Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture

(The TQCC of Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Physicochemical, rheological, sensory, and proximal properties of yogurt flavored with Aloe vera gel9
Water stress affect water relations, photosynthesis and oxidative defense mechanism in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)7
Bagasse Yield and Quality Traits of Silage Made From Juice-Extracted Sweet Sorghum6
Effects of complementary and sole applications of inorganic fertilizers and winery solid waste compost on maize yield and soil health indices6
Polyphenol galangin induces the ROS and ER stress-mediated intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways towards human colon carcinoma HCT-116 cells6
Nutrition composition and anthocyanin content of mulberry fruits (Morus alba L.) by different ripening stage grown in the south of Thailand, applicants in sorbet and sherbet ice-cream and analysis of 6
Soil carbon dynamics effect on growth and yield of Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) with varying tillage practices5
Fermentation of soymilk with Lactobacillus acidophilus enhances the functional attributes and health-promoting properties4
Optimization of fermentation conditions for production of ethyl caproate in Baijiu using a selected isolate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae4
Influence of geographical locations on yield, oil productivity and fatty acid profiling in four olive cultivars4
The study of the practice of growing food at home in the UAE: role in household food security & wellbeing and implication for the development of urban agriculture4
Influence of phenolic compounds and flavonoids on the colour and antioxidant activity of Melipona beecheii honey from deciduous forest of Yucatan, Mexico4
Incorporation of Moringa oleifera pods onto breads improves nutrient contents, phytochemicals bioaccessibility and reduces the predicted glycemic index4
Physiological and Biochemical Effect of Elevated Night Temperature Stress on Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)4
Long-term effects of some determinants in the agricultural sector on CO2 emissions: Panel data analysis by income groups of world countries4
Evaluation of potential and rate of the germination of wheat seeds (Triticum aestivum L) treated with bifunctional growth regulators under water stress4
Germination and seed vigor of Phaseolus vulgaris submitted to treatments whit aluminum sulfate4
Changes in the firmness and other quality parameters of fresh-cut ‘Maradol’ papaya treated with additives and 1-methylcyclopropene3
Assessment of Camel Owners’ Knowledge and Practical Behaviors and its Implication on Environmental Sustainability3
Modified atmosphere packaging maintains the postharvest quality of baby mustard (Brassica juncea var. gemmifera)3
Impact of alpha-amylase enzyme on the Rheological and Microstructural properties of the different types of rice flour doughs and bread3
Hydro-alcoholic extract of Ochradenus baccatus exhibits anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties and inhibits enzyme of uric acid metabolism: Implications for bioactive molecules3
Effects of harvest ripeness on storage quality of tomato fruits3
Physiological responses of two equine breeds to a tropical winter climate3
A Smartphone Application to Compute Soil Erosion based on the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)3
Silage quality traits of sorghum-sudangrass hybrid and sunn hemp mixtures at different ratios in the Mediterranean climate3
Cis-vaccinic acid, Dibutyl-Cyanamide and 9, 12-Octadecadienoic acid from pistachio (Pistachia vera) seed coat (PSCE) induced nuclear damage and cytotoxicity in human colon cancer HT-115 cells3
Catharanthus roseus extract attenuates E. coli toxin-induced short circuit current in isolated jejunal epithelium of goat and buffalo3
Purification and characterization of acidophilic xylanase from Bacillus sp. with potential application as fruit juice clarifier3
Influence of extracts of different Feijoa (Acca sellowiana) leaf genotypes on the lactic fermentation performed by a mixed culture3
Chemical analysis of blue corn base malt and the effect of malting and roasting of blue corn malts on color and antioxidant compounds associated with antioxidant capacity3
Chemical composition and antibacterial activity of Ageratina neriifolia (B.L.Rob.)(Asteraeae) extracts from Mérida-Venezuela2
Phytochemical screening, polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of by-products of two corn variety2
Polyphenol galangin induces the ROS and ER stress-mediated intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic pathways towards human colon carcinoma HCT-116 cells2
Microbiological quality of probiotic added traditional Çamur cheese2
Effect of fungicide treatment and nitrogen fertilisation on the yield of two breeding types of winter oilseed rape cultivars2
Rapid characterization of secondary metabolites in Caryocar brasiliense leaf extract and antiradical activity2
Evaluation of phenolic acid, total phenolic content, antioxidant capacity and in-vitro simulated bioaccessibility of healthy snack: Aromatized pumpkin chips2
Partial characterization of aerogels made from chayotextle and potato starch2
Water compatibility of M’sila region (South- East Algeria) for cultivation of Spirulina & evaluation of methods of extraction of Phycocyanin and investigation of stability by β-Cyclodextrin2
Genetic and nuclear DNA content variation of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) accessions grown in Turkey2
Simultaneous green synthesis of Magnetite-Nanoparticles MNPs using microalgae Spirulina sp. for antibacterial activity2
Effect of different soil amendments on irrigation and crop yields in the oases of southern Tunisia2
Determination of water quality for irrigation at the entrance of Radoniqi accumulation with physicochemical and bacteriological parameters for the period of spring 20212
Seed priming alleviates salt stress in two fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum l.) Cultivars2
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of antibiotic resistance of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from raw milk samples collected from Polonnaruwa, Sri Lanka2
Correlation analysis of texture and chemical properties of olecranon honey peach cultivars from different provinces in China2
Outbreaks of crown rot in Fragaria x ananassa caused by Neopestalotiopsis mesopotamica in Ecuador2
Rapid and nondestructive estimations of chlorophyll concentration in date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) leaflets using SPAD-502+ and CCM-200 portable chlorophyll meters2
Phenological, morphological and genetic characterization of local grapevine (Vitis labrusca L.) genotypes grown in the Black Sea Region in Northern Turkey2
Identification of adulterants (sunflower oil and soybean oil) in grapeseed oil (Vitis vinifera L.) and chia oil (Salvia hispanica L.) by FT-MIR spectroscopy and chemometric2
Shotgun approach reveals distinctive lipid profiles in brassica oilseeds: A high-resolution ESI-ToF-MS study1
Optimization of flocculation and clotting time of camel milk with camel and goat rennets, and chicken pepsin in comparison with cow milk using response surface method (RSM)1
Comparative examination of bioactive phytochemicals in quince (Chaenomeles) fruits and their in vitro antioxidant activity1
New insights into the mode of action of thiamethoxam on seed germination physiology1
Current status and molecular phylogeny of some economically important viruses infecting wheat crops of Şırnak province, Turkey1
Assessment of the quality of bread made from ancient wheat flour with the addition of amaranth, flax and hemp seeds1
The value of applying a myrrh extract to manage and control date palm aphids in Saudi Arabia and their classification1
The selection of intra-inter specific Cucurbita rootstocks for grafted melon seedlings1
Physicochemical and microbiological properties of Kavılca Bulgur (A traditional cereal product of Turkey1
The Effect of Different Planting Times on Yield and Quality Features in Some Mint Species (Mentha longifolia, Mentha x piperita, Mentha spicata)1
Exploring cattle sheds as complementary avifaunal habitat niches in rice dominated agricultural areas in Punjab, India1
Used rice and banana flour to formulated nutritious snacks for elderly1
Cytotoxic effect of multifruit polyphenol preparation on human breast cancer cell lines1
The development of novel probiotic fermented plant milk alternative from flaxseed oil cake using Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG acting as a preservative agent against pathogenic bacteria during short-term1
Protecting the viability of encapsulated Lactobacillus rhamnosus LGG using chocolate as a carrier1
Hydroponic wheat production using fresh water and treated wastewater under the semi-arid region1
Biosurfactants as inhibitors of the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria1
Phenolic screening and anticancer potential of various wild savory extracts1
The development of instruments for farmers’ participation in water management in tidal lowlands using confirmatory factor analysis1
Egg weight estimation and the effect of age and plumage colors on some egg quality traits in Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica)1
Effects of Copper nanoparticle supplementation on growth, intestinal morphology and antioxidant status in broilers exposed to cyclic cold stress1
Characteristics of flour plantain: use of fruit peels and ripening fruit stages1
Identification of Biochemical Composition and Pesticides Residue in Ten Rose Cultivars Leaves Using FT-IR Spectroscopy1
Conyza Species in Citrus Orchards and Vineyards of Turkey and Their Management with Glyphosate1
Effect of waste grape pomace on citric acid bioproduction by submerged fermentation1
Quality Characteristics and Ultra Structural Changes of Restructured Buffalo Meat Slices with Flaxseed Flour as Binder: A Novel Value Added Technology1
Effect of N- carbamylglutamate on amino acids and blood biochemistry in young male goats1
Investigating greenhouse gas dispersions and energy consumptive in tea cultivation1
Antimicrobial Edible Cellulose-Based (CB) Films and Coatings for Enhancing Microbial Safety of White Cheese During Storage1
Identification of natural antioxidants using GC-MS analysis from Moringa oleifera with meat preservative potential1
Differential response of softneck and hardneck garlic ecotypes to quality attributes for long-term storage1
Success of captive breeding and a hormonal trial to increase the reproductive efficacy of Arabian Tahr, Arabitrgus jayakari1
Low-frequency electromagnetic fields increase oxidative stress in tobacco plants1
Hormetic response of blackgram (Vigna mungo) seeds treated with organic extract of seaweeds1
Texture profile analysis of heat-processed tender jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) and its potential use as a meat analog1
Novel Food legislation and consumer acceptance - importance for the food industry1
Estimation of summer maize biomass based on a crop growth model1
The leavening Ability of many lactic acid bacteria Isolated from Spontaneous Sourdough1
Impact of Insecticide Seed Treatments on population dynamics of Euschistus heros (Fabr.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae)1
Effect of different organic amendment on some properties of oasis soil (Saharan region of Touggourt - Algeria)1
Effect of N- carbamylglutamate and feeding level on amino acids and biochemical parameters in goats1
Physicochemical and bioactive characterization of beekeeper and market honeys1
Effects of organic acids, chemical treatments and herbal essential oils on the vase life of cut carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) flowers1
Comparison of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) hybrids and their non-transgenic in India1
Nutritional values, Nutraceutical properties, and health benefits of Arabian Date Palme fruit1
Effect of orange pulp fermented in solid substrate with Saccharomyces cerevisiae in diets, on productive behavior of confined lambs0
Effect of autoclaving-time treatment on physicochemical, antioxidant properties and shelf-life prediction of Indonesian instant cassava leaves porridge0
Enhancing soybean classification with modified inception model: A transfer learning approach0
Weed management with Triafamone herbicide in transplanted rice ecosystem0
Ovarian inactivity in female dromedary camels0
Optimization of chemical fertilizer application for blueberry vegetative growth, fruit quality and soil condition0
Prestorage hot water treatments retard papaya fruit deterioration and enhanced fruit quality in cold storage0
Analysis of The Effect of Region, Province and Breed on Somatic Cell Count in Dairy Cattle in Turkey By Regression Tree Method0
Maximize utilization of date palm residues to produce environmentally friendly fuel briquettes0
Effects of ultrasound-assisted extraction procedure on total phenolics, catechin and caffeine content of green tea extracts0
Impact of fusarium head blight epidemics on the mycotoxins’ accumulation in winter wheat grains0
Putative role of N-Arachidonoyl glycine (NAGly) Acute hyperphagia in BALB/c mice0
Effect of soy isoflavones on bone health among female university students: a pilot study0
Evaluation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines for drought tolerance in Kyrgyzstan0
Investigating the synergistic impact of ozonated water irrigation and organic fertilization on tomato growth0
Insecticidal efficacy of green synthesized silver nanoparticles, Bacillus thuringiensis and Triazophos against Pectinophora gossypiella0
An Investigation of Algerian Dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.); Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory Properties and Phenolic Compositons H0
Nutritionally improved pasta with Arthrospira platensis: effect of cooking on antioxidant capacity and pigments content0
Trends in broiler chicken meat production and food security in the sulaymaniyah governorate0
Effect of boiling on nutritional, antioxidant and physicochemical properties of edible plants (Malva parviflora and Myrtillocactus geometrizans)0
Valorization of tropical fruit peel powders: Physicochemical composition, techno-functional properties, and in vitro antioxidant and antidiabetic activities0
Construction and application of milk-feed price ratio model - based on data from large scale dairy farms in China0
Insects as a potential source of chitin and chitosan: Physicochemical, morphological and structural characterization. -A review0
Physicochemical properties of Muntingia calabura fruit and its effect on the quality characteristics of cookies0
Cultivating change: A review of progressive technologies in weed detection and management0
Preharvest salicylic acid and chitosan treatments reduce red drupelet reversion and enhance antioxidant capacity in blackberry fruit0
Growth, yield, and fruit quality responses of three cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) varieties to different ethephon concentrations0
Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) for Decentralized Grey Water Treatment: Technical, Ecological and Cost Efficiency Comparison for Domestic Applications0
Morphological characterization of wild populations of Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme in the tomato domestication area0
Quality characteristics of chocolates incorporated with broccoli leaves jellies0
Effects of different stabilization conditions and extraction methods (Soxhlet and ultrasonic-assisted) on quality of rice bran oil0
Mapping of quantitative trait loci for resistance to turcicum leaf blight in maize (Zea mays L.)0
Exogenous application of ascorbic acid and putrescine: A natural eco-friendly potential for alleviating NaCl stress in barley (Hordeum vulgare)0
Pre-plant application and different weed removal applications and their combinations caused positive effects on yield-related parameters0
Correlations of flavonoids content and antioxidant activity in bee honey from Bosnia and Herzegovina0
Impact of extrusion on swelling power and foam stability in mixtures of corn starch and whey protein isolate as a model system0
Effect of the feeding system (grazing vs. zero grazing) on the production, composition, and fatty acid profile in milk of creole goats in northern Mexico0
Microbiological quality of raw milk under a scheme of good milking and storage practices in a goat production system in the Lagunera Region, Mexico0
Soil applied potassium enhanced the oil contents in hybrid mustard crop under water deficit condition0
In-Vitro Evaluation of Some Traditional Medicinal Plants on Calcium Oxalate Urolithiasis0
Protex 51FP as a starter for accelerating fish sauce fermentation from anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii)0
Magnetic treatment of irrigation water: Its effect on water properties and characteristics of eggplant (Solanum melongena0
Can biochar and chitin as organic soil amendments be alternatives to manures for rocket (Eruca sativa Mill.) growth?0
Inhibitory effect of Sargassum latifolium extract on hypoxia pathway in colon cancer cells0
Delineation of Rice Yield and Production in Combination of Crop Model and Remote Sensing0
The effect of supply chain orientation on supply chain risk and uncertainty: An application on members of dairy products supply chain in erzurum city in Turkey0
Physicochemical characterization and antioxidant activity of wild Physalis spp. genotypes0
Antioxidant properties of a thermoultrasonicated cactus pear [Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill, (Cactaceae)] blend juice in comparison with traditional thermal processing0
Effect of subsurface irrigation on the productivity and technological quality of sugarcane0
Comparative effect of resveratrol, carnosic acid and hernandulcin on target enzymes and biochemical markers linked to carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in mice0
Antioxidant activities and physicochemical property of Jeolpyeon added with laver (Porphyra tenera)0
Evaluation of cytogenotoxic effect of potassium acetate on Allium cepa L. root tips0
Impacts of seasonal ambient temperature and humidity on meat quality characteristics of sheep and beef longissimus thoracis muscles0
Assessment of the effects of Annona muricata leaf aqueous extract in vitro0
Histamine content in fresh and frozen pelagic species from the Mauritanian Atlantic Coast0
Effect of ethanolic extracts from Agave potatorum Zucc. leaves in the mycelial growth of Pleurotus spp.0
The nutritional quality improvement of dried gluten free pasta supplemented with Cladophora spp.0
The halopriming of seeds improves the germination, growth, physiological and phytochemical attributes of tomato under saline conditions0
Insights into physiological and biochemical responses of Zea mays L. under salinity stress0
Stability and maturity indexes of organic fraction compost0
Fungal inhibition by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is modulated in vitro by cocoa fermentation-related conditions: towards a biocontrol of fungi in processing cocoa0
Optimization of cotton irrigation management for different climatic conditions using the CROPGRO-Cotton model0
The consumer’s perceptions and attitudes toward innovative foods in united arab emirates0
Influence of Gibberellic acid and Methionine on growth, flowering quality, leaf anatomical structure and genetic diversity of Chrysanthemum morifolium Ramat plant0
Phytochemical analysis of canola (Brassica napus L.) Cultivars: Mitigating lead stress effects through the foliar spray of potassium chloride0
Physicochemical, morphological and functional characteristics of starch isolated from Quercus ilex and Quercus coccifera0
Optimizing efficacy of turnip growth through foliar application of glutamic acid under saline conditions0
Influence of pollination in liquid suspension on the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Mejhoul cultivar in the Mexicali valley, Mexico0
Effects of adding isolated Lactobacillus plantarum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and their mixtures on the quality indices of pickled Chinese cabbage0
Prevalence of intestinal parasites in leafy green vegetables consumed by inhabitants of Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia0
Date-derived industries: A review of common products, manufacturing methods, and leading countries0
Comparative analysis of buffalo and cow milk for quality characteristics and β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase activity in non-infected animals0
Corn and cassava flours can replace wheat flour in gluten-free fish fingers0
Effect of calcium on quality parameters in three varieties of tubers of Solanum tuberosum L. at harvest and after four and eight months of cold storage conservation0
Postharvest Application of Aloe Vera Gel Improved Shelf Life and Quality of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.)0
Effect of rams’ social hierarchy upon scrotal circumference, semen quality, and copulation performance under arid land conditions0
Characterization of growth and visual symptoms of nitrogen, potassium and magnesium deficiencies in arugula0
Intelligent Detection of Rice Leaf Diseases Based on Histogram Color and Closing Morphological0
Bee products as a food supplement in childhood nutrition and health0
Evaluation of agricultural policies implemented with respect to less favoured area’s: evidence from Turkey0
Fungicide application and residues in control of Blumeriella jaapii (Rehm) Arx in sweet cherry0
Assessing Technical Efficiency in Malaysian Pineapple Farms: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis Approach0
Chitosan: Biocontrol agent of Fusarium oxysporum in tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum L.)0
Effects of low-temperature acclimation on morphological and physiological indices of banana seedlings0
Mixed pulp formulations of jambolan and acerola for the foam-mat drying process0
Drip fertigation improves seed cotton yield, water productivity and profitability of cotton raised under high density planting system in semi-arid environment0
Members’ willingness to pay for sustainability agricultural organization: A Heckman model approach0
Eliciators increase gas exchanges and induce the Zea mays antioxidant system0
Effect of drought stress on the foraging behavior of insect pollinators and the reproductive success of canola (Brassica napus L.)0
Effect of the consumption of a cocoa paste bar (Theobroma cacao L.) on metabolic indicators in university students0
Composting and vermicomposting of spent mushroom substrate to produce organic fertilizer0
Chemical and nutritional characteristics of crackers substituted with Cucurbita pepo L. seed flour0
Microwave-assisted puffing of Dendrobium officinale for higher extraction rate of polysaccharides0
Irrigation water demand management to address water scarcity0
Novel Formaldehyde-Free Embalming Fluid Formulation for Long-term Preservation of Cadavers for Anatomy Teaching0
Nutritional characterization and in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of guava-Aloe vera puree and its histopathological effect in gastric lesion-induced rats0
Ultrasonic extraction increases the extraction of antioxidant and citrulline in damaged watermelons in the Comarca Lagunera, México0
In-field assessment of soil pH and mineralization of phosphorus and potassium following the application of composted winery solid waste in sandy loam Ferric Luvisol0
Postharvest treatments and maturity stages impact sensory attributes and shelf life of tomato fruits var. Pearson kept in Zero Energy Cool Chamber0
Multivariate analyses of indigenous bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) landraces of Oman0
Starch accumulation in duckweeds (lemnaceae) induced by nutrient deficiency0
Determination of the factors affecting red meat consumption in türkiye with the two-stage Heckman model0
Physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of kefir ice cream with the addition of bengkuang (Pachyrhizus erosus (L.)) starch0
The effect of ripeness phases on seed and fruit quality of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)0
Obtention and characterization of chitosan/starch/roselle films for the preservation of perishable fruits0
Morphological, physiological, pests and diseases responses of citrus seedling cultivars, and their contribution to cultivar classification under nursery house and open field0
Technological quality of wheat grains and flour as affected by nitrogen fertilization and weather condition0
Elaeagnus umbellata fruit - chemical composition, bioactive compounds, and kinetic of DPPH inhibition compared to standard antioxidants0
Combination of soy protein isolate and calcium chloride inhibits browning and maintains quality of fresh-cut peaches0
Genetic components of characters related to yield in pepper guajillo: method II of Griffing0
Assessment of the characteristics of the fresh quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) from different geographical origin and year of harvesting0
Phytochemical characterization and antioxidant potential of Allium ursinum L. cultivated on different soil types- a preliminary study0
Antimicrobial and antiquorum-sensing activity of Conocarpus lancifolius Engl. (Combretaceae)0
Combined effect of carvacrol and high hydrostatic pressure on quality attributes of chicken meat during refrigerated conditions0
Lactobacillus fermentation improved the nutrient value and hypoglycemic activity of chickpea milk0
Effect of different smoking times and temperatures on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in smoked sausages0
Metabolite profiling of sugar and phenolics provide clues for postharvest anthocyanin accumulation in detached leaves of lemon balm for possible utilization in food products0
Isolation and identification of phosphate solubilizing microbes in the rhizosphere of maize by sound exposure0
Assessment of salt tolerance in Algerian oasis wheat landraces: An examination of biochemical, physiological, and agronomical traits0
A new method for lint percentage non-destructive detection based on optical penetration imaging0
Effects of partial quantity rationing of credit on technical efficiency of Boro rice growers in Bangladesh: Application of the stochastic frontier model0
Plant growth and quality of cucumber grafted with Lagenaria siceraria in soil infested with nematodes0
Effect of melatonin on ripening of ‘Pearl’ guava fruit at ambient temperature0
Production of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer derived cloned calves in the United Arab Emirates.0
Microwave-assisted pre-milling treatments of chickpea (Cicer Arietinum) for higher recovery0
Preservative effect of tea polyphenols and hydrogen peroxide on quality of chilled meat0
The impact on shelf life of Tulum cheese of modified atmosphere packaging0
Chemical analysis and protein enzymatic hydrolysis of poly-floral bee pollen0
Characterization of five Chilean agribusiness by-products and their potential use as food supplements0
Evaluation of physicochemical properties of çemengilik- A traditional meatball produced with fenugreek paste containing different tomato paste ratios0
Characteristics of sorghum flour modified with physical and enzymatic treatments0
Spirulina enriched gluten free quality protein maize (QPM) pasta as functional food0
Cultivar-rootstock interactions on growth, yield and mineral nutrition of newly planted peach trees in a pot experiment0
The toxic effect of aflatoxin on chromosomal aberration and sperm morphology of albino male mice Mus musculus L0
Exploring the Antioxidant Potential of Hen Egg White Lysozyme N-acetylmuramide Glycan Hydrolase in Full Fat Mozzarella Cheese0
Effect of pH modulation on the physicochemical characteristics of chicken bone extract0
Quality of sweet-grape tomatoes grown under different nitrogen rates and sources0
Anatomical and histochemical features of the vegetative organs of Dioscorea polystachya (Dioscoreaceae)0
Enhancement of nutritional characteristics of Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum) sprouts, passion and pineapple juice fermented by yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Lactobacillus plantarum0
Monitoring growth and predicting crop yield through UAV-mounted spectral camera analysis of the interplay between soil compaction and vegetation index0
Use of sorbents to improve water quality in the production of reconstituted dairy products0
Pathway among fatty acid profile, seed germination, and vigor of watermelon cultivars0
Ameliorative effect of multigrain on nutritional and sensorial profile of muffins0
Physical and physicochemical characteristics of tomato fruits grown under different irrigation water levels and phosphorus sources and rates0
Physiological and physicochemical behavior of guamara (Bromelia pinguin) and cocuixtle (Bromelia karatas) fruits, as well as the antibacterial effect of their pre-purified proteases0
Serologic and molecular determination and phylogenetic analysis of some viruses infecting pepper in Turkey0
Cultivation possibilities of Salvia aramiensis in the continental and the mediterranean type of climate0
Effect of oxidation and crosslinking on functional, rheological and thermal properties of oat and apple starches0
Aerobic-anaerobic composting in oil palm factory with bunker system0
Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of bioplastics from phosphate butyrylated arenga starches0
A Retrospective Study on the Health Problems of Falcons in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates0
In Vitro Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Moringa oleifera Leaf as a Natural Food Preservative in Chicken Burgers.0