Frontiers of Physics

(The median citation count of Frontiers of Physics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
STCF conceptual design report (Volume 1): Physics & detector263
Quantum anomalous Hall effect in monolayers Ti$lt;sub$gt;2$lt;/sub$gt;X$lt;sub$gt;2$lt;/sub$gt; (X = P, As, Sb, Bi) with tunable Chern numbers by adjusting magnetization orientation104
A strategy for fast and precise control of polarity and chirality in magnetic vortices101
Entanglement signature of the superradiant quantum phase transition63
Quantum teleportation and remote sensing through semiconductor quantum dots affected by pure dephasing60
Entropy evolution law of general quadratic state in a laser channel53
Zoom optics in fourth-generation synchrotron radiation: Design and simulation52
Layered semiconducting electrides in p-block metal oxides50
Dipolar Bose gas with $lt;i$gt;SU$lt;/i$gt;(3) spin−orbit coupling held under a toroidal trap50
Laser cooling using adiabatic rapid passage47
Charging and self-discharging process of a quantum battery in composite environments44
Detecting bulk and edge exceptional points in non-Hermitian systems through generalized Petermann factors43
Quantum vortices get stretched43
Optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy of excitons in transition-metal dichalcogenides43
Machine learning in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: A review41
Suppressing laser phase noise in an optomechanical system36
A comprehensive first-principle study of borophene-based nano gas sensor with gold electrodes36
Novel two-dimensional PdSe phase: A puckered material with excellent electronic and optical properties36
Prospective study on observations of γ-ray sources in the Galaxy using the HADAR experiment35
A multi-band atomic candle with microwave-dressed Rydberg atoms33
Flat band localization due to self-localized orbital33
Room-temperature ferroelectricity in van der Waals SnP2S632
Atom-field dynamics in curved spacetime30
Efficient quantum simulation of open quantum dynamics at various Hamiltonians and spectral densities29
Theoretical study of broadband near-field optical spectrum of twisted bilayer graphene28
Self organizing optimization and phase transition in reinforcement learning minority game system28
Thermal transport in lithium-ion battery: A micro perspective for thermal management27
Cyclotron dynamics of a Bose—Einstein condensate in a quadruple-well potential with synthetic gauge fields26
A brief review of thermal transport in mesoscopic systems from nonequilibrium Green’s function approach26
Insight into the growth mechanism of black phosphorus24
Criticality-based quantum metrology in the presence of decoherence24
Quantum multiparameter estimation with multi-mode photon catalysis entangled squeezed state24
Generation and modulation of multiple 2D bulk photovoltaic effects in space-time reversal asymmetric 2H-FeCl223
Photo- and electro-production of narrow exotic states: From light quarks to charm and up to bottom23
Heavy flavour physics and CP violation at LHCb: A ten-year review23
Electronic properties and tunability in graphene/3D-InP mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructure22
Thermal conductivity of micro/nano-porous polymers: Prediction models and applications22
Generic spiral spin liquids22
Designing nonlinear thermal devices and metamaterials under the Fourier law: A route to nonlinear thermotics22
Muon spinning its way to new physics21
Recent progress on optomagnetic coupling and optical manipulation based on cavity-optomagnonics21
Diverse magnetism in stable and metastable structures of CrTe21
Dynamical-corrected nonadiabatic geometric quantum computation21
Magnetic phase transition and continuous spin switching in a high-entropy orthoferrite single crystal20
The geometric phase in nonlinear frequency conversion19
Transfer of quantum entangled states between superconducting qubits and microwave field qubits19
Design of heterojunction with components in different dimensions for electrocatalysis applications19
Nonreciprocal transition between two indirectly coupled energy levels18
The uncertainty and quantum correlation of measurement in double quantum-dot systems18
Solar manipulations of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy for flexible spintronics17
Key electronic parameters of 2H-stacking bilayer MoS2 on sapphire substrate determined by terahertz magneto-optical measurement in Faraday geometry17
Lecture notes on quantum entanglement: From stabilizer states to stabilizer channels17
Improving the device performances of two-dimensional semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides: Three strategies17
Deep learning in two-dimensional materials: Characterization, prediction, and design17
Nanophononic metamaterials induced proximity effect in heat flux regulation17
Room-temperature ferromagnetism and half-metallicity in monolayer orthorhombic CrS217
Revisiting the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double well by deep learning with a hybrid network16
Robust beam splitter with fast quantum state transfer through a topological interface15
Recent advances in halide perovskite memristors: From materials to applications15
Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) heterostructures: Optoelectric properties15
Low-energy elastic (anti)neutrino–nucleon scattering in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory14
Emerging single-photon detection technique for high-performance photodetector14
Universal dynamic scaling and Contact dynamics in quenched quantum gases13
Surface plasmon resonance and field confinement in graphene nanoribbons in a nanocavity13
Quantum secure direct communication with hybrid entanglement12
Reconfigurable memristor based on SrTiO3 thin-film for neuromorphic computing12
Structure and dynamics of binary Bose–Einstein condensates with vortex phase imprinting12
General properties of the spectral form factor in open quantum systems12
Perfect optomechanically induced transparency in two-cavity optomechanics12
Can vortex quantum droplets be realized experimentally?12
Structural screening of phosphorus sulfur ternary hydride PSH6 with a high-temperature superconductivity at 130 GPa12
A calibration-free model for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using non-gated detectors12
Technique for studying the coalescence of eigenstates and eigenvalues in non-Hermitian systems12
Splitter engineering through optimizing topological adiababtic passage11
Erratum to: Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers11
Vector valley Hall edge solitons in the photonic lattice with type-II Dirac cones11
Van der Waals interface between high-$lt;inline-formula$gt;$lt;math xmlns:mml="" display="inline" id="mathml_Z-20240724111303" overflow="scroll"$gt;$lt;mml:mrow class11
The origin of ultrasensitive SERS sensing beyond plasmonics11
Erratum to: Effect of biaxial strain and hydrostatic pressure on the magnetic properties of bilayer CrI311
Correction: Ab initio study of anisotropic mechanical and electronic properties of strained carbon-nitride nanosheet with interlayer bonding11
Deterministic and complete hyperentangled Bell states analysis assisted by frequency and time interval degrees of freedom11
Rare-earth quantum memories: The experimental status quo10
Single-photon source with sub-MHz linewidth for cesium-based quantum information processing10
Erratum to: Exotic ferromagnetism in the two-dimensional quantum material C3N10
HSH-carbon: A novel sp2–sp3 carbon allotrope with an ultrawide energy gap10
Dynamic polarization rotation and vector field steering based on phase change metasurface10
Localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced photodetector: Physical model, enhanced mechanism and applications10
Effect of ambient pressures on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy signals10
The relative importance of structure and dynamics on node influence in reversible spreading processes10
High-resolution recognition of FOAM modes via an improved EfficientNet V2 based convolutional neural network10
When optical microscopy meets all-optical analog computing: A brief review10
Quantum transport in topological semimetals under magnetic fields (III)10
Erratum to: Effect of ambient pressures on laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy signals10
Kinetics of Rayleigh−Taylor instability in van der Waals fluid: the influence of compressibility9
Erratum to: Machine learning identification of symmetrized base states of Rydberg atoms9
Measurement-based entanglement purification for entangled coherent states9
Novel intelligent devices: Two-dimensional materials based memristors9
Inheritance of the exciton geometric structure from Bloch electrons in two-dimensional layered semiconductors9
High efficiency giant magnetoresistive device based on two-dimensional MXene (Mn2NO2)9
Curved anisotropic polaritons9
Simple collective model for nuclear chiral mode9
Quantum control with Lyapunov function and bang-bang solution in the optomechanics system9
Echo protocols of an optical quantum memory9
Magnetic and electrical transport study of the intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 with Ge doping9
Isotope separation of Potassium with a magneto-optical combined method9
Predication of topological states in the allotropes of group-IV elements9
Rydberg quantum computation with nuclear spins in two-electron neutral atoms9
Epitaxial growth of 2D gallium selenide flakes for strong nonlinear optical response and visible-light photodetection8
Rotation-translation coupling of a double-headed Brownian motor in a traveling-wave potential8
Molecular dynamics for collisions of heavy ions8
Brain-like synaptic memristor based on lithium-doped silicate for neuromorphic computing8
A spin–rotation mechanism of Einstein–de Haas effect based on a ferromagnetic disk8
Efficient scheme for realizing a multiplex-controlled phase gate with photonic qubits in circuit quantum electrodynamics8
Recent review of surface plasmons and plasmonic hot electron effects in metallic nanostructures8
Two-dimensional polarized MoSSe/MoTe2 van der Waals heterostructure: A polarization-tunable optoelectronic material8
Reconstructing unknown quantum states using variational layerwise method8
Spin waves and phase transition on a magnetically frustrated square lattice with long-range interactions7
Topological invariants for anomalous Floquet higher-order topological insulators7
p + ip-wave pairing symmetry at type-II van Hove singularities7
Field-free switching through bulk spin — orbit torque in L10-FePt films deposited on vicinal substrates7
Magnetic properties and critical behavior of quasi-2D layered Cr4Te5 thin film7
Inequality relations for the hierarchy of quantum correlations in two-qubit systems7
Unravelling-based (auto)control of back-action in atomic Bose–Einstein condensate7
Graph attention network for global search of atomic clusters: A case study of Agn (n = 14−26) clusters7
Spiral wave chimeras in populations of oscillators coupled to a slowly varying diffusive environment7
Universal behaviors of magnon-mediated spin transport in disordered nonmagnetic metal-ferromagnetic insulator heterostructures7
Generalized high-order twisted partially coherent beams and their propagation characteristics7
Distributed entanglement generation from asynchronously excited qubits7
Two-dimensional MXenes and their applications7
Progress of microscopic thermoelectric effects studied by micro- and nano-thermometric techniques7
Computational exploration and screening of novel Janus MA2Z4 (M = Sc-Zn, Y-Ag, Hf-Au; A=Si, Ge; Z=N, P) monolayers and potential application as a photocatalyst7
Theoretical study of K3Sb/graphene heterostructure for electrochemical nitrogen reduction reaction7
Holographic images of an AdS black hole within the framework of f(R) gravity theory6
Eigenstate properties of the disordered Bose–Hubbard chain6
Two-dimensional rectangular bismuth bilayer: A novel dual topological insulator6
Advances in the kinetics of heat and mass transfer in near-continuous complex flows6
Enhancing thermal transport in multilayer structures: A molecular dynamics study on Lennard-Jones solids6
Classification of spin Hall effect in two-dimensional systems6
Bose—Einstein condensates with tunable spin—orbit coupling in the two-dimensional harmonic potential: The ground-state phases, stability phase diagram and collapse dynamics6
Self-aligned TiOx-based 3D vertical memristor for a high-density synaptic array6
Generalized time-dependent generator coordinate method for induced fission dynamics6
Online optimization for optical readout of a single electron spin in diamond6
Proton mass decomposition: Naturalness and interpretations6
Multi-terminal pectin/chitosan hybrid electrolyte gated oxide neuromorphic transistor with multi-mode cognitive activities6
Room-temperature vertical ferroelectricity in rhenium diselenide induced by interlayer sliding6
Moisture influence in emerging neuromorphic device5
Optimal charge inhomogeneity for the d+id-wave superconductivity in the intercalated graphite CaC65
Lattice Boltzmann study of three-dimensional immiscible Rayleigh—Taylor instability in turbulent mixing stage5
Interplay of nonreciprocity and nonlinearity on mean-field energy and dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a double-well potential5
Electron-ion collider in China5
Erratum to: Collisional dynamics of symmetric two-dimensional quantum droplets5
Hardware-efficient and fast three-qubit gate in superconducting quantum circuits5
Asymmetric conductivity of the Kondo effect in cold atomic systems5
Enhanced photogalvanic effect in the two-dimensional MgCl2/ZnBr2 vertical heterojunction by inhomogenous tensile stress5
Fast nuclear-spin gates and electrons-nuclei entanglement of neutral atoms in weak magnetic fields5
Quantum entanglement generation on magnons assisted with microwave cavities coupled to a superconducting qubit5
Van der Waals epitaxy of type-II band alignment CsPbI3/TMDC heterostructure for optoelectronic applications5
Strain induced topological transitions in twisted double bilayer graphene5
A giant atom with modulated transition frequency5
Structure search of two-dimensional systems using CALYPSO methodology5
Quantum entanglement in the Sachdev—Ye—Kitaev model and its generalizations5
Advances of machine learning in materials science: Ideas and techniques5
Raman spectroscopy and pressure-induced structural phase transition in UTe$lt;sub$gt;2$lt;/sub$gt;5
Electronic properties of monolayer copper selenide with one-dimensional moiré patterns5
Bioinspired mineral MXene hydrogels for tensile strain sensing and radionuclide adsorption applications5
Thermal control magnetic switching dominated by spin reorientation transition in Mn-doped PrFeO3 single crystals5
High Tc superconductivity in layered hydrides XH15 (X = Ca, Sr, Y, La) under high pressures5
Unselective ground-state blockade of Rydberg atoms for implementing quantum gates5
Optimal gamma-ray selections for monochromatic line searches with DAMPE5
Theoretical investigation on optical properties of Möbius carbon nanobelts in one- and two-photon absorption5
Phase-modulated Autler-Townes splitting in a giant-atom system within waveguide QED5
P212121-C16: An ultrawide bandgap and ultrahard carbon allotrope with the bandgap larger than diamond5
Wide and fast-frequency tuning for a stabilized diode laser4
Highly efficient charging and discharging of three-level quantum batteries through shortcuts to adiabaticity4
Influence of the tangential velocity on the compressible Kelvin-Helmholtz instability with nonequilibrium effects4
Freeze-drying assisted liquid exfoliation of BiFeO3 for pressure sensing4
A quantum secure direct communication scheme based on intermediate-basis4
Deterministic and replaceable transfer of silver flakes for microcavities4
The rise of two-dimensional tellurium for next-generation electronics and optoelectronics4
Unveiling the mechanism of non-conventional superconductivity through material genome engineering4
Edge enhancement of phase objects through complex media by using transmission-matrix-based spiral phase contrast imaging4
Experimental studies for nuclear chirality in China4
Manipulating the measured uncertainty under Lee-Yang dephasing channels through local $${\cal P}{\cal T}$$-symmetric operations4
Detecting nanoparticles by “listening”4
Two dimensional GeO2/MoSi2N4 van der Waals heterostructures with robust type-II band alignment4
Reversible doping polarity and ultrahigh carrier density in two-dimensional van der Waals ferroelectric heterostructures4
Kink-like breathers in Bose-Einstein condensates with helicoidal spin-orbit coupling4
Transport features of topological corner states in honeycomb lattice with multihollow structure4
Multiphonon-resonance quantum Rabi model and adiabatic passage in a cavity-optomechanical system4
Preparation of maximally-entangled states with multiple cat-state qutrits in circuit QED4
Hyperentanglement-assisted hyperdistillation for hyper-encoding photon system4
Anisotropic phonon thermal transport in two-dimensional layered materials4
Recent progresses of quantum confinement in graphene quantum dots4
Efficient high harmonic generation in nonlinear photonic moiré superlattice4
Research on the knee region of cosmic ray by using a novel type of electron–neutron detector array3
Unidirectional propagation of water waves near ancient Luoyang Bridge3
Analysis of quantum systems under quantum resonance: Introduction of new physical magnitudes and applications of quantum sensors3
HfAlO-based ferroelectric memristors for artificial synaptic plasticity3
Demonstration of fully-connected quantum communication network exploiting entangled sideband modes3
Complex energy plane and topological invariant in non-Hermitian systems3
Non-Gaussian normal diffusion in low dimensional systems3
Theoretical progress on direct Z-scheme photocatalysis of two-dimensional heterostructures3
Epitaxial fabrication of AgTe monolayer on Ag(111) and the sequential growth of Te film3
Bayesian method for fitting the low-energy constants in chiral perturbation theory3
A DFT study of Ti3C2O2 MXenes quantum dots supported on single layer graphene: Electronic structure an hydrogen evolution performance3
Complete hyperentangled state analysis using high-dimensional entanglement3
Vortex excites unidirectional water waves near ancient Luoyang Bridge3
Molecular collisions: From near-cold to ultra-cold3
Detecting a single atom in a cavity using the χ(2) nonlinear medium3
The factorization-assisted topological-amplitude approach and its applications3
Transferring quantum entangled states between multiple single-photon-state qubits and coherent-state qubits in circuit QED3
Parity-dependent skin effects and topological properties in the multilayer nonreciprocal Su–Schrieffer–Heeger structures3
Modulation of charge in C9N4 monolayer for a high-capacity hydrogen storage as a switchable strategy3
Strain-engineered rippling at the bilayer-MoS2 interface identified by advanced atomic force microscopy3
Sender-controlled measurement-device-independent multiparty quantum communication3
A semiclassical perspective on nuclear chirality3
Fast topological pumping for the generation of large-scale Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in a superconducting circuit3
Pairing symmetry in monolayer of orthorhombic CoSb3