
(The TQCC of Axioms is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Levinson’s Functional in Time Scale Settings102
Estimates for Generalized Parabolic Marcinkiewicz Integrals with Rough Kernels on Product Domains72
A Discrete Characterization of the Solvability of Equilibrium Problems and Its Application to Game Theory71
New Partially Linear Regression and Machine Learning Models Applied to Agronomic Data59
Discrete Analogue of Fishburn’s Fractional-Order Stochastic Dominance59
Geometry of Harmonic Nearly Trans-Sasakian Manifolds57
Probabilistic Assessment of Structural Integrity54
Product States of Infinite Tensor Product of JC-algebras53
Derivation of Bounds for Majorization Differences by a Novel Method and Its Applications in Information Theory52
Consistent Sampling Approximations in Abstract Hilbert Spaces48
A Family of Generalized Legendre-Based Apostol-Type Polynomials47
Closed-Form Solutions of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations with General Boundary Conditions47
Numerical Analysis of Heat Transfer through Hollow Brick Using Finite-Difference Method45
Reinitializing Sea Surface Temperature in the Ensemble Intermediate Coupled Model for Improved Forecasts42
On the Monoid of Unital Endomorphisms of a Boolean Ring42
How Containment Can Effectively Suppress the Outbreak of COVID-19: A Mathematical Modeling41
Hyperbolic B-Spline Function-Based Differential Quadrature Method for the Approximation of 3D Wave Equations36
A Note on Finite Coarse Shape Groups36
Periodic Property and Instability of a Rotating Pendulum System36
Preface to the Special Issue “A Themed Issue on Mathematical Inequalities, Analytic Combinatorics and Related Topics in Honor of Professor Feng Qi”36
Joint Approximation of Analytic Functions by Shifts of the Riemann Zeta-Function Twisted by the Gram Function II36
RPCGB Method for Large-Scale Global Optimization Problems35
Solutions for Some Mathematical Physics Problems Issued from Modeling Real Phenomena: Part 135
Asymptotic Stability of the Magnetohydrodynamic Flows with Temperature-Dependent Transport Coefficients32
Experimental Study of Void Fraction Measurement Using a Capacitance-Based Sensor and ANN in Two-Phase Annular Regimes for Different Fluids31
A Note on Finite Dimensional Odd Contact Lie Superalgebra in Prime Characteristic31
Some New Geometric State-Space Properties of the Classical Linear Time-Optimal Control Problem with One Input and Real Non-Positive Eigenvalues of the System Following from Pontryagin’s Maximum Princi31
On Conditional Axioms and Associated Inference Rules29
Hermite–Hadamard–Mercer Inequalities Associated with Twice-Differentiable Functions with Applications29
A Characterization of Normal Injective and Normal Projective Hypermodules29
Review of Quaternion Differential Equations: Historical Development, Applications, and Future Direction29
ℤ2 × ℤ2 Equivariant Quantum Neural Networks: Benchmarking against Classical Neural Networks29
Projection Uniformity of Asymmetric Fractional Factorials28
Multi-Objective Task Scheduling of Circuit Repair28
Canonical Metrics on Twisted Quiver Bundles over a Class of Non-Compact Gauduchon Manifold27
Goodness-of-Fit Test for the Bivariate Negative Binomial Distribution26
Weighted Composition Operators between Bers-Type Spaces on Generalized Hua–Cartan–Hartogs Domains25
Interior Peak Solutions for a Semilinear Dirichlet Problem25
Approximation Properties of the Blending-Type Bernstein–Durrmeyer Operators25
A Novel Integration Method for D Numbers Based on Horizontal Comparison24
Operator Smith Algorithm for Coupled Stein Equations from Jump Control Systems24
Uncertainty Degradation Model for Initiating Explosive Devices Based on Uncertain Differential Equations24
Oscillation and Asymptotic Properties of Differential Equations of Third-Order24
Solving Nonlinear Second-Order ODEs via the Eisenhart Lift and Linearization23
Solving Fractional Volterra–Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations via A** Iteration Method23
Equivalence between the Existence of Best Proximity Points and Fixed Points for Some Classes of Proximal Contractions23
Fixed Point Results of Fuzzy Multivalued Graphic Contractive Mappings in Generalized Parametric Metric Spaces22
Starlikeness and Convexity of Generalized Bessel-Maitland Function21
Cumulative Entropy of Past Lifetime for Coherent Systems at the System Level21
First-Order Differential Subordinations and Their Applications21
On the Kalman Smoother Interpolation Error Distribution in Collocation Comparison of Atmospheric Profiles21
Personalized Transfer Learning Framework for Remaining Useful Life Prediction Using Adaptive Deconstruction and Dynamic Weight Informer21
Conditions When the Problems of Linear Programming Are Algorithmically Unsolvable21
Three-Way Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications (II)21
Starlike Functions Associated with Bernoulli’s Numbers of Second Kind20
Selection of Cold Chain Logistics Service Providers Based on a Grey AHP and Grey COPRAS Framework: A Case Study in Vietnam20
Numerical Simulation of Constrained Flows through Porous Media Employing Glimm’s Scheme20
Fourier Series Related to p-Trigonometric Functions20
Coefficient Bounds and Fekete–Szegö Inequalities for a Two Families of Bi-Univalent Functions Related to Gegenbauer Polynomials20
First Passage Analysis in a Queue with State Dependent Vacations19
Best Proximity Point for ΓτF-Fuzzy Proximal Contraction19
Moderate Deviation Principle for Linear Processes Generated by Dependent Sequences under Sub-Linear Expectation19
A Simple Frequency Formulation for the Tangent Oscillator18
Axiomatic Processes for Asymmetric Allocation Rules under Fuzzy Multicriteria Situations18
Multi-Label Classification of E-Commerce Customer Reviews via Machine Learning18
Stability Switching in Lotka-Volterra and Ricker-Type Predator-Prey Systems with Arbitrary Step Size18
Parameter Estimation of the Dirichlet Distribution Based on Entropy18
Minor and Major Strain: Equations of Equilibrium of a Plane Domain with an Angular Cutout in the Boundary18
On the Acoustic Radiation Force Affecting Two Liquid Drops Located in the Wave Field18
Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics17
The Regional Enlarged Observability for Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations17
An Effective Approximation Algorithm for Second-Order Singular Functional Differential Equations17
Stability for Weakly Coupled Wave Equations with a General Internal Control of Diffusive Type17
Infinite Horizon Irregular Quadratic BSDE and Applications to Quadratic PDE and Epidemic Models with Singular Coefficients17
Information Processing with Stability Point Modeling in Cohen–Grossberg Neural Networks17
A Two-Step Estimation Method for a Time-Varying INAR Model17
The Existence of Li–Yorke Chaos in a Discrete-Time Glycolytic Oscillator Model16
Emotional Classification Method (ECW): A Methodology for Measuring Emotional Sustainability in a Work Environment Utilizing Artificial Intelligence16
Characterization of Non-Linear Bi-Skew Jordan n-Derivations on Prime ∗-Algebras16
Solving the Fornberg–Whitham Model Derived from Gilson–Pickering Equations by Analytical Methods16
Extremal Graphs for Sombor Index with Given Parameters16
Research on the Optimization of Pricing and the Replenishment Decision-Making Problem Based on LightGBM and Dynamic Programming16
A Stable Generalized Finite Element Method Coupled with Deep Neural Network for Interface Problems with Discontinuities15
Personalized Treatment Policies with the Novel Buckley-James Q-Learning Algorithm15
Optimal Control for Parabolic Uncertain System Based on Wavelet Transformation15
Quasi-Hermitian Formulation of Quantum Mechanics Using Two Conjugate Schrödinger Equations15
Hamiltonian Indices of Three Classes of Graphs Obtained from Petersen Graph15
Some Cardinal and Geometric Properties of the Space of Permutation Degree15
Distributed Charging Strategy of PEVs in SCS with Feeder Constraints Based on Generalized Nash Equilibria15
The Performance of Topic Evolution Based on a Feature Maximization Measurement for the Linguistics Domain15
On the Convergence of an Approximation Scheme of Fractional-Step Type, Associated to a Nonlinear Second-Order System with Coupled In-Homogeneous Dynamic Boundary Conditions15
Existence of Solutions: Investigating Fredholm Integral Equations via a Fixed-Point Theorem15
A Coupled PDE-ODE Model for Nonlinear Transient Heat Transfer with Convection Heating at the Boundary: Numerical Solution by Implicit Time Discretization and Sequential Decoupling14
Quantization of the Rank Two Heisenberg–Virasoro Algebra14
General Pseudo Quasi-Overlap Functions on Lattices14
Hyperbolic and Weak Euclidean Polynomials from Wronskian and Leibniz Maps14
Long Colimits of Topological Groups III: Homeomorphisms of Products and Coproducts14
The Existence of Weak Solutions for the Vorticity Equation Related to the Stratosphere in a Rotating Spherical Coordinate System14
On a Class of Isoperimetric Constrained Controlled Optimization Problems14
Parametric Expansions of an Algebraic Variety near Its Singularities14
Extensions of Some Statistical Concepts to the Complex Domain13
Linearized Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations with Impulses13
Unit-Power Half-Normal Distribution Including Quantile Regression with Applications to Medical Data13
Global Existence of Chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes System with Logistic Source on the Whole Space R213
On Construction and Estimation of Mixture of Log-Bilal Distributions13
On Bivariate Distributions with Singular Part13
Spectrum of the Cozero-Divisor Graph Associated to Ring Zn13
2-Complex Symmetric Composition Operators on H213
The Invariant Subspace Problem for Separable Hilbert Spaces13
On Properties and Classification of a Class of 4-Dimensional 3-Hom-Lie Algebras with a Nilpotent Twisting Map13
A Model in Which the Separation Principle Holds for a Given Effective Projective Sigma-Class13
Introduction to the Special Issue in Axioms Titled Current Research on Mathematical Inequalities13
Smooth Logistic Real and Complex, Ordinary and Fractional Neural Network Approximations over Infinite Domains13
Head Waves in Modified Weiskopf Sandy Medium13
Edge DP-Coloring in K4-Minor Free Graphs and Planar Graphs13
Accurate Time-Domain Modeling of Arbitrarily Shaped Graphene Layers Utilizing Unstructured Triangular Grids12
Oscillation of Repeated Max-Weighted Power Mean Compositions of Fuzzy Matrices12
New Interval-Valued Soft Separation Axioms12
Rough-Fuzzy Based Synthetic Data Generation Exploring Boundary Region of Rough Sets to Handle Class Imbalance Problem12
An Improved Algorithm for Identification of Dominating Vertex Set in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs12
Finsler Warped Product Metrics with Special Curvature Properties12
Normed Space of Fuzzy Intervals and Its Topological Structure12
On the Generalized Bilal Distribution: Some Properties and Estimation under Ranked Set Sampling12
A Novel Color Recognition Model for Improvement on Color Differences in Products via Grey Relational Grade12
Nonlocal Problem for a Third-Order Equation with Multiple Characteristics with General Boundary Conditions12
A Self-Adaptive Algorithm for the Common Solution of the Split Minimization Problem and the Fixed Point Problem12
A Randomized Distributed Kaczmarz Algorithm and Anomaly Detection12
Complete Invariant ⋆-Metrics on Semigroups and Groups12
Stochastic Ordering Results on Implied Lifetime Distributions under a Specific Degradation Model12
Editorial: Overview and Some New Directions12
Covariant Space-Time Line Elements in the Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker Geometry12
Adding a Degree of Certainty to Deductions in a Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Prolog: FTCProlog12
A Compensatory Fuzzy Logic Model in Technical Trading12
The Modal Logic of Aristotelian Diagrams12
Pythagorean Isoparametric Hypersurfaces in Riemannian and Lorentzian Space Forms12
ISI-Equienergetic Graphs12
A Quasiconformal-Based Geometric Model for Craniofacial Analysis and Its Application12
Sharp Bounds for the Second Hankel Determinant of Logarithmic Coefficients for Strongly Starlike and Strongly Convex Functions12
Two Convergence Results for Inexact Orbits of Nonexpansive Operators in Metric Spaces with Graphs12
Subclasses of Yamakawa-Type Bi-Starlike Functions Associated with Gegenbauer Polynomials11
Study of Rotavirus Mathematical Model Using Stochastic and Piecewise Fractional Differential Operators11
An Efficient Jarratt-Type Iterative Method for Solving Nonlinear Global Positioning System Problems11
Application of the Methodology of Multi-Valued Logic Trees with Weighting Factors in the Optimization of a Proportional Valve11
Diagrammatic and Modal Dimensions of the Syllogisms of Hegel and Peirce11
An Application of Sălăgean Operator Concerning Starlike Functions11
Two-Matchings with Respect to the General Sum-Connectivity Index of Trees11
PSEV-BF Methodology for Object Recognition of Birds in Uncontrolled Environments11
Gamma-Nabla Hardy–Hilbert-Type Inequalities on Time Scales11
Maximum Principle and Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Control Problems with Mixed Constraints11
Fractional Calculus—Theory and Applications11
On Special Fuzzy Differential Subordinations Obtained for Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral of Ruscheweyh and Sălăgean Operators11
Conditional Expanding of Functions by q-Lidstone Series11
Robust Solution of the Multi-Model Singular Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problem: Regularization Approach11
Norm and Numerical Radius Inequalities for Sums of Power Series of Operators in Hilbert Spaces11
Local Structure of Convex Surfaces near Regular and Conical Points11
General Exact Schemes for Second-Order Linear Differential Equations Using the Concept of Local Green Functions10
Exact Solutions to Fractional Schrödinger–Hirota Equation Using Auxiliary Equation Method10
Study of Time-Fractional Nonlinear Model Governing Unsteady Flow of Polytropic Gas10
Similarity Classes of the Longest-Edge Trisection of Triangles10
Incorporating Socio-Economic Factors in Maximizing Two-Dimensional Demand Coverage and Minimizing Distance to Uncovered Demand: A Dual-Objective MCLP Approach for Fire Station Location Selection10
A Self Adaptive Three-Step Numerical Scheme for Variational Inequalities10
The Decomposability of Toroidal Graphs without Adjacent Triangles or Short Cycles10
A General Fixed Point Theorem for a Sequence of Multivalued Mappings in S-Metric Spaces10
Remarks on Conjectures in Block Theory of Finite Groups10
Newton-like Normal S-iteration under Weak Conditions10
A Vector Representation of Multicomplex Numbers and Its Application to Radio Frequency Signals10
An Equivalent Form Related to a Hilbert-Type Integral Inequality10
Mathematical Model of the Evolution of a Simple Dynamic System with Dry Friction10
On the Existence, Uniqueness and a Numerical Approach to the Solution of Fractional Cauchy–Euler Equation10
KCC Theory of the Oregonator Model for Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction10
Bivariate Length-Biased Exponential Distribution under Progressive Type-II Censoring: Incorporating Random Removal and Applications to Industrial and Computer Science Data10
On Boundary Controllability for the Higher-Order Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation10
Mathematical Models of the Processes of Operation, Renewal and Degradation of a Fleet of Complex Technical Systems with Metrological Support10
A Fuzzy Random Boundary Value Problem10
Analyzing the Main Determinants for Being an Immigrant in Cuenca (Ecuador) Based on a Fuzzy Clustering Approach9
θ*-Weak Contractions and Discontinuity at the Fixed Point with Applications to Matrix and Integral Equations9
Randomly Stopped Sums with Generalized Subexponential Distribution9
Grey Estimator-Based Tracking Controller Applied to Swarm Robot Formation9
Optimal Fourth-Order Methods for Multiple Zeros: Design, Convergence Analysis and Applications9
Using Genetic Algorithms and Core Values of Cooperative Games to Solve Fuzzy Multiobjective Optimization Problems9
Surface Family Pair with Bertrand Pair as Mutual Curvature Lines in Three-Dimensional Lie Group9
Derivative Formulas and Gradient of Functions with Non-Independent Variables9
Investigation of Proximal Spaces Using Relators9
On Λ-Fractional Viscoelastic Models9
Innovative Strategy for Constructing Soft Topology9
Bounds for the Neuman–Sándor Mean in Terms of the Arithmetic and Contra-Harmonic Means9
Two Inverse Problems Solution by Feedback Tracking Control9
Some New Results for a Class of Multivalued Interpolative Kannan-Type Contractions9
Translational Regular Variability and the Index Function9
A Reliable Computational Scheme for Stochastic Reaction–Diffusion Nonlinear Chemical Model9
A Bi-Level Vaccination Points Location Problem That Aims at Social Distancing and Equity for the Inhabitants9
Hyperreal Delta Functions as a New General Tool for Modeling Systems with Infinitely High Densities9
A Finitely Axiomatized Non-Classical First-Order Theory Incorporating Category Theory and Axiomatic Set Theory9
Study of the Six-Compartment Nonlinear COVID-19 Model with the Homotopy Perturbation Method9
Modulation Transfer between Microwave Beams: A Hypothesized Case of a Classically-Forbidden Stochastic Process9
Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Bulgarian Stock Market Returns9
Efficient Formulation for Vendor–Buyer System Considering Optimal Allocation Fraction of Green Production9
Path Planning and Trajectory Tracking for Autonomous Obstacle Avoidance in Automated Guided Vehicles at Automated Terminals9
Geometric Properties of Planar and Spherical Interception Curves9
Application of the Triple Sumudu Decomposition Method for Solving 1+1 and 2+1-Dimensional Boussinesq Equations9
The Branch-and-Bound Algorithm in Optimizing Mathematical Programming Models to Achieve Power Grid Observability9
Optimal and Efficient Approximations of Gradients of Functions with Nonindependent Variables9
Elliptic Problems with Additional Unknowns in Boundary Conditions and Generalized Sobolev Spaces9
Optimizing Sugar Manufacturing: A Hybrid Simulation-Based Approach and MCDM for Efficient Decision Making8
Editorial Conclusion for the Special Issue “Special Issue in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Professor Hong-Kun Xu”8
The Dynamics of a General Model of the Nonlinear Difference Equation and Its Applications8
Various Solitons and Other Wave Solutions to the (2+1)-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferromagnetic Spin Chain Dynamical Model8
Various Series Related to the Polylogarithmic Function8
Basic Properties for Certain Subclasses of Meromorphic p-Valent Functions with Connected q-Analogue of Linear Differential Operator8
The Design of State-Dependent Switching Rules for Second-Order Switched Linear Systems Revisited8
Study of the Hypergeometric Equation via Data Driven Koopman-EDMD Theory8
A New Subclass of Bi-Univalent Functions Defined by a Certain Integral Operator8
Fixed Point Theory for Multi-Valued Feng–Liu–Subrahmanyan Contractions8
A Note on the New Ostrowski and Hadamard Type Inequalities via the Hölder–İşcan Inequality8
Some Refinements and Generalizations of Bohr’s Inequality8
A Heuristic Attribute-Reduction Algorithm Based on Conditional Entropy for Incomplete Information Systems8
The Cauchy–Optimal Stability Results for Cauchy–Jensen Additive Mappings in the Fuzzy Banach Space and the Unital Fuzzy Banach Space8
Fredholm Determinant and Wronskian Representations of the Solutions to the Schrödinger Equation with a KdV-Potential8
Assessing Green Approaches and Digital Marketing Strategies for Twin Transition via Fermatean Fuzzy SWARA-COPRAS8
Three Existence Results in the Fixed Point Theory8
A Hybrid Rule-Based Rough Set Approach to Explore Corporate Governance: From Ranking to Improvement Planning8
Solving Integral Equations Using Weakly Compatible Mappings via D*-Metric Spaces8
Paw-Type Characterization of Hourglass-Free Hamilton-Connected Graphs8
Non-Fragile Sampled Control Design for an Interconnected Large-Scale System via Wirtinger Inequality8
Dynamical Properties of Discrete-Time HTLV-I and HIV-1 within-Host Coinfection Model8
On Voigt-Type Functions Extended by Neumann Function in Kernels and Their Bounding Inequalities8
Analysis of a Modified System of Infectious Disease in a Closed and Convex Subset of a Function Space with Numerical Study8
Applications Optimal Math Model to Solve Difficult Problems for Businesses Producing and Processing Agricultural Products in Vietnam8
Initial Coefficient Bounds for Bi-Close-to-Convex Classes of n-Fold-Symmetric Bi-Univalent Functions8
Tolerance Limits and Sample-Size Determination Using Weibull Trimmed Data8
Metrical Boundedness and Compactness of a New Operator between Some Spaces of Analytic Functions8
An Interval Observer for a Class of Cyber–Physical Systems with Disturbance8
Synchronization of Fractional Partial Difference Equations via Linear Methods8
Quantum Chromodynamics and the Hyperbolic Unitary Group SUh(3)8
Constructing Approximations to Bivariate Piecewise-Smooth Functions8
Nonlinear Dynamic Behaviors of the (3+1)-Dimensional B-Type Kadomtsev—Petviashvili Equation in Fluid Mechanics8
A Survey on the k-Path Vertex Cover Problem8
Topologies on Smashed Twisted Wreath Products of Metagroups8
From HX-Groups to HX-Polygroups8
Third-Order Neutral Differential Equation with a Middle Term and Several Delays: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions8
Applications of Shell-like Curves Connected with Fibonacci Numbers8
Approximating a Common Solution of Monotone Inclusion Problems and Fixed Point of Quasi-Pseudocontractive Mappings in CAT(0) Spaces8
Analysis of WE Parameters of Life Using Adaptive-Progressively Type-II Hybrid Censored Mechanical Equipment Data8
Multiplication Operators on Weighted Zygmund Spaces of the First Cartan Domain8
Some Axioms and Identities of L-Moments from Logistic Distribution with Generalizations8
On the Optimal Input Rate in Queues with Batch Service8
Application of Migrating Optimization Algorithms in Problems of Optimal Control of Discrete-Time Stochastic Dynamical Systems8
Post-Quantum Midpoint-Type Inequalities Associated with Twice-Differentiable Functions7
Novel Frequency-Based Approach to Analyze the Stability of Polynomial Fractional Differential Equations7