Religion Brain & Behavior

(The TQCC of Religion Brain & Behavior is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A systematic review of the association between religiousness and children’s prosociality40
(Non)automaticity of ritualized behavior15
Event cognition (not ecumenical naturalism) integrates individual and cultural differences14
The Evolution of Religion and Morality project: some modest reservations13
Big comparison 13
Global fertility and the future of religion: addressing empirical and theoretical challenges12
Caring about you: the motivational component of mentalizing, not the mental state attribution component, predicts religious belief in Japan11
A workflow for causal inference in cross-cultural psychology10
Dataset of Integrated Measures of Religion (DIM-R). Harmonization of religiosity data from selected international multiwave surveys9
Beyond the border: advancing the study of Catholic identities and orthopraxic religion in Southern and Northern Ireland9
Comparing the three states of Dhikr, meditation, and thinking about God: an fMRI study8
Beliefs, evolution, and psychiatric symptoms7
Two kinds of presence (at least): a commentary on T.M. Luhrmann’s “How God Becomes Real”7
The interaction between neuroscience and theology is producing a new personalism: a response to commentators on my book “Religion, neuroscience and the self: a new personalism.”7
Spiritual but not religious (SBNRs) and theists encounter spirit tech7
Prosociality and Pentecostalism in the D.R. Congo7
Religious coalitions and competition among complex adaptive systems6
Scripture’s systemic imagination6
How do culture and religion interact worldwide? A cultural match approach to understanding religiosity and well-being in the Many Analysts Religion Project6
Reply to commentators of “Re-introducing Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to modern evolutionary science”6
The interaction between forgiveness and resentment on mental health outcomes: two sides of the same coin?6
Does moderation by perceived normativeness of religion occur at the individual level or the country level?5
Causal inference in regression: advice to authors5
Mimesis and the origins of religion4
The role of absorption in making God real4
The HADDs and the HADD-nots: mystical experiences and religion in evolution4
God’s plan? The role of emotional repression in forming and sustaining religious beliefs4
The awe-prosociality relationship: evidence for the role of context4
Appealing to the minds of gods: religious beliefs and appeals correspond to features of local social ecologies3
Are religious rituals always causally opaque?3
The moralization bias of gods’ minds: a cross-cultural test3
Collective action in wild chimpanzees provides further insight into the evolution of cooperative ritual behavior3
Reinterpreting the archaeological evidence: rituals as practical and specialized interventions3
Reintroducing Pierre Teilhard de Chardin to modern evolutionary science3
Two questions for the cultural evolutionary science of religion3
On obscene and civil forms of nonreligion3
Adaptive signaling in a lineage explanation, needs to be adaptive3
Religion, Brain & Behavior adopts stricter transparency standards3
Religion: the WEIRDest concept in the world?3
Material insecurity predicts greater commitment to moralistic and less commitment to local deities: a cross-cultural investigation3
In defense of thin descriptions: reflections on some methodological themes in Harvey Whitehouse’s The Ritual Animal3
A half-Irish exit3
Integrating culture into the cognitive science of religion3
The Evolution of Religion and Morality project: reflections and looking ahead2
Introducing a special issue on the role of moralizing gods in the evolution of socio-political complexity2
From supernatural punishment to big gods to puritanical religions: clarifying explanatory targets in the rise of moralizing religions2
An explicit religious label impacts visual adaptation to Christian and Muslim faces2
Depth vs. breadth: lessons from the Evolution of Religion and Morality project2
The success story of the west, perceptual art, and the challenges of the Global East2
Moving forward from “Fertility and Faith”2
How is analytical thinking related to religious belief? A test of three theoretical models2
Celebrating the uninvited2
Challenges in modeling local manifestations of a global template2
Science and religion around the world: compatibility between belief systems predicts increased well-being2
Spirit Tech and the Nones2
The role of experience in making Gods and spirits real2
Diverse evolutionary strategies for explaining features of religions2
On breaking the cognitive science of religion and putting it back together again2
Missing level of analysis?2
On the benefits and ambiguities of “religious systems”2
The emergence of MSP vs. the spread of transcendentalist religion2
Commentary to MARP: how to increase the robustness of survey studies2
A typology for understanding the usage and intentions of Spirit Tech consumers2
Pierre Liénard (1968–2023)2