Journal of Central South University

(The TQCC of Journal of Central South University is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Temperature effect on shear behavior of ore-backfill coupling specimens at various shear directions165
Biodissolution of pyrite and bornite by moderate thermophiles88
Laboratory and temporal moment analysis of tracer-based solute transport in karst conduits62
Recent advances in coherent perfect absorber-lasers and their future applications59
Bearing effect of arched frame structures with longitudinal connections in large-section tunnels56
Removal of arsenic from arsenic-containing solution in a three-dimensional electrode reactor55
A discharging internal resistance dynamic model of lithium-ion batteries based on multiple influencing factors53
Thermal and pressure performance of heat collection tube group in backfill body added with phase change material52
Swelling inhibition and infiltration promotion mechanism of polyethyleneimine51
High sensitivity micro-displacement sensor based on fiber Bragg grating and amplification substrate50
Investigation of β/α″ interface in Ti-Nb alloy48
A Sarsa reinforcement learning hybrid ensemble method for robotic battery power forecasting46
Bearing characteristics and safety control of hydraulic support groups in shallow-buried thin bedrock ultra-long working faces45
Influence of rare earth element erbium on microstructures and properties of as-cast 8030 aluminum alloy42
Elastoplastic bridge deck response spectra of high-speed railway simply-supported girder bridge with CRTSII track system42
Application of optimized random forest regressors in predicting maximum principal stress of aseismic tunnel lining42
Research advancements in phosphogypsum crystal modifiers42
Pore structure related triaxial mechanical response and strength criterion of basalt fibre-reinforced coral aggregate concrete41
Heat transfer analysis of unsteady nanofluid flow between moving parallel plates with magnetic field: Analytical approach40
Interaction of 3D parallel internal cracks in brittle solids under thermal loading: Experiment and numerical simulation40
Effect of isothermal compression and subsequent heat treatment on grain structures evolution of Al-Mg-Si alloy36
Preparation of semiconductor zinc telluride by photoelectrochemical deposition34
Preface to the special issue on laser processing and micro-nano technology32
Hollow structured SnO2/NxC composites: Preparation approach and promising performance in lithium-ion battery32
Effect of impurity on microstructure and properties on hot-pressed boron carbide ceramics30
Influence of furnace temperature and non-uniform heat flux density on direct reduction process of newly designed carbon containing pellet30
Probabilistic concentration prediction of PM2.5 in subway stations based on multi-resolution elastic-gated attention mechanism and Gaussian mixture model30
Seepage characteristics test of carbonaceous mudstone soil-rock mixture considering rock content and rainfall infiltration angle29
Process parameter effects on microstructure and mechanical properties of tubes processed via friction assisted tube straining method29
A deep dense captioning framework with joint localization and contextual reasoning28
Crack propagation behavior in sandstone during unloading confining pressure under different seepage pressures28
Evaluation of thixotropic behaviors of tailings pastes as a function of solids concentration26
Brazing of C/C composites and 304 stainless steels via Ni/Mo composite interlayer26
Synthesis of nano- to micrometer-sized B4C particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites via powder metallurgy and subsequent heat treatment26
Comprehensive utilization of spodumene ore through pyrometallurgical process with Fe2O3 addition26
Influence of tunnel axis stress on mechanical response and fracture characteristics of rock surrounding tunnel subjected to gradient stress26
Effect of processing parameters on flow behaviors and microstructure during high temperature deformation of GH4586 superalloy25
Preparation and properties of double-template magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for removal of nitrophenol from drinking water25
Estimating model for urban carrying capacity on bike-sharing25
Annealing twin mechanism for 304 stainless steel solution treatment process25
Influence of processing parameters on deposition characteristics of Inconel 625 superalloy fabricated by laser solid forming25
Construction of dicyandiamide-coated manganese dioxide composite and its mechanism for improving zinc storage performance24
Synthesis of hetero-site nucleation twisted bilayer MoS2 by local airflow perturbations and interlayer angle characterization24
Comparative thermodynamic analysis of gold dissolution in four organic carboxylic acid-catalyzed thiosulfate systems using Eh–pH and species distribution diagrams24
Improving performance of flat plate solar collector using nanofluid water/zinc oxide23
A data-driven method to predict future bottlenecks in a remanufacturing system with multi-variant uncertainties23
Sensitivity and effect of key operational parameters on performance of a dual-cylinder free-piston engine generator23
Numerical study of solar tray with noble Mxene nanofluids23
Band gap modulation of nanostructured WO3 nanoplate film by Ti doping for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance23
Nonlinear free vibration of graphene platelets reinforced composite corrugated plates23
Synthesis and applications of Ag@C composites: Progress and opportunity22
Impact of ultrasonic power on liquid fraction, microstructure and physical characteristics of A356 alloy molded through cooling slope22
Boosting catalytic activities of carbon felt electrode towards redox reactions of vanadium ions by defect engineering22
Influence of pier height on the safety of trains running on high-speed railway bridges during earthquakes22
Laser surface functionalization to achieve extreme surface wetting conditions and resultant surface functionalities22
A new empirical chart for coal burst liability classification using Kriging method22
Numerical investigation of effect of eccentric decoupled charge structure on blasting-induced rock damage22
Combined effects of local curvature and elasticity of an isothermal wall for jet impingement cooling under magnetic field effects20
Optimizing thermal performance of a premixed hydrogen/air fueled micro-combustor with baffles20
A study of inclined magnetically driven Casson nanofluid using the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux model with multiple slips towards a chemically reacting radially stretching sheet20
Running safety and seismic optimization of a fault-crossing simply-supported girder bridge for high-speed railways based on a train-track-bridge coupling system20
Effects of Cu addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Er-modified Al-10Mg2Si cast alloys20
One-dimensional nonlinear consolidation analysis of soil with continuous drainage boundary20
Estimation of active earth pressure based on pseudo-dynamic approach and discretization technique19
Preparation and capacitance properties of Ni foam@graphene@Co3O4 composite electrode materials19
Energy evolution and failure characteristics of sandstone under high temperature and acidic solutions19
Tooth surface error correction of hypoid gears machined by duplex helical method19
Effects of grafting cell penetrate peptide and RGD on endocytosis and biological effects of Mg-CaPNPs-CKIP-1 siRNA carrier system in vitro18
Field measurement of strain response for typical asphalt pavement18
Solution and aging behavior of precipitates in laser melting deposited V-5Cr-5Ti alloys18
P- and S-wave arrival time combined Bayesian location method for a microseismic event18
Effect of Na2O on transition and stability of dicalcium silicate based on sintering process18
Experimental study on nonlinear mechanical behavior and sampling damage characteristics of rocks from depths of 4900–6830 m in Well Songke-218
An analytical p-y curve method based on compressive soil pressure model in sand soil18
Hollow tubes constructed by carbon nanotubes self-assembly for CO2 capture17
Mechanical behavior and deformation mechanism of ballast bed with various fouling materials17
Experimental studies on mechanical properties and brittleness of granite treated with different microwave heating times17
Effect of thermo-mechanical treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of wire-arc additively manufactured Al-Cu alloy17
Bioleaching and dissolution kinetics of pyrite, chalcocite and covellite17
Potassium recovery from muscovite using NaCl-roasting followed by H2SO4-leaching17
A whole process damage constitutive model for layered sandstone under uniaxial compression based on Logistic function17
Continuous dynamic recrystallization nucleation mechanism and annealing twin evolution with respect to grain growth in a nickel-based superalloy17
Effect of car-body lower-center rolling on aerodynamic performance of a high-speed train17
Phase change dynamics in a triangular elastic walled vented cavity having phase change material packed bed during nanofluid forced convection16
Passive heat transfer enhancement of laminar mixed convection flow in a vertical dimpled tube16
Zonal disintegration phenomenon based on triaxial dynamic load test of hollow cylindrical sandstone specimens16
DFT/TDDFT study on electronic, optical and structural properties of MAPbI3/RbSnI2Cl and MAPbI2Cl/RbXI3 (X=Pb, Sn) heterostructures16
Metal-organic framework-derived porous carbon for the advanced aqueous zinc-ion hybrid capacitor16
Precision loss of ball screw mechanism under sliding-rolling mixed motion behavior16
Effect of reductant sodium bentonite content and reaction temperature in sponge iron production from composite pellets16
Investigation on aerodynamic noise reduction for snow-plough of high-speed train16
Day-to-day traffic user equilibrium model considering influence of intelligent highways and advanced traveler information systems16
Influence of Si content on interface reaction of iron-based hot-dip aluminizing on Fe sheet16
Analysis of incompressible viscous fluid flow in convergent and divergent channels with a hybrid meta-heuristic optimization techniques in ANN: An intelligent approach15
Preparation and characterization of high hard and high tough ultrafine WC ceramics containing hybrid graphene and SiC nanowire15
Suppression of thermal postbuckling and nonlinear panel flutter motions of variable stiffness composite laminates using piezoelectric actuators15
Reducing process of sinter in COREX shaft furnace and influence of sinter proportion on reduction properties of composite burden15
Mathematic model and tooth contact analysis of a new spiral non-circular bevel gear15
Periodic electromagnetic signals as potential precursor for seismic activity15
Succinonitrile broadening the temperature range of Li/CFx primary batteries15
Effect of Sm content on microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg−6Al−2Sr alloys15
Preparation and performance of a coal gasification slag-based composite for simultaneous immobilization of Cd and As14
Chromium stabilization by polysulfide supported nZVI@biochar in contaminated soil: Cr bioavailability and stabilization mechanism14
Numerical investigation of friction stir welding parameters on microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Al-0.2 wt% Sc alloy sheet14
Fatigue crack retardation by the application of hard damping coating to blades under resonance14
Collaborative optimization of exhaust gas recirculation and Miller cycle of two-stage turbocharged marine diesel engines based on particle swarm optimization14
Analysis of magnetohydrodynamic squeezed viscous fluid flow in a porous medium14
Integrated design of brushless motor drive and control system for robot joints14
Innovative Research Group of Hunan Province14
Recent progress of fiber-shaped batteries towards wearable application14
Study of aerodynamic characteristics of a high-speed train with wings moving through a tunnel14
Mechanical behaviors of cross roller bearings with raceway roundness error14
Numerical analysis of building structures response under effect of continuous and stepped non-uniform settlement14
Mechanism of water inrush from the tunnel face induced by fault and its application14
Nonlinear model predictive control based on hyper chaotic diagonal recurrent neural network13
Influence of temperature on creep behavior, mechanical properties and microstructural evolution of an Al-Cu-Li alloy during creep age forming13
Stainless steel anisotropic superhydrophobic surfaces fabrication with inclined cone array via laser ablation and post annealing treatment13
Effects of pre-rolling on mechanical properties and fatigue crack growth rate of 2195 Al-Li alloy13
Analytical solution for one-dimensional nonlinear consolidation of layered soils with continuous drainage boundary13
Combined effect of rock fabric, in-situ stress, and fluid viscosity on hydraulic fracture propagation in Chang 73 lacustrine shale from the Ordos Basin13
Risk assessment of floor water inrush in coal mines based on MFIM-TOPSIS variable weight model13
Effect of platform temperature on microstructure and corrosion resistance of selective laser melted Al-Mg-Sc alloy plate13
Optimal design of automotive body B-pillar using simplified finite element model of body-in-prime combined with an optimization procedure13
Multi-objective optimization based optimal setting control for industrial double-stream alumina digestion process13
Determining representative elementary volume size of in-situ expansive soils subjected to drying-wetting cycles through field test13
Evaluation methods of man-machine-environment system for clean and safe production in phosphorus mines: A case study13
Synthesis of foamed geopolymers by substituting fly ash with tailing slurry for the highly efficient removal of heavy metal contaminants: Behavioral and mechanistic studies13
Characteristic and optimization of ferrite-rich sulfoaluminate-based composite cement suitable for cold region tunnels12
Effect of carbon on microstructure, mechanical properties and wear resistance of non-equiatomic Fe70Co7.5Cr7.5Ni7.5V7.5 medium-entropy alloys fabricated by powder metallurgy12
Study on stability mechanism and control techniques of surrounding rock in gob-side entry retaining with flexible formwork concrete wall12
Effect of TiC nanoparticle on friction and wear properties of TiC/AA2219 nanocomposites and its strengthening mechanism12
Evaluation of development potential of pumped hydroelectric storage and geothermal utilization system in abandoned coal mine12
Multi-dimension and multi-modal rolling mill vibration prediction model based on multi-level network fusion12
Experimental investigation on synergetic prediction of granite rockburst using rock failure time and acoustic emission energy12
Hydraulic fracturing of granite under real-time high temperature and true triaxial stress12
Evaluation of the slipstream in different regions around a train with respect to different nose lengths: A comparison study12
Acid corrosion micro-macro mechanism of enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation (EICP) treated sandy soils12
Mechanism, prevention, and control of mining-induced dynamic disasters in underground metal mines in China: Challenges and solutions12
Active fault-tolerant control scheme of aerial manipulators with actuator faults12
Effective photocatalytic conversion of formic acid using iron, copper and sulphate doped TiO212
Failure mechanisms and destruction characteristics of cemented coal gangue backfill under compression effect of non-uniform load12
Energy efficient virtual machine migration approach with SLA conservation in cloud computing12
Dynamic regimes of cemented backfill at early-age12
Influence of confined water on the limit support pressure of tunnel face in weakly water-rich strata12
Evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties in multi-layer 316L-TiC composite fabricated by selective laser melting additive manufacturing12
Microstructure and hot corrosion properties of an Al-Y coating on TiAl alloy12
Visualization detection of slurry transportation pipeline based on electrical capacitance tomography in mining filling12
Strength and damage evolution mechanism of rock mass with holes under cyclic loading12
Dual-loading strategy to construct Au-BiOBr-TiO2 photocatalysts for fast and efficient degradation of xanthates under visible light12
Anisotropy in shear-sliding fracture behavior of layered shale under different normal stress conditions12
Rotation forest based on multimodal genetic algorithm12
Preparation of chitosan modified fly ash under acid condition and its adsorption mechanism for Cr(VI) in water12
Microseismic energy and intensity criterion of rockburst in deep TBM tunnels: A case study of the Neelum-Jhelum hydropower project12
Flow and heat transfer analysis of polymeric fluid in the presence of nanoparticles and microorganisms12
Characterization of fluidized reduction roasting of nickel laterite ore under CO/CO2 atmosphere12
Temperature effects on the failure of deep circular tunnel under true-triaxial compression12
Determination of ultimate bearing capacity of uplift piles using intact and non-intact load-displacement curve12
Isotherm, kinetic and thermodynamic investigations of boron phosphide to remove methylene blue from aqueous solution12
Mechanical properties of deep sandstones under loading rate effect11
Rockburst prediction model using machine learning based on microseismic parameters of Qinling water conveyance tunnel11
Effect of Mg and Si on intermetallic formation and fracture behavior of pure aluminum-galvanized carbon-steel joints made by weld-brazing11
Research and application of mechanical models for the whole process of 110 mining method roof structural movement11
Improved mechanical and wear properties of Ti−35Nb−5Ta−7Zr−xSi alloys fabricated by selective electron beam melting for biomedical application11
Generalized distributed four-domain digital twin system for intelligent manufacturing11
One-step random-walk process of nanoparticles in cement-based materials11
Dynamic behaviors and mitigation measures of a train passing through windbreak transitions from ground to cutting11
Preface: Energy and sustainable development11
Stress wave propagation attenuation law and energy dissipation characteristics of rock-barrier-coal composite specimen under dynamic load11
A data-driven early micro-leakage detection and localization approach of hydraulic systems11
An advanced turbulator with blades and semi-conical section for heat transfer improvement in a helical double tube heat exchanger11
Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation on the coupled support technology of concrete-filled steel tube and bolt-cable in deep roadway11
Longitudinal and cross-sectional partitioned failure mechanism of tunnels subjected to stick-slip action of strike-slip faults11
Cyclic test and numerical study of seismic performance of precast segmental concrete double-columns11
Case study of microseismic tomography and multi-parameter characteristics under mining disturbances11
Mechanical properties and energy-dissipation mechanism of frozen coarse-grained and medium-grained sandstones11
Sound absorption performance of acoustic metamaterials composed of double-layer honeycomb structure11
Effect of Sn on elastic modulus and magnetic susceptibility of Zr-16Nb-xTi (x=4 wt%, 6 wt%) alloys11
Li1.4Al0.4Ti1.6(PO4)3 coated Li1.2Ni0.13Co0.13Mn0.54O2 for enhancing electrochemical performance of lithium-ion batteries11
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-6.02Zn-1.94Mg alloy at higher solution treatment temperature11
A new nonlinear empirical strength criterion for rocks under conventional triaxial compression11
A unique method for curing composite materials by introducing vibration treatment into the hybrid heating process11
Microseismic source location using the Log-Cosh function and distant sensor-removed P-wave arrival data11
Coupling vibration analysis of high-speed maglev train-viaduct systems with control loop failure11
Analysis of one-dimensional consolidation of fractional viscoelastic saturated soils under continuous drainage boundary conditions10
Experimental studies and failure mechanisms of strain and fault-slip rockburst: A review10
Quantitative determination of PFC3D microscopic parameters10
Low-cost synthesis of high-purity Li2S for sulfide solid state electrolytes enabled by polyvinyl alcohol10
Iron and copper recovery from copper slags through smelting with waste cathode carbon from aluminium electrolysis10
Erratum to: Mechanical response and stability analysis of rock mass in high geostress underground powerhouse caverns subjected to excavation10
Ventilation control of tunnel drilling dust based on numerical simulation10
Thermodynamics of (Ca(OH)2-)NaOH-Na2WO4-H2O and (Ca(OH)2-)NaOH-Na3PO4-H2O systems and their application10
Adaptive sampling approach based on Jensen-Shannon divergence for efficient reliability analysis10
Experimental study of aerodynamic characteristics of high-speed train on bridge-tunnel junctions under crosswinds10
Enhanced performance of cesium copper halide nanocrystal light-emitting diodes via post-treatment induced phase regulation10
Comparison of thermal and mechanical properties of γ′-Pt3Al and γ′-Ni3Al phases: A first principles study10
Thermal stress investigation of glazing unit filled with paraffin in cold regions10
Recycling waste crystalline-silicon solar cells: Application as high performance Si-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries10
Interfacial optimization enabling reversible and stable aqueous zinc metal batteries under harsh conditions10
Flotation separation of pyrite from chalcopyrite by tetrazinan-thione collectors10
Influence of pH on the leaching behaviour of heavy metal(loid)s in copper smelting flue dust and mineralogical control mechanism10
Microstructure and corrosion properties of micro-beam plasma remelted Mg-12Dy-1.1Ni alloy10
Aluminum composite powder as an additive in epoxy coatings for enhancement of corrosion protection of carbon steel10
A new low-bandgap polymer acceptor based on benzotriazole for efficient all-polymer solar cells10
Effect of laser power on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nd: YAG laser welding of titanium tubes10
Effects of CO2 gassy-supercritical phase transition on corrosion behaviors of carbon steels in saturated vapor environment10
Numerical simulation of dynamic fracture properties of rocks under different static stress conditions10
Mechanical properties and microscopic failure process of exemplary argillaceous interlayer from east China10
Controlling roof with potential rock burst risk through different pre-crack length: Mechanism and effect research10
Surface evolution of Al-Si-Cu alloy in thermal shock under different heating speeds10
One-pot alternating current synthesis of SnO2 based composite with enhanced diffusion kinetic behaviors for lithium-ion batteries10
Creep properties of bimetal Al/SiC/Cu composites fabricated via accumulative roll bonding process10
Quantitative analysis on microstructure and high temperature fracture mechanism of 2.6vol%TiBw/Ti6Al4V composites with equiaxed microstructure after heat treatment10
Photothermal self-healing polyurethane coating based on hollow nanofillers in seawater10
An innovative option for the activation of chalcopyrite flotation depressed in a high alkali solution with the addition of acid mine drainage10
Recovery of zinc from electric arc furnace dust by alkaline pressure leaching using iron as a reductant10
Effect of friction stir processing on microstructure and friction and wear properties of as-cast SiCp/ZL101 composites10
Effect of alkali cations on structure and stability of aluminum-oxygen-fluorine complex ions in aluminum electrolytes10
Effective remediation of cadmium and lead contaminated soils by a novel slow-release phosphate amendment9
Interfacial coupling effects in g-C3N4/InxSb2−xS3 heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic activity under visible light9
Inversion of self-potential anomalies caused by simple polarized bodies based on particle swarm optimization9
Preparation of tungsten slag-bentonite particle adsorbent and its adsorption performance for lead ion from wastewater9
Effects of (Li0.5Nb0.5)3+ co-substitution on microwave dielectric characteristics of MgAl2O4 ceramics9
Effect of variable thickness cross rolling on edge crack and microstructure gradient of AZ31 magnesium alloy9
Pt nanoparticles on ITO nanowires for electrochemical detection of L-ascorbic acid and dopamine9
Mechanical and damage evolution characteristics of granite after heating-cooling cycles9
Experimental study on the evolutions of normal stiffness of fractured granites after different temperature treatments9
Porous layered La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 perovskite with enhanced catalytic activities for oxygen reduction9
Effect of adsorbed water on compression behavior of high liquid limit soils9
In situ self-nucleophilic synthesis of nano-Li4Ti5O12/reduced graphite oxide composite with mesopore-oriented porous structure for high-rate lithium ion batteries9
Dynamic engagement characteristics of wet clutch based on hydro-mechanical continuously variable transmission9
Selective and efficient extraction of Cu(II) from a complex sulfate solution containing Co(II), Fe(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) using DZ988N9
A hybrid decomposition-boosting model for short-term multi-step solar radiation forecasting with NARX neural network9
Catalysis of CuO on degradation of organic substance in Bayer liquid9
Precursory characteristics of large-scale rockmass collapse based on multiple microseismic parameters9
Seismic reliability analysis of shield tunnel faces under multiple failure modes by pseudo-dynamic method and response surface method9
Evaluation of time-dependent rheological properties of cemented paste backfill incorporating superplasticizer with special focus on thixotropy and static yield stress9
Analytical model of shear mechanical behaviour of bolted rock joints considering influence of normal stress on bolt guide rail effect9
Influence of particle size and surfactants on uniformity and quantity of silicon carbide particles in electrodeposited nickel-silicon carbide coatings9
Shear mechanical properties and frictional sliding responses of rough joint surfaces under dynamic normal displacement conditions9
A computational assessment of radiative heat transport within a conduit having power-law nanofluid flow9
Application of response surface methodology in optimization of bioleaching parameters for high-magnesium nickel sulfide ore9
Effect of oblique incident wave perturbation on rock spalling: An insight from DEM modelling9
Enabling electrically tunable radio frequency components with advanced microfabrication and thin film techniques9
Strain energy evolution and damage characteristics of deep clay under different stress rates9
Performance investigation of solar thermal collector with auxiliary heater for space heating9
Microstructure evolution and oxidation behavior of silicon-modified aluminide coatings on IN718 superalloy at 1000 °C8
Micro porosity and its effect on fatigue performance of 7050 aluminum thick plates8
Characteristics and control limit of wheel-rail high-frequency vibrations induced by periodic short-wave irregularities under higher operating speed8
An experimental study on RP-3 jet fuel injection on a common rail injection system8
Numerical analysis on mixed lubrication performance of journal-thrust coupled microgroove bearings with different bottom shapes8