Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

(The TQCC of Journal of Marine Science and Engineering is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Flow-Induced Motion and Energy Conversion of the Cir-T-Att Oscillator in a Flow Field with a High Reynolds Number162
Performance of Prefabricated Hollow Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Bracings on Transverse Bending: Experimental and Numerical Analyses142
Distance-Independent Background Light Estimation Method130
Theory, Method and Engineering Application of Computational Mechanics in Offshore Structures110
Estimate of Cetacean and Shark Depredations in the Small-Scale Longline Fishery in the Southeastern Waters of Taiwan101
Assessment of Hydrodynamic Performance and Motion Suppression of Tension Leg Floating Platform Based on Tuned Liquid Multi-Column Damper92
Dynamic Response Characteristics of the Hydraulic Rotary System of an Azimuth Thruster for a Dynamic Positioning Vessel92
Structural Features and Phylogenetic Implications of Crinoid Echinoderms Based on Thirteen Novel Mitochondrial Genomes90
Model Predictive Control of Counter-Rotating Motors for Underwater Vehicles Considering Unbalanced Load Variation82
Steering and Rising Testing of an Innovative Tourist Submarine78
A Two-Stage Optimisation of Ship Hull Structure Combining Fractional Factorial Design Technique and NSGA-II Algorithm77
Sloshing Response of an Aquaculture Vessel: An Experimental Study75
Model-Based Digital Overall Integrated Design Method of AUVs74
Real-Time Wave Simulation of Large-Scale Open Sea Based on Self-Adaptive Filtering and Screen Space Level of Detail71
IRNLGD: An Edge Detection Algorithm with Comprehensive Gradient Directions for Tidal Stream Turbine64
Transferable Deep Learning Model for the Identification of Fish Species for Various Fishing Grounds63
Enhancement of Biodegradation and Detoxification of Methylene Blue by Preformed Biofilm of Thermophilic Bacilli on Polypropylene Perforated Balls63
Analysis of the Swordfish Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758 Catches by the Pelagic Longline Fleets in the Eastern Pacific Ocean63
Numerical Study of the Ultra-High-Speed Aerodynamically Alleviated Marine Vehicle Motion Stability in Winds and Waves61
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Modelling of Bergy Bit and Offshore Structure Interactions Due to Large Waves58
New Records of the Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) from the Coastal Lagoons in Korea57
Detection of the Benthic Dinoflagellates, Ostreopsis cf. ovata and Amphidinium massartii (Dinophyceae), Using Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification57
Considering the Effect of Land-Based Biomass on Dune Erosion Volumes in Large-Scale Numerical Modeling57
Ship Production Planning Using Shipbuilding System Modeling and Discrete Time Process Simulation55
Numerical Simulation Study of a Swirling Drill Bit Used for Ice Core Drilling55
Study on Position and Shape Effect of the Wings on Motion of Underwater Gliders54
An Efficient Method for Nested High-Resolution Ocean Modelling Incorporating a Data Assimilation Technique54
Arrhenius Equation-Based Model to Predict Lithium-Ions Batteries’ Performance53
Study of Crack Closure Effect of Hull Plate under Low Cycle Fatigue52
Study on Assessment of Collision Probability between Ship and Bridge Based on Automatic Identify System Data49
Identifying Hydraulic Characteristics Related to Fishery Activities Using Numerical Analysis and an Automatic Identification System of a Fishing Vessel49
A Comparison of Intelligent Models for Collision Avoidance Path Planning on Environmentally Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicles48
The Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Rotating Cylinder Based on Large-Eddy Simulations48
Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting the Quality of Neopyropia yezoensis Cultivated in the Yellow Sea47
The Anthropogenic Footprint of Physical Harm on the Seabed of Augusta Bay (Western Ionian Sea); A Geophysical Investigation43
An Improved Version of ETS-Regression Models in Calculating the Fixed Offshore Platform Responses43
Nutrient Flux under the Influence of Melt Water Runoff from Volcanic Territories and Ecosystem Response of Vilyuchinskaya and Avachinskaya Bays in Southeastern Kamchatka43
Advances in Wave Energy Conversion with Data-Driven Models42
Acoustic Target Strength According to Different Growth Stages of Japanese Anchovy (Engraulis japonicus): A Comparison of Juvenile and Adult Fish42
An Approach for Shipping Emissions Estimation in Ports: The Case of Ro–Ro Vessels in Port of Vigo41
A Coupled Tensor–DEM–FEM Model for the Whole Process of Internal Fine-Scale Damage to Surface Damage in Red-Bed Soft Rocks in the Coastal Area of South China40
A Snapshot of the Taxonomic Composition and Metabolic Activity of the Microbial Community in an Arctic Harbour (Ny-Ålesund, Kongsfjorden, Svalbard)40
Optimal Route Generation and Route-Following Control for Autonomous Vessel39
YOLOv6-ESG: A Lightweight Seafood Detection Method39
Development of a Modular Software Architecture for Underwater Vehicles Using Systems Engineering39
Forecasting Liquefied Natural Gas Bunker Prices Using Artificial Neural Network for Procurement Management38
Anomalous Coloration of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins off Southern China38
ddRAD Sequencing-Based Scanning of Genetic Variants in Sargassum fusiforme38
Compensation Method for Current Measurement Errors in the Synchronous Reference Frame of a Small-Sized Surface Vehicle Propulsion Motor38
Performance Comparison of Feature Detectors on Various Layers of Underwater Acoustic Imagery38
A Critical Review of On-Line Oil Wear Debris Particle Detection Sensors38
Research on the Transport of Typical Pollutants in the Yellow Sea with Flow and Wind Fields38
Study of a Machine Vision Approach to Leak Monitoring of a Marine System37
An Efficient Dual-Stage Compression Model for Maritime Safety Information Based on BeiDou Short-Message Communication37
Multi-Tunnel Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Scavenging Mechanical Energy in Marine Floating Bodies37
Broadband Characteristics of Zooplankton Sound Scattering Layer in the Kuroshio–Oyashio Confluence Region of the Northwest Pacific Ocean in Summer of 201937
Ship Autonomous Berthing Strategy Based on Improved Linear-Quadratic Regulator37
Numerical Modelling of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Biodegradable Drifting Fish Aggregating Devices in Currents35
The Role of Quantified Parameters on River Plume Structure: Numerical Simulation35
Graph-Based Anomaly Detection of Ship Movements Using CCTV Videos35
Remote-Access Marine Robotics Infrastructure and Experiments at LABUST35
Study on Effect of Particle Size Distribution on Water-Retention Capacity of Coral Sand from Macro and Micro Perspective35
Modeling and Improvement Strategies for Safety Resilience in Maritime Hazardous Chemical Transportation System Based on Dissipative Structure Theory and System Dynamics35
Enhanced Mixing Induced by Near-Inertial Waves Inferred by Glider Observation in the Northern South China Sea34
Spatial Distribution and Abundance of a Pelagic Squid during the Evolution of Eddies in the Southeast Pacific Ocean34
Improving Agar Degradation Activity of Vibrio natriegens WPAGA4 via Atmospheric and Room Temperature Plasma (ARTP)34
Sedimentary Environment Interpretation and Organic Matter Enrichment of the Lower Cambrian Shuijingtuo Shale in the Yichang Slope, South China: Insight from Sedimentary Geochemical Proxies with Major/34
A Review of Autonomous Berthing Technology for Ships34
Investigating the Deformation and Failure Mechanism of a Submarine Tunnel with Flexible Joints Subjected to Strike-Slip Faults33
Methodological Design Optimization of a Marine LNG Internal Combustion Gas Engine to Burn Alternative Fuels33
Research on Ship Resistance Prediction Using Machine Learning with Different Samples33
Investigation on the Erosion Characteristics of Liquid–Solid Two-Phase Flow in Tee Pipes Based on CFD-DEM33
Short-Term Exhaust Gas Temperature Trend Prediction of a Marine Diesel Engine Based on an Improved Slime Mold Algorithm-Optimized Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory—Temporal Pattern Attention Ensemb33
Offshore Ship Detection in Foggy Weather Based on Improved YOLOv833
Optimization of Integrated Tugboat–Berth–Quay Crane Scheduling in Container Ports Considering Uncertainty in Vessel Arrival Times and Berthing Preferences32
Conceptual Design of a Vibration Test System Based on a Wave Generator Channel for Lab-Scale Offshore Wind Turbine Jacket Foundations32
Numerical Experiments of Temperature Mixing and Post-Storm Re-Stratification over the Louisiana Shelf during Hurricane Katrina (2005)32
Research on the Supergain Properties and Influencing Factors of a Vector Hydrophone Vertical Array in the Deep Sea32
Sustainable Approaches to Realize Carbon Neutrality in China: A Case Study of Zhejiang Province32
Adaptive Pitch-Tracking Control with Dynamic and Static Gains for Remotely Operated Towed Vehicles31
Discrimination of Internal Solitary Waves from Coarse Time Resolution Field Observational Data by Using Wavelet Analysis31
Multi-Objective Optimization Design of a Mooring System Based on the Surrogate Model31
In Situ Aerobic Bioremediation of Sediments Polluted with Petroleum Hydrocarbons: A Critical Review31
Advanced Underwater Measurement System for ROVs: Integrating Sonar and Stereo Vision for Enhanced Subsea Infrastructure Maintenance31
Efficient Artificial Fertilization and Ovulated Egg Preservation in Kawakawa Euthynnus affinis31
Global Responses Analysis of Submerged Floating Tunnel Considering Hydroelasticity Effects31
Numerical Evaluation of Wave Dissipation on a Breakwater Slope Covered by Precast Blocks with Different Geometrical Characteristics31
Selection Results of Solid Material for Horizontal and Highly-Deviated Well Completion Gravel-Packing: Experiments, Numerical Simulation and Proposal30
Experimental Study on the Spring-like Effect on the Hydrodynamic Performance of an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter30
Effects of Elevated Seawater Temperatures on Cellular Immune Function in the Top Shell, Turbo sazae30
Research on the Construction of a Digital Twin System for the Long-Term Service Monitoring of Port Terminals30
SPACNet: A Simulation Platform of an Acoustic Cognitive Network30
Analysis of Fluid Suction Characteristics of Polyhedral Particles in Deep-Sea Hydraulic Collection Method30
Numerical Investigation of the Seabed Dynamic Response to a Perforated Semi-Circular Breakwater30
A Survey of Marine Coastal Litters around Zhoushan Island, China and Their Impacts30
Continuous Field Determination and Ecological Risk Assessment of Pb in the Yellow Sea of China30
Study on the Dynamic Response of Mooring System of Multiple Fish Cages under the Combined Effects of Waves and Currents30
Improved Integral Sliding Mode Control-Based Attitude Control Design and Experiment for High Maneuverable AUV29
An Underwater Wet-Mateable Electrical Connector with Dual-Bladder Pressure-Balanced Oil-Filled (PBOF) Technology29
Benthic Mollusk Biodiversity Correlates with Polluted Sediment Conditions in a Shallow Subtropical Estuary29
Advances in Maritime Safety29
Numerical Investigation on the Hydrodynamic Response of Pentamaran—Resistance Analysis of Different Outrigger Inclination Angles29
Near-Bottom Magnetic Anomaly Features and Detachment Fault Morphology in Tianxiu Vent Field, Carlsberg Ridge, Northwest Indian Ocean29
Restoration of Posidonia oceanica Meadow Using Cuttings from an Area Impacted by Harbor Extension Project29
Variation in the Occurrence of Salp and Doliolid Assemblages in the Northeastern East China Sea from 2019 to 202328
Isopods in the Bioremediation of Invasive Seaweeds? First Experience with the Seaweed Rugulopteryx okamurae Mass Dumped on Beaches28
Towards the Early Detection of Gymnodinium catenatum Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of California28
Development of a Numerical Prediction Model for Marine Lower Atmospheric Ducts and Its Evaluation across the South China Sea28
Prediction-Based Region Tracking Control Scheme for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle28
Photophysiological Characterization of Phytoplankton by Measuring Pigment Production Rates: A Description of Detail Method and a Case Study28
Research on the Pattern and Evolution Characteristics of Global Dry Bulk Shipping Network Driven by Big Data28
Optimal Allocation of Biomass Distributed Generators Using Modified Hunger Games Search to Reduce CO2 Emissions28
Flow Field Analysis and Development of a Prediction Model Based on Deep Learning28
Design of a Disc-Shaped Autonomous Underwater Helicopter with Stable Fins28
Intelligent Ship Collision Avoidance Algorithm Based on DDQN with Prioritized Experience Replay under COLREGs28
Research into Ship Trajectory Prediction Based on An Improved LSTM Network28
A Design-Oriented Model for Transmission Loss Optimization in Marine DOCs28
Spatial Difference in the Marine Algal Community of Yeongil Bay Inner and Outer Areas on the East Coast of Korea28
Modelling of Chloride Concentration Profiles in Concrete by the Consideration of Concrete Material Factors under Marine Tidal Environment28
Proposals on Effective Implementation of the Carbon Intensity Indication of Ships27
Nonstationary Control Parameter Prediction for Underwater Gliders Utilizing an Innovative Transformer-Based Model27
Depth-Resolved Modelling of Intra-Swash Morphodynamics Induced by Solitary Waves27
Maritime Transport Network in Korea: Spatial-Temporal Density and Path Planning27
The Mitigation of Mutual Coupling Effects in Multi-Beam Echosounder Calibration under Near-Field Conditions27
Experimental Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Wave Energy Harvesting System Combining E-Motions with Triboelectric Nanogenerators27
Assessment of the Roll Derivatives of Different Surface Ships Based on Numerical Pure Roll Simulation27
YOSMR: A Ship Detection Method for Marine Radar Based on Customized Lightweight Convolutional Networks27
Design of Anti-Capsize Ship for Patrol Vessel with the Self-Righting Moment27
Hydroelastic Response to Oblique Wave Incidence on a Floating Plate with a Submerged Perforated Base27
Predicting Acoustic Transmission Loss Uncertainty in Ocean Environments with Neural Networks26
A Preliminary Study of Suspended Matters Variation Associated with Hypoxia and Shoaling Internal Tides on the Continental Shelf of the Northern Andaman Sea26
Dynamic Accident Network Model for Predicting Marine Accidents in Narrow Waterways Under Variable Conditions: A Case Study of the Istanbul Strait26
A Method for Aliasing Metal Particle Recognition Based on Three-Coil Sensor Using Frequency Conversion26
Arctic Nearshore Sediment Dynamics—An Example from Herschel Island—Qikiqtaruk, Canada26
Underwater Chatter for the Win: A First Assessment of Underwater Soundscapes in Two Bays along the Eastern Cape Coast of South Africa26
A Gaussian-Process-Based Model Predictive Control Approach for Trajectory Tracking and Obstacle Avoidance in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles26
Laboratory Study of Turbulent Mass Exchange in a Stratified Fluid26
Effect of Modified Clay on the Growth Dynamics and Physio—Biochemical Response of Newly Hatched Larvae of the Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma)26
An Assessment of the Tipping Point Behavior for Shoreline Retreat: A PCR Model Application at Vung Tau Beach, Vietnam26
Fault Simulating Test Bed for Developing Diagnostic Algorithm of the Geared Rotating Machinery of Ships26
Parametric Study of the Hydrodynamic Characteristics of the Pumpjet Propulsor for the SUBOFF Submarine25
Thermo-Economic Comparison between Three Different Electrolysis Technologies Powered by a Conventional Organic Rankine Cycle for the Green Hydrogen Production Onboard Liquefied Natural Gas Carriers25
Impacts of Physical Parameterization Schemes on Typhoon Doksuri (2023) Forecasting from the Perspective of Wind–Wave Coupling25
Investigation into the Motion Characteristics and Impact Loads of Buoy Water Entry Under the Influence of Combined Waves and Currents25
Comprehensive Investigation on Spatiotemporal Variations of Tropical Cyclone Activities in the Western North Pacific, 1950–201925
Climatological Annual Mean and Seasonal Variations in Spatial Energy Spectra of Satellite-Observed Sea-Surface Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the East China Sea25
Transfer Learning with Deep Neural Network Toward the Prediction of the Mass of the Charge in Underwater Explosion Events25
Behavior Analysis of a Bucket Foundation with an Offshore Wind Turbine during the In-Water Sinking Process25
Origin of the Particulate Organic Matter in a Monsoon-Controlled Bay in Southern China25
Prediction of the Influence of Runner Tip Clearance on the Performance of Tubular Turbine25
Development of a Simplified Performance Monitoring System for Small and Medium Sized Ships25
Sensitivity Analysis of Modal Parameters of a Jacket Offshore Wind Turbine to Operational Conditions25
The Mediterranean Zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae as a Novel Source of Antimicrobial Compounds25
Field Determination and Spatial Distribution of Se (IV) in Coastal Seawater of China25
Statistical Analysis of Ice Load on Icebreaker Ship Based on Stochastic Ice Fields25
Study on the Multi-Equipment Integrated Scheduling Problem of a U-Shaped Automated Container Terminal Based on Graph Neural Network and Deep Reinforcement Learning25
On the Species Identification of Korean Geoduck Clam (Panopea sp. 1) Based on the Morphological and Molecular Evidence25
Effects of Water Masses and Circulation on the Surface Water Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide in Summer in Eastern Beibu Gulf, China25
Preliminary Study on an Integrated System Composed of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine and an Octagonal Fishing Cage24
Comparative Study on Numerical Simulation of Wave-Current Nonlinear Interaction Based on Improved Mass Source Function24
On the Hydrodynamic and Structural Performance of Thermoplastic Composite Ship Propellers Produced by Additive Manufacturing Method24
Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Methanol–Diesel Dual Fuel Engine at Different Altitudes24
A Stable Multi-Object Tracking Method for Unstable and Irregular Maritime Environments24
Undrained Triaxial Shear Tests on Hydrate-Bearing Fine-Grained Sediments from the Shenhu Area of South China Sea24
Real-Time Weight Optimization of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller Using a Genetic Algorithm for Ship Trajectory Tracking24
Seasonal Variability of Golden Tides (Pylaiella littoralis, Phaeophyceae) and Nutrient Dynamics in a Potentially Eutrophic Intertidal Estuary24
Comparative Study on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Under-Water Vehicles Near Free Surface and Near Ice Surface24
The Impact of Offshore Wind Farm Construction on Maritime Traffic Complexity: An Empirical Analysis of the Yangtze River Estuary24
A uw-Cellular Network: Design, Implementation and Experiments24
Stability Characteristics of Horizontal Wells in the Exploitation of Hydrate-Bearing Clayey-Silt Sediments24
Selective NO2 Detection by Black Phosphorus Gas Sensor Prepared via Aqueous Route for Ship Pollutant Monitoring24
Model Sensitivity Analysis for Coastal Morphodynamics: Investigating Sediment Parameters and Bed Composition in Delft3D24
A De-Nesting Hybrid Reliability Analysis Method and Its Application in Marine Structure24
Experimental and Numerical Study on Trajectory Tracking of Remotely Operated Vehicles Involved in Cleaning Aquaculture Vessels23
Regional Mean Sea Level Variability Due to Tropical Cyclones: Insights from August Typhoons23
Coupled Dynamic Characteristics of a Spar-Type Offshore Floating Two-Bladed Wind Turbine with a Flexible Hub Connection23
Experimental Investigation of the Performance of a Tuned Heave Plate Energy Harvesting System for a Semi-Submersible Platform23
Numerical Simulation Study of the Horizontal Submerged Jet Based on the Wray–Agarwal Turbulence Model23
Assessment of a Hybrid Wind–Wave Energy Converter System in Nearshore Deployment23
Updated Review of Longshore Sediment Transport: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Comparisons Using a Satellite Image Methodology23
Failure Consequence Cost Analysis of Wave Energy Converters—Component Failures, Site Impacts, and Maintenance Interval Scenarios23
Chlamydomonas Responses to Salinity Stress and Possible Biotechnological Exploitation23
A Deep Learning Strategy for the Retrieval of Sea Wave Spectra from Marine Radar Data23
Characterization of Overtopping Volumes from Focused Wave Groups over Smooth Dikes with an Emerged Toe: Insights from Physical Model Tests23
Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Rotor Sail Using a 4DOF Rotor Model and Finite Element Model23
Exploring Seafarers’ Workload Recognition Model with EEG, ECG and Task Scenarios’ Complexity: A Bridge Simulation Study23
Enhancing Efficiency in Hybrid Marine Vessels through a Multi-Layer Optimization Energy Management System23
Flow Characteristics of Oblique Submerged Impinging Jet at Various Impinging Heights22
Origin and Implications of Pollution in Coastal Groundwater of the Guangdong Province22
Mitigation of Ice-Induced Vibration of Offshore Platform Based on Gated Recurrent Neural Network22
Framework for Improving Land Boundary Conditions in Ocean Regional Products22
The Improved Localized Equivalent-Weights Particle Filter with Statistical Observation in an Intermediate Coupled Model22
Ontological Ship Behavior Modeling Based on COLREGs for Knowledge Reasoning22
Dynamics Modeling and Analysis of an Underwater Glider with Dual-Eccentric Attitude Regulating Mechanism Using Dual Quaternions22
Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data Supported Ship Trajectory Prediction and Analysis via a Deep Learning Model22
A Coordination System between Decision Making and Controlling for Autonomous Collision Avoidance of Large Intelligent Ships22
A Control Algorithm for Sea–Air Cooperative Observation Tasks Based on a Data-Driven Algorithm22
Research on an Autonomous Underwater Helicopter with Less Thrusters22
Small Microplastics: A yet Unknown Threat in the Svalbard (Norway) Region21
A Na+/H+-Exchanger Gene from Penaeus monodon: Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis under Ammonia Nitrogen Stress21
Displacement Values Calculation Method for Ship Multi-Support Shafting Based on Transfer Learning21
Waste to Energy Onboard Cruise Ships: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Cruising21
Reporting Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Ports (NW Iberian Peninsula): A Review of Flooding Extent21
Optimization of Blade Position on an Asymmetric Pre-Swirl Stator Used in Container Ships21
Revisiting the Upwelling Evolution along the Western Iberian Peninsula over the 21st Century Using Dynamically Downscaled CMIP6 Data21
The Mixed Layer Salinity Budget in the Northern South China Sea: A Modeling Study21
Simulation of a Ship’s Block Panel Assembly Process: Optimizing Production Processes and Costs through Welding Robots21
Raising the Standard of Maritime Voyage Data Recorder Security21
Lifecycle Environmental Benefits with a Hybrid Electric Propulsion System Using a Control Algorithm for Fishing Boats in Korea21
Headland Rip Modelling at a Natural Beach under High-Energy Wave Conditions21
Classification of Hull Blocks of Ships Using CNN with Multi-View Image Set from 3D CAD Data21
Can a 16th Century Shipwreck Be Considered a Mercury Source in the 21st Century?—A Case Study in the Azores Archipelago (Portugal)21
Numerical Investigation of Solitary Wave Attenuation by a Vertical Plate-Type Flexible Breakwater Constructed Using Hyperelastic Neo-Hookean Material21
Feasibility of Wave Simulation in Typhoon Using WAVEWATCH-III Forced by Remote-Sensed Wind21
The Construction Conditions of a Pre-Piling Template for Foundations of Offshore Structures21
On Boundary Conditions for Damage Openings in RoPax-Ship Survivability Computations21
Tracking a Coastal Wave Buoy, Lost from the Southern Coast of Jeju Island, Using Lagrangian Particle Modeling21
Using Different Classic Turbulence Closure Models to Assess Salt and Temperature Modelling in a Lagunar System: A Sensitivity Study21
Screening Life Cycle Environmental Impacts and Assessing Economic Performance of Floating Wetlands for Marine Water Pollution Control21
Convenient Method for Large-Deformation Finite-Element Simulation of Submarine Landslides Considering Shear Softening and Rate Correlation Effects21
Design of Experiments Technique Applied to Artificial Neural Network Models for FPSO Mooring System Analysis21
A Method for Recognition and Coordinate Reference of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to Inspected Objects of Industrial Subsea Structures Using Stereo Images21
Cost–Benefit Analysis of a Trans-Arctic Alternative Route to the Suez Canal: A Method Based on High-Fidelity Ship Performance, Weather, and Ice Forecast Models21
Iron-Coupled Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Marine Sediments: A Review20
Fault Diagnosis of Marine Diesel Engines under Partial Set and Cross Working Conditions Based on Transfer Learning20
A Numerical Investigation of the Influence of the Wake for Mixed Layout Wind Turbines in Wind Farms Using FLORIS20
Observations of Multiple Young-of-the-Year to Juvenile White Sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) within South-West Australian Waters and Its Implications for a Potential Nursery Area(s)20
Motion Analysis of International Energy Agency Wind 15 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine under Extreme Conditions20
The Influence of Structural Design on the Hydrodynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Platforms20
Lateral Deflection Behavior of Perforated Steel Plates: Experimental and Numerical Approaches20
Mathematical Modeling of Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Dynamics in Silty Seabeds20
Dual-CycleGANs with Dynamic Guidance for Robust Underwater Image Restoration20
Chronology of Four Climbing Dune Outcrops on the Atlantic Coast of Galicia (NW Spain) Linked to the Sea Level Fall during the MIS6 and MIS4 Isotopic Stages20
Unprecedented Outbreak of Harmful Algae in Pacific Coastal Waters off Southeast Hokkaido, Japan, during Late Summer 2021 after Record-Breaking Marine Heatwaves20
Channel Estimation and Iterative Decoding for Underwater Acoustic OTFS Communication Systems20
Review on Sensors for Sustainable and Safe Maritime Mobility20
Objective Functions and Performance Optimization of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) with CO2-Based Binary Zeotropic Mixture Power Cycle20
Performance Assessment of a Coupled Circulation–Wave Modelling System for the Northwest Atlantic20
Sea Clutter Suppression Method Based on Ocean Dynamics Using the WRF Model20
New Insights into Tyrrhenian Sea Warming and Heat Penetration through Long-Term Expendable Bathythermograph Data20
Additive Manufacturing and Maritime Spare Parts: Benefits and Obstacles for the End-Users20
Cavitation Detection in a Tonpilz-Type Transducer for Active SONAR Transmission System20
Shipping Decarbonization: An Overview of the Different Stern Hydrodynamic Energy Saving Devices20
Dynamic Positioning Control of Large Ships in Rough Sea Based on an Improved Closed-Loop Gain Shaping Algorithm20
Data-Driven Prediction of Experimental Hydrodynamic Data of the Manta Ray Robot Using Deep Learning Method20
Recent Advances in Aluminum Welding for Marine Structures20
Mechanism-Based Fire Hazard Chain Risk Assessment for Roll-On/Roll-Off Passenger Vessels Transporting Electric Vehicles: A Fault Tree–Fuzzy Bayesian Network Approach20
Wave Dissipation and Sediment Transport Patterns during Shoreface Nourishment towards Equilibrium20
Analysis of Manganese Bioaccumulated in Mediterranean Blue Mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Bay of Mali Ston (Adriatic Sea, Croatia) during Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning Toxicity20
On the Non-Gaussianity of Sea Surface Elevations20