Psychology of Violence

(The TQCC of Psychology of Violence is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Discrimination in Portugal: Prevalence and mental health adjustment profiles.48
An experimental comparison of three phrases used to convey lack of consent: How does language affect men’s self-reports of sexual aggression against women?34
Intergenerational continuity of child maltreatment: The role of maternal emotional dysregulation and mother–child attachment.29
Lower brain volume and poorer emotional regulation in partner coercive men and other offenders.29
Supplemental Material for Same-Day and Next-Day Associations Between Relational Factors and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adult Couples24
Supplemental Material for Dynamic Risk Factors in Adult Men Who Committed Sexual Offenses: Replication and Comparison of Networks Found in Two Independent Samples23
Supplemental Material for Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence and Increased Economic Insecurity Among Women and Transgender Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic21
Supplemental Material for The Dark Tetrad Personality Traits Moderate the Relationship Between Ideological Passion and Violent Activism17
Supplemental Material for Coercive Control in Police Reports of Intimate Partner Violence: Conceptual Definition and Association With Recidivism17
A dyadic perspective on psychopathology and young adult physical dating aggression.15
Romantic attachment as a mediator of the relationships between interpersonal trauma and prenatal representations.15
Trait aggressiveness and aggressive behavior: The simultaneous influence of contextual variables.14
Correction to Adams and Beeble (2019).14
Impact of psychological and structural factors on radicalization processes: A multilevel analysis from the 3N model.13
Community-informed relationship violence intervention in a high-stress, low-income urban context.13
The relationship between sociopolitical stress and intimate partner violence among Palestinians in Israel: Examining cognitive appraisals and psychological distress as serial mediators.11
A perpetrator by any other name: Unpacking the characterizations and consequences of the “terrorist,” “lone wolf,” and “mass shooter” labels for perpetrators of mass violence.10
“Serious enough”? A mixed-method examination of the minimization of sexual assault as a service barrier for college sexual assault survivors.10
A multilevel latent class analysis of adolescent engagement in interpersonal violence: The role of stressful life events, school climate, and school characteristics.10
“One by one, they raped me”: Sexual violence against khwaja sira in Swat, Pakistan.10
Gender differences in relations between social information processing, PTSD symptoms, and intimate partner violence.10
The association between dating violence victimization and the well-being of young people: A systematic review and meta-analysis.10
When childhood states become adult traits: Trait anxiety and anger as mediators linking childhood maltreatment to marital outcomes in midlife adults.9
Maternal childhood trauma and children’s developmental course of aggressive behavior from ages 4 to 12.9
A dyadic analysis of partner maltreatment using an attachment-based diathesis–stress model: A lab-based study.9
Sociocultural correlates of sexual and physical intimate partner violence across 98 countries: A hierarchical assessment based on economic development.9
Does past intimate partner violence moderate the link between daily stress and conflict during pregnancy? A dyadic daily diary investigation.9
Impaired, incapacitated, or neither? Qualitative descriptions of impairment during substance-involved sexual assault.9
Employment status and recidivism after relationship violence intervention.8
Economic resilience and polystrengths: Identifying protective factors associated with economic self-sufficiency among survivors of intimate partner violence.8
Child community violence exposure in an at-risk sample: Developmental trajectories, caregiving risks, and the role of child temperament.8
The personality and propaganda puzzle: Exploring the effect of personality on exposure to extremist content online.8
Parental harsh discipline and children’s anxiety in China: An examination of the moderating and mediating roles of teacher–student relationships and peer relationships.8
Economic hardship predicts intimate partner violence victimization during pregnancy.8
The role of psychopathic features and developmental risk factors in trajectories of physical intimate partner violence.7
Supplemental Material for Antisociality and Dyadic Conflict: The Mediating Role of Emotion Dysregulation and Hazardous Drinking7
Supplemental Material for Dating Violence Agreement: A Daily Diary Examination7
Observing coercive control beyond intimate partner violence: Examining the perceptions of professionals about common tactics used in victimization.7
Supplemental Material for Longitudinal Reciprocal Associations Between Internalizing Symptoms and Child-to-Parent Violence in Adolescents: The Role of Cognitive Mechanisms7
Four ways to enhance the impact of relationship violence (batterer) intervention programs.6
Using research to recalibrate the Violence Against Women Act initiatives for sexual exploitation response.6
Reconsidering biological treatments for reducing violent offending.6
Positive and negative outcome expectancies of partner abuse among men in partner violence treatment.6
Factors associated with momentary acts of aggression: An investigation using machine learning approaches in ecological momentary assessment data.6
Antisociality and dyadic conflict: The mediating role of emotion dysregulation and hazardous drinking.5
Sexual assault revictimization among sexual minority individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis.5
Supplemental Material for Bearing Witness to Police Brutality Affects Psychological and Cardiovascular Responses in Black Americans and White Americans5
Stigma for seeking psychological help for military sexual trauma is associated with more frequent suicidal ideation among women service members and veterans.5
Peer factors as mediators of relations between exposure to violence and physical aggression in middle school students in a low-income urban community.5
Supplemental Material for Discrimination in Portugal: Prevalence and Mental Health Adjustment Profiles5
Understanding the role of experiential avoidance in intimate partner abuse.5
The impact of sociocultural contexts on mental health following sexual violence: A conceptual model.5
Bearing witness to police brutality affects psychological and cardiovascular responses in Black Americans and White Americans.5
Spare the dog, hit the child: Preliminary findings regarding parents’ beliefs about spanking and hitting children.5
Progressive moral foundations and empathic concern: Facilitators of sexual assault bystander intervention.4
The global prevalence of sexual assault: A systematic review of international research since 2010.4
Stealthing: Nonconsensual condom removal in same-sex and opposite-sex intimate relationships.4
Neurocognitive performance predicts future partner violence among U.S. Iraq- and Afghanistan-deployed army soldiers and veterans.4
Communicating nonviolence messages: Effects of racial cues and message format on Black parents’ message credibility perceptions and behavioral change.4
Exploring use of force as an interactional process: A qualitative video analysis of how Dutch police officers use physical force.4
Supplemental Material for “It Never Goes Away”: Chinese Immigrant Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence4
Threat of harm beliefs mediate the link between binegativity and sexual assault-related PTSD among cisgender bisexual women.4
Childhood polyvictimization: A systematic review of risk factors and outcomes.4
Multiple group identities and support for violent radicalization among college and university students: Challenge or opportunity?4
Supplemental Material for Types, Subtypes, and Clinical Correlates of Peer Victimization in College: A System Science Perspective4
Supplemental Material for Nurses’ Perceptions of Helpful and Unhelpful Communication With Rape Victim Advocates3
Supplemental Material for Associations Between Witnessing and Perpetrating Online Hate Speech Among Adolescents: Testing Moderation Effects of Moral Disengagement and Empathy3
Positioning and self-presentation as fathers by men in treatment for intimate partner violence.3
Supplemental Material for The Moral Disengagement Scale-24: Factorial Structure and Cross-Cultural Comparison in Spanish and Colombian Adolescents3
Supplemental Material for Nonpartner Violence Perpetration Among Emerging Adults: Associations With Polysubstance Use and Trait Mindfulness3
Supplemental Material for Lower Brain Volume and Poorer Emotional Regulation in Partner Coercive Men and Other Offenders3
Supplemental Material for Examining Bullying Perpetration as a Predictor of Later Teen Dating Violence Perpetration: Do Gender-Based Biases Affect This Pathway?3
Supplemental Material for A Perpetrator by Any Other Name: Unpacking the Characterizations and Consequences of the “Terrorist,” “Lone Wolf,” and “Mass Shooter” Labels for Perpetrators of Mass Violence3
Supplemental Material for Amplification or Inoculation: Understanding the Interacting Effects of Political and Community Violence on Externalizing Behaviors3
Supplemental Material for Violent Video Game Exposure and Bullying in Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study Examining Moderation of Trait Aggressiveness and Moral Identity3
Supplemental Material for Responsivity to Interviewer During Interview-Based Assessment of Physical Intimate Partner Violence3
Supplemental Material for Do Violent Attitude Measures Assess Evaluative Attitudes Toward Violence?3
Supplemental Material for Exploring Personal Crises Observed in Mass Shooters as Targets for Detection and Intervention Using Psychometric Network Analysis3
Supplemental Material for The Relationship Between Sociopolitical Stress and Intimate Partner Violence Among Palestinians in Israel: Examining Cognitive Appraisals and Psychological Distress as Serial3