IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology

(The median citation count of IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Terahertz Communications: Challenges in the Next Decade136
Properties and Sensing Performance of All-Dielectric Metasurface THz Absorbers65
A D-Band Manifold Triplexer With High Isolation Utilizing Novel Waveguide Dual-Mode Filters57
Characteristics of Effective-Medium-Clad Dielectric Waveguides51
A D-Band 3D-Printed Antenna42
InP-Based THz Beam Steering Leaky-Wave Antenna41
Reflective Single-Pixel Terahertz Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing36
A High-Power Terahertz Source Over 10 mW at 0.45 THz Using an Active Antenna Array With Integrated Patch Antennas and Resonant-Tunneling Diodes34
Wideband Multimode Leaky-Wave Feed for Scanning Lens-Phased Array at Submillimeter Wavelengths33
Resonant Tunneling Diodes High-Speed Terahertz Wireless Communications - A Review33
A 250-GHz Differential SiGe Amplifier With 21.5-dB Gain for Sub-THz Transmitters30
Hollow Core Inhibited Coupled Antiresonant Terahertz Fiber: A Numerical and Experimental Study29
Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM) Mode-Reconfigurable Discrete Dielectric Lens Operating at 300 GHz29
Sub-Terahertz High-Sensitivity High-Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy With a Gyrotron27
Wideband Double Leaky Slot Lens Antennas in CMOS Technology at Submillimeter Wavelengths26
Terahertz Switchable Focusing Planar Lens With a Nanoscale Vanadium Dioxide Integrated Metasurface26
Highly Tunable Heterodyne Sub-THz Wireless Link Entirely Based on Optoelectronics26
Frequency-Selective-Surface-Based Mechanically Reconfigurable Terahertz Bandpass Filter25
Material Measurements Using VNA-Based Material Characterization Kits Subject to Thru-Reflect-Line Calibration23
A 250–310 GHz Power Amplifier With 15-dB Peak Gain in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS Process for Terahertz Wireless System23
Phase Function Effects on Identification of Terahertz Spectral Signatures Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform22
Secure Communication Channels Using Atmosphere-Limited Line-of-Sight Terahertz Links21
Beam Profiling of a Commercial Lens-Assisted Terahertz Time Domain Spectrometer21
124.8-Gbit/s PS-256QAM Signal Wireless Delivery Over 104 m in a Photonics-Aided Terahertz-Wave System20
Importance and Requirement of Frequency Band Specific RF Probes EM Models in Sub-THz and THz Measurements up to 500 GHz20
High-Q THz Photonic Crystal Cavity on a Low-Loss Suspended Silicon Platform20
Classification for Glucose and Lactose Terahertz Spectrums Based on SVM and DNN Methods20
Complex Permittivity Measurement of Dielectric Substrate in Sub-THz Range19
A 3.5-THz, ×6-Harmonic, Single-Ended Schottky Diode Mixer for Frequency Stabilization of Quantum-Cascade Lasers17
Analysis of Intermolecular Weak Interactions and Vibrational Characteristics for Vanillin and Ortho-Vanillin by Terahertz Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory17
Terahertz Metamaterial Optoelectronic Modulators With GHz Reconfiguration Speed17
Terahertz Spectroscope Using CMOS Camera and Dispersive Optics17
Terahertz Band-Pass Filters for Wideband Superconducting On-Chip Filter-Bank Spectrometers17
A 670 GHz Integrated InP HEMT Direct-Detection Receiver for the Tropospheric Water and Cloud Ice Instrument16
High-Performance Wideband Double-Ridged Waveguide OMT for the 275–500 GHz Band15
Contactless RF Probe Interconnect Technology Enabling Broadband Testing to the Terahertz Range15
Broadband Sensing Around 1 THz Via a Novel Biquad-Antenna-Coupled Low-NEP Detector in CMOS15
Application of Machine Learning to Terahertz Spectroscopic Imaging of Reagents Hidden By Thick Shielding Materials15
A 3-D Printed 300 GHz Waveguide Cavity Filter by Micro Laser Sintering15
Terahertz PHASR Scanner With 2 kHz, 100 ps Time-Domain Trace Acquisition Rate and an Extended Field-of-View Based on a Heliostat Design14
Quasioptical System for Corneal Sensing at 220–330 GHz: Design, Evaluation, and Ex Vivo Cornea Parameter Extraction14
Deep Learning Optimized Terahertz Single-Pixel Imaging14
Millimeter-Wave Wideband Waveguide Power Divider With Improved Isolation Between Output Ports14
A 1.42-mm2 0.45–0.49 THz Monostatic FMCW Radar Transceiver in 90-nm SiGe BiCMOS14
Broadband 400-GHz InGaAs mHEMT Transmitter and Receiver S-MMICs13
A Zero Bias J-Band Antenna-Coupled Detector in 65-nm CMOS13
A Low-Loss Silicon MEMS Phase Shifter Operating in the 550-GHz Band13
A Linear-Array of 300-GHz Antenna Integrated GFET Detectors on a Flexible Substrate13
A Focusing Circular-Polarization THz Beam Splitter Based on a Self-Complementary Metasurface13
The Radiation Beamline of Novosibirsk Free-Electron Laser Facility Operating in Terahertz, Far-Infrared, and Mid-Infrared Ranges13
A Reliable Method for Removing Fabry–Perot Effect in Material Characterization With Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy12
Strain-Induced InGaAs-Based Photoconductive Terahertz Antenna Detector12
Bifunctional Terahertz Metasurface for Transmissive Broadband Linear-to-Circular and Linear Polarization Conversion12
Two-Dimensional Terahertz Beam Steering Based on Trajectory Deflection of Leaky-Mode12
Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy of Low-Concentration N2O Using Long-Range Multipass Gas Cell12
Extraction of Thickness and Water-Content Gradients in Hydrogel-Based Water-Backed Corneal Phantoms Via Submillimeter-Wave Reflectometry11
4GREAT—A Four-Color Receiver for High-Resolution Airborne Terahertz Spectroscopy11
A Tunable Unidirectional Source for GUSTO’s Local Oscillator at 4.74 THz11
692 GHz High-Efficiency Compact-Size InP-Based Fundamental RTD Oscillator11
The Sub-THz Emission of the Human Body Under Physiological Stress11
350-GHz Bandpass Filters Using Superconducting Coplanar Waveguide11
A 3D-Printed Subterahertz Metallic Surface-Wave Luneburg Lens Multibeam Antenna11
Wideband Modeling of CMOS Schottky Barrier Diode Detectors for THz Radiometry10
A Compact 281–319 GHz Low-Power Downconverter MMIC for Superheterodyne Communication Receivers10
Study of Phase Error Reconstruction and Motion Compensation for Terahertz SAR With Sparsity-Promoting Parameter Estimation10
Silicon Dielectric Diplexer Module for 600-GHz-Band Frequency-Division Multiplexing Wireless Communication10
Compact Triangular-Cavity Singlet-Based Filters in Stackable Multilayer Technologies10
A Compact Superconducting Heterodyne Focal Plane Array Implemented With HPI (Hybrid Planar Integration) Scheme10
The High-Order Coalesced TM11-Like Mode Operation for 220 GHz Sheet Beam Traveling-Wave Tube10
180-GHz Pulsed CMOS Transmitter for Molecular Sensing9
Guided Reflectometry Imaging Unit Using Millimeter Wave FMCW Radars9
Sensitivity Analysis of a 280–312 GHz Superheterodyne Terahertz Link Targeting IEEE802.15.3d Applications9
Transmission, Reflection, and Scattering Characterization of Building Materials for Indoor THz Communications9
H-Band Quartz-Silicon Leaky-Wave Lens With Air-Bridge Interconnect to GaAs Front-End9
Investigation of the Alignment Method for High-Frequency Gyrotrons9
Submillimeter-Wave Permittivity Measurements of Bound Water in Collagen Hydrogels via Frequency Domain Spectroscopy9
Design and Microfabrication of an Interaction Circuit for a 0.3-THz Sheet Beam Extended Interaction Oscillator With Multiple-Mode Operation9
Capacitively-Coupled Resonators for Terahertz Planar-Goubau-Line Filters8
Silicon Integrated Subharmonic Mixer on a Photonic-Crystal Platform8
In Situ Hilbert-Transform Spectral Analysis of Pulsed Terahertz Radiation of Quantum Cascade Lasers by High-Tc Josephson Junctions8
A Passive, Fully Staring THz Video Camera Based on Kinetic Inductance Bolometer Arrays8
Terahertz Channel Characterization Using a Broadband Frequency Comb Radiator in 130-Nm SiGe BiCMOS8
Broadband Lens-Integrated CMOS Camera-Type THz Compact Antenna Test Range7
The Coming Age of Pnictide and Chalcogenide Ternary Crystals in the Terahertz Frequency Regime7
A 300 GHz Push-Push Coupling VCO Employing T-Embedded Network in CMOS Technology7
A Novel 1/f Noise Mitigation Technique Applied to a 670 GHz Receiver7
Antenna-Coupled Graphene Field-Effect Transistors as a Terahertz Imaging Array7
125 GHz Frequency Doubler Using a Waveguide Cavity Produced by Stereolithography7
Compact 480-GHz Radiometer Calibration Unit With Specular Reflection Absorber for Atmospheric Remote Sensor On-Board Microsatellite7
Sub-Millimeter-Wave Polarization-Independent Spatial Power Divider for a Two-Port Dual-Polarized Antenna7
Accurate S-Parameter Modeling and Material Characterization in Quasi-Optical Systems7
426-GHz Concurrent Transceiver Pixel in 65-nm CMOS for Active Imaging7
Multifrequency Heterodyne Detection of Molecules Using a Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer pumped by Two Phase-Locked THz-Quantum Cascade Lasers7
Terahertz Slot Dielectric Waveguide Implemented on the Silicon-BCB-Quartz Platform7
Microresonator Frequency Reference for Terahertz Precision Sensing and Metrology7
Fundamental Performance Limits on Terahertz Wireless Links Imposed by Group Velocity Dispersion7
Beam-Shape Effects and Noise Removal From THz Time-Domain Images in Reflection Geometry in the 0.25–6 THz Range6
A 510-to-545 GHz Radiating Source With an SIW-Based Harmonic Power Extractor in 40-nm CMOS6
Limitations of Output Power and Efficiency of Simple Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillators6
Developing Industry-Level Terahertz Imaging Resolution Using Mathematical Model6
Bias-Dependent Carrier Dynamics and Terahertz Performance of ErAs:In(Al)GaAs Photoconductors6
In Situ Cell Detection Using Terahertz Near-Field Microscopy6
Nonlinear Optical Up-Conversion in Terahertz Parametric Process: Simulation and Experiment6
A Silicon Chip-Based Waveguide Directional Coupler for Terahertz Applications6
Sub-Terahertz 3-D Printed All-Dielectric Low-Cost Low-Profile Lens-Integrated Polarization Beam Splitter6
Collector Series-Resistor to Stabilize a Broadband 400 GHz Common-Base Amplifier6
Absorption-Mode Splitting of Terahertz Metamaterial Mediated by Coupling of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton6
Broadband Terahertz Isolator6
Quantification Analysis of Progesterone Based on Terahertz Spectroscopy6
Ultrafast Photoexcited-Carrier Behavior Induced by Hydrogen Ion Irradiation of a Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Thin Film in the Terahertz Region6
Time-Domain Terahertz Imaging of Layered Dielectric Structures With Interferometry-Enhanced Sensitivity6
Low Frequency Terahertz Induced Thermoacoustic Signal Characteristics and Its Application in Solid-State Terahertz Transmitter Power Detection6
Resolution Limits of Hyper-Hemispherical Silicon Lens-Integrated THz Cameras Employing Geometrical Multiframe Super-Resolution Imaging6
Low-Loss Single-Band, Dual-Band, and Broadband mm-Wave and (Sub-)THz Interconnects for THz SoP Heterogeneous System Integration6
Wideband End-Wall Transition From Microstrip to Waveguide With via-Less Choke Structure for Terahertz Application6
High Accuracy Pointing for Quasi-Optical THz Mixer Arrays5
Waveguide-to-Substrate Transition Based on Unilateral Substrateless Finline Structure: Design, Fabrication, and Characterization5
Coherent Power Combination in a Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Arrayed Oscillator With Simplified Structure5
Effects of Diffuse and Specular Reflections on Detecting Embedded Defects of Foams With a Bifocal Active Imaging System at 0.22 THz5
Application of Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy in Characterizing Thin Metal Film–Substrate Structures5
Modelling Terahertz Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides Using a Circuit Model5
Adaptive Subaperture Integration for Wide-Angle Synthetic Aperture Radar5
Comparing Standardized and Manufacturers’ Interfaces for Waveguides Used at Submillimeter Wavelengths5
Terahertz Chiral Metasurface for Dual-Band Spin-Selective Absorption With Strong Circular Dichroism5
Thermoemission-Based Model of THz Detection and Its Validation—JLFET Case Studies5
A 260-GHz Four-Way Phase Compensated CMOS Frequency Multiplier Chain5
Deep Learning at the Physical Layer for Adaptive Terahertz Communications5
Large Array of Single-Photon Counting Quantum Capacitance Detectors5
Optical Spectrometer With a Pulse-to-Pulse Resolution for Terahertz and mm-Wave Signals5
Silicon Probe Measurement and Characterization in Sub-THz Range5
Compact 140–220 GHz E/H Waveguide Phase Shifter and Its Application to Terahertz Multiport Circuits5
Three-Dimensional Surface Reconstruction of Space Targets Using a Terahertz MIMO Linear Array Based on Multilayer Wideband Frequency Interferometry Techniques5
Quantum Limited SIS Receiver Technology for the Detection of Water Isotopologue Emission From Comets5
High-Resolution Terahertz Spectroscopy for Investigation of Energetic Materials During Their Thermal Decomposition5
Transmission and Confocal Imaging Characteristics of Bendable ABS/Ag-Coated Hollow Waveguide at Low THz Band4
Dispersion From Diffuse Reflectors and Its Effect on Terahertz Wireless Communication Performance4
SiGe BiCMOS Heterodyne Receiver Frontend for Remote Sensing With Small Satellites4
On-Chip Characterization of High-Loss Liquids Between 750 and 1100 GHz4
Hybrid Multiphase Fresnel Lenses on Silicon Wafers for Terahertz Frequencies4
Phase Control of Terahertz Waves Using Injection-Locked Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillator4
Measurement of Time Dependent Reflection, Transmission, and Absorption in Laser Driven Silicon and GaAs Switches for 250 GHz Radiation4
A Mode-Suppressing Metasurface for Large-Width MMICs Suitable for Tightly Packaged Millimeter and Submillimeter Heterodyne Receivers4
Optimization of a Quasi-Mesh Absorber for the Terahertz Intensity Mapper4
Terahertz One-Port De-Embedding Method for Extracting Dielectric Constant of SiO2 in Standard CMOS4
Broadband Super-Resolution Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Applied to Gas Analysis4
Flow Cell to Study Crystallization Processes In Situ Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy4
Single-Layer Dichroic Filters for Multifrequency Receivers at THz Frequencies4
A 250–310 GHz Piezo-Motor Actuated SPDT Waveguide Switch With High Isolation4
Guided Lattice Modes in Terahertz Metasurface Deposited on Ultrathin Dielectric Substrate4
600-GHz High-Power Signal Sources Based on 250-nm InP HBT Technology4
670-GHz Cascode Circuits Based on InGaAs Metamorphic High-Electron-Mobility Transistors4
Generation of THz Vortex Beams and Interferometric Determination of Their Topological Charge4
Noncontact Characterization of Antenna Parameters in mmW and THz Bands4
Defect Detection in Bidirectional Glass Fabric Reinforced Thermoplastics Based on 3-D-THz Imaging4
Operational Bandwidth Extension in Continuous-Wave Terahertz Systems by Digital Postprocessing4
High-Birefringence Low-Loss Hollow-Core THz Waveguide Embedded Parallel Slab Cladding4
A Hollow-Waveguide-Fed Planar Wideband Patch Antenna Array for Terahertz Communications4
Monitoring the Terahertz Response of Skin Beneath Transdermal Drug Delivery Patches Using Sparse Deconvolution3
Terahertz Microjets as Realizations of Subwavelength Focusing in the Terahertz Spectrum3
Terahertz Wave Generation From Two-Color Laser-Excited Air Plasma Modulated by Bichromatic Laser Fields3
D-Band Integrated and Miniaturized Quasi-Yagi Antenna Array in Glass Interposer3
650 GHz Imaging as Alignment Verification for Millimeter Wave Corneal Reflectometry3
A 201- and 283-GHz Dual-Band Amplifier in 65-Nm CMOS Adopting Dual-Frequency $G_{\max }$-Core With Dual-Band Matching3
Terahertz Spectroscopy Applied to Estimation of Firing Temperatures of Ancient Ceramics3
Excitation Mode-Dependent Terahertz Radiation Generation From a Subwavelength Si–SiO2–LiNbO3–polymer–Si planar Waveguide3
High-Efficiency Millimeter-Wave CMOS Oscillator Design Using Port Voltage/Current Optimization and T-Embedding Networks3
Passive Terahertz Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging3
Free-Space Measurement of Dielectric and Magnetic Properties by Double Planar Sample Method in Y-Band3
Optimizing Terahertz Waveform Selection of a Pharmaceutical Film Coating Process Using Recurrent Network3
Terahertz Resonant-Tunneling Diode With Series-Fed Patch Array Antenna3
Lossless Matching Layer for Silicon Lens Arrays at 500 GHz Using Laser Ablated Structures3
Terahertz Dielectric Characterization of Three-Dimensional Organotypic Treated Basal Cell Carcinoma and Corresponding Double Debye Model3
Wide-IF-Band 90-nm CMOS Image-Rejection Subharmonic Radio-Astronomical Array Receiver Design in 75–110 GHz3
Molecular and Crystalline Vibration Characteristics of Baicalin Investigated By Terahertz Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory3
Broadband Determination of Biodiesel Content in Petroleum Diesel Blends by Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy3
Nondestructive Characterization of Magnetic Polymeric Scaffolds Using Terahertz Time-of-Flight Imaging3
Phase Locking of a THz QC-VECSEL to a Microwave Reference3
A Dual-Band Receiver Based on a Single Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer for DATE5 Telescope3
Quasi-Optical Characterization of Low-Loss Polymers at 300 GHz for Vacuum Window Applications3
Distinguishing Polymorphs of Ethenzamide-Saccharin Cocrystal Based on Terahertz and Raman Vibrational Spectroscopic Techniques3
Propagation Characteristics of Broadband Terahertz Waves in an Inhomogeneous Plasma With Sheath2
Accurate Beam Profile Characterization in THz Transmission Imaging Systems2
Beam Waist Properties of Spiral Antenna Coupled HEB Mixers at Supra-THz Frequencies2
G-Band High-Power and Ultrawide Band Staggered Double-Vane Slow-Wave Circuit With Double Beams2
Ultra-Wideband 90° Waveguide Twist for THz Applications2
A Cost-Effective Approach for Achieving Subwavelength THz Imaging Using Photoinduced Coded-Apertures on Mesa-Array Structures2
A Submillimeter-Wave FMCW Pulse-Doppler Radar to Characterize the Dynamics of Particle Clouds2
Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy for Ultrafast and Quasi-Static Characterizations of Germanium2
Overall Transmission Rate of 41.6 Gbit/s-0.22 THz OFDM Upstream–Downstream Real-Time Transceivers Facing Over-500 m Communication2
210–365 GHz 90° Differential Phase Shifter for Wideband Circular Polarizer2
Experimental Demonstration of a 43-dBi Gain Transmitarray in PCB Technology for Backhauling in the 300-GHz Band2
Substrate-Integrated Nonradiative Dielectric (SINRD) Waveguide for THz Integrated Circuits and Systems2
Plasmonic Nanocomposite for Active Dielectric Metasurface Terahertz Absorbers2
Neural Network-Based Design of Two-Focal-Spot Terahertz Diffractive Optical Elements2
Silica Nanoparticle-Based Photoresin for THz High-Resolution 3-D Microfabrication by Two-Photon Polymerization2
Observation of Spurious Spectral Features in Mixed-Powder Compressed Pellets Measured by Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy2
Demonstration of a Wideband and Compact Input–Output Coupling Structure for Subterahertz Sheet-Beam Traveling Wave Amplifiers2
Terahertz Emission Enhancement of Gallium-Arsenide-Based Photoconductive Antennas by Silicon Nanowire Coating2
A 345-GHz Sideband-Separating Receiver Prototype With Ultra-Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth2
A 267 GHz Wide Tuning Range VCO With −3.5 dBm Peak Output Power in 40-nm CMOS2
Large-Scale Terahertz Sensor Array Module With Antenna-Coupled Microbolometers on Glass Substrate With Sigma–Delta ADC Readout ASIC2
Full-Band Silicon-Micromachined E-Plane Waveguide Bend for Flange-to-Chip Connection2
Systematic Study of Two-Color Air Plasma Broadband THz-TDS2
Extracting the Complex Refractive Index of an Ultrathin Layer at Terahertz Frequencies With no Prior Knowledge of Substrate Absorption Loss2
Diffraction Efficiency of Reflective Metallic Gratings Operating in the THz Range2
Terahertz Multi-Spectral Mueller Matrix Polarimetry on Leaf Using Only Orthogonal-Polarization Measurements2
Sub-THz Broadband Transmitting Metasurfaces With Enhanced Frequency-Scanning Capability2
Synthetic Photoconductive Antenna Array for Terahertz 3-D Imaging and Spectroscopy2
Comparison of Clustering Techniques Using an Indoor Measurement At 300 GHz2
Analysis and Demonstration of Mm-Wave Distributed Amplifiers With Modified Artificial Transmission Line Model2
Loss Characteristics of TeraHertz Surface Waves on Laser Micromachined Textured Metals2
Paraffin Diffractive Lens for Subterahertz Range—Simple and Cost Efficient Solution2
Electronic Calibration for Submillimeter-Wave On-Wafer Scattering Parameter Measurements Using Schottky Diodes2
A Waveguide-Based Variable Attenuator for Terahertz Applications2
Terahertz Permittivity of Pressed ZnO and CuO Powder in Polyethylene Pellets: Effect of Porosity2
Design and Measurement of a Mode-Suppression Circuit for a G-Band Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube2
Terahertz Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Liquid Water1
Dual Local Oscillator SIS Receiver for Simultaneous Observations of Water Isotopologues in the Solar System1
Automated Analysis of Reflection Mode Terahertz Hyperspectral Images1
Depth-Adaptive Object Identification Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopic Data1
A 16-GHz Bandwidth Cryogenic IF Amplifier With 4-K Noise Temperature for Sub-mm Radio-Astronomy Receivers1
Design of a 2.5 THz Schottky-Diode Fourth-Harmonic Mixer1
Generating and Enhancing THz Pulses via an Antenna-Coupled Unitraveling-Carrier Photodiode Array1
2-D FEM Formulation for Closed Waveguides With Magnetically Biased Graphene Sheets1
Characterization of Microwave Properties of Superconducting NbTiN Films Using TDS1
1200 GHz High Spectral Resolution Receiver Front-End of Submillimeter Wave Instrument for JUpiter ICy Moon Explorer: Part I - RF Performance Optimization for Cryogenic Operation1
THz Communications and the Demonstration in the ThoR-Backhaul Link1
Optimization of Electrooptical Sampling of THz Pulse With a Chirped Broadband Probe Pulse in Thick EO Crystal1
Accurate Free-Space Measurement of Complex Permittivity With the Angular Spectrum Method1
Performance of Photoconductive Receivers at 1030 nm Excited by High Average Power THz Pulses1
Fabrication and Characterization of a Leaky-Lens Photoconductive Antenna on Low-Temperature Grown GaAs Membranes1
Noise and Conversion Analyses for High-T c Superconducting Harmonic Mixers: Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Verification1
Multifrequency Contrast Source Inversion-Based Permittivity Estimation for Terahertz Multilayer Analysis1
A 1.0-THz High-Gain Metal-Only Transmit-Array Antenna Based on High-Precision UV-LIGA Microfabrication Technology1
Table of Contents1
Meander-Type Lines: An Innovative Design for On-Wafer TRL Calibration for mmW and Sub-mmW Frequencies Measurements1
Submillimeter-Wave Cornea Phantom Sensing Over an Extended Depth of Field With an Axicon-Generated Bessel Beam1
Free-Space Terahertz Spectrum Analysis With an Optoelectronic Hybrid System1
The Influence of LO Power Heating of the Tunnel Junction on the Performance of THz SIS Mixers1
Voltage-Controlled Polarization at 0.1 THz Based on Phase-Tuned Coupled Oscillation via a Magic Tee1
Self-Referenced Method for Geometrical Distortion Removal in THz Time-Domain Reflection Imaging1
Two-Conductor Ports Enabling Broadband Operation of Substrateless Microscale Silicon Waveguides1
Influence of Laser Modulation Frequency on the Performance of Terahertz Photoconductive Switches on Semi-Insulating GaAs Exhibiting Negative Differential Conductance1
Spatial Polarization Modulation for Terahertz Single-Pixel Imaging1
A Sub-THz Waveguide Magic-T With Coplanar Ports for Power Combination Applications1
Chessboard Focal Plane Array for a CMOS-Integrated Terahertz Camera1
A High-Performance 220–290 GHz Micromachined Waveguide Switch Based on Interference Between MEMS Reconfigurable Surfaces1
Characterization of Widefield THz Optics Using Phase Shifting Interferometry1
OSAS-B: A Balloon-Borne Terahertz Spectrometer for Atomic Oxygen in the Upper Atmosphere1