High Power Laser Science and Engineering

(The median citation count of High Power Laser Science and Engineering is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
10 PW peak power femtosecond laser pulses at ELI-NP57
eXawatt Center for Extreme Light Studies42
Recent progress of laboratory astrophysics with intense lasers39
All-fiberized and narrow-linewidth 5 kW power-level fiber amplifier based on a bidirectional pumping configuration39
Six kilowatt record all-fiberized and narrow-linewidth fiber amplifier with near-diffraction-limited beam quality35
MTW-OPAL: a technology development platform for ultra-intense optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification systems34
Use of KDP crystal as a Kerr nonlinear medium for compressing PW laser pulses down to 10 fs33
Targets with cone-shaped microstructures from various materials for enhanced high-intensity laser–matter interaction33
A nodule dome removal strategy to improve the laser-induced damage threshold of coatings26
Data-driven science and machine learning methods in laser–plasma physics26
Cladding-pumped Raman fiber laser with 0.78% quantum defect enabled by phosphorus-doped fiber26
Morphology analysis of tracks in the aerogels impacted by hypervelocity irregular particles26
Machine-learning guided optimization of laser pulses for direct-drive implosions24
Reflecting petawatt lasers off relativistic plasma mirrors: a realistic path to the Schwinger limit24
Design of large mode area all-solid anti-resonant fiber for high-power lasers23
Compact and robust supercontinuum generation and post-compression using multiple thin plates22
Design, installation and commissioning of the ELI-Beamlines high-power, high-repetition rate HAPLS laser beam transport system to P322
Free electron lasers driven by plasma accelerators: status and near-term prospects17
Fabrication of micrometre-sized periodic gratings in free-standing metallic foils for laser–plasma experiments16
Diamond Raman laser: a promising high-beam-quality and low-thermal-effect laser16
An evaluation of sustainability and societal impact of high-power laser and fusion technologies: a case for a new European research infrastructure16
Observation and modelling of stimulated Raman scattering driven by an optically smoothed laser beam in experimental conditions relevant for shock ignition15
Asymmetric pulse effects on pair production in polarized electric fields15
Acceleration of 60 MeV proton beams in the commissioning experiment of SULF-10 PW laser15
Efficient bright γ-ray vortex emission from a laser-illuminated light-fan-in-channel target14
Fabrication of large-area uniform carbon nanotube foams as near-critical-density targets for laser–plasma experiments14
A history of high-power laser research and development in the United Kingdom14
High-resolution X-ray flash radiography of Ti characteristic lines with multilayer Kirkpatrick–Baez microscope at the Shenguang-II Update laser facility13
Highly efficient difference-frequency generation for mid-infrared pulses by passively synchronous seeding13
Record power and efficient mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in germania fiber with high stability13
Enhancement of pre-pulse and picosecond pedestal contrast of the petawatt J-KAREN-P laser13
Hyperspectral compressive wavefront sensing13
Effective suppression of mode distortion induced by stimulated Raman scattering in high-power fiber amplifiers12
Applications of object detection networks in high-power laser systems and experiments12
2-kW-level superfluorescent fiber source with flexible wavelength and linewidth tunable characteristics12
Effect of subsurface impurity defects on laser damage resistance of beam splitter coatings12
A novel laser shock post-processing technique on the laser-induced damage resistance of 1ω HfO2/SiO2 multilayer coatings11
High-power femtosecond laser generation from an all-fiber linearly polarized chirped pulse amplifier11
Diode-pumped 10 W femtosecond Yb:CALGO laser with high beam quality11
Inertial confinement fusion ignition achieved at the National Ignition Facility – an editorial11
High-power linear-polarization burst-mode all-fibre laser and generation of frequency-adjustable microwave signal11
Multilayer dielectric grating pillar-removal damage induced by a picosecond laser11
A 3.5-kW near-single-mode oscillating–amplifying integrated fiber laser11
Forty-five terawatt vortex ultrashort laser pulses from a chirped-pulse amplification system10
High-power non-perturbative laser delivery diagnostics at the final focus of 100-TW-class laser pulses10
Versatile tape-drive target for high-repetition-rate laser-driven proton acceleration10
Time-dependent measurement of high-power laser light reflection by low-Z foam plasma10
First radiative shock experiments on the SG-II laser10
Novel constant-cladding tapered-core ytterbium-doped fiber for high-power fiber laser oscillator10
Direct Acceleration of an Annular Attosecond Electron Slice Driven by Near-Infrared Laguerre–Gaussian Laser10
Impact of temporal modulations on laser-induced damage of fused silica at 351 nm10
High-intensity laser-driven secondary radiation sources using the ZEUS 45 TW laser system at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Lasers of the Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Centre10
High-power mid-infrared femtosecond master oscillator power amplifier Er:ZBLAN fiber laser system9
Compensation method for performance degradation of optically addressed spatial light modulator induced by CW laser9
A high-pinning-Type-II superconducting maglev for ICF target delivery: main principles, material options and demonstration models9
ReLaX: the Helmholtz International Beamline for Extreme Fields high-intensity short-pulse laser driver for relativistic laser–matter interaction and strong-field science using the high energy density 9
Utilizing phase-shifted long-period fiber grating to suppress spectral broadening of a high-power fiber MOPA laser system9
Monolithic edge-cladding process for the elliptical disk of N31-type Nd-doped high-power laser glass9
High-energy, high-repetition-rate ultraviolet pulses from an efficiency-enhanced, frequency-tripled laser9
Dispersion management for a 100 PW level laser using a mismatched-grating compressor8
Radial density profile and stability of capillary discharge plasma waveguides of lengths up to 40 cm8
Femtosecond infrared optical vortex lasers based on optical parametric amplification8
Magnetic field annihilation and charged particle acceleration in ultra-relativistic laser plasmas8
Spatiotemporal coupling investigations for Ti:sapphire-based multi-PW lasers8
High-power 1560 nm single-frequency erbium fiber amplifier core-pumped at 1480 nm7
An efficient high-power femtosecond laser based on periodic-layered-Kerr media nonlinear compression and a Yb:YAG regenerative amplifier7
High repetition rate exploration of the Biermann battery effect in laser produced plasmas over large spatial regions7
The seed laser system of the FERMI free-electron laser: design, performance and near future upgrades7
Monitoring and characterization of particle contamination in the pulse compression chamber of the OMEGA EP laser system7
Laser scaling for generation of megatesla magnetic fields by microtube implosions7
Diode-pumped, electro-opticallyQ-switched, cryogenic Tm:YAG laser operating at 1.88 μm7
Suppressing small-scale self-focusing of high-power femtosecond pulses6
Spectral broadening for multi-Joule pulse compression in the APOLLON Long Focal Area facility6
Output characteristics of high-power stimulated Brillouin scattering pulse compression enhanced by thermal effects based on HT2706
High laser damage threshold reflective optically addressed liquid crystal light valve based on gallium nitride conductive electrodes6
Mandrel degradation model of combined fast and slow processes6
Optical control of transverse motion of ionization injected electrons in a laser plasma accelerator6
A 100-PW compressor based on single-pass single-grating pair6
Transverse mode instability mitigation in a high-power confined-doped fiber amplifier with good beam quality through seed laser control6
Ultra-compact post-compressor on-shot wavefront measurement for beam correction at PHELIX6
Grating-free 2.8 μm Er:ZBLAN fiber chirped pulse amplifier6
Reflecting laser-driven shocks in diamond in the megabar pressure range6
Multibeam laser–plasma interaction at the Gekko XII laser facility in conditions relevant for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion6
Automated control and optimization of laser-driven ion acceleration6
Demonstration of a petawatt-scale optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier based on yttrium calcium oxyborate6
1178 J, 527 nm near diffraction limited laser based on a complete closed-loop adaptive optics controlled off-axis multi-pass amplification laser system6
Transient electromagnetic fields generated in experiments at the PHELIX laser facility6
Single-frequency upconverted laser generation by phase summation6
Linewidth narrowing in free-space running diamond Brillouin lasers6
Post-compression of high-energy, sub-picosecond laser pulses6
Up conversion and excited state absorption analysis in the Tm:YAG disk laser multi-pass pumped by 1 μm laser5
New phase-matching selection rule to generate angularly isolated harmonics5
Intense harmonic generation driven by a relativistic spatiotemporal vortex beam5
Power-scalable sub-100-fs Tm laser at 2.08 μm5
202 W dual-end-pumped Tm:YLF laser with a VBG as an output coupler5
Laser Wakefield Accelerator modelling with Variational Neural Networks5
Micro-size picosecond-duration fast neutron source driven by a laser–plasma wakefield electron accelerator5
A 110 W fiber gas Raman laser at 1153 nm5
Pulse repetition-rate effect on the intensity inside a femtosecond laser filament in air5
Reducing laser beam fluence and intensity fluctuations in symmetric and asymmetric compressors5
Time-of-flight methodologies with large-area diamond detectors for ion characterization in laser-driven experiments5
Gain-switched watt-level thulium-doped fiber laser and amplifier operating at 1.7 μm5
High-peak-power random Yb-fiber laser with intracavity Raman-frequency comb generation5
Characterization of the plasma mirror system at the J-KAREN-P facility5
Laser pulse shape designer for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion implosions5
Optimizing noise characteristics of mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser using gain-induced RIN-transfer dynamics4
Diode-pumped high-power continuous-wave intracavity frequency-doubled Pr3+:YLF ultraviolet lasers around 349 nm4
Spatiotemporally mode-locked soliton fiber laser at 2.8 μm4
How the laser beam size conditions the temporal contrast in pulse stretchers of chirped-pulse amplification lasers4
Optimization and control of synchrotron emission in ultraintense laser–solid interactions using machine learning4
Future for inertial-fusion energy in Europe: a roadmap4
Designing a toroidal crystal for monochromatic X-ray imaging of a laser-produced He-like plasma4
Deuterated polyethylene nanowire arrays for high-energy density physics4
High-performance 800–1050 nm seed pulses based on spectral broadening and filtering for petawatt lasers4
Towards critical and supercritical electromagnetic fields4
Overview and specifications of laser and target areas at the Intense Laser Irradiation Laboratory4
Static and dynamic mode evolution in high-power distributed side-coupled cladding-pumped fiber amplifiers4
Control systems and data management for high-power laser facilities3
Overview of SwissFEL dual-photocathode laser capabilities and perspectives for exotic FEL modes3
Coherent optical vortex generation with multiple topological charges based on a seeded free electron laser3
Collimated gamma beams with high peak flux driven by laser-accelerated electrons3
Control of amorphous solid water target morphology induced by deposition on a charged surface3
Accurate electron beam phase-space theory for ionization-injection schemes driven by laser pulses3
Spectral purity systems applied for laser-produced plasma extreme ultraviolet lithography sources: a review3
All-optical nonlinear chiral ultrafast magnetization dynamics driven by circularly polarized magnetic fields3
Shock dynamics and shock collision in foam layered targets3
Ultra-broadband pulse generation via hollow-core fiber compression and frequency doubling for ultra-intense lasers3
Emission mechanism for the silicon He-α lines in a photoionization experiment3
Angle amplifier in a 2D beam scanning system based on peristrophic multiplexed volume Bragg gratings3
High-energy, hundred-picosecond pulsed 266 nm mid-ultraviolet generation by a barium borate crystal3
Three-dimensional acoustic monitoring of laser-accelerated protons in the focus of a pulsed-power solenoid lens3
Synchronous post-acceleration of laser-driven protons in helical coil targets by controlling the current dispersion3
High temporal contrast 1053 nm laser source based on optical parametric amplification and second-harmonic generation3
Spectral filtering effect on multi-pulsing induced by chirped fiber Bragg grating in dispersion-managed mode-locked Yb-doped fiber lasers3
Phase imaging of irradiated foils at the OMEGA EP facility using phase-stepping X-ray Talbot–Lau deflectometry3