
(The TQCC of Buildings is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Antecedents and Consequences of Sustainable Project Management: Evidence from the Construction Industry in China211
Simulation Modelling for the Promotion of Green Residence Based on the Theory of Sustainability—Taking Jiangsu Province as an Example162
State-Based Technical Condition Assessment and Prediction of Concrete Box Girder Bridges141
Influence of Mineral Admixtures on the Performance of Pervious Concrete and Microscopic Research107
Energy Efficiency in Dome Structures: An Examination of Thermal Performance in Iranian Architecture102
Service Life Prediction of Painted Renderings Using Maintenance Data through Regression Techniques95
Strategic Integration of a Vegetative Component on a Metal Roof Base: An Evaluation of Its Impacts on Thermal and Acoustic Performance in the Tropics93
The Prediction of Pervious Concrete Compressive Strength Based on a Convolutional Neural Network92
Numerical Evaluation on Thermal Performance of 3D Printed Concrete Walls: The Effects of Lattice Type, Filament Width and Granular Filling Material90
A Numerical Study of a Soil-Nail-Supported Excavation Pit Subjected to a Vertically Loaded Strip Footing at the Crest81
Blast Loading of Small-Scale Circular RC Columns Using an Explosive-Driven Shock Tube81
Flexural Performances of Novel Wet Joints with Sleeve Connections in Precast Composite Floor System76
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Commercial Interior Version 4 (LEED-CI v4) Gold-Certified Office Space Projects: A Pairwise Comparative Analysis between Three Mediterranean Countries75
Design Method for Local Buckling Resistance of Double Steel Plate–Concrete Composite Walls with Stiffening Ribs and Tie Plates75
Optimal Sizing and Management of Hybrid Renewable Energy System for DC-Powered Commercial Building74
Investigation of the Critical Factors Influencing Multi-Stakeholders’ Participation in Design Optimization of EPC Projects73
Research on Cost Control of Railway Engineering Based on Grounded Theory72
Numerical Modelling of Timber Beams with GFRP Pultruded Reinforcement72
Hydrogen Blending in Natural Gas Grid: Energy, Environmental, and Economic Implications in the Residential Sector68
Public Perception of Accommodation Structures in the Cultural Landscape: An Exploration of Integration and Significance67
An Investigation on the Thermal Environment of Residential Courtyards in the Cold Area of Western Sichuan Plateau65
Microscopical Resource Allocation for Large-Scale Apartment Foundation Work Using Queuing Systems64
Thermal Performance Assessment of Envelope Retrofits for Existing School Buildings in a Hot–Humid Climate: A Case Study in Chennai, India64
Procedure for Safety Assessment and BIM Modelling of an Historical Complex Structure through a Macroelement Approach: The Building “Molino-Pastificio Soresi” of Partinico (Italy)62
Research on Carbon Emission of Prefabricated Structure in China62
Construction Site Layout Planning: A Social Network Analysis61
Towards Automated Structural Stability Design of Buildings—A BIM-Based Solution61
Structural Performance of Thin-Walled Twisted Box-Section Structure60
BIM Applications in Post-Conflict Contexts: The Reconstruction of Mosul City56
Seismic Performance and Design of the Fully Assembled Precast Concrete Frame with Buckling-Restrained Braces55
Analysis and Enlightenment on the Relationships between Two Kinds of Cutter Life Evaluation Indexes and Installation Radius: A Case Study53
Formwork System Selection in Building Construction Projects Using an Integrated Rough AHP-EDAS Approach: A Case Study53
Non-Linear Behavior and Design of Steel Structures: Review and Outlook53
Comparison of Old and New Stable Explicit Methods for Heat Conduction, Convection, and Radiation in an Insulated Wall with Thermal Bridging52
Performance of Polyethylene Vapor Barrier Systems in Temperate Climates51
Exploring the Renovation Status and Flexible Strategies of Urban Housing in China Based on Two Surveys of Residents and Architects51
Flexural–Shear Performance of Lightweight Concrete Panels with High Insulation Capacity51
Double-Diffusive Mixed Convection and Radionuclides Removals from the Tail Gas Treatment Unit in Nuclear Medicine Building: Multiple Sifting Structures and Porous Medium50
Analysis of Arch Forming Factors of Shallow Buried Hard Rock Tunnel under Overlying Load49
Comprehensive Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Application of Foam and Extruded Polystyrene in the Railway Substructure49
Techno-Economic Comparison between Centralized and Distributed Energy Resource Systems: A Case Study of an Underground Transportation Infrastructure System in Changsha, China48
Analyzing the Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Steel Slag-Infused Asphalt Concrete in Roadway Construction48
Mechanical Properties and Loading Simulation of Unidirectional Laminated Slabs Made from Recycled Concrete with Manufactured Sand48
Modular and Prefabricated System for Waterproofing and Insulation of Flat Roofs47
Strategies for Sustainable Urban Development—Addressing the Challenges of the 21st Century46
Evaluating Seismic Performance in Reinforced Concrete Buildings with Complex Shear Walls: A Focus on a Residential Case in Chile45
An Analytical Solution for the Bending of Anisotropic Rectangular Thin Plates with Elastic Rotation Supports45
Time-Varying Stability Analysis of the Trenching Construction Process of Diaphragm Wall44
Calibration of Equivalent Viscous Damping Expressions for Displacement-Based Design and Application to RC Frames44
Waste Recovery and Thermal Analysis of Refurbished Buildings’ Walls: The Sustainable Big Bag44
Multi-Objective Optimization Research on the Integration of Renewable Energy HVAC Systems Based on TRNSYS43
Research Progress on Features and Characteristics of Rural Settlements: Literature Distribution, Key Issues, and Development Trends42
Analysis of the Evolution Pattern and Regional Conservation of Cultural Heritage from the Perspective of Urban Sustainable Transformation: The Case of Xiamen, China42
The Vertical Behaviors of Dissimilar Pile Composite Foundations over Inclined Bedrock41
Resistivity Prediction Model for Basalt–Polypropylene Fiber-Reinforced Concrete41
Effect of Microwave Pretreatment on the Properties and Microstructure of Low-Concentration Carbon Dioxide Early Cured Cement-Based Materials41
Promoting Sustainable Development in Urban–Rural Areas: A New Approach for Evaluating the Policies of Characteristic Towns in China41
A Study of Factors Influencing Construction Workers’ Intention to Share Safety Knowledge40
Upper Bound Analysis of Ultimate Pullout Capacity for a Single Pile Using Hoek–Brown Failure Criterion40
Nonlinear Stochastic Seismic Response Analysis of Three-Dimensional Reinforced Concrete Piles39
Study on Air Cabin Ventilation System by Local Structural Optimization during Tunnel Construction39
Numerical and Experimental Study on Large-Diameter FRP Cable Anchoring System with Dispersed Tendons39
Physics-Based Shear-Strength Degradation Model of Stud Connector with the Fatigue Cumulative Damage39
Study on Group Movement Characteristics in Stairwell of High-Rise Buildings39
Effect of Shear Deformation at Segmental Joints on the Short-Term Deflection of Large-Span Cantilever Cast Prestressed Concrete Box Girders38
Research Progress on Carbon Emissions of Public Buildings: A Visual Analysis and Review38
Quantifying Multifactor Effects on Mud Cake Formation Risk for a Tunnel Boring Machine with the Analytical Hierarchy Process38
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Shear Performance of PSCC Shear Connectors with Poured UHPC38
Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites at Elevated Temperatures37
Macro-Seismic Assessment for Residential Buildings Constructed in the Soviet Union Era in Almaty, Kazakhstan37
Sharing Is Saving? Building Costs Simulation of Collaborative and Mainstream Housing Designs37
A Deterioration Model for Sewer Pipes Using CCTV and Artificial Intelligence37
Frontier Revitalisation of Industrial Heritage with Urban–Rural Fringe in China36
A Grammar-Based Optimization Approach for Designing Urban Fabrics and Locating Amenities for 15-Minute Cities36
Influence of the Exposure Degree on the Degradation of Facades of Buildings in Brasília—Brazil36
Properties Evaluation of Composite Materials Based on Gypsum Plaster and Posidonia Oceanica Fibers36
Character-Defining Elements Comparison and Heritage Regeneration for the Former Command Posts of the Jinan Campaign—A Case of Chinese Rural Revolutionary Heritage36
Mitigating Blast Hazards: Experimental Evaluation of Anti-Shatter Films and Catcher-Cable Systems on Conventional Windows36
Exploring Historical Perspectives in Building Hygrothermal Models: A Comprehensive Review36
Experimental Study on Activation Energy and Microstructure of Nano- and Micro-Sized Pozzolanic Materials as Cementitious Composite Binder36
Investigations into the Shear Load-Capacity of Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Structures with Carbon-Reinforced Concrete36
Strength Relationship Equation for Artificially Stabilized Rammed Sedimentary Soils36
Impact of Stressors/Stress on Organizational Commitment of Engineers in the Construction Industry36
Seismic Performance of a 1:4 Scale Two-Story Rammed Earth Model Reinforced with Steel Plates Tested on a Bi-Axial Shaking Table36
Evaluating Earthquake Stability of Solar Module Soundproofing Structure by 3D Numerical Analysis36
Effect of Sandstone Pore Morphology on Mechanics, Acoustic Emission, and Energy Evolution35
Architectural Formation of Growable Light Steel Structure and Its 3D Visualisation Design and Construction Method35
Experimental Investigation and Numerical Analyses on Cyclic Behavior of the Prefabricated Concrete Frame Infilled with CFS-CLPM Composite Walls35
Field Measurement on Translational and Torsional Wind-Induced Response of a High-Rise Building during Typhoon Khanun35
Effect of Shear Keys on the Quasi-Isolated Behavior of Small-to-Medium-Span Girder Bridges35
Research on Design Framework of Middle School Teaching Building Based on Performance Optimization and Prediction in the Scheme Design Stage35
Visualization Analysis of Cross Research between Big Data and Construction Industry Based on Knowledge Graph35
Data Cooperatives as a Catalyst for Collaboration, Data Sharing and the Digital Transformation of the Construction Sector35
A Cost-Effective System for Indoor Three-Dimensional Occupant Positioning and Trajectory Reconstruction35
Experimental Study on Hysteretic Performance of Steel Moment Connection with Buckling-Restrained Dog-Bone Beam Sections34
Study on Flexural Performance of Prestressed Concrete Steel Strand Square Piles with Reinforcement34
Evaluation of the Refined Decomposition Effect of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Materials34
Identifying Effective Managerial Factors in Improving and Renovating Old Urban Tissues: A Case Study Approach34
Aftershock Fragility Assessment of Continuous RC Girder Bridges Using a Modified Damage Index34
Experimental and Numerical Study of the Behavior of Concrete-Filled High-Strength Steel Tube Columns with Large D/t Ratio under Axial Compression34
Experimental Investigation on the Response of Elliptical CFT Columns Subjected to Lateral Impact Loading34
Magnetic Signal Characteristics in Critical Yield State of Steel Box Girder Based on Metal Magnetic Memory Inspection33
Evaluation and Prediction of Pavement Deflection Parameters Based on Machine Learning Methods33
The Seismic Performance and Global Collapse Resistance Capacity of Infilled Reinforced Concrete Frames Considering the Axial–Shear–Bending Interaction of Columns33
Effect of Constructing a New Tunnel on the Adjacent Existed Tunnel in Weak Rock Mass: A Case Study33
Axial Compression Behavior of FRP Confined Laminated Timber Columns under Cyclic Loadings33
Multidimensional Seismic Response Analysis of Large-Scale Steel-Reinforced Concrete Frame-Bent Structures in CAP1400 Nuclear Power Plant32
Microclimate and Mould Growth Potential of Air Cavities in Ventilated Wooden Façade and Roof Systems—Case Studies from Norway32
Correlation Analysis of Thermal Comfort and Landscape Characteristics: A Case Study of the Coastal Greenway in Qingdao, China32
Experimental Study on the Flexural Behaviors of Prestressed Segmental Ultra–High–Performance Concrete Channels and Reinforced Conventional Concrete Deck Composite Girders32
Research Progress on the Applications of Seashell Adsorption Behaviors in Cement-Based Materials32
Review of Mesoscale Geometric Models of Concrete Materials32
Crack Identification Method for Prefabricated Concrete Pavement Based on Distributed Strain Monitoring32
Improvement Strategies for Microclimate and Thermal Comfort for Urban Squares: A Case of a Cold Climate Area in China32
A New Kinematical Admissible Translational–Rotational Failure Mechanism Coupling with the Complex Variable Method for Stability Analyses of Saturated Shallow Square Tunnels32
Nonlinear Coupled Vibration Behavior of BFRP Cables on Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges under Parametric Excitation32
Parameter Design of a Photovoltaic Storage Battery Integrated System for Detached Houses Based on Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II32
Enhancing Zero-Energy Building Operations for ESG: Accurate Solar Power Prediction through Automatic Machine Learning32
Sewage Sludge Valorization for Collapsible Soil Improvement31
Research on Fatigue Performance of Shape-Memory Alloy Bars under Low Cyclic Loading31
Energy Efficiency in Subtropical Homes: Replacing Asbestos–Cement Roofs with Sustainable Alternatives31
A Framework for Informing Complete Street Planning: A Case Study in Brazil31
Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation Analysis on Vertical Vibration Performances of 12 m Span Wood Truss Joist Floors31
Experimental Investigation of Indoor Thermal Comfort under Different Heating Conditions in Winter31
Emotional Design of Interior Spaces: Exploring Challenges and Opportunities31
Optimization of the Injection and Physical Properties of Sulfoaluminate Cement via the In Situ Polymerization of Acrylamide31
Peak Stress Method-Based Fatigue Predictions for Steel Crane Girder Variable-Section Supports31
A Navier–Stokes-Informed Neural Network for Simulating the Flow Behavior of Flowable Cement Paste in 3D Concrete Printing31
Advanced Damage Monitoring in Beam Structures Using Grey Wolf Optimizer and Additional Masses31
Finite Element Analysis of the Flexural Behavior of Steel Plate–High-Performance Concrete (HPC) Slab and Beam Composite Structures30
Assessment of Reinforcement Steel–Concrete Interface Contact in Pullout and Beam Bending Tests Using Test-Fitted Cohesive Zone Parameters30
Enhancing Building Information Modeling on Green Building Practices in China: A Conceptual Framework30
The Advent of the New Architectural Profession through BIM30
Research on the Optimal Design of Retaining Piles of a Wide Metro Tunnel Foundation Pit Based on Deformation Control30
Comparison of Liquefaction Damage Reduction Performance of Sheet Pile and Grouting Method Applicable to Existing Structures Using 1-G Shaking Table30
Research Progress on Effects of Antifreeze Components, Nanoparticles and Pre-Curing on the Properties of Low-Temperature Curing Materials30
A Study on Improving the Shape Error of the Lower Mold of Free-Form Concrete Panels Using Magnetic Force30
The State of Industry 4.0 in the Australian Construction Industry: An Examination of Industry and Academic Point of View30
Compaction Characteristics of a Foam Asphalt Hot In-Place Recycling Asphalt Mixture30
Effect of an Artificial Sound-Based Index on the Perception of Historical Block Environments30
Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Outdoor Wind Environment in High-Rise Buildings Zone of Xuzhou City30
Performance Evaluation of Low Thermal Bridging Drywall System with Separating Clips for C-Studs30
Internal Damping Ratio of Normal- and High-Strength Concrete Considering Mechanical Damage Evolution30
Finite Element Modeling of the Behaviors of Concrete-Filled Steel Tube (CFT) Columns at Elevated Temperatures30
Impact of Excavation on Adjacent Elevated Bridges and Optimization Analysis of Deformation Control30
Analysis of the Spatial Constraints of Urban Underpass Channels Based on BIM29
Experimental Study on the Structural Performance of Reinforced Truss Concrete Composite Slabs during and after Fire29
Research on the Preparation and Mechanical Properties of Solidified 3D Printed Concrete Materials29
Evaluation of Photovoltaic Energy Saving Potential and Investment Value of Urban Buildings in China Based on GIS Technology29
Accessibility Study of a Compact Wind Tunnel with an Unequal Spacing Grid for the Outdoor Wind Environment29
Failure Behavior and Vulnerability of Containment Structures Subjected to Overpressure Loads Considering Different Failure Criteria29
Enhancing the Accuracy of Low-Cost Inclinometers with Artificial Intelligence29
Stability Analysis of Seismic Slope Based on Relative Residual Displacement Increment Method29
Transmission Mechanism of Influencing Factors in the Promotion and Application of Whole-Process Engineering Consulting29
Paraphrase the Obstacles to the Recycling of Construction and Demolition Waste: A Perspective of the Evolutionary Game of Three Stakeholders28
The Third Solar Decathlon China Buildings for Achieving Carbon Neutrality28
Assessment of Health-Oriented Layout and Perceived Density in High-Density Public Residential Areas: A Case Study of Shenzhen28
Sectional Model Wind Tunnel Test and Research on the Wind-Induced Vibration Response of a Curved Beam Unilateral Stayed Bridge28
Effects of Different Building Materials and Treatments on Sound Field Characteristics of the Concert Hall28
Assembly Solution for Modular Buildings: Development of an Automated Connecting Device for Light-Framed Structures28
Flexural Performance of a Novel Steel Cold-Formed Beam–PSSDB Slab Composite System Filled with Concrete Material28
Experimental Study on Direct Shear Behavior of New-to-Old Interface for Recycled Aggregate Concrete with Different Replacement Ratios28
Choices of the Critical Frequency for φ in TL-φ Algorithms When Applied to Multi-Degree of Freedom Systems28
Research on Statistical Characteristics and Prediction Methods of Ferronickel Slag Pervious Concrete Performance with Different Sizes of Aggregate and Mixtures28
Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries28
Analyzing the Impact of Interior Public Space on User Satisfaction in Shopping Malls Using Virtual Reality Simulation Experiments28
Embodied Carbon Emissions in China’s Building Sector: Historical Track from 2005 to 202028
Synthesis of Aragonite Whiskers by Co-Carbonation of Waste Magnesia Slag and Magnesium Sulfate: Enhancing Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement Paste28
Study on Stability of Transmission Tower-Line System under a Downburst27
Wind Pressure Characteristics Based on the Rise–Span Ratio of Spherical Domes with Openings on the Roof27
A Semantic-Based Methodology to Deliver Model Views of Forward Design for Prefabricated Buildings27
Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties and Drying Shrinkage Compensation of Solidified Ultra-Fine Dredged Sand Blocks Made with GGBS-Based Geopolymer27
Morphological Evolution of Passive Soil Arch in Front of Horizontal Piles in Three Dimensions27
Adaptive Passive-Control for Multi-Stage Seismic Response of High-Rise Braced Frame Using the Frictional-Yielding Compounded BRBs27
Assessing and Enhancing Green Quantity in the Open Spaces of High-Density Cities: A Comparative Study of the Macau Peninsula and Monaco27
Augmented Reality Framework for Retrieving Information of Moving Objects on Construction Sites27
Enhancing the Seismic Resilience of Steel Moment Resisting Frame with a New Precast Self-Centering Rocking Shear Wall System27
Design and Seismic Performance of Tied Braced Frames27
The Analysis and Application of Installation Tolerances in Prefabricated Construction Based on the Dimensional Chain Theory27
Experimental Investigation of Unconfined Compressive Properties of Artificial Ice as a Green Building Material for Rinks27
Exploration of Resident Satisfaction and Willingness in the Renovation of a Typical Old Neighborhood27
Research on Microclimate Optimization of Traditional Residential Buildings in Central Anhui Based on Humid and Hot Climate Characteristics and Regional Architectural Features27
Study on Comprehensive Technology of Preventing Mud Cake of Large Diameter Slurry Shield in Composite Stratum27
Nonlinear Stress-Free-State Forward Analysis Method of Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges Constructed in Stages27
Fire Resistance Test and Numerical Simulation on the Tube Structure of Steel–Concrete–Steel Immersed Tube Tunnel27
Component Identification and Depth Estimation for Structural Images Based on Multi-Scale Task Interaction Network26
Optimization of Thermal Insulation Parameters for Vertical Perimeters in Buildings with Single-Layer Walls26
Circular Maker Cities: Maker Space Typologies and Circular Urban Design26
Peak Assessment and Driving Factor Analysis of Residential Building Carbon Emissions in China’s Urban Agglomerations26
A Systematic and Objective Framework for Evaluating Subcontractor Performance Using Monte Carlo Simulation Coupled with the Analytic Hierarchy Process and a Linear Additive Utility Model26
The Application of Variable Weight Theory on the Suitability Evaluation of Urban Underground Space Development and Utilization for Urban Resilience and Sustainability26
A Comprehensive Approach to Earthquake-Resilient Infrastructure: Integrating Maintenance with Seismic Fragility Curves26
The Moderating Effect of Education Level and Income on Job Performance of Supervising Engineers26
Treatments Technology and Mechanisms of East Asia Black Cotton Soil26
Amplitude-Scaling Bias Analysis of Ground Motion Record Set in Strip Method for Structural Seismic Fragility Assessment26
Dementia Friendly Buildings—Approach on Architectures26
Forgotten Industrial Heritage: The Cement Factory from La Granja d’Escarp26
Emerging Trends of Safe Working Conditions in the Construction Industry: A Bibliometric Approach26
Influence of Pile Foundation Construction on Existing Tunnels in a Metro Protection Area: Field Test and Numerical Simulation26
Prediction of Strength Properties of Reinforced and Stabilized Sandy Soil as a Building Foundation Material26
Parametric Stock Flow Modelling of Historical Building Typologies25
Impact of Crushed Natural Aggregate on Environmental Footprint of the Construction Industry: Enhancing Sustainability in Aggregate Production25
Sustainable Vernacular Architecture: The Renovation of a Traditional House on Stara Planina Mountain in Serbia25
Green Roofs on Shipping Containers: How Substrate Thickness Affects Thermal Performance25
BIM-Based Checking Method for the Mass Timber Industry25
Multi-Objective Optimisation and Deformation Analysis of Double-System Composite Guideway Based on NSGA-II25
The Properties of Sodium-Hypochlorite-Activated Crumb Rubber and the Influence of Aging on the Rheological Properties of Activated Asphalt Rubber25
Parametric Study of Additional Temperature Stresses in Continuously Welded Rails on Steel Truss Railway Bridges25
Keeping Cool in the Desert: Using Wind Catchers for Improved Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality at Half the Energy25
Mechanical Analysis Model of Asphalt Concrete Random Particles Based on Mix Ratio25
Analytical Study Regarding the Seismic Response of a Moment-Resisting (MR) Reinforced Concrete (RC) Frame System with Reduced Cross Sections of the RC Beams25
An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Lateral Stiffness Limits of Straddle-Type Monorail Tour-Transit Systems25
Properties of Slag-Fly Ash Blended Geopolymer Concrete Reinforced with Hybrid Glass Fibers25
Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network, and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System in Delegation of Standard Concrete Beam Calculations25
Effect of External Tendon Profile on Improving Structural Performance of RC Beams25
Thermal Performance Investigation at Different Temperature and Airflow Settings in a Conference Hall of Expo Building25
Modeling and Measuring the Leaked-Air Rate into the Insulation Layer of a Single-Aisle Aircraft Cabin25
Seismic Performance of Pile Groups under Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreading: Insights from Advanced Numerical Modeling25
Experimental Study on Strength and Microstructure of Glacial Till Stabilized by Ionic Soil Stabilizer25
Progress in Seismic Isolation Technology Research in Soft Soil Sites: A Review24
Supplier Selection through Multicriteria Decision-Making Algorithmic Approach Based on Rough Approximation of Fuzzy Hypersoft Sets for Construction Project24
Research on BIM Application Two-Dimensional Maturity Model24
Investigation of Reasonable Reserved Deformation of Deep-Buried Tunnel Excavation Based on Large Deformation Characteristics in Soft Rock24
Effects of Hybrid PVA–Steel Fibers on the Mechanical Performance of High-Ductility Cementitious Composites24
A Comprehensive Study on the Effect of Regular and Staggered Openings on the Seismic Performance of Shear Walls24
Project Data Categorization, Adoption Factors, and Non-Functional Requirements for Blockchain Based Digital Twins in the Construction Industry 4.024
Monitoring Axial Force Development in a Super-Long Pile during Construction Using BOFDA and Data Interpretation Approaches: A Case Study24
Reality Capture in Construction Project Management: A Review of Opportunities and Challenges24
A Comparative Study of Acoustic Regulations for Hospital Bedrooms in Selected Countries in Europe24
Building and Health: Mapping the Knowledge Development of Sick Building Syndrome24
Seismic Vulnerability Indices of Facades of Colonial Houses in the Historic Center of Morelia, México24
Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Moroccan Construction through Innovative Materials: A Case Study in a Semiarid Climate24
Validating and Applying the Mathematical Models for Predicting Corporate Social Responsibility Behavior in Construction Firms: A Roadmap24
Comparative Study on BIM Acceptance Model by Adoption Period23
Symbolic Regression Model for Predicting Compression Strength of Prismatic Masonry Columns Confined by FRP23
Impact of Different Space Types on LEED-NC v3 2009 Gold-Certified Projects in Poland23
Experimental Investigation on Interfacial Defect Detection for SCCS with Different Contact NDT Technical23
Finite Element Method Simulation Study on the Temperature Field of Mass Concrete with Phase Change Material23
Plastic Deformation Analysis of a New Mega-Subcontrolled Structural System (MSCSS) Subjected to Seismic Excitation23
Impact of COVID-19 on Construction Projects: The Case of India23
Out-of-Plane Dynamic Response of Elliptic Curved Steel Beams Based on the Precise Integration Method23
Indoor Environmental Quality and Occupant Comfort23
Mapping Two Decades of AI in Construction Research: A Scientometric Analysis from the Sustainability and Construction Phases Lenses23
The Effect of Leader–Follower Psychological Capital Congruence on Safety Behavior23
Constructive and Destructive Leadership Behaviors, Skills, Styles and Traits in BIM-Based Construction Projects23
The Effect of Smart Colored Windows on Visual Performance of Buildings23
Factors and Areas of PgMO Supporting the Success of the Program Management in the Construction Sector23
From Maslow to Architectural Spaces: The Assessment of Reusing Old Industrial Buildings23
The Noise: A Silent Threat to the Recovery of Patients in Neonatal Intensive Care Units23
Net-Zero Energy Districts and the Grid: An Energy-Economic Feasibility Case-Study of the National Western Center in Denver, CO, USA23