Dynamic Games and Applications

(The TQCC of Dynamic Games and Applications is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chasing a Drunk Robber in Many Classes of Graphs44
Preface: DGAA Focused Issue on Dynamic Games and Social Networks30
Preface to the Special issue on “Group Formation and Farsightedness”28
Generic Properties of First-Order Mean Field Games13
Differential Games with Incomplete Information and with Signal Revealing: The Symmetric Case12
Deterministic Approximation of a Stochastic Imitation Dynamics with Memory12
Evolution, Investment, and Bargaining12
A Partially Observable Stochastic Zero-sum Game for a Network Epidemic Control Problem12
Mobility Choices and Strategic Interactions in a Two-Group Macroeconomic–Epidemiological Model11
Learning in Games with Cumulative Prospect Theoretic Preferences10
Finite State Graphon Games with Applications to Epidemics9
Winning Region Determination and Optimal Cooperative Guidance Design in a Pursuer–Evader–Defender Game9
Cooperation in Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Players: The Role of Social Preferences7
Dynamic Games in Environmental Economics and Management7
Zero-Sum State-Blind Stochastic Games with Vanishing Stage Duration7
Rational Noncooperative Strategic Exploitation of Species in a Predator–Prey Ecosystem with Random Disturbances7
Effect of Variability in Payoffs on Conditions for the Evolution of Cooperation in a Small Population7
Emergent Collaboration in Social Purpose Games6
The Evolution of Cooperation in a Mobile Population on Random Networks: Network Topology Matters Only for Low-Degree Networks6
The Frequency of Convergent Games under Best-Response Dynamics6
Evolutionary Games and Applications: Fifty Years of ‘The Logic of Animal Conflict’6
Continuous-Time Zero-Sum Games for Markov Decision Processes with Discounted Risk-Sensitive Cost Criterion6
A Mean Field Approach for Discounted Zero-Sum Games in a Class of Systems of Interacting Objects6
Dynamic Pricing and Advertising Decisions to Mitigate the Negative Spillover Effect of a Product Recall6
Q-Learning in Regularized Mean-field Games6
Robust Networked Multiagent Optimization: Designing Agents to Repair Their Own Utility Functions5
Dynamic Resource Allocation Networks in Marketing: Comparing the Effectiveness of Control Methods5
Trade and Resource Sustainability with Asset Markets5
Mixed Market Structure and R &D: A Differential Game Approach5
Optimality and Robustness in Path-Planning Under Initial Uncertainty5
Some Remarks on Linear-Quadratic Closed-Loop Games with Many Players4
Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Decentralized General-Sum Markov Games4
Multiple-Population Discrete-Time Mean Field Games with Discounted and Total Payoffs: The Existence of Equilibria4
Competition and Recall in Selection Problems4
A Comparison Study of Supervised Learning Techniques for the Approximation of High Dimensional Functions and Feedback Control4
Markov Perfect Equilibria in Multi-Mode Differential Games with Endogenous Timing of Mode Transitions4
Study of a Warfare Differential Game via Dynamic Programming Approach4
Complete Solution of the Lady in the Lake Scenario4
Correction to: Layered Networks, Equilibrium Dynamics, and Stable Coalitions4
Epidemic Spreading and Equilibrium Social Distancing in Heterogeneous Networks4
Dynamic Fishing with Endogenous Habitat Damage4
Jump Equilibria in Public-Good Differential Games with a Single State Variable4
A Dynamic Game of Strategic Carbon Taxation and Energy Pricing with Green Technology Innovation4
Game-Theoretic Frameworks for Epidemic Spreading and Human Decision-Making: A Review4
Correction to: Nash Equilibria and Bargaining Solutions of Differential Bilinear Games4
Farsighted Clustering with Group-Size Effects and Reputations3
Asymmetric Replicator Dynamics on Polish Spaces: Invariance, Stability, and Convergence3
Reinforcement Learning for Non-stationary Discrete-Time Linear–Quadratic Mean-Field Games in Multiple Populations3
Min-Max Robust Control in LQ-Differential Games3
On a Constrained Infinite-Time Horizon Linear Quadratic Game3
A Study on the Regulatory Game of University Online Public Opinion Supervision from the Perspective of Media Convergence Based on the Herd Effect3
Correction: Fixation Probabilities of Strategies for Trimatrix Games and Their Applications to Triadic Conflict3
Introspection Dynamics in Asymmetric Multiplayer Games3
Infinite Horizon Nash Equilibrium Models of a Limit Order Book3
Incentive Designs for Stackelberg Games with a Large Number of Followers and their Mean-Field Limits3
Fixation Probabilities of Strategies for Trimatrix Games and Their Applications to Triadic Conflict3
Preface: Special issue of Dynamic Games and Applications in Memory of Professor Ngo Van Long3
Social Distancing, Gathering, Search Games: Mobile Agents on Simple Networks3
Newton’s Method, Bellman Recursion and Differential Dynamic Programming for Unconstrained Nonlinear Dynamic Games3
A Review of Tipping Points and Precaution using HJB equations2
Optimal Positional Strategies in Differential Games for Neutral-Type Systems2
On Discrete-Time Replicator Equations with Nonlinear Payoff Functions2
Robust Utility Design in Distributed Resource Allocation Problems with Defective Agents2
Exploring Centrality Dynamics for Epidemic Control in Complex Networks: An Asymmetrical Centralities Game Approach2
A Game Between Two Identical Dubins Cars: Evading a Conic Sensor in Minimum Time2
An Evolutionary Approach to Pollution Control in Competitive Markets2
Numerical Analysis of the Projection Dynamics and Their Associated Mean Field Control2
Learning Decision Criteria from Play2
Assortment by Group Founders Always Promotes the Evolution of Cooperation Under Global Selection But Can Oppose it Under Local Selection2
Evolution of Aggression in Consumer-Resource Models2
Dynamic Network Formation with Ordered Partitioning and Incomplete Information2
On the Quadratic Convergence of Newton’s Method for Mean Field Games with Non-separable Hamiltonian2
A POD Approach to Identify and Control PDEs Online Through State Dependent Riccati Equations2
Oscillatory Equilibrium in Asymmetric Evolutionary Games: Generalizing Evolutionarily Stable Strategy2
Stackelberg Evolutionary Games of Cancer Treatment: What Treatment Strategy to Choose if Cancer Can be Stabilized?2
Long-Run Behavior and Convergence of Dynamic Mean Field Equilibria2
Correction: Introspection Dynamics in Asymmetric Multiplayer Games2
Efficiency-Inducing Policy for Polluting Oligopolists2
Correction to: Efficiency and Stability in a Process of Teams Formation2
Online Learning in Budget-Constrained Dynamic Colonel Blotto Games2
The Duel Discounted Stochastic Game2
The Price Identity of Replicator(–Mutator) Dynamics on Graphs with Quantum Strategies in a Public Goods Game2
Games and the Treatment Convexity of Cancer2
Science, Technology and Institutional Change in Knowledge Production: An Evolutionary Game Theoretic Framework2
Mean Field Models to Regulate Carbon Emissions in Electricity Production2
Coordination and Control in Multiagent Systems for Enhanced Pursuit-Evasion Game Performance2