence elastography16
Removing crosstalk signals in neuron activity by time multiplexed excitations in a two-photon all-optical physiology system16
Photoacoustic tomography as a method to estimate the optical fluence distribution in turbid media16
Raman spectromics method for fast and label-free genotype screening16
Liver injury monitoring using dynamic fluorescence molecular tomography based on a time-energy difference strategy16
Theoretical and experimental determination of the confocal function of OCT systems for accurate calculation of sample optical properties16
Correlations of light scattering properties in human skin with the person’s age assessed using a non-invasive technique16
Mechanical stability of polarization signatures in biological tissue characterization16
Mid-infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy based on ultrasound detection for blood component analysis16
Real-time closed-loop tissue-specific laser osteotomy using deep-learning-assisted optical coherence tomography16
Optical tomography in a single camera frame using fringe-encoded deep-learning full-field OCT16
In vivo measurement of the biomechanical properties of human skin with motion-corrected Brillouin microscopy16
Highly-selective optical filter for NADH fluorescence detection in multiphoton microscopy16
Tissue mimicking materials and finger phantom design for pulse oximetry16
High-precision sensor for glucose solution using active multidimensional feature THz spectroscopy15
Multifunctional adaptive optics optical coherence tomography allows cellular scale reflectometry, polarimetry, and angiography in the living human eye15
Combined ion beam irradiation platform and 3D fluorescence microscope for cellular cancer research15
Dynamic speckle illumination wide-field fluorescence microscopy with actively optical manipulation of rotational angles15
Optofluidic chip with directly printed polymer optical waveguide Mach-Zehnder interferometer sensors for label-free biodetection15
MAFE-Net: retinal vessel segmentation based on a multiple attention-guided fusion mechanism and ensemble learning network15
Visualization of carious lesions with polarized and depolarized light microscopy15
Lipoarabinomannan-based tuberculosis diagnosis using a fiber cavity ring down biosensor15
Multiplane differential saturated excitation microscopy using varifocal lenses15
Quantifying image quality in AOSLO images of photoreceptors15
SERS detection platform based on a nucleic acid aptamer-functionalized Au nano-dodecahedron array for efficient simultaneous testing of colorectal cancer-associated microRNAs15
Simultaneous label-free autofluorescence multi-harmonic microscopy driven by the supercontinuum generated from a bulk nonlinear crystal15
Statistics of maximum photon penetration depth in a two-layer diffusive medium15
Self-supervised Self2Self denoising strategy for OCT speckle reduction with a single noisy image15
Analog multiplexing of a laser clock and computational photon counting for fast fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy15
Digital calibration method to enable depth-resolved all-fiber polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography with an arbitrary input polarization state15
HiLo microscopy with caustic illumination15
Quantitative phase image stitching guided by reconstructed intensity images in one-shot double field of view multiplexed digital holographic microscopy14
Dynamic tracking of onion-like carbon nanoparticles in cancer cells using limited-angle holographic tomography with self-supervised learning14
Dynamic Light Scattering in Biomedical Applications: feature issue introduction14
Automatic montaging of adaptive optics SLO retinal images based on graph theory14
Eye movements in patients with post-COVID condition14
Widely tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator synchronized with a Ti:sapphire laser for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy14
Imaging the intracellular refractive index distribution (IRID) for dynamic label-free living colon cancer cells via circularly depolarization decay model (CDDM)14
Noninvasive and early diagnosis of acquired brain injury using fluorescence imaging in the NIR-II window14
High dynamic range 3D motion tracking using circular scans with optical coherence tomography14
Comparative analysis of full-field OCT and optical transmission tomography14
Aging of deep venous thrombosis in-vivo using polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography14
Measurement of third order coherence by in situ autocorrelation for determining three-photon cross-sections14
Lymphography method based on time-autocorrelated optical coherence tomography14
Effect of the VR-guided grasping task on the brain functional network14
Near-infrared, wavelength, and illumination scanning holographic tomography14
Quantitative tumor depth determination using dual wavelength excitation fluorescence14
Temporal phase evolution OCT for measurement of tissue deformation in the human retina in-vivo14
Laser-induced injury of the skin: validation of a computer model to predict thresholds14
Spatio-temporal classification for polyp diagnosis14
Systematic meta-analysis of computer-aided detection to detect early esophageal cancer using hyperspectral imaging14
Multi-color flow cytometer with PIC-based structured illumination14
Two photon imaging probe with highly efficient autofluorescence collection at high scattering and deep imaging conditions14
Collagen organization and structure in FBLN5-/- mice using label-free microscopy: implications for pelvic organ prolapse14
Non-invasive optical and laboratory hematologic biomarkers correlate in patients with sickle cell disease14
Multimodal analysis of traction forces and the temperature dynamics of living cells with a diamond-embedded substrate14
Deep learning-assisted 3D laser steering using an optofluidic laser scanner14
Deep neural network classification of in vivo burn injuries with different etiologies using terahertz time-domain spectral imaging14
Ultracompact fluorescence smartphone attachment using built-in optics for protoporphyrin-IX quantification in skin14
Chromophore reconstruction at depth in bilayered media: a method for quantification14
Hybrid full-pose parameter calibration of a freeform illuminator for Fourier ptychographic microscopy14
Study on an artificial phenomenon observed in terahertz biological imaging14
Adaptive brightness fusion method for intraoperative near-infrared fluorescence and visible images13
Multiphoton excitation imaging via an actively mode-locked tunable fiber-cavity SOA laser around 800 nm13
Multi-focus averaging for multiple scattering suppression in optical coherence tomography13
Multi-branch attention prior based parameterized generative adversarial network for fast and accurate limited-projection reconstruction in fluorescence molecular tomography13
Photoacoustic imaging to monitor outcomes during hyperbaric oxygen therapy: validation in a small cohort and case study in a bilateral chronic ischemic wound13
Membranous nephropathy classification using microscopic hyperspectral imaging and tensor patch-based discriminative linear regression13
High-resolution sub-millimetre diameter side-viewing all-optical ultrasound transducer based on a single dual-clad optical fibre13
Investigating tunneling nanotubes in ovarian cancer based on two-photon excitation FLIM-FRET13
Quantitative Jones matrix imaging using vectorial Fourier ptychography13
Quantitative spectroscopic comparison of the optical properties of mouse cochlea microstructures using optical coherence tomography at 1.06 µm and 1.3 µm wavelengths13
Histogram clustering for rapid time-domain fluorescence lifetime image analysis13
Accuracy of peak-power compensation in fiber-guided and free-space acoustic-resolution photoacoustic microscopy13
Time resolved speckle contrast optical spectroscopy at quasi-null source-detector separation for non-invasive measurement of microvascular blood flow13
Photoacoustic microscopy of vascular adaptation and tissue oxygen metabolism during cutaneous wound healing13
Analytical ray transfer matrix for the crystalline lens13
Development and evaluation of a wearable peripheral vascular compensation sensor in a swine model of hemorrhage13
Increased crystalline lens coverage in optical coherence tomography with oblique scanning and volume stitching13
Phase-stabilized complex-decorrelation angiography13
Dynamic volumetric imaging and cilia beat mapping in the mouse male reproductive tract with optical coherence tomography13
Understanding the sources of errors in ex vivo Hsp90 molecular imaging for rapid-on-site breast cancer diagnosis13
Plasmonic optical fiber for bacteria manipulation—characterization and visualization of accumulation behavior under plasmo-thermal trapping13
Approximate image synthesis in optical coherence tomography13
Wavelength and frequency optimization in spatial frequency domain imaging for two-layer tissue13
Photon efficient orientation estimation using polarization modulation in single-molecule localization microscopy13
Dual-modality digital holographic and polarization microscope to quantify phase and birefringence signals in biospecimens with a complex microstructure13
Validation of photoacoustic/ultrasound dual imaging in evaluating blood oxygen saturation13
Microfluidic immunosensor based on a graphene oxide functionalized double helix microfiber coupler for anti-Müllerian hormone detection13
Label free optical transmission tomography for biosystems: intracellular structures and dynamics13
Tailored approach to study Legionella infection using a lattice light sheet microscope (LLSM)13
Deep learning provides high accuracy in automated chondrocyte viability assessment in articular cartilage using nonlinear optical microscopy13
High-resolution, depth-resolved vascular leakage measurements using contrast-enhanced, correlation-gated optical coherence tomography in mice13
Non-invasive transabdominal measurement of placental oxygenation: a step toward continuous monitoring13
3-D compressed sensing optical coherence tomography using predictive coding13
Intra-tracheal multiplexed sensing of contact pressure and perfusion12
Axial motion estimation and correction for simultaneous multi-plane two-photon calcium imaging12
Hybrid confocal Raman endomicroscopy for morpho-chemical tissue characterization12
Student becomes teacher: training faster deep learning lightweight networks for automated identification of optical coherence tomography B-scans of interest using a student-teacher framework12
Reconstruction of optical coefficients in turbid media using time-resolved reflectance and calibration-free instrument response functions12
Learning-based distortion correction enables proximal-scanning endoscopic OCT elastography12
MCOCT: an experimentally and numerically validated, open-source Monte Carlo simulator for optical coherence tomography12
Optimized U-Net model for 3D light-sheet image segmentation of zebrafish trunk vessels12
Blue-LIRIC in the rabbit cornea: efficacy, tissue effects, and repetition rate scaling12
Reduction of spherical and chromatic aberration in axial-scanning optical systems with tunable lenses12
In-vitro study on the identification of gastrointestinal stromal tumor tissues using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy with chemometric methods12
Heterodyne Brillouin microscopy for biomechanical imaging12
Convolutional dictionary learning for blind deconvolution of optical coherence tomography images12
Suppression of motion artifacts in intravascular photoacoustic image sequences12
Convolutional sparse coding for compressed sensing photoacoustic CT reconstruction with partially known support12
Label-free multimodal imaging with simultaneous two-photon and three-photon microscopy and kernel-based nonlinear scaling denoising12
Multiple scattering suppression for in vivo optical coherence tomography measurement using the B-scan-wise multi-focus averaging method12
Transient absorption spectroscopy and imaging of redox in muscle mitochondria12
Development of a mobile phone camera-based transcutaneous bilirubinometer for low-resource settings12
Automatic threshold selection algorithm to distinguish a tissue chromophore from the background in photoacoustic imaging12
Real-time vascular and IgA dynamics during Henoch–Schönlein purpura by in vivo fluorescent microscopy12
Rational selection of RGB channels for disease classification based on IPPG technology12
Intraocular scatter compensation with spatial light amplitude modulation for improved vision in simulated cataractous eyes12
Efficient numerical modelling of time-domain light propagation in curved 3D absorbing and scattering media with finite differences12
Cardiac endocardial left atrial substrate and lesion depth mapping using near-infrared spectroscopy12
Blood metal analysis of plasmas from donors with and without SARS-CoV-2 using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and logistic regression12
Hybrid deep learning and optimal graph search method for optical coherence tomography layer segmentation in diseases affecting the optic nerve12
Instrument for fast whole-field peripheral refraction in the human eye12
Optical fiber sensor for wearable and accurate human respiratory monitoring12